Fuck it. In my latest try i leaned from the little hill so my body was almost at horizontal position. I can't believe this pressure isn't enough to compress these damn arteries. I even compressed the windpipe so hard i had some troubles breathing and heard air whistlling through it. No dizzyness, no even tingling lips. I'm kinda shocked it didn't work. Damn.
I think it's because of my neck anatomy. Either it too thin, or my windpipe too large. Or maybe both, i feel my pulse just at sides of windpipe. I've experienced bloodchoke, i know it can work, but windpipe sorta gets in the way of the noose so pressure applies mostly to windpipe. I tried to place knot at face side and fall backwards on my spine but all i can felt is pressure build up.
I'm pazzled. I think only thing left for me to try with my rope is full suspension. But there are things that holding me back. First, it's obviously scary af. I once tried to do long drop from my window but couldn't. Think i need just t push myself.
Second, i'm very discoureged with my experience at partial. If i short drop and don't pass out quickly it'll be torture to death. Not nice. And i have serious doubts that i can pass out with the noose. Also, if i let gravity do that work for me (bu sitting/kneeling) noose tends to slip up my neck and thus pressure Adam's apple which is really painful. I mean, really. Even compressing windpipe is nothing in comparison.
Any advices?