That's true, but many physicial illnesses cannot be measured objectively either, because the tech is not there which is a problem, like mine. There is no real diagnostic test, apart from my subjective experience of intense pain, so I'm unsure if I would be given euthanasia by one of the rare countries where it is legalised and regulated.
There is the case of Adam Maier-Clayton who was diagnosed with a "mental condition" they say was very rare where the mind convinces itself the body is in intense pain ( My problem with that diagnosis, is they did not know for sure whether it was psychological in origin, or physical, and they just didn't have understanding of the disease to diagnose it properly. This guy was suffering for years, tried loads of therapies, and killed himself after protesting on social media about the bias against mental conditions.
This isn't even a good way to look at it, if some one is suffering terribly and there are no reasonable options left, then that is a good basis for the exit, instead of what diagnosis they have.
That's a good summary Ark as always, thank you.