

perpetually confused
Jan 12, 2023
Ok, I guess it's time for me to do this. 😊

I've been quite cautious since joining about a month ago (..or was it 2 or 3 weeks? Ah, who knows; time doesn't make sense to me anyway, ha). But I did find it necessary to lurk for a short while before introducing myself, mostly because of that unnecessary youtube video and the unwanted (ill-willed) onlookers it likely garnered.

But I'm lonely now and tired of sitting on the sidelines. ☺ So here I am: "Elle", in my late 30s, female.

I don't know what else to say right now, lol.. I will undoubtedly reveal more about my life and myself throughout posts in the forum; but I just wanted to formally introduce myself here and say "hello" to everyone. Also: I'm sorry that our lives have brought us here, but I'm really happy that we can atleast keep one another company for however long each of us has. :)
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Feb 2, 2023
Hi! I'm in my late 20's, US-based, I guess based on my username I'll go by Abby here.

Been eyeing the bus since I was ~13, tried a few times to catch it but my last try was a few years ago. Still a chronic thing for me, though. One of my old friends caught the bus herself recently, and with nobody else around me having the pro-choice attitude we had, I thought I would join here, since the old forums I was in no longer are around and I could really use an accepting group to be part of. Lately things have been quite bad for me in a variety of ways, and while I have nothing concrete in mind right now, given how transphobia and antisemitism are on the rise here and abroad on top of my personal situation I think it would be best all around for me to know my options and be prepared.

Outside of that realm of things, I love all music but especially metal music, which has had some excellent drops this year already! I also love to cook, when I have the energy or motivation for it at least, and it's maybe the only thing I consider myself to be good at but I do like to think I've built up a fair bit of talent for it :)
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Chemical Animal

Chemical Animal

"I was born out of time, I'm not meant to be here"
Jan 24, 2023
I'm terrible at introducing myself, but I'll try...

I'm a 27M brazilian aberration, autistic, and suspecting that I have undiagnosed ADHD. I've always had social anxiety, difficulty with words and at expressing myself, but it has gotten increasingly worse ever since I hit puberty. Almost everyone in school ignored my existence, I was noticed by others only to be ridiculed, harassed and embarrassed, since I was an easy target. At that time, I've also started suffering with mood swings, drowsiness and mental fogginess/overload in the wrong moments, and peaks of energy/anxiety when I'm supposed to sleep or taking a nap. I feel like my brain is an autoimmune disease. All of this ruined my social life, any chances of having a romantic relationship, job opportunities, and it's currently ruining my performance in college.

My first and only attempt of CTB was at age 14, as an act of despair. I drank a whole bottle of bleach with a lot of painkillers, and moments later my parents, younger brother and sister arrived home and took me to the hospital.

I used to have interest in so many things: football, videogames (especially the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and several PS1 titles), music (I attended guitar classes back in the day), anime, manga, movies, some tv series... and then anhedonia and chronic boredom hit me like a truck.

A twitter user mentioned this place in a reply of a post and I lurked here for like a month before deciding to make an account. Before discovering SS, I used to lurk on r/SuicideWatch (I'd like to know the opinions of the users here about that subreddit). I read This sticky thread by @Meretlein, which perfectly elaborated my views on suicide, and was happy to find another people that also thinks life should be a voluntary choice and a joy, not an (moral) obligation.
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Jan 24, 2023
Hi there.

I'm 29M days just get by, I like drawing, but never have the motivation to draw, genuinely the story of my life
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My flesh glistens in the fire.
Feb 5, 2023
Hello, everyone. I'm 19F from orient, but living in the US and studying in Duke now.

When I look back on my past experience, I find my first attempt to suicide occurred at the age of 16, when my life turned to another side of constantly being called to police office for totally unsupported accusations. And then my best friend was also taken away by the police because of my involvement. However, he jumped out of a building of 30 floors due to his fear of being sentenced. I felt so guilty for his death that I cannot help thinking of his smiling face and sweet voice. Even now, after 3 years of his death, his face always appears in my brain and reminds me of my fault. I hate myself for directly leading to other's suicide, especially my best friend ever. There won't be a single person who understands me so well like him in this world.

Fortunately, I got into university eventually. But the desire to suicide never disappears. I selected the wrong course, whose professor is fucked up. His lecture notes are like alien mystery. I cannot even understand a single word!!! I study hard until midnight. When other students are sleeping and having fun, I am studying too. But even if I study like that, I cannot get ideal grades. Now my GPA is 0.4, so I face a warning to drop out of the university. I don't know what to do after I was forced to exit my university. I get extremely upset and confused. I cannot find the meaning to live. I want to commit suicide again. :(
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New Member
Feb 6, 2023
What up everyone, I'm Trees of Despair but you can call me Tod. I've gone through quite some regretable decicions and now I'm seeing where fate takes me. The only thing keeping me entertained right now is watching speedruns on youtube and playing mario kart
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unfortunate geometry (Toby)
Jan 23, 2023
Hey all, I'm Tobs or Tobbles.
I've been in therapy for almost 15 years, been on 24 different psychiatric medications, my dxs change with every unfortunate person who has to deal with me, and I! Have had enough of just about everything lol. Cheers
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Aug 2, 2022
Hello everybody!

I will turn 52 this month: never married, no kids. I am a practicing Catholic. I serve as a lector and Communion minister at my parish: I am also a Lay Carmelite. (For more info on Lay Carmelites see http://laycarmelitespcm.org/, http://ocarm.org/en/content/ocarm/third-order and http://ocarm.org/en/content/ocarm/some-questions-and-answers-about-lay-carmelites.) I am a history buff and like to write fiction (especially alternate history). I suspect that I will likely ctb by suspension hanging once my bedridden mother (for whom I am a caregiver) has passed away, but Mom could easily live another 10 years. Therefore, I find things to do in the meantime and pray for God's mercy.
... Hello Maravillosa, just reading and wondering how you and your mom might be doing. ...Kurt.
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Walkin' the Line
Feb 6, 2023
Hello, the name is James! You can call me by my user if you want.

I don't know how to talk to communicate very well but I'll try. US-based at the moment, not in school or really studying anything officially.
I used to (study how to) draw I suppose, also I do like video games and other media but I don't play a lot really. I also really like seeing creatives and stuff, seeing people passionate about stuff does give me a warm feeling in my stomach and I like to talk about that stuff. I dunno what I got but these days my mind does wander off really easily, in obsessive ways.

I got no looks and health is not my asset really. Things kinda started to take a slip and fall like around 5 years ago now, I was going to school and things were looking up with my future and studies and whatever until everything crashed and burned right before the year ended. I mean a complete 180, catastrophic event! I'm not even sure how I got through my finals but I was definitely heavily under the influence during them. Anyway, fast forward to now, I'm a complete NEET and haven't really done anything since then other than laze about and slowly rot, haven't done much to grow for a while. I mostly just got lost in my own head and have not really been productive in anything. No luck with relationships both friendships and partners but that doesn't really bother me anymore.

I don't really talk to anyone either, it's bad actually. I think it's not normal to be okay with going without social contact for months but I'm just so entrapped in my mind. The only people I really talk to is mandatory talk like parents or whatever. I've been really solitary for the past few years now and some obsessions have gotten real bad since then, maybe that event exaggerated them.... but I've always felt "disconnected" in a way. Who knows! Haven't seen "professionals" either.

Anyway, I hope to make a good acquaintance...it's nice to meet all of you.
QUICK QUESTION: How do I send PMs or do anything? Am I just too new and I need to wait?
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nightmare life, go away! nightmare life, go away!
Feb 7, 2023
Hello, u-um... I'm brand new to this site, but I heard about it and thought it seemed like exactly what I want, ehehe... I'm really sorry about this massive wall of text, i-if you don't want to read it you can just skip to the bottom...

You can call me by my username or just Lavender. I'm a 19 year old girl. I suffer from intense depression, a crippling self harm addiction, social/general anxiety, body dysmorphia, bulimic tendencies, agoraphobia, schizophrenia, and DID, though that last one I don't really suffer from, it's more of just my circumstances. I'm the only of my alters on here as far as I know, and I would rather they not know about this account, but as a consequence of that I might not be around very often, ehehe. I've been abused—physically, emotionally, and sexually (multiple times)—and I'm so, so tired of the constant pain... I take so many pills for every single issue that I bring up with my psychiatrist, right now I'm on 13 pills a day, but I've been at points where I'm taking over twenty a day for my various problems... None of them ever work... Most just become something that if I don't take it I feel even worse...

I guess... I probably don't have to explain why I want to die so much, I'm sure it's fairly evident already, ehehe. I'm a burden to everyone around me, I can't do anything, I'm losing any bit of artistic talent I have day by day, I don't have any irl friends and really struggle with leaving my room and especially my house because often time I'm only barely lucid enough to understand that what I see and hear around me isn't real. When I was in highschool I was ignored mostly which I was ok with, until one day when someone I thought was my friend caught me treating my self harm wounds, and even though I begged him not to tell anyone he seemingly told everyone... I lost all of my irl friends, wasn't allowed outside of faculty's view for more than two minutes even to use the bathroom, and received many, many messages reminding me of how I'm a monster, a horrible person, and how I'd be better off dead.

I was put into a mental ward a year later after almost dying of blood loss. I've had problems with mental health professionals before, but my time in the mental ward was both horrible and something I wish I could back to sometimes. The staff wasn't equipped to deal with us at all, they were pretty much babysitters they hired to take care of us, despite many of us having severe issues that they just didn't seem trained for. The scheduled life was nice though, I didn't have to think about anything, I didn't have to do anything, I was just ushered around most of the time.

I tried college because I thought my parents would kick me out if I didn't, and having nowhere I could even really go plus a scholarship it was really the only choice I felt I could take. But I couldn't do it, I hate people looking at me in public, I hate not knowing how I'm being perceived, though I'm sure my classmates all saw me as the weird girl who flinches at nothing and hides behind her backpack... I ended up skipping classes and hiding in the bathrooms most days. I can't really get a job because of my condition, so to pay for lunches one of my alters started selling lewd pictures of us online, though it's not like she got much traffic or anything, we were barely able to afford an uncrustable every other day, ehehe...

I've attempted suicide four times, the first when I was either 12 or 11, the next two were both in highschool, and the last one was four months ago. I fantasize about death every day though, as well as cutting myself... Cutting myself is the one thing that makes me happy, it makes me feel so warm and spacey and sometimes it makes me feel really sleepy, ehehe... Nothing else ever compares, nothing else ever will compare... My psychiatrist says it's because my body releases opiates into my system when I cut, ehehe... I have thousands and thousands of scars covering me from cutting multiple times three times a day for nearly four years. I hid it for most of my life because I knew I'd be seen as a freak if people saw all my scars, but eventually people found out, and... Well, I was pretty much correct... My online friends and family ask me not to cut myself though, so I try to respect their wishes... Generally I want to make people happy because... I can't have my happy... They say it's not real happiness, it's fake, and say I'll be better without it...

These days, all I (and my other alters) do is distract myself. Distract myself with videos, with TV shows, with video games, with board games, making music, making art, solving twisty puzzles, eating food, doing lewd stuff, cuddling my many plushies, just anything, anything, anything to keep me from thinking about how wonderful it would feel to slice myself open right now, how much I want to die... Really, all I want is to be able to fade into nothing, ideally surrounded by my soft plushies, without anyone being effected. I'm really just... I'm just so tired, but I really don't wat to hurt anyone... They don't deserve my pain forced onto them... Every day is harder than the last, I keep myself from self harming because my family and online friends ask me not to, I tried to get a job because they want me to, I try to leave my room because they want me to, I keep myself alive because they want me to... But that doesn't stop me from constantly dreaming of the day when I can die, when nobody will care if I just let myself bleed out... What a wonderful dream that is, ehehe.

I just hope that day can come sooner rather than later...

U-um... tl;dr, You can refer to me by my username or just Lavender. I really like cutting myself, hallucinate constantly, am afraid of leaving my room and being around people, and would like to turn to dust, ehehe... Sorry for writing something so long... I-I hope I'm not being embarrassing or anything... Please tell me if I'm being a nuisance...
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New Member
Feb 7, 2023
Hi! I'm pndi, I'm 27 and from France. I've struggled with depression and social anxiety since my early teens and think I have untreated ADHD, which I'm currently in the process of being tested for. I've been in and out of therapy for 8 years. I never really stick to anything or form any kind of long term connections, and the loneliness eats me inside. It doesn't help that I don't have much stability in my life and tend to revert back to self-destructive behaviors every once in a while.

I used to check suicide related subreddits and I think an older version of this place back in 2017/2018, which is when I first learned about PPH, N and the likes. Months later I ended up in a clinic, got better and found myself at a job shortly after I got out. Since then, I've focused on my transitioning journey, which would become my main source of hope, preventing me from ending it all. On the downside, it has made my life much more stagnant, stressful and difficult than I expected. It's also occupying my thoughts to an unhealthy degree now, and while I do have plans of a future beyond that, I can't seem to find them achievable while I have so many obstacles on my path still. It feels like a neverending struggle.

I'm currently back to unemployment, which has slowly made me spiral and think about suicide again. So here I am running back to this place, I guess.

I'm passionate about music, and I'd be happy to converse about it anytime. Nice to meet all of you!
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Jan 23, 2023
You can call me by my username. I'm 33 from the USA. Contemplating ending my self since I was 12. Despite my life being objectively great, with many rare opportunities & experiences, I always experience things negatively. What many would consider pinnacles of success & meaning are wasted on my miserable brain.

I'm a professional musician & artist. I like talking about those things, philosophy, games, or anything else specific that you might be obsessed with.

I'm here mostly to lurk.
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Feb 4, 2023
I'm Tom, 28, UK.
It's a long story of how I got here, but I'll keep it short by saying I've gone from having everything I ever wanted to losing it all in a day and my life sense then has been a litany of failures on my part.
I've let everyone down, suffered off and on again with addiction (other users will know it comes in peaks and troughs) and have found myself in a black hole of financial debt, all while losing life-long friends in the process.

I will never see the love of my life again, most of my "friends" despise me, I'm now a burden to my family… I've, I've just had enough.

As soon as I can find a viable source of SN in the UK, game over.

So yer, hi everyone, and with a bit of luck, hopefully bye soon
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New Member
Feb 7, 2023
Hi hi. Mostly here to lurk. Been casually suicidal for pretty much ever. 24/f, chronically ill since birth. Somehow still have some hope left in me after all the pain (physical and mental) I've been dealt, but boyyyyy some days the edge does look tempting, lmao.

Don't really plan on catching the bus unless things radically change for the worse, but I also don't really find much solace in typical suicide forums. I don't want to censor my feelings or just get a bunch of "have you tried working out?!" messages, lmao. I just want to talk with other people who get it. I am highly depressed, and likely always will be. A treadmill is not gonna magically change my life.

I'm pro-people having choices with their lives, but I wouldn't say I'm pro-ctb. More that for some people, ctb is what happens, and hopefully it is peaceful and they get out of it what they need. But it does make me very sad. If you're reading this and are planning on ctbing, I probably can't say a single thing to change your mind, but I hope that regardless of what happens, you one day have peace - whatever that means for you. Sincerely. I'm really sorry life has treated you in such ways that you've been forced to find comfort in a place like this.

I'm in Canada, and wouldn't mind talking to other like-minded mid-20 y.o.'s (regardless of where you live).

I love to write. I love nature, music, dark humour (I feel like that probably applies to everyone here - the one gift from constantly wanting to off yourself), art, ethics, philosophy, etc. I'm bisexual, but honestly being ugly and chronically sick has made it so although I would love to love someone, it just doesn't seem in the cards for me. Chronic loneliness goes hand-in-hand with chronic illness sometimes. I would like friends, though, as long as they don't care that my aorta is fucked and so is my face, hehe.

Have only ever made a suicidal gesture, ended up in psych ward for literally like 8 hours before they discharged me (lmao). Have had a near-death experience due to my illness though, and it was very life-changing and likely what has led to me not wanting to ctb. However, the casual desire sticks around.

Feel free to send me a message for a chat!
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aka Orr
Jan 23, 2023
Hi. I'm soonitwontbea (sort of a reference to a song I tried to write once, but some of the words reversed because it was a hopeful song.) If you want something shorter to call me, Orr is fine. I'm almost 30 and not really sure if I want to let myself turn 30. Mostly registered here because they weren't letting me access the suicide information as an unregistered user. Parts of me want to live and parts of me don't. I've had so much mental health treatment, especially recently, and usually something like a hospital stay will give me at least a little reprieve from the suicidal thoughts, but they won't go away this time. I'm working my first job ever after being on disability for years due to mental illness and other conditions (mainly bipolar II, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder.) It's very stressful. I have had the opportunity to pursue a job that would be more in line with my interests and likely less stressful, but I'm terrified to leave my current job because my current coworkers are one of the few things keeping me going sometimes.

I really want to connect with people but very often feel like I can't. Much of my family has rejected me for being queer, and the whole situation is complicated because the family members who still accept me are well-entrenched with others who literally do not even want to have to lay eyes on me ever again. My friends mostly do not live locally so we talk online. I have had one romantic relationship in my entire life, and it lasted 1 month. I don't think I really have the confidence to approach others. Even when I'm part of a group, I'm not sure if I feel capable of fully feeling incorporated within. I thought I wanted to be alone, but I really don't, yet I don't really know how not to be. I distract myself by watching sports or funny videos or whatever, and I like to read nonfiction books about some subjects I'm into. I've tried to get back into writing, but self-judgment makes things hard. I'll just waste my time on the internet when I can, or go out to eat or whatever.

Don't have any concrete plans to ctb but idk. I guess I just feel pretty conflicted.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Hello everyone! Well I wont tell my age but I know I am possibly the oldest one here now. One of the original members of the true News Group and later IRC channel known as A.S.H. In newsgroup it was Alt.Suicide.Holiday = ASH. The phrase ctb and even wctb and other things came from that place and time. We got closed down by media and politicians and public. Anyway I am a survivor of suicide. True they brought me back with shocks to the chest. That happened twice. I read a story where a guy said that if you survive your attempt you will never really want to do it again. That was the guy who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. Well I am here to tell you that is a lie. But I do not encourage anyone to do it. But if you do I hope you don't f**** it up. I needed a new home to come to to freely discuss feeling and thoughts and just chat about this and found this place. So that why I am here. Name Rick.
Maybe you remember me from ASH/ASM? People like Doug, Nobody, Aficoman, Mr Tawny and yes, even Lisa (crackpot) Ruby.
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Jan 25, 2023
Hi. I am an anxious and awkward 19-year-old. I'm trying to find reasons to live. But it is getting harder and harder to do so as time goes on. I'm currently just a useless nobody who hates herself and her body. I am not very smart, I am unable to build meaningful connections with others and I have very little motivation to do most things. I'm failing college due to both my stupidity and lack of motivation to do my assignments, and unless I can figure something else out, I'll be stuck in stressful minimum-wage jobs forever. It would be nice if I could make something, such as a game or a few songs before I go, so until then I will be here. Maybe for a few years or until I lose my stability and no longer have a place to call home. I Just want to give something worthy back to an art medium that has been the main thing keeping me going. That is the only thing I truly want. I'm grateful to have been accepted into this community. Death does not scare me anymore, it is only the pain of it that I fear. It is comforting to know there are ways out of this nightmare that are relatively peaceful. I wish the best for all of you who are still here, struggling to live on. I hope that we are able to find some meaning in this existence. And for those who have passed.. may you rest in peace.
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Lost, wanting out.
Feb 7, 2023
Hello. I'm... well, whoever you think i am. Username works too. 23 year old autistic trans girl with... too many mental issues. Too many alters. xP
Interests include: Collecting stuffed animals, yume nikki and other fangames related, RPG's, anime and finding more ways of harming myself, lmao

I'm pretty sensitive, and i'm attempting to work on it. I haven't attempted CTB before, but had thoughts/plans around it for 7 years at least.
I have a self harm addiction, in many ways. I'm a shut-in due to anxiety. And yet i still continue to exist for someone else's sake. s'up.

Prefered method would be either inert gas, (but that's unlikely due to me living with someone) or SN. Being in Australia makes that difficult however.
I am currently doing things mentally to prepare myself. I am also technically attempting recovery, but my heart simply isn't in it. Fake recovery, i guess?

No idea when i'll CTB.

Feel free to message for any reason whatsoever, even if it's just to chat.
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Tempus fugit
Feb 7, 2023
Hello, nice to meet you all!

I can't be grateful enough to be let in this amazing forum.

My name is LoiteringClouds. I'm 36 years old in Japan and have had suicidal thoughts since 8, when my parents, classmates, teachers and everyone else bullied me physically. I said I want to die, according to my mom, but I don't remember it. But nonexistence is my dream since then.

My passion was programming and studied engineering for 15 years. Once I even got a programming job but I spectacularly failed because of depressive episode (I've been diagnosed with bipolar II) accompanied with multiple suicide attempts. Now I write some small software for my minimum wage job as an administrative assistant but it's nothing to be compared with software by professional developers. I feel so incompetent and worthless despite my extensive experience in apologizing, hiding my feelings and being an emotional punching bag in order to save everyone else's face.

Currently i don't have immediate plan to CTB but I want to have suicide as a backup plan when things go wrong.

I've been a lurker for two years here. Sometimes I literally screamed in mental pain due to the feeling of worthlessness but this forum kept me from going insane. I appreciate the community very much.

My strength is to never give up my dream no matter how difficult it is. All my suffering, inadequacy and painful past crystallized into my iron will to overcome my survival instinct and catch the bus. I'll fight until the bitter end in order to take the ride to eternal oblivion.

That said, I usually prefer using positive, but not toxic, words. I'm no expert but I wish I could help to make someone's life a bit less painful here. Thank you for listening!

TL;DR - I'm 36 y/o Japanese, suicidal since 8, history of bipolar and attempted suicide, will try to complete CTBing, someday.
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trying to find peace by whatever means possible :)
Jan 23, 2023
Hello! I'm going to go by Cardinal on this forum (to protect my identity, of course), and I'm 18. I've dealt with suicidal ideation for maybe 6-7 years now, and it was mostly brought on by mental health issues and trauma inflicted on me by my family. I've suffered from terrible anxiety and depression for most of my life, and I recently found out (within the last few years) that I also suffer from a psychotic disorder and CPTSD. My brain has felt like mush since my first psychotic episode and recovery feels almost impossible. I have good days, but quite often I feel empty and hopeless.

Just here to feel like I have a community I can turn to. It's hard talking to family and friends about these things.
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Feb 6, 2023
Hey everyone! I'm BrailleTogepi, I'm a 23-year-old trans girl who's been repressing my suicidal thoughts and feelings off and on ever since 6th grade, maybe even before that, idk. Usually I say I love making video games, art, and music, and I do still like it, but it's really tiring these days, plus I'm something of a perfectionist which makes it really tough to start or continue anything. Now that I think about it, I don't think there's been a single thing I can focus on for an extended period of time for at least the past 5 years.

Grew up heavily religious, indoctrinated, and brainwashed, scared of saying what religion though for fear of revealing my identity. Most of my family is still religious.

Never attempted suicide, never been to a psych ward or anything like that, just been passively suicidal off and on for 13 years as I said before. I'm also scared of intense personal affection from anyone at all, because it sends off alarm bells in my brain that they're trying to get close to me and that I have to reciprocate or else they're going to be hurt. This has led to SO many problems and failed relationships where I was miserable lol, but I can't act like it's anyone's fault but my own.

Finding this website was incredible, I was in denial about my suicidal thoughts and feelings at the time so there was some serious cognitive dissonance I had to sort through, but that's mostly done now and I'm just happy to be here and able to participate in the community. I'm still learning the culture a bit so I hope I don't end up saying something insensitive or embarrassing. I know in reasonably specific detail my method of CTB, but even if I was acutely suicidal I still have some unfinished business to take care of before that. Nice to meet you all
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Jan 20, 2023
hey i'm doorless, i'm fucked, fucked, and fucked
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August (he/him)
Feb 6, 2023
Hey guys,

Noticed a lot of threads pop up with new members saying hey. To reduce clutter we have decided to make a welcome thread for everyone new to introduce themselves and for people to welcome them, basically merging all future welcome posts into this one.

With that said, welcome to Sanctioned Suicide, we're a pro-choice forum; make sure to read the rules and check the resource sticky out too!

Post your introductions here!
Hello everyone! My name is August, and I'm an 18 year old autistic trans man. (I am considered to have "mild" autism, if that needs to be clarified.) I still live with my grandparents. One of my bio parents is dead and the other is missing. Nobody accepts me, so I'm torn on whether I should CTB or not. On one hand, if I do then I won't have to deal with life anymore, and as horrible as this sounds, I could "show" everyone what their lack of acceptance has done to me. On the other hand, I would continue life as a trans man with no family, get HRT and surgeries, and maybe get a chosen family as well. I really wish I could look into the future, so I could be 100% sure. I feel passively suicidal, for the most part. I always do weak attempts, and then I embarrass myself. I am also a cutter. I don't know what else to put, so I guess this is it.
Hey everyone! I'm BrailleTogepi, I'm a 23-year-old trans girl who's been repressing my suicidal thoughts and feelings off and on ever since 6th grade, maybe even before that, idk. Usually I say I love making video games, art, and music, and I do still like it, but it's really tiring these days, plus I'm something of a perfectionist which makes it really tough to start or continue anything. Now that I think about it, I don't think there's been a single thing I can focus on for an extended period of time for at least the past 5 years.

Grew up heavily religious, indoctrinated, and brainwashed, scared of saying what religion though for fear of revealing my identity. Most of my family is still religious.

Never attempted suicide, never been to a psych ward or anything like that, just been passively suicidal off and on for 13 years as I said before. I'm also scared of intense personal affection from anyone at all, because it sends off alarm bells in my brain that they're trying to get close to me and that I have to reciprocate or else they're going to be hurt. This has led to SO many problems and failed relationships where I was miserable lol, but I can't act like it's anyone's fault but my own.

Finding this website was incredible, I was in denial about my suicidal thoughts and feelings at the time so there was some serious cognitive dissonance I had to sort through, but that's mostly done now and I'm just happy to be here and able to participate in the community. I'm still learning the culture a bit so I hope I don't end up saying something insensitive or embarrassing. I know in reasonably specific detail my method of CTB, but even if I was acutely suicidal I still have some unfinished business to take care of before that. Nice to meet you all
Nice to meet you, BrailleTogepi! You seem to be pretty similar to me, at least on the surface. I like your posts. Sorry if this is random. Also the Togepi line is my favorite line of Pokemon lol
Hey everyone! I'm BrailleTogepi, I'm a 23-year-old trans girl who's been repressing my suicidal thoughts and feelings off and on ever since 6th grade, maybe even before that, idk. Usually I say I love making video games, art, and music, and I do still like it, but it's really tiring these days, plus I'm something of a perfectionist which makes it really tough to start or continue anything. Now that I think about it, I don't think there's been a single thing I can focus on for an extended period of time for at least the past 5 years.

Grew up heavily religious, indoctrinated, and brainwashed, scared of saying what religion though for fear of revealing my identity. Most of my family is still religious.

Never attempted suicide, never been to a psych ward or anything like that, just been passively suicidal off and on for 13 years as I said before. I'm also scared of intense personal affection from anyone at all, because it sends off alarm bells in my brain that they're trying to get close to me and that I have to reciprocate or else they're going to be hurt. This has led to SO many problems and failed relationships where I was miserable lol, but I can't act like it's anyone's fault but my own.

Finding this website was incredible, I was in denial about my suicidal thoughts and feelings at the time so there was some serious cognitive dissonance I had to sort through, but that's mostly done now and I'm just happy to be here and able to participate in the community. I'm still learning the culture a bit so I hope I don't end up saying something insensitive or embarrassing. I know in reasonably specific detail my method of CTB, but even if I was acutely suicidal I still have some unfinished business to take care of before that. Nice to meet you all
Nice to meet you, BrailleTogepi! You seem to be pretty similar to me, at least on the surface. I like your posts. Sorry if this is random. Also the Togepi line is my favorite line of Pokemon lol
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Reactions: stupidugly, BrailleTogepi and not-2-b-the-answer


Global Mod
Dec 11, 2022
Maybe you remember me from ASH/ASM? People like Doug, Nobody, Aficoman, Mr Tawny and yes, even Lisa (crackpot) Ruby.
Wow! Yes!!! So long time passes and those we knew those we lost....... And some of us still here still waiting ctb one day. Do you remember when we had to move to IRC or even older the original ASH Newsgroup. I used to use Forte Inc to get to those news posts the old channels. ASH/ASM. Sometimes in here I see my past in these posts. How are you? Miss the old ash. Alt.Suicide.Holiday. We should chat. Chat room here. Nobody, Ruby! Doug, Wow. Not like I didn't try to catch the bus more than once. Paying the price of not successful. But older now. Huge hug! The only one I would do that with these days is you, Thanks for the Memories. Wonder about all them often. Love Ya. Peace.
Ahh still hate all those Shiny Happy people they don't get it. Now politicians are trying to close this down. Leave things like ( [email protected]) the only way to try to ....... whatever. I am get back to think about this world again. Peace.
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Feb 9, 2023
hi! i'm a student (F) and don't really see a long-term future for myself. my severe anxiety and (highly likely) autism just keep fucking up my life. here to lurk, mostly, and to figure out a plan for some point down the line. i don't think i can ever live alone, but i also want my own place to cbt... haven't figured that one out yet haha. i'm just tired of being alone in all of this. i also draw and write as a distraction sometimes, though i've lost my motivation for the former mostly.
Hi. I am an anxious and awkward 19-year-old. I'm trying to find reasons to live. But it is getting harder and harder to do so as time goes on. I'm currently just a useless nobody who hates herself and her body. I am not very smart, I am unable to build meaningful connections with others and I have very little motivation to do most things. I'm failing college due to both my stupidity and lack of motivation to do my assignments, and unless I can figure something else out, I'll be stuck in stressful minimum-wage jobs forever. It would be nice if I could make something, such as a game or a few songs before I go, so until then I will be here. Maybe for a few years or until I lose my stability and no longer have a place to call home. I Just want to give something worthy back to an art medium that has been the main thing keeping me going. That is the only thing I truly want. I'm grateful to have been accepted into this community. Death does not scare me anymore, it is only the pain of it that I fear. It is comforting to know there are ways out of this nightmare that are relatively peaceful. I wish the best for all of you who are still here, struggling to live on. I hope that we are able to find some meaning in this existence. And for those who have passed.. may you rest in peace.
also hi fellow bsd profile pic! (it's the main thing that brings me serotonin at this point)
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Reactions: Angel_of_nostalgia, not-2-b-the-answer, stupidugly and 1 other person


Walkin' the Line
Feb 6, 2023
hi! i'm a student (F) and don't really see a long-term future for myself. my severe anxiety and (highly likely) autism just keep fucking up my life. here to lurk, mostly, and to figure out a plan for some point down the line. i don't think i can ever live alone, but i also want my own place to cbt... haven't figured that one out yet haha. i'm just tired of being alone in all of this. i also draw and write as a distraction sometimes, though i've lost my motivation for the former mostly.

also hi fellow bsd profile pic! (it's the main thing that brings me serotonin at this point)
hey welcome! if it's not an issue with you, you should post some of your creations here sometimes (as long as theres no watermark to give your identity away on other places), would love to see them!
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Reactions: Ultracheese and not-2-b-the-answer


asa (any pronouns)
Feb 7, 2023
Hello everyone, you can call me Asa. I'm 20 years old and I've been struggling with suicidal ideation since I was a child. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD, and an eating disorder at age 13 and was forced into a hospitalization that left me pretty traumatized. I believe I may be neurodivergent but I currently don't have the financial stability to pursue a proper diagnosis. I've also been struggling with my gender identity so as of right now, I'm an unlabeled AFAB and I go by any pronouns.

I'm a victim of physical abuse, bullying, grooming, and attempted sexual assault, which have made it very difficult for me to trust others enough to develop healthy friendships and relationships with them. As a result, I find myself feeling very isolated, even thought I'm not completely in solitude.

I try to cope through writing and art, and maybe I'll share some of my work here in time. I also tend to hyperfixate on video games, anime, and manga, as those are my comfort media.
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Reactions: Ultracheese, toro, LoiteringClouds and 5 others


August (he/him)
Feb 6, 2023
Hello everyone, you can call me Asa. I'm 20 years old and I've been struggling with suicidal ideation since I was a child. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD, and an eating disorder at age 13 and was forced into a hospitalization that left me pretty traumatized. I believe I may be neurodivergent but I currently don't have the financial stability to pursue a proper diagnosis. I've also been struggling with my gender identity so as of right now, I'm an unlabeled AFAB and I go by any pronouns.

I'm a victim of physical abuse, bullying, grooming, and attempted sexual assault, which have made it very difficult for me to trust others enough to develop healthy friendships and relationships with them. As a result, I find myself feeling very isolated, even thought I'm not completely in solitude.

I try to cope through writing and art, and maybe I'll share some of my work here in time. I also tend to hyperfixate on video games, anime, and manga, as those are my comfort media.
I'd like to see your work sometime, just whenever.
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Reactions: Ultracheese, stupidugly, not-2-b-the-answer and 1 other person


Feb 8, 2023
Hi im cherry! I like to try to make friends and love video games!
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Reactions: Ultracheese, LoiteringClouds, zeenatax and 6 others


already wilted
Feb 7, 2023
hello people.. im new here to this site, i joined a couple of days ago. im notadaisy. i don't feel like doing anything with my life anymore, i lost my will to live. im totally drained, depressed asf and anxious all the time. my sanity is slipping away again (i m going through a relapse again, unfortunately) i've been dealing with suicidal thoughts for a long time now since i was young. i have a lot of issues. i just can't be a productive part of the society, i hate a lot of things, living.. myself. i think im a total failure and have no hopes in getting better. it just gets worse everytime, i thought i was getting better. my mental health is just one of the worse. im glad i got to be a part of this and community and found this, now knowing im not alone in how i feel and there are people that can understand my situation, without judgement. most people just can't get it.. why does everything have to to be so hard. certainly didn't get the jackpot prize at life

things that still have my interest are films (especially psychological thriller genre or horror) it would be nice to talk to someone about films like this, i have watched a couple of anime shows and movies as well, i read some books, i like plushies, writing, sleeping just sleeping it all away, im a foodie, nature, music.. it keeps me going i can play a few instruments, i listen to a lot of music my ears can be blasted on by music 24/7, any genre but i lean more into indie rock i guess. sorry for the long introduction. im totally up for having a conversation or chat. nice to meet you all, i wish it gets better for us all here or if it really doesn't atleast the peace that we need and or longing for. 💛
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Reactions: Minegelina, Ultracheese, Dead Meat and 7 others