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Nov 5, 2018
I think I want to try this method. So meto, 2 oz of b, and then hard liquor? @311 @gingerplum

I want to say yes, but I can't make any guarantees. Barring any tolerance issues, everything I'm reading suggests that would be a very lethal cocktail.

I want to encourage everyone to do their own research. I can't overemphasize that I'm still learning about this myself and it's not my area of expertise.
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Nov 5, 2018
I second that. Doing your own research is paramount to understanding what you are doing to your own body in your own set of circumstances. It's also important to understand what you are reading is opinion and not irrefutable peer reviewed scientific research. While we can make educated guesses they are just that, guesses. Don't follow blindly what you do not understand. Do this one thing for yourself if nothing else and research whatever method you choose.

YES, thank you. I don't want to chastise anyone, but what I'm offering is speculation on a subject that's still fairly new and unfamiliar to me. I'm happy to speculate, make medically educated guesses, and do research, but none of this should be treated as gospel.
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Nov 5, 2018
Thanks for answering Ginger, I did a search on here after asking and it came up as a no go! Just ordered primperan from a recommended link, so here we go.
Thanks again Nurse.
*you could make some cash by charging us for advice!

Your money's no good here, Foxy ;).
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Nov 5, 2018
is the respiratory depression or arrest painful? can you feel to suffocate?

No, not at all. You're already unconscious, so youre completely unaware.
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dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
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Jun 13, 2018
Yes that's the drug. I checked the formula.

Cheers, will probably use 2ml to put me under after taking Chloroquine. Seems like a fast-acting, accessible sedative-anaesthetic.

What's the recommended procedure for oral ingestion? Does it have to be mixed with an alcohol, or could a little fruit juice mask the taste?
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Dying cat
Nov 24, 2018
Cheers, will probably use 2ml to put me under after taking Chloroquine. Seems like a fast-acting, accessible sedative-anaesthetic.

What's the recommended procedure for oral ingestion? Does it have to be mixed with an alcohol, or could a little fruit juice mask the taste?
I read orange juice. And I would say take like 5ml
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Sep 21, 2018
It doesnt act on gaba-a and acts on the gaba-b in a weak manner, gaba-b is usually a target site for drugs that treat hypertonia. I really dont know much about the ghb receptor other than the high is very complex. I know dopamine is involved and usually you sleep then wake up feeling energized. I dont think benzos interact with ghb in a significant manner but i can be wrong. I read that benzos are given to people who have seizures from ghb so it cant interact with it that much. alcohol is key tho.

Also opiates easily cause apnea. theyve killed more people recently than the those that died in the vietnam war. Dr. philip Nitschke is frankly off on this subject. He has a boner for fentanyl which is 100 times as strong as morphine but he thinks morphine cant do the job when opiates are mentioned extensively in other books. Why do people think narcan is carried by every EMT. OPIATES ARE LETHAL. THEY KILL 10's of thousands of people a year. I was doing tiny amounts of heroin recently and nearly died but took narcan. I fell asleep and wasnt breathing and would wake up gasping for air. Hes just frankly off on opiates because he has such a fucking hard on for Nembutal.

Here is another opinion: https://life-enhancement.com/pages/...to-the-california-state-legislature-committee 'Not likely. Everybody reported to have been "poisoned" with GHB has "fully recovered," even a man who took 15 tablespoons (50-75 gm). There have been no long-term consequences identified in any of these cases despite close observation by attending physicians. It is exceedingly difficult to ingest the 50 to 150 gm that might threaten life. In high doses, for example, GHB causes nausea and vomiting, which strongly limits the maximum amount that a person can consume.' Not without bias, of course.

As I understand, death would be caused by respiratory arrest. Apparently, animals were killed by this drug. But how ? Does it act on the GHB receptors in the brain stem ? Or is it necessary for humans to combine it with alcohol or other drugs ?

I get a very 'experimental' feeling about this. And my CNS is already messed up, so ... ?
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Dying cat
Nov 24, 2018
Here is another opinion: https://life-enhancement.com/pages/...to-the-california-state-legislature-committee 'Not likely. Everybody reported to have been "poisoned" with GHB has "fully recovered," even a man who took 15 tablespoons (50-75 gm). There have been no long-term consequences identified in any of these cases despite close observation by attending physicians. It is exceedingly difficult to ingest the 50 to 150 gm that might threaten life. In high doses, for example, GHB causes nausea and vomiting, which strongly limits the maximum amount that a person can consume.' Not without bias, of course.

As I understand, death would be caused by respiratory arrest. Apparently, animals were killed by this drug. But how ? Does it act on the GHB receptors in the brain stem ? Or is it necessary for humans to combine it with alcohol or other drugs ?

I get a very 'experimental' feeling about this. And my CNS is already messed up, so ... ?
Were they put on ventilators? I dont know how exactly it depresses your breathing but it does.
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Sep 21, 2018
I've been looking a bit on bluelight. Excerpts:


1. GHB

1.1 What are the effects?
GHB produces, on a sliding scale, the following; an overall mood lift, relaxation, increased sociability, euphoria, dissolution of anxieties and inhibitions, a “truth-serum” effect, motor skill impairment, an increase in sexual function & desire, possible dizziness and/or nausea. The effects begin within 10 â€" 30 minutes of ingestion and last 1 to 4 hours, incurring few to none of the unpleasant physical side effects associated with similar highs such as alcohol.

GHB is an aphrodisiac in low doses. Its pro-sexual effects go beyond common knowledge, but can be expressed under four headings: loss of inhibition, heightening of the sense of touch (tactility), enhancement of male erectile capacity and increased intensity of orgasm. Note that this is dose dependent - a standard recreational dose is generally too much, having a reverse effect on sexual function… Making orgasms more difficult to achieve and diminishing male erectile capacity.

1.2 How much do I take?
Here are some common dosage measurements for GHB, taken from Erowid.

Light --> 0.5 - 1.5 g
Common --> 1 - 2.5 g
Strong --> 2 - 3.5 g
Can induce heavy sleep --> 3 - 5 g
Overdose --> 5 - 10 g
Poisoning (Risk of Death)--> 10+ g

The above figures are grams of pure GHB powder. After examining several sources and having a few thrown at me, I have deduced that the safest way to approach the situation is to act on the assumption that it is possible to dissolve 1 gram of GHB powder into less than 1ml of water. That means that you could potentially overdose on as little as 5ml of liquid GHB - and that's even for a large, tolerant person. People have pointed out to me that this is not likely. I make no secret of that â€" but it is possible. Err on the side of caution

2.1 What is 1,4-B?
1,4-Butanediol is closely related (chemically) to GHB. It has become a popular substitute for GHB for a few reasons â€" GHB is becoming more and more difficult to obtain due to legalities (depending on your location), and 1,4-B is converted to GHB by the human body, so it’s as good as substitutes get. It makes it’s way though the digestive system and is absorbed into the blood stream untouched. From there it circulates until making contact with the liver, which uses an enzyme called dehydrogenase (the same one used to break down alcohol) to convert the 1,4-B into a substance called aldehyde gamma-hydroxybutyraldehyde, which is released back into the blood stream. When the aldehyde gamma-hydroxybutyraldehyde comes back around to the liver, an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase oxidizes it, creating GHB, which is then released into the bloodstream to do its work.

2.3 How much do I take?
Unlike GHB, 1,4-B only exists in liquid form. If it is pure, 1ml is equivalent to 1 gram of GHB. So, if you want a 4g dose, take 4mls. You get the point. But what if your 1,4-B is diluted? Here is the table of doses where the 1,4-B is mixed in at a ratio of 1:4;

• 24ml = 6g
• 25ml = 6.25g

2.4 Does it feel the same as GHB?
While 1,4-B is converted into GHB, the effects are not identical. An experienced user (known as a G-whore ) could probably tell the difference between the two even if given no indication as to which measuring cup contained which chemical. Due to the gradual nature of the conversion (it is far from instantaneous) the effects of 1,4-B often last longer than those of GHB â€" by the time the first of the converted GHB hits, the last of it could still be in the aldehyde gamma-hydroxybutyraldehyde stage, awaiting oxidization. Also as a consequence of the conversion, 1,4-B more frequently causes physical upset such as nausea and vomiting â€" unlike GHB, 1,4-B is a foreign chemical to the human body with far more potential for toxicity and adverse reaction. For this reason it also causes frequent urination in most users (similar to alcohol). Most users report that GHB simply feels “cleaner” and 1,4-B does not produce as much relaxation.

The difference in effects appears to be highly subjective, so it’s hard to say much more than that without starting arguments. A suggested reason for the difference varying so greatly from people to people is different body types, diets, fitness levels, health, etc contributing to more/less efficient conversion of 1,4-B to GHB.

2.5 How bad is it for me?
There has been considerable debate over the toxicity of 1,4-B. The most convincing argument runs along the lines of its chemical similarity to an antifreeze agent used in radiator fluid, called propylene glycol. This suggests some serious issues with 1,4-B, however studies on its effects on the human body indicate it is not a danger, unless abused. 1,4-B damages your liver and kidneys much in the same way as alcohol does, however there is a much steeper bell curve (the damage will begin with less abuse, and get out of hand easier). Don’t abuse it, and you shouldn’t encounter any side effects.

3. GBL

This subject has certainly got mouths moving. GBL and GHB are not “the same” when someone is abusing. This is due to the metabolic conversion GBL must undergo to become GHB. This conversion takes a toll on your body, which it can easily recover from in the short term. However, forcing your body to carry out this conversion too frequently can lead to problems.

3.1 What is GBL?
GBL is a chemical and metabolic precursor to GHB. That means a chemist can make GHB from it, and so can your body. It’s used industrially as a solvent, eg for paint thinners. It’s popular as a drug for similar reasons to 1,4-B â€" your body converts it to GHB and due to it’s wide range of industry uses, is often easier to obtain.

3.2 How do I tell the difference between GBL & GHB/1,4-B?
Unless you know from the start, it’s hard to ever be sure which you have. GBL exists in liquid form only, and like 1,4-B tastes distinctly chemical. You may be able to taste the difference between GHB and GBL, but I am told that it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between 1,4-B and GBL by taste.

GBL doesn’t freeze until it’s at â€"44 degrees celsius (if it’s pure). But, mix it with water and you get a freezing point closer to 0. Putting what you’ve got in the fridge may help you distinguish whether it’s 1,4-B or GBL (it’ll freeze if its 1,4-B, it wont if it’s GBL), but the less pure the chemicals the less reliable this test will be. Due to GHB & GBL freezing at â€"20 and â€"44 respectively, it’s too unreliable to test using any kind of temperature based examination, especially when you consider the problems that dilution causes for such tests.
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dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
"The lowest reported LD50 (Lethal Dose, 50%; i.e. the dose that is lethal for half of the animals tested) value is 1200 mg/kg bw (body weight) in guinea pigs.

In rats and mice, reported values are in the range of 1525-1830 mg/kg bw and 2060 mg/kg bw respectively."

guys is that calculation correctly:

pretending im a 92kg mouse...

2060 mg/kg * 92kg = 189.520,00 mg = 189,52 gramm

density of 1.4Butandiol is

Density 1.0171 g/cm3 (20 °C) [g/cm3 = g/ml]

which means:

189,52gramm = Xml * 1.0171 g/ml


189,52g / 1,0171 g/ml = X ml

186,33 ml = X ml

i would need close to 200ml this cant be true no?
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Nov 1, 2018
pretending im a 92kg mouse...
I have exactly the same trouble with mg/kg calculations, and crunch the numbers the same way you do --and then drive myself nuts wondering how this can possibly be.

What I eventually do is fall back on the anecdotal results --"anecdata"-- which say that someone got a spiked drink and died. Since there's absolutely no way someone could unobtrusively spike another person's drink with 200ml of 14B, I know my crunched numbers are off.

I then look at the websites that give the warnings about how much will be an OD, trust their numbers, and try to relax.

To paraphrase Dr. McCoy: "Damn it, man, I'm a writer, not a scientist!"
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Sep 21, 2018
@TiredHorse ,

A spiked drink ? Combining alcohol with this stuff is different than 1,4 butanediol on its own.
People die from all sorts of things all the time.

@gingerplum , any comments on that bluelight stuff ? I think it's pretty anecdotal and especially with my messed up CNS it looks like guesswork.


Sep 21, 2018
@TiredHorse ,

Bordering on the rules of this forum: you could try poisoning animals with the stuff and document your observations. ldlo's differ per species, no idea how man ranks in the animal kingdom in that regard. Maybe that seems cruel, but animals are being put to sleep/slaughtered all the time. At least they don't die to develop better cosmetics ...

I don't know: mice, rabbits/ dogs, parrots, pigs, horses ... A cold body should indicate death. Still doesn't say a damn about those with massive sedative tolerance.

I'm inclined to write it off as a means to ending my life; unless I get more reliable information or find a way to use it as an aid with something else.
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Dying cat
Nov 24, 2018
@TiredHorse ,

Bordering on the rules of this forum: you could try poisoning animals with the stuff and document your observations. ldlo's differ per species, no idea how man ranks in the animal kingdom in that regard. Maybe that seems cruel, but animals are being put to sleep/slaughtered all the time. At least they don't die to develop better cosmetics ...

I don't know: mice, rabbits/ dogs, parrots, pigs, horses ... A cold body should indicate death. Still doesn't say a damn about those with massive sedative tolerance.

I'm inclined to write it off as a means to ending my life; unless I get more reliable information or find a way to use it as an aid with something else.
Bro your sedatives dont work on the ghb receptor.
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Nov 5, 2018
@TiredHorse ,

A spiked drink ? Combining alcohol with this stuff is different than 1,4 butanediol on its own.
People die from all sorts of things all the time.

@gingerplum , any comments on that bluelight stuff ? I think it's pretty anecdotal and especially with my messed up CNS it looks like guesswork.

I glanced at Blue light, and it strikes me as a complete shambles. I don't know if it's worth going any deeper down that rabbit hole, but I did find this (and you know this info is solid, 'cause it's from a blog by a guy who calls himself 'broke ass Stuart'):

"GBL and GHB are different drugs. A lot of casual users will not realize there is a difference. Main thing to note, you need a lot less GBL to get you high.

1ml of pure GBL is equivalent to 1.6 grams of GHB (roughly)."

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Nov 1, 2018
@TiredHorse ,

Bordering on the rules of this forum: you could try poisoning animals with the stuff and document your observations. ldlo's differ per species, no idea how man ranks in the animal kingdom in that regard. Maybe that seems cruel, but animals are being put to sleep/slaughtered all the time. At least they don't die to develop better cosmetics ...

I don't know: mice, rabbits/ dogs, parrots, pigs, horses ... A cold body should indicate death. Still doesn't say a damn about those with massive sedative tolerance.

I'm inclined to write it off as a means to ending my life; unless I get more reliable information or find a way to use it as an aid with something else.
You are welcome to choose --or dismiss-- any method you like to ctb. This is, as has been said repeatedly, what we here believe may be an entirely new line of exploration for suicide, thus it is also very much an experiment with no established protocol.

But do not ever again suggest experimenting on creatures that have not deliberately chosen to die. Ever. That is disgustingly unethical, and if it not against the rules of this forum, it needs to be made so.

ETA: If people wish to take issue with my ethics, they are welcome to excoriate me in another thread, but for the sake of continuing the original intent of this thread, let's let this drop. I would delete my opinion as being OT, but it has already been replied to. I apologize for lurching off course; I was caught off guard.
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Dying cat
Nov 24, 2018
GBl and GBH are both available on dream market for affordable prices
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
Should we take B or GBH? Or does it matter?


running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
Just ordered 2 oz of 1,4 B on Amazon. It's in stock again!
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Sep 21, 2018
I have taken a warning for suggesting 'experimenting' on animals, and will not discuss this any further. At the time, it seemed relatively harmless.
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Sep 25, 2018
why was it never used for euthanasia if its that sure that you die peacefully with 50ml or more? Im afraid of injesting it...
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Nov 5, 2018
why was it never used for euthanasia if its that sure that you die peacefully with 50ml or more? Im afraid of injesting it...

I spoke to this in detail in a post on page 5. There is no guarantee with any method, so please do your own in-depth review of the information available here and online so that you are able to fairly assess the pros and cons for yourself.
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dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
it solves plastic...scary for me...dont think N solves plastic

it can also kill you

i wouldnt take it you are concerned about your health

same goes for n though
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
1,4 B works. Make sure to take alot.

I read in a post that you have N. Was just wondering why you choose 1,4B over N?
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