The world is falling apart around us. Everything is completely fucked, the only thing we have to look forward to is a decaying, scorched Earth fought over by tyrants. And we COULD turn things around- keep them from getting worse, at least- if we could just see the big picture... but we're so short-sighted, so broken, that we're only feeding into the system. The only question now is if humanity will go extinct, or if we can limit it to 'just' collapse and eventually rebuild.
It's funny- I spent so many of my childhood and teenage years terrified of phony end of the world predictions (The May 2011 rapture, the 2012 apocalypse...), and had to learn not to worry so much. But then, it turns out, nope- looks like the world really is ending. I'm 27; don't think I'll live to 30 even if I don't CTB by then.