I think I made a mistake once with the slipknot. It came undone when I put my weight on it. I had tied it wrong. The other few times, I think I made a mistake with the bowline (before I decided on the figure-8 knot) and then with the figure-8 knot. It took me a while to figure out how to tie the figure-8 knot the right way.
Do you have any idea which slipknot is the "right" one? This one?
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Or this one, which I've used each time, and has never come loose (except for that time I made a mistake)
I've been using the latter each time and I hope I have the "right" one. I know the 2nd one tightens the more pressure you apply, but I want to make sure I'm using the strongest option? I just practiced with the figure-8 knot on my shower beam and I put all my weight on it to make sure it wouldn't come loose. It didn't, so I must've finally figured it out. It tightened so much I had to cut it off with a knife and throw the scarf away (I plan on using a rope when the actual day comes, not a scarf.) I've practiced with a slipknot over 50 times I think, put all my weight on it (sat on it, while holding onto the shower beam, which I wouldn't recommend because you could fall and hit your head) and it never came loose, so I must have the slipknot correct. I want to know that that's the best option though, and not the knot in the first picture. Those 50 times I practiced by putting all my weight on the noose, I hadn't really tied the ligature point knot in a particular way. I just looped it around a bunch of times to my own liking. It didn't come undone, so I'm unsure if I should just do that on the day I actually ctb, or that would be risky, and I should go with the figure-8.