• Hey Guest,

    If you want to donate, we have a thread with updated donation options here at this link: About Donations



Dec 10, 2019
Interesting points. I think the dark web seller is probably not a scam, given if what I am told is true, which is they have many other items for sale and have a good trust rating. Such sellers work hard to acquire a high level of trust on the dark web and there is a review process and a payment system that tends to weed out scammers well. It's a very different situation than being sent a PM on a message board forum by a seller, that sounds already like a scam to me at least.

On the other hand, the case for using C over A is not a strong one, as from Ark it at least seems A is still functional, although further tests are required to verify the said product is still good, but it probably is as good as before.
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Aug 30, 2019
Interesting points. I think the dark web seller is probably not a scam, given if what I am told is true, which is they have many other items for sale and have a good trust rating. Such sellers work hard to acquire a high level of trust on the dark web and there is a review process and a payment system that tends to weed out scammers well. It's a very different situation than being sent a PM on a message board forum by a seller, that sounds already like a scam to me at least.

On the other hand, the case for using C over A is not a strong one, as from Ark it at least seems A is still functional, although further tests are required to verify the said product is still good, but it probably is as good as before.

Look, I understand people are hesitant to trust a new supplier of said substance given the history of notable scammers and controversy surrounding A. But, in this case of the darknet, if you want to acquire illegal drugs such as said substance, then the best way in my opinion is to trust a reliable supplier that has realistic and genuine feedback, escrow system, sells multiple products, practice good opsec, has great stealth, and is responsive and friendly with their customers. A absolutely has none of these criteria and therefore he was an easy target for law enforcement because by darknet terms, he was "low hanging fruit". Therefore, he sensed and knew that law enforcement were monitoring him and his packaging (which didn't help by some members openly discussing how he operates) and he is starting to become carless and in my opinion, appears as if he is exit scamming. I highly encourage doubters of the darknet to visit the darknet subreddit and you will see the vast difference between how darknet seller operate and that of A.
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Aug 18, 2019
Great stuff for the police take down a other source.
To the question how do you regulate what info is talked about.

1: no spoonfeeding on how to search etc people really need to do their own research and search.

2: not giving out info on payments that people made for themselves because its incriminating.

3: dont make a how to make orderpost with time-line like we have seen enough here.

4: dont talk about every detail of packing like with A and Bob, bobs supplies got seized by customs from that moment on he is gone now that fast.

5: dont awnser to people who play stupid about ordering who only are to lazy to do their own work.

6: dont talk about geolocations like with A and b.

7: dont talk out in the open what city you are from, so easy to ip track people that way even with your vpn on.

8: do not touch links who are send to you in pm these can contain trackers that will show precise location even with vpn on.

9: dont post on how your order process went from begin to end, have seen this so much and is very incriminating for yourself.

10: keep as much info for yourself people who really want to die, will find it on their own.

11: dont think you are safe to talk about everything here in the open because this is the forum for it, their are boundaries and Law enforcement is reading also maybe even talking to you.

12: do not go outside this page with people on phone you never know who you are talking to, this happens so much here.

13: no Sourcing read the FaQ
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Nov 18, 2019
Very informative, thank you op and others. Don't anticipate ordering for another 6 months if I do but will be following closely. This seems like the most preferable method and I wouldn't have known or felt it was feasible if not for all the discussion.
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Aug 30, 2019
Great stuff for the police take down a other source.

How is it so? I didn't at all reveal any sensitive information whatsoever. I am simply stating the vast difference between eh way A operates and how darknet sellers operate. Besides and in the past, I have removed all sensitive information regarding A for that exact purpose of not revealing information. Furthermore, and unlike some others, I am not posting pictures of said product in question so I do not share your viewpoint of how I am identifying information that law enforcement aren't already know about A. Also, I did not even include the darknet seller's abbreviation or even name him.
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Aug 18, 2019
How is it so? I didn't at all reveal any sensitive information whatsoever. I am simply stating the vast difference between eh way A operates and how darknet sellers operate. Besides and in the past, I have removed all sensitive information regarding A for that exact purpose of not revealing information. Furthermore, and unlike some others, I am not posting pictures of said product in question so I do not share your viewpoint of how I am identifying information that law enforcement aren't already know about A. Also, I did not even include the darknet seller's abbreviation or even name him.
How is it so? I didn't at all reveal any sensitive information whatsoever. I am simply stating the vast difference between eh way A operates and how darknet sellers operate. Besides and in the past, I have removed all sensitive information regarding A for that exact purpose of not revealing information. Furthermore, and unlike some others, I am not posting pictures of said product in question so I do not share your viewpoint of how I am identifying information that law enforcement aren't already know about A. Also, I did not even include the darknet seller's abbreviation or even name him.

. I edit my post was not about you but in general how people go around with to much info


Dec 10, 2019
I don't think there is any info we could provide here which would lead to the new source being removed, so I don't think it is wrong to discuss.
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Aug 18, 2019
I don't think there is any info we could provide here which would lead to the new source being removed, so I don't think it is wrong to discuss.


So A had a operation going on for years.
Since Sanctioned-suicide started in 2018 his exposure went through to roof.

Before that it was just Australia who sometimes raided people of exit just a few every now and then.

But since ss the amount exposure and even Vice who did a report about Ss.
A operation went down hill why is that?.
The police is monitoring this site just like any iligal online market.

Because N and the exposure and attention here is a health risk thats how law enforcement sees this.
So they start cracking down everythin.

And now a few weeks ago a guy in America has been arrested for saling N online. Who do you think that is? Now that everything is not going well with people orderrs here.

Dont you see the correlation
People talk impulsively here about every small detail. People incriminate themself without even noticing or thinking about it. And many here got raided by police in the last months, why do you think that is.

They are raided and are members here more than at exit got raided here.
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Jun 28, 2019
@Berlin76 If you have such an issue, why not contact the mods? If it's such an issue I'm sure they will take the appropriate steps to handle. Why continuously go on threads and derail them/argue with people about something that you nor anyone here do not have control over? It's starting to come off really intrusive vs trying to be helpful.
In this day and age one message board is not the end all be all method that LE is using to fuel their investigation.
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Jan 5, 2019
Look, I understand people are hesitant to trust a new supplier of said substance given the history of notable scammers and controversy surrounding A. But, in this case of the darknet, if you want to acquire illegal drugs such as said substance, then the best way in my opinion is to trust a reliable supplier that has realistic and genuine feedback, escrow system, sells multiple products, practice good opsec, has great stealth, and is responsive and friendly with their customers. A absolutely has none of these criteria and therefore he was an easy target for law enforcement because by darknet terms, he was "low hanging fruit". Therefore, he sensed and knew that law enforcement were monitoring him and his packaging (which didn't help by some members openly discussing how he operates) and he is starting to become carless and in my opinion, appears as if he is exit scamming. I highly encourage doubters of the darknet to visit the darknet subreddit and you will see the vast difference between how darknet seller operate and that of A.
Just come out already and admit that you are C from the Darkweb! Honesty is aways the best policy and it saves everyone time in the long run. This front won't last long and I hope you haven't conned your way into people's pockets yet. It's clear that you are here to promote your non genuine N and have created multiple fictitious accounts on this forum each claiming to have allegedly received N from you with high purity. Just stop with the pretentious act already man! It's absolutely abhorrent to prey on the suicidal.

Ok, I'm done joking lol.
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Aug 18, 2019
@Berlin76 If you have such an issue, why not contact the mods? If it's such an issue I'm sure they will take the appropriate steps to handle. Why continuously go on threads and derail them/argue with people about something that you nor anyone here do not have control over? It's starting to come off really intrusive vs trying to be helpful.
In this day and age one message board is not the end all be all method that LE is using to fuel their investigation.

Read the faq and rules.
Sourcing is not allowed.
And if you can see the bigger picture instead of this small world of the site you would agree. But narrow minded and impulsive is what brought this situation with N.
And people bring themselves in danger.

But anyway have fun when the police knocks on your door.


Jun 28, 2019
Read the faq and rules.
Sourcing is not allowed.
And if you can see the bigger picture instead of this small world of the site you would agree. But narrow minded and impulsive is what brought this situation with N.
And people bring themselves in danger.

But anyway have fun when the police knocks on your door.

Yea I'm not going to go back and forth with you or throw shots about police. Because at this point you're trolling and it's unnecessary. If it's against the rules, report to mods. They will deal as they see fit. Extremely simple.
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Aug 18, 2019
Yea I'm not going to go back and forth with you or throw shots about police. Because at this point you're trolling and it's unnecessary. If it's against the rules, report to mods. They will deal as they see fit. Extremely simple.

Yeah fine keep your head in the ground like the rest.


Aug 30, 2019
Just come out already and admit that you are C from the Darkweb! Honesty is aways the best policy and it saves everyone time in the long run. This front won't last long and I hope you haven't conned your way into people's pockets yet. It's clear that you are here to promote your non genuine N and have created multiple fictitious accounts on this forum each claiming to have allegedly received N from you with high purity. Just stop with the pretentious act already man! It's absolutely abhorrent to prey on the suicidal.

Ok, I'm done joking lol.


I was thinking which would be the best way to respond to such outrageous claim and truthfully I don't even want to respond since its apparent that you harbor some animosity towards me for nor reason. Nonetheless, I will simply state this. NO I am not C, not A, nor B. To even suggest such claim is again, unwarranted and extremely outlandish. How is it that if I am stating that A practised not secure methods of operating his "business" that I can't help but wonder how it countritubed to his downfall. Also, by the reviews located on the darknet seller's page and information gathered from different members on here, it indeed appears as if he is responsive and has an escrow system in place to ensure that you receive your order. I spent a lot of time analyzing the operations of A and that of B and that of the darknet seller because I wanted to compare which vendor had the best likelihood of reaching said product. When I joined this forum in August, there weren't people like you who are aggressive, mean, or cruel and instead, there were genuine people who wanted to find the peaceful exit.

*English is not my first language by the way regarding any typos*
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Apr 30, 2018
I wholeheartedly agree with @SnowStroller regarding the high probability that the darknet supplier is legitimate and a reliable supplier. There have been few members who not only successfully received their product from said seller but also, the purity levels were acceptable and proven. A darknet seller and especially one that offers escrow, will only be paid once the buyer successfully receives their orders.

Nothing to base that on than words, words and words. Plus Anyone can have the ingenuity to make a so-called offical certificate to show and convince if that is their intention.

The rule by now seems to be: The very moment that A seems to show some disbalance, intellectual scammers jump on it with new sources.

I noticed (N) scammers have a very fragmented approach: they make their move within 1 operation in which they might catch hundreds of thousands dollars at (almost) once in their pocket. By the time it's discovered - might take weekssss: order/shipping/testing etc. in which MANY follow that direction - it's too late and many have been scammed to the huge financial advantage of those scammers. These particular scammers (you have them in all sizes and shapes) are (pc-)intellectual and smart as hell and also got Exit in the same boat by letting them publish the wrong address in the pph back then. Exit learned a lot from that as ofcourse their entire foundation depends on trustworthy sources plus they will do everything in their power to find (safe) ways to get it delivered without any consequences, no doubt about that.

Plus Escrow doesn't mean a thing with its inspection period to accept the items. Way to short to get your stuff tested. The damage is long done by then.
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Dec 23, 2019
I wholeheartedly agree with @SnowStroller regarding the high probability that the darknet supplier is legitimate and a reliable supplier. There have been few members who not only successfully received their product from said seller but also, the purity levels were acceptable and proven. A darknet seller and especially one that offers escrow, will only be paid once the buyer successfully receives their orders. Thus, it is of the best interest of the seller to ensure that his/her packaging has maximum stealth that allows the package to successfully pass through customs. Regarding purity levels and as mentioned by @Dystopia, there is no way possible that any powder substance can have a purity level of 100% because it is expensive to ensure so and also, harmless fillers are needed to be combined with the product to shorten production costs. In my opinion, a darknet seller has better stealth, packaging, opsec, and security than both A and B combined. I understand people will disagree with my viewpoint but I have scoured and research the situation regarding A and B extensively alongside the darkness and how it functions, and I can wholeheartedly say that if one is attempting to procure the "holy grail", the darknet seller seems promising. Furthermore, and to rethink how A functioned, he did not even practice proper opsec at all. Without revealing personal and sensitive information, his packaging was easy to identify, he may or not have even generated new bitcoin wallets, he didn't even use an escrow system, he conducted transactions through a email provider (every darknet seller knows this is absolutely forbidden since its not secure), and worse of all, he even accepted payments from Western Union or Moneygram. Its no wonder why these instances of raids occurred because honestly, he didn't care enough about his customers and only wanted to receive their money. Therefore, I cannot or will not endorse A or anyone else that is similar to him such as B.
These are EXACTLY my thoughts! I'm so glad that you could bring some logic into the discussion. I have had this debate in my head for months, and A honestly is just off-putting to me knowing what we know now
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need to exit
May 25, 2018
Hi everyone,

I wanted to outline a very brief guide to the darknet process for people that are confused. This way I don't need to answer any redundant PM's, saving people time. I will omit some detail in this outline, but anybody motivated enough should be able to fill in the blanks through internet searches. If you do this process correctly, you should be able to make the transaction anonymously, with no record of either sale or delivery. There are many reasons why darknet purchases are safer than those done through paypal/western union, the main ones being the ability to encrypt one's address, anonymize & secure the transaction using crypto, and hold funds in escrow until delivery.

1) Download Tor Browser
  • This is a browser that anonymizes web traffic using an "onion" protocol. It allows you to access .onion addresses and the darknet markets that are hosted there.
2) Look up "empire market link" on Tor
  • Click on the first result and a valid URL should come up.
3) Register for Empire Market
  • All you need is a username and password
4) Look up "nembutal" on Empire Market
  • C is the first result that comes up, matching my original description
5) Find a crytocurrency exchange
  • Varies by region
6) Download Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
  • This will act as a "middle wallet" (your money should be converted on the exchange, then moved to Electrum, THEN to Empire Market). This adds a layer of security b/c crypto exchanges are alerted by suspicious transfers to wallets possibly associated with darknet markets. The middle wallet is essential to negating suspicion.
  • ***Only open Electrum with Tor open. Electrum has a feature that allows you to further anonymize transfers using Tor. In the lower right there should be a colored dot that you can click on indicating that your Electrum activity is routing through Tor. It should be blue if this is working.
7) Convert the total price of N for BTC on the crypto exchange, transfer to Electrum, then transfer to Empire

8) Download a PGP encryption client
  • The most common one is "GPA" (GNU Privacy Assistant). You use this to encrypt your address to ensure that only the seller, who has a PGP key (found on the order page) that you enter into the software, can see your address. This is also critical. Without encryption, your address might be found by a third party if Empire is eventually seized. Please look it up.
9) Initiate order on Empire
  • Use GPA to encrypt your name and address. It should spit out a block of encrypted text that you then put into the shipment address box.
  • ***Use a real name and address! The post office flags packages that are undeliverable b/c of phony information. So while some people think using fake info would be safer, doing so only increases the risk of suspicion!
  • Read up on how/why the darknet markets work. ONLY C will know your address in this process due to encryption, and any competent buyer/seller purges records regularly. Customs can only screen 0.01% of packages b/c there are too many to go through. As long as your info is legit and the package is discreet, you're more likely to get struck by lightning than get caught.
10) Place order, wait for delivery for about several weeks
  • Keep renewing the escrow period (before the 7 day hold time expires) until you get your package. Escrow means your money is held by a third party and released to C only if the transaction is successful.
11) Receive package
  • Test substance. Keep in safe place.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you use a VPN service as an additional security measure. These are relatively easy to subscribe and connect to, and a month or so of service should only cost a couple dollars.

Please read up on everything you can about all of these steps and the darknet markets in general.
I believe if you are truly motivated to CTB, you should be able to piece it together. I have also been through the ups and downs of being on the fence about CTB, and in the early stages you can be convinced you will do it but only take half measures / not actually follow through on research or protocol. That means you still have a couple months or years left before you might actually CTB.
well all i can say is this is all totally over my head . can't understand the context of what your saying , never mind trying to put it into practise . good luck to all you clever comp savvy people .
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Dec 23, 2019
Yeah fine keep your head in the ground like the rest.
At this point you are honestly just gatekeeping suicide. You are trying to make an elite peaceful death club that withholds info that could save people from other scams / failed attempts.
Like @nolongerhurting said, and like I PMed you, nothing said so far is identifying or evidentiary. All of this is just open source info I've compiled for people in crisis. You are just making it harder for genuine people to inform themselves of the truth.
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Aug 18, 2019
At this point you are honestly just gatekeeping suicide. You are trying to make an elite peaceful death club that withholds info that could save people from other scams / failed attempts.
Like @nolongerhurting said, and like I PMed you, nothing said so far is identifying or evidentiary. All of this is just open source info I've compiled for people in crisis. You are just making it harder for genuine people to inform themselves of the truth.

People need to do there own research.
I had a message of a member saying that Bob was under investigation.
So because of the exposure here with every small detail he got screwed and probably is arrested. The person did not hear from him anymore and bob did deliver.

You are a member here for a day and go full out with info. Helping people is also incriminating dont you get it


Aug 30, 2019
Nothing to base that on than words, words and words. Plus Anyone can have the ingenuity to make a so-called offical certificate to show and convince if that is their intention.

The rule by now seems to be: The very moment that A seems to show some disbalance, intellectual scammers jump on it with new sources.

I noticed (N) scammers have a very fragmented approach: they make their move within 1 operation in which they might catch hundreds of thousands dollars at (almost) once in their pocket. By the time it's discovered - might take weekssss: order/shipping/testing etc. in which MANY follow that direction - it's too late and many have been scammed to the huge financial advantage of those scammers. These particular scammers (you have them in all sizes and shapes) are (pc-)intellectual and smart as hell and also got Exit in the same boat by letting them publish the wrong address in the pph back then. Exit learned a lot from that as ofcourse their entire foundation depends on trustworthy sources plus they will do everything in their power to find (safe) ways to get it delivered without any consequences, no doubt about that.

Plus Escrow doesn't mean a thing with its inspection period to accept the items. Way to short to get your stuff tested. The damage is long done by then.

I STRONGLY disagree. First and foremost, it is an understatement that there is a "disbalance" that A is exhibiting. Quite frankly, he can, at least in my opinion, cannot be deemed a reliable or trustworthy vendor anymore due to the issues surrounding him and his products. Those "scammers" who you are referring to are indiduviuals who are on THIS website than compared to the darknet seller. In fact, one is more likely to be scammed by another member on this forum attempting to purchase the "holy grail" than the darknet seller. You mention that escrow is unimportant, again, I disagree as once again, it means that not only does the vendor cannot receive payment until YOU the buyer confirms that indeed you received the correct product. Darknet markets even have moderators in which you can contact for dispute if there is something wrong with your order and they abide by the escrow system so that you don't get scammed. Also, if a scammer is on the darknet, they will be instantly outed on DREAD and people will know and stop purchasing from said vendor. It is absolutely mind-boggling that people still believe that A is reliable and trustworthy when in fact, the majority of people do not receive their orders, if they even do, it is tainted or repackaged, he has the worst opsec imaginable, accepts Western Union, and worst of all, his own courier (I do not know if this is true or not), was caught with numerous buyers shipping information. Surely the signs were there all along but know, people (I hope), are starting to see how he is not a saint and we are witnessing his demise.
You are a member here for a day and go full out with info. Helping people is also incriminating dont you get it
People need to do there own research.
I had a message of a member saying that Bob was under investigation.
So because of the exposure here with every small detail he got screwed and probably is arrested. The person did not hear from him anymore and bob did deliver.

You are a member here for a day and go full out with info. Helping people is also incriminating dont you get it

Then this entire site is "incriminating" since it, according to your words, constitutes as "helping others purchase said substance. @SnowStroller not only accurately but throughly provided useful information that other members will find helpful. I actively avoid conflict and hostility but your responses and some other members as well on this thread such as @Death are completely unwarranted and instead of helping, can scare people away from said substance and actually lead them to still believing that A is trustworthy when all of the evidence suggests otherwise. But, again, I won't argue as that's not my intention.
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Dec 23, 2019
Disloyal Man 26122019153540
This thread in a nutshell
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Another pharma destroyed life :(
Nov 24, 2019
I just received an email from D with a picture of N attached as he promised. It also has a note on top with my protonmail username on it & today's date!
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Aug 30, 2019
I just received an email from D with a picture of N attached as he promised. It also has a note on top with my protonmail username on it & today's date!

NOOOO! Don't do it! He is a confirmed scammer and despite him being periodically and mysteriously being mentioned in PPH, he is not trustworthy whatsoever. Please do not proceed forward without any transaction with him as you will get scammed.
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Another pharma destroyed life :(
Nov 24, 2019
NOOOO! Don't do it! He is a confirmed scammer and despite him being periodically and mysteriously being mentioned in PPH, he is not trustworthy whatsoever. Please do not proceed forward without any transaction with him as you will get scammed.

Ok :( but he just sent me a picture does this not mean hes legit? The picture shows the bottles & a note & everything.
NOOOO! Don't do it! He is a confirmed scammer and despite him being periodically and mysteriously being mentioned in PPH, he is not trustworthy whatsoever. Please do not proceed forward without any transaction with him as you will get scammed.

Wish I could pm you or chat with you
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Aug 30, 2019
Ok :( but he just sent me a picture does this not mean hes legit? The picture shows the bottles & a note & everything.

No! He is attempting to make it appear as if he is legit by doing taking the pictures alongside the note. That is a very clever move by him and no offense (since you are new to this forum), there is no way possible for you to have known about his scamming history. That is absolutely sick that not only is he still present attempting to scam people but also, he is trying to make it appear he is legit by taking those photos. Please block him, delete your email address, and do not engage with any further conversations with him. Also, and this is to the other forum members, how is it that when I attempt try to help others not to get scammed like in this situation that I receive a lot of pushback and also, how is that someone else besides myself didn't immedialty tell DaughterofEve that this guy is a scammer. She seriously almost got scammed and that makes me very mad.
Ok :( but he just sent me a picture does this not mean hes legit? The picture shows the bottles & a note & everything.

Wish I could pm you or chat with you

Okay, I enabled the pm feature on my account.
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Sep 23, 2019
People need to do there own research.
I had a message of a member saying that Bob was under investigation.
So because of the exposure here with every small detail he got screwed and probably is arrested. The person did not hear from him anymore and bob did deliver.

You are a member here for a day and go full out with info. Helping people is also incriminating dont you get it

I ordered N from B, paid him and this is last email from him (27 October):

"OK, I'll let you know when I'm ready. Recently, Chinese police are investigating it. I will send it to you later. Please trust me"

I tried to contact him after this time. Without success... Guys, you really should be careful and not talk too much about N and every delivery details on open forum.
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Dec 23, 2019
No! He is attempting to make it appear as if he is legit by doing taking the pictures alongside the note. That is a very clever move by him and no offense (since you are new to this forum), there is no way possible for you to have known about his scamming history. That is absolutely sick that not only is he still present attempting to scam people but also, he is trying to make it appear he is legit by taking those photos. Please block him, delete your email address, and do not engage with any further conversations with him. Also, and this is to the other forum members, how is it that when I attempt try to help others not to get scammed like in this situation that I receive a lot of pushback and also, how is that someone else besides myself didn't immedialty tell DaughterofEve that this guy is a scammer. She seriously almost got scammed and that makes me very mad.

Okay, I enabled the pm feature on my account.
I agree that D is highly suspicious and likely attempting to make a quick buck here. Nice save
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Aug 18, 2019
I ordered N from B, paid him and this is last email from him (27 October):

"OK, I'll let you know when I'm ready. Recently, Chinese police are investigating it. I will send it to you later. Please trust me"

I tried to contact him after this time. Without success... Guys, you really should be careful and not talk too much about N and every delivery details on open forum.

Funny how fast Bob was gone after got announced here on SS. People blabberd every detail also the location from where it was send and then the costums started catching the orders.

Sorry to hear it went this way for you.
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Dec 23, 2019
Funny how fast Bob was gone after got announced here on SS. People blabberd every detail also the location from where it was send and then the costums started catching the orders.

Sorry to hear it went this way for you.
I don't think the alternative is to straight up delete threads with crucial information that might actually help people
The Energy Control test posted by @Dystopia did not increase risk - it only informed people. But instead of appreciating what dystopia did, you just deleted all the info that was discussed
Listen, there is no other place on this forum or the internet in general with a record of wtf is going on. Believe me, I looked everywhere
I felt morally obligated to post a basic record so people can actually understand what the situation is
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Aug 18, 2019
I don't think the alternative is to straight up delete threads with crucial information that might actually help people
The Energy Control test posted by @Dystopia did not increase risk - it only informed people. But instead of appreciating what dystopia did, you just deleted all the info that was discussed
Listen, there is no other place on this forum or the internet in general with a record of wtf is going on. Believe me, I looked everywhere
I felt morally obligated to post a basic record so people can actually understand what the situation is

The point is the amount of info on the subjects of N or sources are triggers for police when they read this to take action and catch them.

Bob was gone quickly after he got announced here. They are watching this site always. So being discreet is really beneficial for us all and for people themselves.

Instead of blabbering everything out in the open.
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