Hi! I'm dustyrainbow, but just call me dusty.
I chose the name because... you can't get rid of dust. No matter how hard you try. You can temporarily remove it, but not forever. Also it starts to cover everything. Slowly, but if you don't take care, your furniture, your items are covered, you can't see their true colors anymore.
dust is how my depression feels. A race I can't win.
Rainbows... I love rainbows. It represents the bright parts of my life. The hopes, wishes, goals... And there are so many, many aspects of life you'd normally enjoy, love, feel.
But the depression will do everything to ruin it. Yet the rainbow is still there, you can't see its colours anymore. As if you're looking through a very dirty window. After a time you almost forget how a real rainbow looks like.
There's a fact about me: I love metaphors. And meanings behind something. In a way I'm creative! I like photography, painting, drawing, playing piano, produce electronic music...
There are lot of ways to express myself or capture how I perceive the world around me.
As I already mentioned, I suffer from depression. In my personal opinion it's a mix of Borderline, Autism-Spectrum-Disorder and Depression. But I'm not officially diagnosed with autism.
I'd say I have a hard time living; too many and strong emotions, no emotions at all, everything is too much or too underwhelming, I'm struggling with social interactions, yet I need them.
I'm stuck in a cycle of extremes everywhere.
Currently I'd also say I'm at the best situation of my lifetime. I finally have an own apartment; my family supports me; I found 1-2 friends; I have hobbies; I have great educational opportunities;...
There's literally nothing more I want. It's all I dreamed of, over years!
But it doesn't fulfill me anyway. I imagined being finally happy with my life when I achieved everything but I'm not.
And it hurts so much, knowing I could be happy, but I'm not. What's missing? Why can't I just be okay with my existence?
I even feel bad for feeling terrible despite my great life situation. I don't have any right to feel that way...
I don't know if this is a proper introduction. It's more about my thoughts, not about who I am. But I couldn't tell who I am anyway.
I'm definitely in hope for feeling better in future. Tbh most of the time I feel okay; but then there are these 2-3 hours a day where everything crashes and I just don't wanna anymore. It's complicated. But there's a part in me that just wants to end it all and that's why I'm here.
Not to be alone anymore. Maybe find better ways to cope than destroying myself. Maybe find "the way out". Who knows. But I need someone to talk to.
~ dusty