In the Service of the Queen
- Sep 19, 2023
- 1,904
Personal observation.(Also, where did you even get the "Asians more symmetrical faces" claim from, lol)
Most studies making the claim that race and IQ are correlated are usually not peer-reviewed and aren't really taken seriously or are even discussed by the vast majority of psychologists. Using the claim "I didn't say they have a higher IQ due to genetics" feels more like you are just trying to avoid having to even reflect on the bs you are spewing.
Like I said, I'm certainly not going to try and prove you wrong. You use the phrase AFAB. . . trying to have a discussion does not seem like a good use of my time. I was not aware that there was no correlation at all between IQ and race. Should've taken first year psychology.
I didn't say it did. I said IQ might.Getting more philosophical about suicide also has nothing to do with race.
What's the point of even mentioning what is an empty claim you made up? Most people who are on this site never came on here because they were contemplating suicide from a philosophical position. Where did you even get this from?
It's a thread that asked a question and I gave my thoughts on it. Again I say, "Jesus Christ." You can disagree without biting my head off and calling me racist. This was not a thread asking for a detailed debate.
I sincerely hope you have a good day. Tone doesn't come through text well, but I want you to know I do mean that sincerely. I'm clearly not making any friends in here today.
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