
Count down
Feb 6, 2022
No disrespect to the people who died in the photos.
I didn't actually see any photos. Were they taken down?
My final thought when jumping high enough would be "I know this will kill me."

My final thought when hanging, "I hope no one walks in too soon." The uncertainty would make my final moments Hell.
My plan is to go to a hotel so hopefully my family doesn't find me or at least they don't feel like they have to sell our house because I died in it. That way I know no one is going to come for at least hours. I don't how they'd figure out where I went. Is there any reason that this hotel idea can't work? I figure I use the closet bar to hang from.
thanks for links
these took me porn sites just so folks know they don't work
I wanted to hang using my door handle but unfortunately my door just pulls/pushes open so I'm gonna have to use my bedframe
how do you use a bedframe?
It is simple. the only thing that is hard is overcoming the survival instinct and the voice in your head that tells you not to do it. But there are ways to bypass them, taking alcohol or depressants helps. If you have more fat in your neck you just might need more pressure.
I"m so worried that if I get drunk or take a lot of benzos I"ll be too fucked up to do it correctly.
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Nora Rony

May 6, 2022
I have a question too for you guys.
While doing partially hanging.
How do you make yourself choke out?
Do you put the noose around the neck and the rope anchored to a ligature?
And then what? What are the next steps to take? I don't understand it at all. Do you just kneel until you black out, while the rope is tied to the anchor point and holds your weight while gravity does the rest? Thanks in advance
Hi,after that we have to lean forward so that pressure is given to the neck like shown in this pic hope it helps


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New Member
Dec 15, 2021
After reading a bit about partial hanging, I'm convinced that full suspension is the way to go. With partial there's too many things that could go wrong. With full suspension there's no backing out. Strong rope and hanging from high enough should do the trick. For me the pain is not a factor.
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Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
Could this be a good hanging spot? Since I'm not entirely sure after reading the thread, I preferred to consult. This is one of my two viable options.


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Dec 9, 2021
For full suspension hanging, what do folks recommend as a thing to hang yourself from? A tree is the obvious option, but that's outdoors and so risks discovery.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
If your home offers no opportunity, screw a hook in the ceiling.
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Nov 23, 2019
Is a full suspension painful? I can't get partial to work (I can't seem to constrict my arteries without choking) and I'm out of options.
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Just biding my time
Dec 21, 2021
Could this be a good hanging spot? Since I'm not entirely sure after reading the thread, I preferred to consult. This is one of my two viable options.
That looks like a closet rod. Most closet rods that I've encountered in my life are not strong enough to hold anyone's full body weight.


Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
That looks like a closet rod. Most closet rods that I've encountered in my life are not strong enough to hold anyone's full body weight.

It is, I've been testing the two I have and they seem to hold up good enough for partial suspension at least. I consider them simply because I don't really weigh much.
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Feb 23, 2022
Could this be a good hanging spot? Since I'm not entirely sure after reading the thread, I preferred to consult. This is one of my two viable options.
If you wanna test it out just get on it. Swing around a bit. Do some leg lifts. Hit it hard. If it can endure those things it can endure your flailing hanging body
Is a full suspension painful? I can't get partial to work (I can't seem to constrict my arteries without choking) and I'm out of options.
Yes that sounds painful as fuck. I don't think you're out of options man. Not at all. Pm me for help and I can tell u how to really do it correctly. At some point I believed partial suspension hanging was futile but it's actually the method I'll use
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Just biding my time
Dec 21, 2021
It is, I've been testing the two I have and they seem to hold up good enough for partial suspension at least. I consider them simply because I don't really weigh much.
Definitley test it out solidly like @ihopethisispainless says.
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May 26, 2022
I've been trying partial several times with the help of a bathrobe belt, flung over and secured over a door and a slipknot but never managed to hit the right spot, sometimes counting to 2 min and feeling only a slight tingle or when the belt was positioned higher up a lot of pressure and a very uncomfortable sensation.
Just now I managed to, for the first time, hit the "sweet spot", again partial, this time lying down with the belt secured on my bed and basically only my head hanging and some of my upper body floating and my head directed towards the floor.
As told by many before the difference this time was the force I used to let go, no hesitation this time so more weight straight away.
Within seconds I felt a rush throughout my entire body and a dizziness that was not at all uncomfortable, but my belt was not secured quite right and gave in.
It's hard to describe what it's like right now, a lot of sensation as in "whoa, this is how it feel" and "this actually works" but also shame, fear and guilt (especially thinking about my roommate who will find me eventually) I think I basically experience SI in the aftermath but also feel drawn to trying again, this time with a better knot situation. This is such a fucked up place to be in.
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Flying away
May 30, 2022
I am going to try partial tommorow. I've got a window of several hours. I hope a scarf does the job.
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Flying away
May 30, 2022
I am going to try partial tommorow. I've got a window of several hours. I hope a scarf does the job.
Can't do it today now, too risky because I think my mother is on to me. I don't want her to come home early and she finds me and I am a vegetable.
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Flying away
May 30, 2022
This is my slipknot. When I tie the ends to the door handle it comes undone (not the spliknot, the tie to the door handle) when I apply weight to the noose. Perhaps it is my poor knot skills, or the slipperyness of the scarf material? Is there a specific knot to use for tieing to the support?

I would really like to use this scarf because of physical comfort and as strange as it sounds emotional reasons. But if I have to use a rope I will. I am not risking being stuck between life and death as a vegetable.

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Du bist auf dich allein gestellt
May 26, 2022
You can always use the scarf as padding so to avoid the uncomfortable grip of the rope on your neck. The texture of this scarf looks rather silky and slippery. It's not strange to be attached to certain possessions.
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My cowardness is keeping me alive.
Sep 26, 2019
Should I buy a 10mm braided or 15mm twisted cotton cord? Here's where I'm buying it. (It's only available in the Philippines, though.) I originally bought a 10mm nylon cord, but it was too short. (They only cut 1 yard instead of 5 yards.) I think 2 yards is enough for me. I know thicker rope makes it more comfortable, but I don't know if it makes a difference if it's braided or twisted. Also, I can't buy a normal rope (like the ones you use for hiking or whatever), since my family might get suspicious, so I have to stick with these "cords" but I don't really know if that makes a difference.


Nov 13, 2021
If you try these positions you won't fail. I am thinking to try the third position.


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Am literally a rhododendron
Jun 9, 2019
What kind of knot should I use to tie it to the door?


A Fatal Mistake
Jan 14, 2021
is this a good place to hang? I found these two poles in an abandoned park, completely dark at night; I have already climbed over the poles and they hold my weight very well.


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Zirkua ata heriotza
Jun 9, 2022
Hi community, my only attempt was hanging
I tried a lot of knots and feel nothing, only discomfort in first try
Then I tightened more my scarf (a simple knot back in my right ear) , put the other side of scarf in the other side of the door, close and lock it
Well, it happened that when I kneeled and become forward, the first 2 or 3 seconds I felt less air, and in 5 or 6 seconds my ears started ringing and my legs and arms started shaking
In some moment I panicked and abort the attempt, took my scarf out of my neck and cried
I mean, if my survival instinct didn't get me up, would I have died?
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Whoa! You're back??
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Deleted member 847

Whoa! You're back??
Yes, they banned me for years because I said swear words or something on a "meme" thread :pfff:
I don't even know who's in charge of the forum now, but they were kind enough to unban me.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
That´s interesting, I thought the sweet point is a point on ones neck but according to your words it is a point in time.

Coming to your book. There are more factors than a photo can tell, like neck diameter, diameter of the ligature, body weight, type of knot, knot position, duration of hanging etc.


Jun 7, 2022
This is a very informative thread. Thank you 👍
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