
Dec 17, 2023
You'll ideally want it to be 10mm for better comfort or at least 8mm. You'll easily be able to cut a braided rope

Also if you kill yourself under a house I'm pretty sure you'll end up coming back as a poltergeist to haunt it 👻
Thanks again legend. Truly appreciate it.

So, I had another look and they also stock a 10mm rope, yet again, it's polyester. Is that okay?

And what do I need to cut it with? Some sort of special scissors?

And lol, hopefully I'll get a part in the next Ghostbusters film.


unfinished business finisher
Jan 25, 2023
in the last few pages i've seen you heavily advice against dropping into your chosen partial position, if i'm not mistaken. i've read all 143 pages of this thread over the last year or so and for the longest time the consensus was that easing into your position slowly doesn't compress the carotids enough and therefore leads to good ol head exploding feeling. It was generally recommended to take a deep breath, close your teeth as to not bite your tongue, and go for the drop.
May i ask where you picked up that standpoint? or is it based on your personal experience? No offence tho, your posts are generally pretty helpful.

also why are nylon ropes not recommended? i think the climbing rope i bought a few months ago is made from nylon and was praised as gold standard back then :D


Dec 9, 2023
in the last few pages i've seen you heavily advice against dropping into your chosen partial position, if i'm not mistaken. i've read all 143 pages of this thread over the last year or so and for the longest time the consensus was that easing into your position slowly doesn't compress the carotids enough and therefore leads to good ol head exploding feeling. It was generally recommended to take a deep breath, close your teeth as to not bite your tongue, and go for the drop.
May i ask where you picked up that standpoint? or is it based on your personal experience? No offence tho, your posts are generally pretty helpful.
they've said it's the continuous pressure that kills during partial not the big drop like in full suspension
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Dec 9, 2023
This is gonna be down to whatever you find works best for you, experiment with both even if you think the first practice works.
in the last few pages i've seen you heavily advice against dropping into your chosen partial position, if i'm not mistaken. i've read all 143 pages of this thread over the last year or so and for the longest time the consensus was that easing into your position slowly doesn't compress the carotids enough and therefore leads to good ol head exploding feeling. It was generally recommended to take a deep breath, close your teeth as to not bite your tongue, and go for the drop.
May i ask where you picked up that standpoint? or is it based on your personal experience? No offence tho, your posts are generally pretty helpful.

also why are nylon ropes not recommended? i think the climbing rope i bought a few months ago is made from nylon and was praised as gold standard back then :D
the whole thing? I sometimes mindlessly scroll this forum so ig I could if I tried but all 143 pages is impressive
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unfinished business finisher
Jan 25, 2023
Polyester is fine and you could either use a knife or secateurs but you might still be able to use a scissors.

Nylon needs lubrication with soap to slide into a knot better and is considered one of the least most comfortable due to the friction it'll cause on your skin.
It is definitely possible that dropping into the partial suspension could be better but you're more likely to cause unintended pain in doing so (though not a guarantee) and because you're still on your feet/knees you increase the chance the ligature could slip slightly into the wrong position your neck because unlike full suspension you're not gonna be pulling the ligature as consistently tight after the immediate drop. I think it'd be a bit different if you were on your knees where you probably could drop into it as the force is lower and may require it. Me personally I'd only drop into most partial positions if all else was failing because it would leave more visible red marks if you fail. On various threads there have been opinions on both sides just like the positioning of the noose. Unfortunately there's never an exact answer to most of these things. And wow you read all 143 pages!!
thanks for the quick reply! it's true, the nylon does not slide into a knot easily, but it should not matter since you tighten the knot as much as possible manually before dropping/easing. I have prepared some sope tho if needed. As for the comfort I plan on wearing a sheisty mask to avoid friction and obstruct my face for the person who finds me. win win situation. btw i plan on doing the sitting position but at a reasonable height above ground so dropping it is for me i guess. you're right, definitve answers are impossible regarding partial

the whole thing? I sometimes mindlessly scroll this forum so ig I could if I tried but all 143 pages is impressive
yes, over the span of 2-3 months. since the i'm checking for updates every other week. it's interesting how advice changed over time. people come and go. lots of stuff repeats itself over time but once in while there is something important i havenr heard before. like watching out for your tongue while practicing or attempting!
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Dec 9, 2023
yes, over the span of 2-3 months. since the i'm checking for updates every other week. it's interesting how advice changed over time. people come and go. lots of stuff repeats itself over time but once in while there is something important i havenr heard before. like watching out for your tongue while practicing or attempting!
damn based off what you remember what are some useful not commonly heard of stuff you've come across?
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unfinished business finisher
Jan 25, 2023
damn based off what you remember what are some useful not commonly heard of stuff you've come across?
most of the the "a-ha!" moments are not facts free from context but rather tiny pieces of information that contribute to an all around better understanding of the matter.
but there is stuff worth mentioning:
-some people who couldnt pass out while seemingly doing everything the right way had sudden success with positioning the knot on the side or even the front.
- already mentioned but watch your tongue
- if the rope is too sturdy try using soap, like @CTB_Coward already mentioned
- getting too drunk might actually make it harder to pass out
- hyperventilation or similar breathing exercises might help with passing out
- already mentioned but ski shiesty mask works well for reducing friction and hiding face from loved ones
- educate yourself and trust your knowledge. don't overcomplicate things.

small edit: this one is mentioned often enough, but since its maybe the most common problem - to compress and close your carotids, a certain amount of force is needed, which should not be underestimated. feeling like your head is gonna explode is a clear sign of using not enough force. lean into your knot with more speed. but be smart about it, like @CTB_Coward mentioned. don't obliterate your windpipe.
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amatherasu :-)

amatherasu :-)

Dec 21, 2023
some people who couldnt pass out while seemingly doing everything the right way had sudden success with positioning the knot on the side or even the front.

Taking note of that. Greetings
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Dec 9, 2023
most of the the "a-ha!" moments are not facts free from context but rather tiny pieces of information that contribute to an all around better understanding of the matter.
but there is stuff worth mentioning:
-some people who couldnt pass out while seemingly doing everything the right way had sudden success with positioning the knot on the side or even the front.
- already mentioned but watch your tongue
- if the rope is too sturdy try using soap, like @CTB_Coward already mentioned
- getting too drunk might actually make it harder to pass out
- hyperventilation or similar breathing exercises might help with passing out
- already mentioned but ski shiesty mask works well for reducing friction and hiding face from loved ones
- educate yourself and trust your knowledge. don't overcomplicate things.

small edit: this one is mentioned often enough, but since its maybe the most common problem - to compress and close your carotids, a certain amount of force is needed, which should not be underestimated. feeling like your head is gonna explode is a clear sign of using not enough force. lean into your knot with more speed. but be smart about it, like @CTB_Coward mentioned. don't obliterate your windpipe.
damn really appreciate it! that last part in the edit sounds really tricky but I'll wait till I actually practice trying to pass out before asking too much about it
lean into your knot with more speed. but be smart about it, like @CTB_Coward mentioned. don't obliterate your windpipe.
wait I thought during hanging you just go down you don't lean forward? or do you lean forward before going down into final position to tighten or secure the knot more
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unfinished business finisher
Jan 25, 2023
damn really appreciate it! that last part in the edit sounds really tricky but I'll wait till I actually practice trying to pass out before asking too much about it

wait I thought during hanging you just go down you don't lean forward? or do you lean forward before going down into final position to tighten or secure the knot more
wording mistake since english is not my first language. I meant dropping/easing/whatever you do :D
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amatherasu :-)

amatherasu :-)

Dec 21, 2023
would it be useful to avoid food and sleep the day before?? I also bear in mind to combine it with alcohol and even antihistamines if I find. In fact, I think it's going to be even TOO easy if I combine all of that in an hypothetical attempt...


unfinished business finisher
Jan 25, 2023
would it be useful to avoid food and sleep the day before?? I also bear in mind to combine it with alcohol and even antihistamines if I find. In fact, I think it's going to be even TOO easy if I combine all of that in an hypothetical attempt...
tbh I can't really imagine that those things would make a noticable difference. apart from maybe a little drinky-poo to take the edge off... ultimately you have to pass out from lack of bloodflow to your brain. fainting due to circulatory problems won't make you ctb :D


My cowardness is keeping me alive.
Sep 26, 2019
Would partial hanging with a pull-up bar as an anchor make too much noise? What "position" would be the quietest?

I share a room with someone and I only have one shot of this. I can't give too much information because it's a bit complicated, but basically, the least risky time for me to do it is when that person is asleep. If I do it in a time where they're outside, there's a risk of other people who are more light sleeper than them coming into their bed and sleeping there. I do have an electric fan though, so if I set its speed to 3, it might mask the noise a bit. The person I share the room with are not that much of a light sleeper, at least not to the point every noise wakes them up, but "emergency noises" does wake them up. So if the dog barks, or something falls, those stuff would wake them up.

Anyway, this is the best way I can explain the area I'm going to hang myself.
1 is the view where I'm facing the pull-up bar (I can't see their bed from there though since a curtain and a divider is blocking it), and 2 is the view sideways. And no, unfortunately there's no other anchor or method I can use. This is the best option I have and I only have one shot of it.


unfinished business finisher
Jan 25, 2023
Would partial hanging with a pull-up bar as an anchor make too much noise? What "position" would be the quietest?

I share a room with someone and I only have one shot of this. I can't give too much information because it's a bit complicated, but basically, the least risky time for me to do it is when that person is asleep. If I do it in a time where they're outside, there's a risk of other people who are more light sleeper than them coming into their bed and sleeping there. I do have an electric fan though, so if I set its speed to 3, it might mask the noise a bit. The person I share the room with are not that much of a light sleeper, at least not to the point every noise wakes them up, but "emergency noises" does wake them up. So if the dog barks, or something falls, those stuff would wake them up.

Anyway, this is the best way I can explain the area I'm going to hang myself.
View attachment 125752
1 is the view where I'm facing the pull-up bar (I can't see their bed from there though since a curtain and a divider is blocking it), and 2 is the view sideways. And no, unfortunately there's no other anchor or method I can use. This is the best option I have and I only have one shot of it.
don't do it. Hanging yourself is definitely loud enough to wake them up.


Dec 17, 2023
most of the the "a-ha!" moments are not facts free from context but rather tiny pieces of information that contribute to an all around better understanding of the matter.
but there is stuff worth mentioning:
-some people who couldnt pass out while seemingly doing everything the right way had sudden success with positioning the knot on the side or even the front.
- already mentioned but watch your tongue
- if the rope is too sturdy try using soap, like @CTB_Coward already mentioned
- getting too drunk might actually make it harder to pass out
- hyperventilation or similar breathing exercises might help with passing out
- already mentioned but ski shiesty mask works well for reducing friction and hiding face from loved ones
- educate yourself and trust your knowledge. don't overcomplicate things.

small edit: this one is mentioned often enough, but since its maybe the most common problem - to compress and close your carotids, a certain amount of force is needed, which should not be underestimated. feeling like your head is gonna explode is a clear sign of using not enough force. lean into your knot with more speed. but be smart about it, like @CTB_Coward mentioned. don't obliterate your windpipe.
Sounds like the socks are the best approach to compress the area?


Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Would partial hanging with a pull-up bar as an anchor make too much noise? What "position" would be the quietest?

I share a room with someone and I only have one shot of this. I can't give too much information because it's a bit complicated, but basically, the least risky time for me to do it is when that person is asleep. If I do it in a time where they're outside, there's a risk of other people who are more light sleeper than them coming into their bed and sleeping there. I do have an electric fan though, so if I set its speed to 3, it might mask the noise a bit. The person I share the room with are not that much of a light sleeper, at least not to the point every noise wakes them up, but "emergency noises" does wake them up. So if the dog barks, or something falls, those stuff would wake them up.

Anyway, this is the best way I can explain the area I'm going to hang myself.
View attachment 125752
1 is the view where I'm facing the pull-up bar (I can't see their bed from there though since a curtain and a divider is blocking it), and 2 is the view sideways. And no, unfortunately there's no other anchor or method I can use. This is the best option I have and I only have one shot of it.
Please don't do it! Partial hanging may or may not make noise depending on the individual. During hanging once you fall unconscious there will be convulsions which can be loud. One of the risks of hanging is being found too early and being saved. At this point your brain would have been deprived of oxygen and you will end up brain damaged. Don't take that risk! Plus it will be traumatizing to the person when they wake up and see you.


My cowardness is keeping me alive.
Sep 26, 2019
I can't add much more than what everyone else has said other than that really you probably needed to post pics of the areas you were trying to illustrate as that would've made it easier. You're definitely not gonna be able to do this in the house unless alone. Hopefully you know what ligature and knots to use and can get some practice in as its not easy first time.
I forgot I have The Sims 4 and I could literally just recreate the room there instead of doing it roughly on Paint. I'm not going to put every single detail of the room (privacy reasons + I'm too lazy), but this is the stuff that I think matters.

The Sims 4 doesn't have pull-up bars or aircon so I had to improvise. This is more accurate to what the room looks like in person.
(The oven hood on the left is supposed to be an aircon, and ignore the chair beneath the pull-up bar, I just didn't have any actual pull-up bar to use in-game so I had to use that one).

12 31 23 10 15 38PM
12 31 23 10 21 08PM
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My cowardness is keeping me alive.
Sep 26, 2019
Wow that's an amazing idea, very creative way of showing everything. And all of this is your room as it looks like two?
It's half tile wider so a bit bigger in real life than in the picture but The Sims 4 doesn't allow that IIRC so I decided to just make it smaller, but to answer your question I just showed the parts that I think was important to show (the area around the pull-up bar and where the beds are).

EDIT: And now that I'm thinking about it, the pull-up bar should be more forward than in the picture, say about 3/4 tile forward?

EDIT2: This one is a more accurate version, again ignore both the electric keyboard's chair and the rest of the stuff on the pull-up bar, just imagine there's a regular wall mounted pull-up bar there. And the divider is supposed to be a wall instead of that, but no half-tiles so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

I also put it in Quote now since I feel like the pictures are taking too much space in the thread.

Anyway, if you all still think it's too risky and I might make too much noise, how much "alone time" would I need? I think I read before around 30 minutes? I might be able to get that much time, would just need some patience from me, but eh, would rather be more patient for a few weeks to "find the right time" since if I fuck this up and get caught it'd be longer (I estimate at least a few years) before I could attempt it again.

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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
can someone explain step by step how the process happens? like, in detail. i read the first post, i found it to be not informative enough.
also, how to practice carefully so i don't accidentally die when i'm not ready yet?


drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
how do you properly find the carotid artery? i did the thing with the socks like in the picture that was posted here, but i end up coughing or even choking, and it's super uncomfortable. i really want out though, so i'm thinking what if i just drop slightly and let the rope choke me? it would probably feel horrible though, not sure if i can take it


Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
how do you properly find the carotid artery? i did the thing with the socks like in the picture that was posted here, but i end up coughing or even choking, and it's super uncomfortable. i really want out though, so i'm thinking what if i just drop slightly and let the rope choke me? it would probably feel horrible though, not sure if i can take it
You could be putting too much pressure. Try reducing that. You only need 5 to 6kg to compress the carotid arteries and pass out. If more pressure is applied (15 to 16kg ) The trachea will be blocked. Maybe the socks thing doesn't work for you try it without or try different positioning and placement of rope.

Am sorry you are going through this, I wish you all the best ❤️
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Dec 2, 2023
I have a really hard time believing these two commuted suicide. They had acess to every thing out there. I am not usually in to conspiracy theories but I believe they were murdered and it was covered up, I want to believe that they are just like us and did it(even though I don't wish it on anyone.) but I am not convinced. Any other thoughts out there? Especially Kate spade. She wrote a short lame note to her daughter. She had everything going for her except a divorce. Not a big deal really. I also first heard in main stream news that he was in the house. Then I heard later she was alone. I would like to read other opinions with interest. I would like to understand this

I'm not sure if anyone here has ever experienced astral projection, but it makes death very exciting to know that's where you will go. I've had quite a few spontaneous astral projection experiences, which I've read can be caused by extreme trauma, and it's true what they say...at the moment of death your spirit passes to the astral realm. The experience of consciousness when out of your physical body.
Yes I have but the astral plane is not where we ultimately end up. It's an in-between. This man died while doing it but apparently it isn't the place you want to stay. Just visit.

Thank u. and u r right! i am always depressed even around him i just cant seem to find my happiness and it realy isnt fair on him. he is so joyful and its heartbreaking to see the joy in his face and not feel it. this has realy helped and im going to go ahead with it. thank u again and to everyone in this thread, i have read alot of useful information here which i hope will lead to a successful suicide. i hope u all find the peace you are lookin for whether it be in life or death. goodbye. x
I see you have not logged in for a long time. I wondered how you're doing?
If you ever see this, the future is not something we can foresee. You don't know that your child would see your depression or that you would even still feel depressed. I don't know your situation, but this really got to me. I am here on this site and obviously, I am suicidal beyond comprehension but I don't know in every situation that it is the ultimate right thing for every person. I just wanted to reach out in case you are still with us and ever log back in. I truly hope you stayed and are having a beautiful life with your baby. If by chance you did not stay, I hope you have found eternal joy and peace and unconditional love.
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
i don't know what i'm doing wrong, i tried positioning the rope in different ways, but i can't seem to find the carotid, both with socks and without them. i also tried straight up choking myself with rope, but that was a stupid idea because it made me feel miserable, lol. i tried finding the pulse with my fingers, and i think i found it, but when I try to adjust the rope so it hits the pulse, nothing happens, and i'm not blacking out.


drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
Which has been the least worse position?

Have you at least managed to get the exploding head feeling?

When you get the right position it comes down to pressure and if you don't have enough you only hit the jugulars. The sitting position and the one where you almost kneel tend to be the best ones and try to lean forwards a little and some prefer below the Adams apple whilst most prefer above it. Maybe also try a scarf or robe tie instead just to see if that does anything.
okay, so i didn't get the exploding feeling when i was using the rope, so i switched to a robe tie just now. i FINALLY felt like i almost passed out, but the robe tie is shorter than my rope, so the position is kinda awkward, it's like i'm half kneeling and it's uncomfortable. i don't know if i have the guts to go all the way tonight, but if i do, i wish y'all luck, lol. and thank you for your advice!
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
Oh god ive gone and murdered you 😨
Half kneeling is pretty good as it puts quite a bit of pressure where it needs to go and you don't have to worry too much about moving out of position during convulsions.
i've been practicing and i've been successful so far!! you're right, half kneeling proved to be the best position for reaching blackout so far.


drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
Where did you position the noose, above or below the Adams apple?
so that's a little bit of a problem. i freaked out so hard when i almost passed out that i immediately took the robe tie off and forgot to take note of the noose's position. i'm gonna try again tomorrow and see. but robe tie turned out to be more effective than the rope.


drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
In the words of Alan sugar or Donald trump or whatever country you're from where you have 'the apprentice' on- you're fired ☝️ from sasu!
hope that was sarcasm, i'm still shook from my attempt😭


Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
okay, so i didn't get the exploding feeling when i was using the rope, so i switched to a robe tie just now. i FINALLY felt like i almost passed out, but the robe tie is shorter than my rope, so the position is kinda awkward, it's like i'm half kneeling and it's uncomfortable. i don't know if i have the guts to go all the way tonight, but if i do, i wish y'all luck, lol. and thank you for your advice!
Can you please describe the feeling when you got close if you remember.

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