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Aug 30, 2019
The point is the amount of info on the subjects of N or sources are triggers for police when they read this to take action and catch them.

Bob was gone quickly after he got announced here. They are watching this site always. So being discreet is really beneficial for us all and for people themselves.

Instead of blabbering everything out in the open.

This is what I do no understand and quite infuriating. @SnowStroller compiled a excellent thread regarding the "new person" and maybe I am wrong, but it appears as if people are accusing him/her of realizing sensitive information. That's absolutely false! I know a particular person on this forum that discussed openly about B when he received said product and even went as far as detailing how it was packaged. Surely, the person I am talking about isn't receiving pushback but people like @SnowStroller who made this wonderful thread are? Anyways, yes, its important to never discuss sensitive information like how the member I am talking about did because of increasing unwanted attention but none of this has occurred on this thread. Honestly, I believe if sensitive information needs to be discussed, a PGP key needs to be involved somehow on this website. I would also say that @Dystopia did the perfect thing by informing us of the validity of the "said product" without revealing any sensitive details. That how it should always be.
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Apr 30, 2018
For everyone who was planning to go this direction of Empire Market by naively trusting the escrow system, read this recent article;

Other market administrators have been implementing exit scams. An exit scam is a deliberate action taken by the market's administrators to steal money from users. These markets work on a type of escrow system, with buyers and sellers both depositing money in the market's financial system. The administrators running the marketplaces claim there is a problem with the website or the back end of its financial system. They tell users that they are working on a fix but ultimately end up stealing all the money in the escrow system. Once there is no more benefit to having the market open, the administrators shut the market down and disappear with the escrow balance.
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Dec 23, 2019
For everyone who was planning to go this direction of Empire Market by naively trusting the escrow system, read this recent article;

Other market administrators have been implementing exit scams. An exit scam is a deliberate action taken by the market's administrators to steal money from users. These markets work on a type of escrow system, with buyers and sellers both depositing money in the market's financial system. The administrators running the marketplaces claim there is a problem with the website or the back end of its financial system. They tell users that they are working on a fix but ultimately end up stealing all the money in the escrow system. Once there is no more benefit to having the market open, the administrators shut the market down and disappear with the escrow balance.


There have been rumors regarding Empire exit scamming for over half a year, but the market is still presently functioning.
Sometimes these rumors are completely unfounded. All darknet markets have the potential to shut down and sometimes exit scam at a moment's notice. It is just a natural consequence of the anonymity of darknet markets.
But every darknet market that goes down is very quickly replaced by another, as we have seen since 2012 with Silk Road, Dream Market, etc etc
I have used multiple darknet markets going back to the original Silk Road, and any educated, experienced user can find alternatives

Please note also that C is not only operating on Empire Market. If you are observant, you will notice that he is a verified vendor on a handful of other platforms, meaning he is a serious player who will likely keep operating even in the event of an Empire outage. I will no longer respond to some of these fearmongering responses. I believe if you are educated and diligent you can now find the truth for yourself
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Dec 10, 2019
I think this is a battle between, forgive me if I offend anyone, slightly paranoid people who don't trust the dark web - mainly because they don't know it well and haven't used it before. And a few younger people that are of a later generation, where for them, the dark web is basically standard now and it makes sense to them. At the end of the day N is an illegal drug, and there is a system for acquiring such items, that does not involve getting email addresses from open web forums and getting PMs from dodgy people claiming to be sellers, this is all amateurish in the eyes of the person accustomed with the dark web. This is likely why A got arrested in the first place and people got raided.

There is a place for the PPHB approach still I think, because many people are not good at computers and euthanasia and acquiring N is something of a special issue. So all these protonmail email addresses and discussion in open forums, to some extent, is necessary and will continue, at least for now. Some clarification into how good A and C are is required in the future to resolve the debate.

I think it is important snowstroller and nolongerhurting do not feel bullied out of the forum, because IMO they are likely not scammers, and it is unfair to immediately label them as such. There is a difference between providing clear warnings about potential danger, I think one post would have been sufficient for this, and going too far and making it into some kind of heated battle. If the subject of the thread is such an issue the moderators will remove it, and until then it may of be some help to some one.
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Apr 30, 2018
I truly don't trust ANY of this. I hope people are wise enough to just wait for another Exit update regarding the current issues with A. In the last november update there's a new chapter added on critical internet security necessary to keep you and your precious product safe -VPN, TOR, bitcoins, tails, tumbler & more.
It's just a matter of time if that is possible. Walking the way of the Darknet is really too risky viewed from all possible scam corners. I really don't like seeing Exit being so bluntly badmouthed - a lack of ANY nuance! - and that on itself is such a RED FLAG to me and in fact, should be to everyone.
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Jan 5, 2019
I truly don't trust ANY of this. I hope people are wise enough to just wait for another Exit update regarding the current issues with A. In the last november update there's a new chapter added on critical internet security necessary to keep you and your precious product safe -VPN, TOR, bitcoins, tails, tumbler & more.
It's just a matter of time if that is possible. Walking the way of the Darknet is really too risky viewed from all possible scam corners. I really don't like seeing Exit being so bluntly badmouthed - a lack of ANY nuance! - and that on itself is such a RED FLAG to me and in fact, should be to everyone.
I'm really failing to understand the sudden distrust of PPH by all new members who posted in this forum. Perhaps they are uninformed of the actual rarity and difficulty in sourcing N. Perhaps the Darkweb may be an excellent way to acquire common illegal drugs like weed (cannabis) etc but unfortunately N is a different ball game all together. This simply isn't the same as walking down the street and speaking to your friendly local drug dealer and getting N powder in your hands lol
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Aug 30, 2019

There have been rumors regarding Empire exit scamming for over half a year, but the market is still presently functioning.
Sometimes these rumors are completely unfounded. All darknet markets have the potential to shut down and sometimes exit scam at a moment's notice. It is just a natural consequence of the anonymity of darknet markets.
But every darknet market that goes down is very quickly replaced by another, as we have seen since 2012 with Silk Road, Dream Market, etc etc
I have used multiple darknet markets going back to the original Silk Road, and any educated, experienced user can find alternatives

Please note also that C is not only operating on Empire Market. If you are observant, you will notice that he is a verified vendor on a handful of other platforms, meaning he is a serious player who will likely keep operating even in the event of an Empire outage. I will no longer respond to some of these fearmongering responses. I believe if you are educated and diligent you can now find the truth for yourself

Truthfully, this is exactly what I wanted to say and you said it perfectly! But, like you, I am no longer going to respond to the fear mongers as well since obviously its not appreciated and actually, leads to being framed a scammer or a troll. Nonetheless, and as I mentioned before, your thread is wonderful and thank you very much for detailing this information because if at least one person benefited from your posts, it was definitely myself. :heart::hug:
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Nov 23, 2018
I successfully ordered from C. Laboratory test is still pending
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Dec 23, 2019
I successfully ordered from C. Laboratory test is still pending
Thanks for the update - we really appreciate it! Keep us posted @Moony21
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Jun 12, 2018
I'll also place my order soon. Does someone know how long powder would last?
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Dec 23, 2019
I'll also place my order soon. Does someone know how long powder would last?
I have a strong background in science and a lot of personal experience handling drugs, and my personal opinion is 8 years, or 6 if you want to be safe. The nembutal is extremely stable in powder form and should be fine for CTB years down the road. This is especially true if the N from C is freshly synthesized by a lab, as C has indicated.
***You can also retest your N after a couple years (when you are ready to CTB) to determine how much potency was lost.
***The PPH recommends vacuum sealing powder N for long-term storage (less air exposure yields greater shelf life).
***The PPH also indicates you can mix dilantin to your N solution to potentiate its effects (see page 363 of March 2019 edition). This can compensate for some potency loss in a future scenario.

At least for me, this makes N liberating. You have the option to go, but also the option to stay if you change your mind even for a while. It's like personal suicide insurance
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Dec 10, 2019
I'll also place my order soon. Does someone know how long powder would last?

Many years as long as there is no exposure to air or moisture. So opening it would not be the best idea for long term storage. This info is in the PPHB.
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Dec 4, 2019
I see Pento powder being advertised on the DNW today. 25g for $700.

I assume that is a lethal dose ??? Would seen so much easier to just mix that with a very small amount f water, rather than drinking two large bottle.

No idea who the person is or whether they are a scam, so don't ask me for that info.
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Dec 23, 2019
I see Pento powder being advertised on the DNW today. 25g for $700.

I assume that is a lethal dose ??? Would seen so much easier to just mix that with a very small amount f water, rather than drinking two large bottle.

No idea who the person is or whether they are a scam, so don't ask me for that info.
Hi @Farmmaa,
Please read through the full thread and do some research on your own - all your questions are already addressed. We should avoid clogging this thread with redundant points
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Dec 4, 2019
Hi @Farmmaa,
Please read through the full thread and do some research on your own - all your questions are already addressed. We should avoid clogging this thread with redundant points

No need to research on my own... because I have zero intentions of paying $700 to anyone for anything.
I was simply passing along the fact that this was the first time I have seen it advertised openly on the forum threads.
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Nov 18, 2019
I apologize but this dark web is hard to get a handle on. I am just perusing on the tor browser for 1st time. Any tips for a beginner? How do I know if I found the real empire market and not a scam? Where can I find dread... the review site? Shouldn't addresses for sites be in .onion or something funky when I search on the recommended site? There are tons of results with variations of the name and .com. I also went somewhere else from a review site which looked more like empire maker and had a funky address but logging in there were a couple issues. Hope this info isn't too sensitive, I am willing to do research but it's hard to know reliable source. Please ignore if it is.
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Dec 4, 2019
I apologize but this dark web is hard to get a handle on. I am just perusing on the tor browser for 1st time. Any tips for a beginner? How do I know if I found the real empire market and not a scam? Where can I find dread... the review site? Shouldn't addresses for sites be in .onion or something funky when I search on the recommended site? There are tons of results with variations of the name and .com. I also went somewhere else from a review site which looked more like empire maker and had a funky address but logging in there were a couple issues. Hope this info isn't too sensitive, I am willing to do research but it's hard to know reliable source. Please ignore if it is.

Yes, the real dread forums have an onion address.

Dread isn't a market, it's just a posting forum, with posts showing up from all of the various market forums.

You want to reach your page urls through dark dot fail.
Can't post actual link info, so that's all I can give you.

Dark dot fail is one of the few trustworthy pages and has links to dread , other forums and all markets... and shows which ones are on line at any given time.

Because the markets are under constant attack, the urls change frequently, so book marking doesn't work. Always use the links from dark page.
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Dec 23, 2019
I apologize but this dark web is hard to get a handle on. I am just perusing on the tor browser for 1st time. Any tips for a beginner? How do I know if I found the real empire market and not a scam? Where can I find dread... the review site? Shouldn't addresses for sites be in .onion or something funky when I search on the recommended site? There are tons of results with variations of the name and .com. I also went somewhere else from a review site which looked more like empire maker and had a funky address but logging in there were a couple issues. Hope this info isn't too sensitive, I am willing to do research but it's hard to know reliable source. Please ignore if it is.

As Farmmaa noted, a new resource that darkweb users now use (that I only became aware of recently as it was created last year) is the website " dark.fail " ; Enter that text in your Tor browser and you will find verified links to multiple markets as well as the "dreadit" forum, which is basically a libertarian version of reddit where darknet markets are openly discussed.

***So for everyone following the thread, I now recommend using dark.fail to find Empire Market rather than searching directly for the URL in the Tor searchbox. The original method (as described in the guide) still works, but it is true that some sites further down the results page have phishing/scam links

Also, @Secrets1, if you clicked on a suspicious Empire link and tried logging in / registering DO NOT use that account to order as the login may already be compromised. Make a fresh account and operate only on the verified market link.

***Lastly, as you noted, the market links can take highly variable forms, and can end in .onion, .com, or something completely unorthodox, with the main text of the URL containing meaningless strings of letters and numbers. And multiple redundant URLs called "mirrors" can lead to the same marketplace, but the mirror links should be verified on dark.fail
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May 31, 2019
I havn't been here for a while.

Is it now that Canon that A cant deliver to Europe and B is an exit scammer? I havn't really been following. It's such a jungle.
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Nov 23, 2018
Its about C. Alternative source for N
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Dec 27, 2019
I will be ordering from C tomorrow. The dark Web has been supplying drugs far longer than the dodgy guy you have to pay upfront, communicate via email, and only receive half of what you paid for. I will update on my experience with C
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Sep 25, 2019
I will be ordering from C tomorrow. The dark Web has been supplying drugs far longer than the dodgy guy you have to pay upfront, communicate via email, and only receive half of what you paid for. I will update on my experience with C
ok to pm u?
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Dec 23, 2019
Powdered N - can you put it in veggie capsules and consume them? No mixing powder with water? This is the most elegant death and would be my preference.

BTW, how has ordering from C gone lately?
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Dec 23, 2019
Powdered N - can you put it in veggie capsules and consume them? No mixing powder with water? This is the most elegant death and would be my preference.

BTW, how has ordering from C gone lately?
From what I read/understand, gelatin capsules will slow down the absorption of N, meaning it will take longer to sleep and longer to die - so it convolutes the process. Additionally, assuming you are taking 16 g, that means that you would have to consume anywhere from 32 to 64 capsules, which will take a long time to load and a long time to swallow.

^This is also why capsuling isn't recommended by Exit International, or practiced by any euthanasia organizations

I plan on ordering from C soon and will post an update when I do

>Btw, C sells powdered N
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Another pharma destroyed life :(
Nov 24, 2019
Powdered N - can you put it in veggie capsules and consume them? No mixing powder with water? This is the most elegant death and would be my preference.

BTW, how has ordering from C gone lately?

I was thinking about the capsule method aswell so I won't have to taste the N but from what snowstroller mentioned about it, maybe it's not a good idea. :-/
I will be ordering from C tomorrow. The dark Web has been supplying drugs far longer than the dodgy guy you have to pay upfront, communicate via email, and only receive half of what you paid for. I will update on my experience with C

Does C sell N powder? I'm considering going for a powder instead of the liquid form of N from A because I can just mix it in with peach or apricot nectar and it will probably be easier to drink than when mixing the liquid N in with the nectar.
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Dec 23, 2019
From what I read/understand, gelatin capsules will slow down the absorption of N, meaning it will take longer to sleep and longer to die - so it convolutes the process. Additionally, assuming you are taking 16 g, that means that you would have to consume anywhere from 32 to 64 capsules, which will take a long time to load and a long time to swallow.

^This is also why capsuling isn't recommended by Exit International, or practiced by any euthanasia organizations

I plan on ordering from C soon and will post an update when I do

Thanks so much for your informed guidance. I will be poking around the dark web tomorrow and hope to be able to figure it out, since it seems to be working for some people.
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Dec 23, 2019
Do you think the powder would be more likely to pass through customs than the liquid? My country has had some issues with the liquid from A being seized, but powder through the border also screams "illegal substance" to me.

My other question is about testing. Is everyone getting their powdered N tested? Or trusting that because it is through the same vendor as others who have had success, it should be alright?

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Dec 23, 2019
Do you think the powder would be more likely to pass through customs than the liquid? My country has had some issues with the liquid from A being seized, but powder through the border also screams "illegal substance" to me.

My other question is about testing. Is everyone getting their powdered N tested? Or trusting that because it is through the same vendor as others who have had success, it should be alright?


In my experience, 25 g of powder is easier to conceal and less likely to get flagged vs two significantly heavier bottles of mystery liquid (over 8X the weight, likely 4X the volume). The powder is usually hidden under several layers of decoys, and the package is highly unlikely to even be checked by customs in the first place.

Because the community's experience with N from C is still limited, I would recommend getting your own sample tested by Energy Control. The service costs about $80 USD, but the peace of mind knowing you will 100% CTB is worth a lot more. It's also a small price in comparison to the $700 required to purchase the N in the first place.

Also, I wouldn't recommend mixing the N with any sweet juice/nectar because the solubility will be much lower vs pure water, meaning you will have to swallow a significantly higher volume to get the 16 g in. The bitter taste of N will overpower any mild sweetness of the sugar, so as the PPH notes, this will only result in a greater volume of unpleasantness. It's like getting your skin waxed - it will sting like a bitch either way. Would you rather have the wax pulled slowly, or get it over with quickly and in an instant? The logical answer is the second option, imo.
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Aug 18, 2019
In my experience, 25 g of powder is easier to conceal and less likely to get flagged vs two significantly heavier bottles of mystery liquid (over 8X the weight, likely 4X the volume). The powder is usually hidden under several layers of decoys, and the package is highly unlikely to even be checked by customs in the first place.

Because the community's experience with N from C is still limited, I would recommend getting your own sample tested by Energy Control. The service costs about $80 USD, but the peace of mind knowing you will 100% CTB is worth a lot more. It's also a small price in comparison to the $700 required to purchase the N in the first place.

It does not matter with powder.
They find coke all the time in post by the use of scanners. Dont you ever watch borderpatrol? They can see organic material trough metal and everything.

So when they see powder they think its coke.
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Dec 23, 2019
It does not matter with powder.
They find coke all the time in post by the use of scanners. Dont you ever watch borderpatrol? They can see organic material trough metal and everything.

So when they see powder they think its coke.
This is not true with powder N.

The powder is hermetically sealed and sanitary procedure is followed so that no residue inside or outside the package is detectable. Any competent vendor follows these procedures. Your understanding of customs is flawed
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