be honest I've thought about it, and decided against it....for the following reasons 1) it was difficult in your life dealing with people you had to tolerate around yourself but could not really sympathise with, what's the guarantee you're not going to end up spending your last hours with some people who you could really do without? 2) you have to agree on the method, and quite precisely so, to make the timelines paralell - knowing how difficult that is in the first place, and how much can go wrong and has to be adjusted last minute, it just seems like adding an extra difficulty to an already quite complicated task 3) you say it might help to overcome last-minute SI if you're in a group....are you sure? what if it's the contrary, you yourself are totally sure, concentrated, ready, organsised, but one of the group is the interest of kind human interaction that this site seems to favour overall, it would then require you to break it off to assist the person who has had a last minute change of mind....and you're stuck for another round in the shit up to your neck and you might even get into trouble with the legal system ! Is it really worth it? Yes, if I was sure of my partner, because we've been friends for ages and really trust each other, I would consider it a good idea - at least your last moment will be less lonely. But that's not a partner you meet here in the forum to ctb three days later !