Found this site through the NY daily email i get(and now dont read because of how badly judgemental the piece is). Been lurking for I think weeks because I'm introverted a lot.
I'm going on 33 soon, have been majorly depressed for a long time and constant thoughts of wishing I were dead. I take antidepressants that I don't feel work, therapy always ends up with me listening to my therapist talk about their life and them not helping mine. I'm married and have lots of pets including dogs, cats, reptiles, and arachnids. I'm stay at home because I hate the public and am in to much pain after hours on my feet. Deal with not only the depression but constant anxiety, eczema, skin picking, diabetes, being a night owl that needs 10-12 hours of sleep to function, IBS, and constant pain in my joints.
I love drawing, painting, cross stitching, old cars, listening to the 80s, playing Spyro the Dragon, gardening, and feeding my tarantulas.
I get a daily kick in butt from life itself, especially when I'm trying to do something positive or helpful. I feel like i live in the fog of Silent Hill, have no one to talk with except my pets(which i do all the time!).
I found this website and it feels like home to me. I can relate with so many posts I've read and it makes me feel that Im not alone in the way i feel and how my life is.