• If you haven't yet, we highly encourage you to check out our Recovery Resources thread!
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    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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May 17, 2022
25f, Eastern Europe

Hi, I'm not sure if I want to or if I even can recover in the sense that I never get depressed or suicidal again, but I think I want to feel less bad

A little bit about myself. I've been depressed for years so for years I didn't have any interests and I've just recently started trying to find things I like. Rn I'm learning Italian and I'm also learning to draw. I like drama movies and I watch anime sometimes. I also like going on walks in nature and I like reading, and I'm interested in mythology and the history of religion.

I'd be happy to learn about your interests or to just listen to you talk about things you like :)

And please don't message me if you want children or have children, it's a sensitive topic for me and I'd prefer to talk to someone who is on the same page as me
Hello, new here. looking for someone to talk with. 25m. i coulnt figure out how to dm people so someone dm me instead? im kinda paranoid. so dont ask me to add on any social media thats not anonymous.

i have a lot of interests. in fact, most things are interesting for me. and i can listen to your struggles as long as you dont overwhelm me
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Reactions: Trilucid


Jun 9, 2021
Hello, new here. looking for someone to talk with. 25m. i coulnt figure out how to dm people so someone dm me instead? im kinda paranoid. so dont ask me to add on any social media thats not anonymous.

i have a lot of interests. in fact, most things are interesting for me. and i can listen to your struggles as long as you dont overwhelm me

I can't message you, I think you need to make more posts before you can send and receive messages


Speedrunning life using cosmic tricks
Nov 28, 2021
I'm available to find new people and looking for someone to talk to or listen to. If not no worries.
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May 25, 2022
25f, Eastern Europe

Hi, I'm not sure if I want to or if I even can recover in the sense that I never get depressed or suicidal again, but I think I want to feel less bad

A little bit about myself. I've been depressed for years so for years I didn't have any interests and I've just recently started trying to find things I like. Rn I'm learning Italian and I'm also learning to draw. I like drama movies and I watch anime sometimes. I also like going on walks in nature and I like reading, and I'm interested in mythology and the history of religion.

I'd be happy to learn about your interests or to just listen to you talk about things you like :)

And please don't message me if you want children or have children, it's a sensitive topic for me and I'd prefer to talk to someone who is on the same page as me
Hello! I was wondering if I could talk to someone who is also from Eastern Europe. And no worries, the children thing has never been a priority to me and I am a bit against it to be honest.


May 9, 2022
Hi, i feel so lonely lately that i decided to give this a try.
i'm 39m gay in CA, not ugly but already used a bit. i am interested in different cultures, ux/ui design, programming.
my favorite movies are by Almodovar, recently was watching the Family guy cartoon, i like its humor.
I know that this is probably a wrong place to meet people but i dont know what i dont know.
I plan on recovering from a couple of injuries had several surgeries recently but the pain is not gone completely.
its just i have almost nobody to talk to. I feel like drowning in alcohol is not the best idea. Pls dm me if you want to talk.
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Apr 14, 2019
39m, North-Germany - don't know if that's important.
Don't know if recovery is the right word but ctb is at the moment not tangible - right now its a fight against the lonliness but you all know things can change...
Would prefer german language cause when I'm exausted I'm not able to translate - sorry :/
Could happen I'm not able to answer some times - so don't get me wrong

Not a prerequeiste but maybe helpful - things I like:
- Rock/Hardrock/Glamrock/Bombastrock usually the old things, a lil bit of (dark)country, Songwriter, lil bit of classic, Erste allgemeine Verunsicherung, sometimes
- philosophy
- cooking/baking
- reading
- cocktails
- gaming
- spirituality
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Jun 1, 2022
Hey there :)), I'm honestly not even trying to 'recover' for now, these days I'm thinking a lot more about suicide than before, that's how I found this place. Right now I'm just in the situation a lot of you people prob are too wishing to have a method to die the closest possible as if just closing a window or turning off the lights, not even wishing to die right now just wanna die whenever the fuck I want. Feel free to chat me up guys, just know that I'm not sure if I will be able to answer you I'll try tho. I hope we can give support to each other and personally live life in a more satisfyin way till I/We can and decide to die. I'm 25 btw.
Well-Edited Chaos

Well-Edited Chaos

May 8, 2022
52F, Western Canada

I'd actually like to find an accountability partner, someone who is working on their own challenges, and the support flows both ways. We would check in w/ each other before tackling something we find challenging (to talk about what's challenging and brainstorm about how to overcome it), then check in when it's done, and talk about what it was like to do it (or not).
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Reactions: Sister of the Moon


May 31, 2022

Looking for someone to chat to while trying to recover after an attempt. Being stuck mentally between suicidal thoughts and wanting to live is complex. I'm far from the best version of myself, but I've decided I definitely want to try and improve my situation.

I'm on medication and trying therapy again. As I currently have no friends and hardly go out, it would be nice to have someone to talk to other than my therapist.
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Reactions: madebrief, mugiusagi, chronicallybroken and 1 other person


Apr 3, 2022
19F, SEA (going back to the US soon)

I'm definitely not there yet, but I'm working on it. I do have goals I want to achieve so I'm trying not to submit to my thoughts and depressive feelings and just kms. I'm looking for someone (preferably of similar age) to talk to and willing to support and keep each other accountable for our goals and challenges.

A little bit about me:
I've been depressed and struggling with fluctuating intense emotions for years now. It is debilitating and basically destroyed my work and social life. I'm going to college this fall and it's probably the largest opportunity to redo I have ever been given. I'm extremely anxious thinking about it.

Recently I've been trying to add more structure to my life (like going to the gym, exploring my interests, improving my academic/cognitive skills,...) I like to watch movies/anime (esp horror), commentary/video essays videos on youtube, and read. Though I would love to learn about your interests or listen to anything you have to say even trivial mundane things :)
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Reactions: akana and CC123


the biggest salvation would be never being born
Apr 15, 2022
  • 5 minutes ago
  • #1
do u guys think it would be ideal for people to be able to commune with people from around where they are? for me, the problems i face, if i could meet with some alike minded people from where i am, i think it would potentially help me a lot to the extent of even rethinking about ending it all.. after all, human connection can do magic.

i think for most of us, we are really stuck in a position where we feel tremendously lonely and misunderstood and thus see ourselves better off not existing. but could that not change given proper and similar minded human contact from our locality?

as for me, im an Ex-muslim living in a hugely muslim dominant South-East Asian region. during my journey to be becoming an ex-muslim I've gone through many traumatic experiences and eventually it left me with the realization of the wasted past few decades of my life and most of the people i got to know throughout my life, all led to dead ends, including my 4years relationship with this extremely pious hijabi girl whom i had given all of my heart, eventually even in the "fiance" phase just to be abandoned by her for my apostasy and shortly after her marrying some other pious bloke(as i could not and cannot be my present own self around them anymore, which is an extremely agonizing lonely feeling extinguishing any will to live at all).

i doubt i can ever build any more relationship with anyone with a similar mentality to mine as they are rare in these parts and it breaks my heart. on top of that, being an INTP makes it more so difficult to actually seek any help at all(I'm not ill, do not need therapists, i need ordinary human beings in my life that are considerate, okay and accepting to just as who i am -and thats far from a possibility given my overall surrounding.

so i was thinking, most of us in this site are broken in some way or the other. and most of us are somewhere deep within in search of a salvation in vain. would it hurt to explore the possibility nonetheless? I'm sure there are people around from where i am some of which have their own stories and many of us could have a chance to potentially live a happy life with troubled individuals feeling lost i the facade of "normality".

no one really want to end their existence. situations force us to want to not exist FB IMG 1654852007064 FB IMG 1655123590845
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Feb 8, 2019
40m/1.5 outside of NYC. I'm sure recovery does not suit me but neither does being suicidal. So, here I am just looking to kill some time (all the time) from now until whenever the end might be.

I have tried this before without much success but new day I guess. So, just looking for someone to chat with. Local(ish) would be awesome really but i'm good with connecting online.

I was a nerd before it was cool love all things horror, sci-fi, and mind bendy. I'm not real sure what i'm looking for but I will respond to all and just see where it goes.
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Reactions: Sister of the Moon, dirtnap and S like suicide


Jun 29, 2022
54 male from Austria.
Looking for methods.
Anyone has serious possibilty to get N or SN? Seems not possible here in Austria.


Jun 28, 2022
29m from the UK

I do want to get better, but i don't think i have the energy or ability to do it. Suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, maladaptive daydreaming and other things.

Just looking for someone to talk to whether it be about methods or anything.
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sad girl
Oct 27, 2021
24f from england. would love to chat with somebody.. I have CPTSD, Dissociative Disorder, recurrent depression, slightly agoraphobic, suspected ADHD & Im also physically disabled.

I sing professionally, make art, like going to the gym (when i'm more mentally well, been finding it hard recently..) and Im kinda nerdy/techy :) would love somebody to chat with who's interested in uplifting & supporting each other with our mental health.

ideally id love to talk with another trauma survivor, hopefully another woman but I am really open to anybody, who struggles with emotional disregulation and emotional flashbacks. would love to have convos about how we can better ourselves when it comes to expressing frustration! thank you ! i know everyone's situation is different, and if you don't fit these descriptions it's ok. would just love a friend to chat with. but please be recovery-focused! i think i would find it too hard to be talking w somebody who's resigned to seeking out suicide methods and ending their life.. im trying to get into a better head-space myself
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Reactions: greywings, November718, Suicidebydeath and 4 others


New Member
Jun 24, 2022
29m US
I do some self improvement stuff which can be motivating but I get really really low.
29m US
I do some self improvement stuff which can be motivating but I get really really low.
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Ethereal Knight

Ethereal Knight

Seja um bom soldado, morra onde você caiu.
Jan 10, 2022
Brazil, 28 years old, male.

speaking portuguese:

Brasil, interior de Minas Gerais, 28 anos de idade, homem.

não procuro um parceiro de "recuperação", porque não tenho interesse em me "recuperar", mas procuro alguém pra curtir a vida junto comigo, fazermos companhia um ao outro enquanto eu ainda estou vivo. suporte mútuo, sinceridade, autenticidade e companheirismo.

meu CTB será ou no final desse ano (2022) ou no fim do ano que vem, mais provavelmente. se ocorrerem circunstâncias especiais, eu poderia talvez adiar meu CTB pra daqui uns 5 anos, mas isso é improvável de acontecer. o mais provável é que eu CTB em 2023 ou antes.

tenho todo o tempo-livre do mundo, mas não tenho dinheiro pra nada, nem pra viajar.

qualquer gênero serve como parceiro. porém eu tenho mais facilidade em lidar com mulheres, devido a traumas do passado e ao "pai" horrível que me criou, minha dificuldade de confiar em outros homens é grande e inata a mim, mas nada é impossível também.

virtualmente, podemos dar "rolê" no Discord ou no Skype.

pessoalmente, podemos fazer qualquer coisa.
quase qualquer. não uso drogas "pesadas", mas maconha é sempre bem-vinda. apesar de estar fora de forma atualmente, pratico alguns esportes como ciclismo e caminhada.
sou uma pessoa bastante tediosa, mas com o tempo é sempre possível encontrar algo pra fazer.

mesmo tendo tido muitas decepções com humanos no passado e passando alguns anos me isolando, sou um ser naturalmente sociável, e a minha minha natureza social permanece acesa em mim, como sempre foi.

se eu encontrasse uma namorada, eu adiaria um pouco a minha data de CTB (embora eu vá CTB de qualquer forma, independentemente deste ou de qualquer outro fator).

mas hoje em dia, como vivo socialmente isolado e sem amigos, qualquer contato de qualidade com um humano de bom-coração, que eu possa confiar, seria realmente um milagre.
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Reactions: mugiusagi and TalvezQuemSabe?


One step at a time
Jul 19, 2022
20 m CST
I think suicide is the kind of topic that has been on my mind now for a while but I think there is definitely some hope to not CTB yet, that's what I want to believe.

I hope we can get along well and enjoy venting and listening to each other. I hang out here a lot but I prefer to talk privately on other places too (like telegram)

I do not care much if u r F or M, I think we all need someone regardless of that, so as long as we are close in terms of age it should be ok ( although I don't care much about it)
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Reactions: SkittyDG


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
UK, soon homeless estimated ~3-4 weeks, with 2 cats I may have to give up. Good with money.
Need a place to live, pref UK.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: rainbowbright, Blondie, S like suicide and 5 others


Jul 20, 2022
Hello, I am Korean and 40 years old female. To be honest, I still have a lot of thoughts about death. I have no family, no work, but can have supportive conversations with each other. The messenger I use is Telegram.

Please contact only women. Even if I write like this, there were too many cases where men just contacted me as a friend (even though I'm old.. I've had so much experiences like this) Please... that's killing me even more. Please don't contact lesbians too. This is only for a strict platonic, supportive relationship..


Feb 19, 2019
32M (gay), Norway

Hi, I am trying my best to recover; however, suicide thoughts are coming back. I have done a lot of therapy, so I am at a much better place. Right now, I am struggling to find work. I got discriminated a lot because of my skin color. It's hard to fight and continue to move forward sometimes. I would like to find a few recovery partners who could encourage one another to continue fighting and move forward in life. Please send me a message or chat.
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Reactions: A whole human


Jun 24, 2022
22M from Belgium. Trying to find a friend or maybe more that will listen to me and possibly comfort me. I am always open to listening to your stories as well, no matter how extreme and I will try to support you whenever possible. Trying my hardest to fight but I'm all alone with no one to talk or vent to and it's putting an insane amount of pressure on me.
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Reactions: Blondie, Poor Stargazer, mugiusagi and 1 other person


Aug 31, 2021
31f from Germany
Hi everyone
I'm currently between struggling and trying to find myself. Married and "stabelish" these days. Except for ptsd and some minor mental issues thanks to a decade of child abuse.
Looking for a pen pal preferably female who knows what it feels like.
I've had made a friend here before but she died last year thanks to assisted suicide.
I am still mourning her and miss her. But sometimes our bodies are simply no good. When the pain gets too intense and the pleasures too few.
Anyhow don't want to depress anyone here 😅
It's 3am in Germany and I am beat for today. Maybe we could chat one day.
Who knows.
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Jun 26, 2022
20 / M / Europe

I just wanted to see if there's someone here that's in a similar situation as me. I still want to recover before I go through with my CTB, there's so much things I still have to set right. Living life, meeting people, experiencing new things... God, I can't just leave like this.

I have so much problems but there's gotta be a way out. I just don't know where to find it

So... If you have a similar mindset, maybe we can work together? Exchange thoughts, motivate each other, hold each other accountable. Something like that. Send me a pm if you're down
A whole human

A whole human

Aug 2, 2022
24, non binary, México.

I'm not very good at replying fast, but I'm new here so while I'm still excited about this site will probably respond often.

I don't love talking about myself but find it really comforting to help and listen so my inbox will be open for anyone who wants to chat or vent.

I really enjoy meeting new people so don't be shy to message me :)


Sep 18, 2019
21 | F | Ger

Hey, I truly want to give this life another chance and I've been working hard on myself to become a more stable person. It's not always easy and lately I started to feel extremely lonely. So, I am looking for a European chat-partner to help each other out.

My depression and my impulsive, self-destructive personality make it hard for me to have a stable life. I also do have a chronical pain condition that's running my life, yet I do want to believe in a life in which I don't think about cbt every day.

Feel free to pm me.
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Reactions: c-n, Trilucid, wielkiwrobel and 1 other person
Rounded Agony

Rounded Agony

Hard to live, hard to die
Aug 8, 2022
Hi folks. 32, male, Canada. A year after moving back to my stupid big city of origin, I have successfully made almost two whole friends who I rarely see. Friends from elsewhere/earlier in life have let themselves fade into the background as I suffer more and more regularly, despite trying to lightly open up to a few of them. Would be nice to have some people to at least chat/maybe sometimes play board games online with or something. Being able to talk about dark/heavy things might also be necessary, though honestly I find most of the time it is unpleasant for me to do so myself or, depending on the particulars, hear about it from others. I've tried before and someone completely direspected my boundaries around topics, which did not feel good at all.

A relationship that's entirely virtual honestly I don't know if it's for me, but would like to try anyway, Message me if you think this might be for you.
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Reactions: mediocre, Rocinante, LivedTooLong and 1 other person


Dec 7, 2018
Looking for a gal around my age, early 30s to help recover. Prefer to be local, but not required. I live in the PNW of the USA. PM for me info.
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Reactions: Rocinante and WeLiveWeDie


Jun 24, 2022
23 | M | Belgium

Got sent to the psych ward after oding on benzos. Tried to date and befriend a girl with BPD but it ended up destroying me since I am emotionally weak and extremely sensitive. Going to the psych ward me me realise that I deserve so much better and I am looking for someone my age and close to me to fight together and beat this misery
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Reactions: throwawayyy, Rocinante, akana and 2 others

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