
Oct 24, 2019
I am a hanging convert; my only concern is who will discover by body and how they will react to it. Other tan that hanging seems to be the way to go.
I don't remember where I found it. It seems on another forum. I think it should be here.
Debunking the hanging myths that scare us.
The text file in the attachment.

I would buy this one.
This attachment is excellent, and dispels many of the myths associated with hanging. Good work!
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New Member
Dec 21, 2019
I've got some questions about partial hanging.

First one
: I'm confused about noose placement, it seems that top of the neck is more successful than base of the neck? I can't experiment much because my parents might detect rope marks. If I'll be hanging myself, I'll have to do it in 100% full commitment mode, so I'm trying to do it right (as painless as possible) in the first go.

Is it okay if I'll be tiptoeing? Or is it better to lean forward?



Dec 12, 2019
Is a rope that was intended for a drop hanging suitable for partial suspension or should I get another one that isn't as thick? Sorry for the stupid question.
I feel like a slimmer rope would be better, a thicker one wouldn't tighten as well, no?
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Nov 21, 2019
I've got some questions about partial hanging.

First one: I'm confused about noose placement, it seems that top of the neck is more successful than base of the neck? I can't experiment much because my parents might detect rope marks. If I'll be hanging myself, I'll have to do it in 100% full commitment mode, so I'm trying to do it right (as painless as possible) in the first go.

Second: Is it okay if I'll be tiptoeing? Or is it better to lean forward?

The location of the loop depends on your individual anatomy. Only experiments will help. Someone more suited from above, someone from below.
I feel like a slimmer rope would be better, a thicker one wouldn't tighten as well, no?
A thin rope requires less weight, but there will be more pain.


Nov 21, 2019
I have hypertension - high blood pressure. Does this mean that I should apply more pressure on the neck than the average person?
I want to answer my own question. Blood pressure really matters when the carotid arteries overlap. For two days I took a drug to lower blood pressure - Amprilan. Today I conducted tests. Of the two attempts, the arteries both times blocked only from the weight of the head. The loop was about the middle of the neck. Before taking the drug, I managed to block the arteries only once in my life, all other attempts ended only with an exploding head. Only one barrier remains - the survival instinct. When I begin to lose consciousness, panic begins and fright, and the legs themselves stand up.
How can you drown out the survival instinct? Alcohol? Sleeping pill?


Nov 23, 2019
How does it feel when you fit that "sweet spot?" How long does it take to reach unconsciousness?
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Nov 21, 2019
How does it feel when you fit that "sweet spot?" How long does it take to reach unconsciousness?
Very fast, within 10 seconds. And very unexpectedly. If you do not want to catch a bus here and now, do not experiment with fixed ligature. You seem to fall into sleepiness. When you lose consciousness, the whole body weakens very much and there is a very big chance not to be released from the loop if such a desire arises. After this, for quite a long time, you experience a feeling of euphoria as after sex or masturbation.
Do not forget that everyone has different bodies and everything can be different.
And as a rule, there is no sensation of an exploding head. An exploding head indicates that only the jugular veins are blocked.

Photo 2019 12 19 14 34 55
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Nov 23, 2019
What rope would be recommended for this? I was thinking something like Would it work alright?
71ZrkYwLwL AC SL1002
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New Member
Dec 25, 2019
Will window grill work if i do partial suspension and lay my back on the wall


The deep state intrusion/cruelty is murderous
Nov 15, 2019
I just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe


Guide to partially suspended hanging:

Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.

This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a

Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.

By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.

Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.

Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.

What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .

It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.

What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.

Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.

Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.

You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.

A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.

When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.


When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.

Good luck...
What size rope is ideal?
You could live but be crippled
The downside of hanging is you'll never know if you succeeded. Jumping above 200ft would give you closure that it's the end
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year of birth: 1972
Nov 30, 2018


Dec 27, 2019
i got 100% linen grade hemp fiber rope, 6mm diameter.

I was only able to get to convulsions 1/4 of the times that i tried, with a slipknot. Ligature has enough length. Is it just a matter of finding the right spot and fully committing? the rope doesn't even leave marks on my neck.

Edit: i also have a thick yoga strap. might experiment with it later, will post results.
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Rena rossy

Rena rossy

will be blue
Dec 24, 2019
At the beginning I always thought that hanging was too painful to even consider it as a way to ctb, but after reading all the threat, gosh it sounds really good.
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Dec 27, 2019
I cannot compress my carotid arteries. I can get the jugulars but the pressure starts to build and I do not black out in 5-10 seconds like others have suggested. Using just my hands I cannot even find a spot where I can apply pressure to cut off carotid.

My slip knot, tied properly, does not apply enough pressure to my neck. I am dropping my whole weight but I'm not getting anything substantial. I just hang there with bits of air escaping my mouth and no feeling of tingling or lightheadedness.

The closest I got was manually tightening with my hands with a loose rope during initial experiments. I am trying it at the base of my neck, closer to my jaw, with the knot on different positions etc. I am average build and neck is not particularly thick.

Am I straight out of luck with this method?


Jan 4, 2020
I don't seem to black out, I get all the other symptoms, dizzy, blurred vision, tingly feeling in face. I just start convulsion and get week. I'm assuming that I'll just have to work through it to I eventually pass out and collapse. I know when I collapse the rope will tighten super tight during thrashing?


Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
I don't know what knot is better to use to attach a rope, any advice please?

Jacob Harrison

Jan 6, 2020
I don't seem to black out, I get all the other symptoms, dizzy, blurred vision, tingly feeling in face. I just start convulsion and get week. I'm assuming that I'll just have to work through it to I eventually pass out and collapse. I know when I collapse the rope will tighten super tight during thrashing?
You just have to move about a bit, leaning in different directions until you feel it. When I first started practicing I ended up just compressing my airway and not being able to breathe or blocking my jugulars which just made it feel like my brain was swelling. The other day I experimented leaning into the rope different ways and moving the knot around and a few times I managed to get it right and nearly passed out. It was actually a really good feeling, I can understand why people get an erotic kick out of it, you'll know straight away when you've got it. Just fall/lean in a few different ways, letting the pressure of the rope hit a few different spots and you'll get it. Even after trying another couple of times it took me a while to find the right spot again.


Dec 27, 2019
i got 100% linen grade hemp fiber rope, 6mm diameter.

I was only able to get to convulsions 1/4 of the times that i tried, with a slipknot. Ligature has enough length. Is it just a matter of finding the right spot and fully committing? the rope doesn't even leave marks on my neck.

Edit: i also have a thick yoga strap. might experiment with it later, will post results.
I cannot compress my carotid arteries. I can get the jugulars but the pressure starts to build and I do not black out in 5-10 seconds like others have suggested. Using just my hands I cannot even find a spot where I can apply pressure to cut off carotid.

My slip knot, tied properly, does not apply enough pressure to my neck. I am dropping my whole weight but I'm not getting anything substantial. I just hang there with bits of air escaping my mouth and no feeling of tingling or lightheadedness.

The closest I got was manually tightening with my hands with a loose rope during initial experiments. I am trying it at the base of my neck, closer to my jaw, with the knot on different positions etc. I am average build and neck is not particularly thick.

Am I straight out of luck with this method?

All my problems solved with tourniquet method. Same rope, large wooden cooking spoon as the lever. Once you find the right spot you will feel the euphoric/erotic feeling in a matter of seconds. SI kicks in quick.

For others who might come across my posts and be running into the same issues, the problem really seems to be applying the right amount of pressure. I guess this is why full weight suspension hanging works so much better. You need a LOT to get the Carotids along with the Jugulars compressed.

Jacob Harrison

Jan 6, 2020
I don't know what knot is better to use to attach a rope, any advice please?
Do you mean a knot to attach the rope to the support e.g. tree branch, door handle?
If so, then:

If you mean to attach a rope to another rope, tying them together (I don't know why you would but I had to as I didn't have one piece of rope that was long enough)
If so, then: https://www.netknots.com/rope_knots/double-fishermans
All my problems solved with tourniquet method. Same rope, large wooden cooking spoon as the lever. Once you find the right spot you will feel the euphoric/erotic feeling in a matter of seconds. SI kicks in quick.

For others who might come across my posts and be running into the same issues, the problem really seems to be applying the right amount of pressure. I guess this is why full weight suspension hanging works so much better. You need a LOT to get the Carotids along with the Jugulars compressed.
Glad you managed it, I completely gave up on the hanging method for a while because I thought it would be slow, painful choking to death. Now I've just got to build myself up to doing it again because every time I started to pass out I kind of backed out last second. I don't know if booze would help or hinder as in the past, it's just made me emotional or pass out. Plus, the last time I tried I used up the last of my money trying to get carbon monoxide poisoning from charcoal briquettes. I literally have 50p left to my name.
At the beginning I always thought that hanging was too painful to even consider it as a way to ctb, but after reading all the threat, gosh it sounds really good.
I know right, after being on this thread it's started to seem like a nice way to go, I'm almost excited about it. I've watched some videos of people doing it as well and it seems almost instantaneous, no signs of pain or a struggle at all. There are quite a few videos on TheYNC if anyone wanted to browse but just fair warning, there's some really bad shit on that site so maybe stay away if you're faint-hearted.
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Jan 4, 2020
You just have to move about a bit, leaning in different directions until you feel it. When I first started practicing I ended up just compressing my airway and not being able to breathe or blocking my jugulars which just made it feel like my brain was swelling. The other day I experimented leaning into the rope different ways and moving the knot around and a few times I managed to get it right and nearly passed out. It was actually a really good feeling, I can understand why people get an erotic kick out of it, you'll know straight away when you've got it. Just fall/lean in a few different ways, letting the pressure of the rope hit a few different spots and you'll get it. Even after trying another couple of times it took me a while to find the right spot again.
Do you use partial suspension and just lean forward into it? I am practicing and that's what I'm doing. I don't have any success getting any results yet. I would like to do position 3 but it's very uncomfortable. Leaning forward is ok comfort wise but ineffective.

Jacob Harrison

Jan 6, 2020
Do you use partial suspension and just lean forward into it? I am practicing and that's what I'm doing. I don't have any success getting any results yet. I would like to do position 3 but it's very uncomfortable. Leaning forward is ok comfort wise but ineffective.
I personally am doing full suspension from a tree branch with a slip knot. Basically, when it worked for me, I had the rope around my neck standing on my chair and then I tightened the rope (knot at the back/side, I moved it around a few times) and I kept my hands on the knot behind my head, tightening as I leaned forward. And I can't work out whether I started to pass out when I was leaning forward or from the downward pressure but after a few tries and a few repositionings of the rope, I started to go and you know straight away when it's happening. I did it another couple times but I'd say it only worked like 3/10 tries so just keep giving it a go and tightening as you go and I'm sure you'll get it. It was only a couple of days ago I actually found out what a carotid artery is, before I was constantly just choking myself out. Also, I should mention I had the rope positioned above my Adam's apple, though I know not everyone does it this way.

Side note: Don't know if I was clear in there but it wasn't just leaning forward, I was letting myself sink downward as well so that might have been it.
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Jan 4, 2020
I've been practicing and now have a lot of marks on my neck. I don't usually wear anything that covers them.

Jacob Harrison

Jan 6, 2020
I've just tried properly this time (well halfheartedly to see if I could do it sober) and really struggled to make myself pass out. The couple of times I did start to go, I couldn't maintain it as it was hurting my neck too much and making me choke. Does anyone have any advice for me? I need to do this as soon as possible, tomorrow preferably. I imagine getting drunk would help as well but I've got no money for alcohol. Replies in the next 24 hours would be really helpful.


Dec 27, 2019
I've just tried properly this time (well halfheartedly to see if I could do it sober) and really struggled to make myself pass out. The couple of times I did start to go, I couldn't maintain it as it was hurting my neck too much and making me choke. Does anyone have any advice for me? I need to do this as soon as possible, tomorrow preferably. I imagine getting drunk would help as well but I've got no money for alcohol. Replies in the next 24 hours would be really helpful.

I'm in the same boat, time wise . Would not recommend getting too drunk just due to loss of motor precision etc.

Switched from partial to tourniquet but now I'm back to having issues compressing carotid. I have circulatory issues and I am not sure if that's why.

You should try tourniquet if you can. There's a good post about it near the front page, that I recently bumped.


Jan 12, 2020
I seem to be having a great deal of difficulty finding the carotid. I do have a thick neck though which may be the reason why. Am I just searching for it wrong or should I switch tactics to something else?


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
This was a really informative and easy to read study of 6 videoed partial suspension ctb's. Across the board, all lost consciousness in 20 seconds or less, and after a few short phases of approximately equal duration, died between 1 3/4 and 8 minutes. So, loss of consciousness 10-20 seconds, death in less than 10 minutes total.

My thoughts:

After reading the much-appreciated account of Moonicide's SN ctb, I am persuaded that if I can't attain N, this is the way to go.

I'm also persuaded, after watching the video linked in this mega thread of the young man who streamed his partial (ended with the cops coming in and attempting to revive him), that perhaps practicing and committing are two different things, and that if I'm truly ready, to just go for it like that young man did and tough out the discomfort for up to 20 seconds, now that I know how long it takes, and to abort if I'm not unconscious by then.
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Taking it day by day
Jan 11, 2020
This was a really informative and easy to read study of 6 videoed partial suspension ctb's. Across the board, all lost consciousness in 20 seconds or less, and after a few short phases of approximately equal duration, died between 1 3/4 and 8 minutes. So, loss of consciousness 10-20 seconds, death in less than 10 minutes total.

My thoughts:

After reading the much-appreciated account of Moonicide's SN ctb, I am persuaded that if I can't attain N, this is the way to go.

I'm also persuaded, after watching the video linked in this mega thread of the young man who streamed his partial (ended with the cops coming in and attempting to revive him), that perhaps practicing and committing are two different things, and that if I'm truly ready, to just go for it like that young man did and tough out the discomfort for up to 20 seconds, now that I know how long it takes, and to abort if I'm not unconscious by then.

Same here. I always considered hanging as a backup method (my primary being SN) and feel that I will need to just go for it when I am ready. I have watched several videos of successful hangings and feel that you will need to be committed to the method to be successful. I guess I haven't reached the state where I am ready to end it all to be fully committed.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I am apparently one of those people who can't use this method. I attempted in various positions, but I just get lots of pressure in my face and ears and don't lose consciousness in over 20 seconds. Damn my elusive cartoids!

Took 2 gabapentin earlier today for calming. Used a canvas strap from a tote bag with clips on either end, so it's like a slip knot on each end, hung it on the door handle and used a folded handkerchief for light padding on my neck. I knelt and leaned forward, leaned to the side. Also laid down and pushed down. Moved the strap around with the clasp behind the neck, on either side under the jaw, tried the strap both above and below the Adam's apple. The strap held firmly to the door handle, and with the handkerchief was comfortable as far as texture and width.

Previously I have tried it standing and leaning, similar to the woman in the video that's on this thread, the creepy one with the exercise equipment. Same outcome.


Aug 25, 2019
I am apparently one of those people who can't use this method. I attempted in various positions, but I just get lots of pressure in my face and ears and don't lose consciousness in over 20 seconds. Damn my elusive cartoids!

Took 2 gabapentin earlier today for calming. Used a canvas strap from a tote bag with clips on either end, so it's like a slip knot on each end, hung it on the door handle and used a folded handkerchief for light padding on my neck. I knelt and leaned forward, leaned to the side. Also laid down and pushed down. Moved the strap around with the clasp behind the neck, on either side under the jaw, tried the strap both above and below the Adam's apple. The strap held firmly to the door handle, and with the handkerchief was comfortable as far as texture and width.

Previously I have tried it standing and leaning, similar to the woman in the video that's on this thread, the creepy one with the exercise equipment. Same outcome.

Position 3 is most likely to work with partial..all the weight all at once..have you tried that?


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
No, only 2 and 4. Curious as to what leads you to believe it will be more effective.

Others may have answered this, I have read a lot of the thread but not every page.

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