

Mar 21, 2019
Slip knot. The small fixed loop does the sliding.


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Mar 21, 2019
Tie off knots.


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Crush me until there’s nothing left
Oct 28, 2023
You mean method #4? I'd be tempted but if you look around on here it seems like if you're gonna do partial and not full suspension that most are suggesting #3 has the better chance as others have said they didn't pass out with #4. It all seems about compressing that damn corotid artery.
I mean this one, it's the easiest position for me to do. I'll tie my hands behind my back as well. Also after practicing for months I can compress the cartoid artery with ease now. And I have almost passed out on several occasions. I'm really hoping this works.
IMG 0943


Nov 14, 2023
I mean this one, it's the easiest position for me to do. I'll tie my hands behind my back as well. Also after practicing for months I can compress the cartoid artery with ease now. And I have almost passed out on several occasions. I'm really hoping this works.
View attachment 123312
Are you using anything to put additional pressure on the arteries?


Crush me until there’s nothing left
Oct 28, 2023
Are you using anything to put additional pressure on the arteries?
Nah, the rope is enough. Just had to get the positioning right. I may opt to put more pressure on them with socks just to be safe though. And maybe it'll also help keep the rope in place.


Nov 14, 2023
Nah, the rope is enough. Just had to get the positioning right. I may opt to put more pressure on them with socks just to be safe though. And maybe it'll also help keep the rope in place.
Interesting, yeah positioning seems to play a big role. I can pretty much choke myself out using my hand but I haven't been successful in dry runs with a rope yet.


Life’s a bitch
Nov 9, 2023
Hanging has never been on my preferred method list but I got intrigued today and researched more than I should have.

Must be both the most accessible yet hardest to beat SI method there is.

If I had to hang I think I'd choose partial.
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Crush me until there’s nothing left
Oct 28, 2023
When you practised did you think you might be able to kill yourself on that attempt or was that not your intention?
Also for this method even with your hands bound surely your legs could just prop you up due to SI?
I'm still thinking it through and planning, all those times were just practice. Standing up during it is what I've been so scared of and why I've made so many partial hanging posts. I'm considering tying my legs down as well so hopefully I won't be able to stand up. If that won't work then I have some other ideas in mind.


New Member
Nov 19, 2023
Hello, new member. Thank you for this guide. I've made many many mistakes in my life leading up to this point. I suppose being born was my first one: to a teenager who didn't want me, adopted by rich people who wanted a doll and not an actual person. When I became a real human, despite years of abuse of every single sort, and left, I was disowned and disinherited. I moved to the other side of the world, and was left stuck, because I was diagnosed with genetic illnesses I never knew I had, (because my "parents" wouldn't take me to a doctor because then I would no longer be "perfect".)

I had two children, one who is in heaven, likely because of my own fault: my broken body from my illnesses. The other has her own problems: I had to take medications to get pregnant and stay pregnant which likely impacted her health. I am worthless. I am stuck here in a country I don't want to be in, I can't work, I am unable to contribute, my husband's company is going under and he will soon lose his job, I'm a shut in because this country isn't handicap accessible, and they don't have the medications or mental health care to treat myself or early intervention care and therapies for my child so….she has no future but maybe some factor job and disabled adult living facility, at best. I live in excruciating daily pain, so I have a ton of bennies, Xannies, muscle relaxants, and suffer from insomnia so I have pills for that too. I've tried to CTB by pills twice, with the last time involving anti depressants, and cutting, but both times failed. My doctor's reactions were literally: "Oh dear. Well. That is a problem isn't it? Hmmm. Have you considered in patient or a therapist for her? I know an English speaking one would be better but…" Like I said, care here is…um, non-existent at best? This country has one of the highest rates for CTB in the world.

I screwed up. I ruined everything. And all I had to do was exist. I should have listened to my "parents", shut up, been grateful, and never left my pretty little golden bird cage.

First world problems, though, I know. I'm sorry to complain everyone. Everyone knows I plan to do it and it's just a matter of when. Even my daughter knows. She's hardly stupid. She's been living with her grandparents for over a year because our financial situation is so bad and my physical and mental health is so bad. We'd tried so hard to move back to my country and better things but we've finally had to admit recently that the hope my husband had let dangle in front of my face that suuuuuuure we can move was slim, at best, and is actually never going to happen, despite the paperwork already being turned in. My "parents" could fix it all, but instead rubbed their millions in our faces and laughed. When I said I guess I have no choice but to give in, they said cool, do it then, bye.

When I say no one cares, I mean it. Even my own child is pacified easily by the promise of a baked goods and a trip to the arcade. Maybe my husband will care. Maybe. But he will be too busy with the child and work, as usual. It will pass quickly, as all things do, for him.

My Plan:
I'm thinking a necktie, and then either a locked doorknob, or the metal security bar on the door, after taking a bunch of my pills to help me go to sleep and go limp, to do a partial. We also have alcohol in the house. I'll be home alone for hours. I'll do a test using my arm in the necktie and try dangling with my weight to see if it all holds. If not, I think I can buy a soft rope from the store, maybe. It's just finding a good spot. Wardrobes here don't often have hanging rods for clothes.

If you've read this, thanks. Your tips, your stories, your advice, have all been so helpful. I wish you all the greatest peace and luck in either your efforts to move forward and find sleep, or healing.
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New Member
Nov 19, 2023
This megathread is just for the method part of your post, the rest of it is more of an introduction and would either be for the suicide or off topic forum otherwise the pages just become overly bloated with things not relevant to the method advice.

You might wanna consider buying a doorframe pullup bar to hang from if your other anchor points can't hold. The best ones are the single bars with feet that extent within the doorframe. You can get them delivered to a store if you can't get them delivered to home.
Sorry! I'm completely new to the forums so didn't know. My apologies. Things have got much much worse so I'm even more determined. Unfortunately I don't have the money. I don't have a job and can't work due to disability.

Is there any way the metal security bar on the door could be a decent anchor point? It's meant to keep out a grown man and I'm a 156 cm 60 kg woman. The door and doorframe are also metal.


Apr 5, 2019
do I have to find the spot to loose consciousness or can I lean down and ctb from suffocating
And does partial have any advantage on full vis a vis location I mean I don't have my home to myself
But I'm not sure if motels offer a good anchor for partial I weigh about 70 kg
I can't afford to test multiple rooms even though I live near a big and popular city with many hotels
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Apr 5, 2019
Full supposedly is more likely to succeed due to the extra weight creating more pressure on the noose and the fact that you have no means to save yourself Vis a vis SI.

You're not doing this to suffocate, you'll never succeed that way as that's partly why SI kicks in. You're aiming to compress the corotid artery.
You mean to say all those who have found happiness by partial
Did so by compressing the carotid arteries
And is this common knowledge cause a lot of these people probably didn't have access to hanging guides


Oct 2, 2023
I tried to hang myself but it was so painful I had to cancel it. I was "lucky" that I got the feet on the stool. I have tried partial to no avail. Any idea how to make hanging less painful? Or to do partial successfully?


Sep 11, 2023
My slipknot loosens instead of tightening up when I try partial hanging, it is really frustrating like this. Any solutions?


Mar 21, 2019
My slipknot loosens instead of tightening up when I try partial hanging, it is really frustrating like this. Any solutions?
Tie this at one end of the rope. Put the other end through the small loop. This is a great, easily sliding ligature.


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Oct 2, 2023
This ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

THANK YOU. Any idea if it leaves mark when practicing. I also tried the night night method. Had really only the head exploding feeling.


New Member
Dec 3, 2023
Hi Guys , need suggestion
I'm gonna try full hanging my conditions are as below:
I have strong anchor point(A tree I know it wont break) , Good rope , Knots. I can get 30 minutes of time before anyone notices.(even more time also)
I wanna know will this conditions guarentee my CTB ? I dont wanna make mistakes and need 100% working plan.
Any suggestions on below:
How to pass out quickly for full hanging (Any tips are welcomed!)
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Hell is here
May 12, 2023
Full supposedly is more likely to succeed due to the extra weight creating more pressure on the noose and the fact that you have no means to save yourself Vis a vis SI.

You're not doing this to suffocate, you'll never succeed that way as that's partly why SI kicks in. You're aiming to compress the corotid artery.
Do you put the noose above the adam apple?
In my latest attempts I was suffocating putting the noose above, but maybe the issue was the blanket


Life’s a bitch
Nov 9, 2023
is there a thread for full suspension?
This is the Hanging megathread



Aug 25, 2023
Does anyone know of a pushup bar or any other object that I could use for me to hang myself on? Preferably something that would be full suspension. I don't have a closet to hang myself in and I feel like my ceiling fan won't hold me. I'm 5'9" 155 lbs if that makes any difference.
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Dec 16, 2023
IMG 20231221 051321 Okay so a robe tie with a slipknot where my head goes in for a partial hanging(kneeling) Will this work? It feels strong enough. I just cant get myself to pass out. Also I have type 1 diabetes, so if i take enough insulin to go low before i hang it might be even better?
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I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
You'll need to practice by flailing yourself around a bit to ensure it can handle your convulsions when you pass out but for a lady that'll probably hold as long as you did a good knot at the anchor point like a bowline. Of you can't get yourself to feel lightheaded at all then you're either getting the wrong angle relative to the anchor point or the noose isn't pressing against the carotid artery (which I assume you're able to feel, it's where you'll feel a pulse above your Adams apple).
As for the tablets you'd need to know if not taking them affects blood flow in any way as this is what kills you.
Tell me, please, when I do a partial hanging in a sitting position, do I need to get up before that, and then fall sharply on my ass in order to fall sharply with all my weight? (I know that this may sound "funny", but I'm asking seriously)

Or is it not necessary to fall sharply on the ass? That is, it is possible to compress the arteries well and not necessarily fall down sharply at the same time, initially being in a standing position?

When I tried to partially hang without a sharp fall down, I began to approach loss of consciousness.
But I still think that this is not enough and that I need to fall down very sharply.


Dec 16, 2023
View attachment 125064Okay so a robe tie with a slipknot where my head goes in for a partial hanging(kneeling) Will this work? It feels strong enough. I just cant get myself to pass out. Also I have type 1 diabetes, so if i take enough insulin to go low before i hang it might be even better?

You'll need to practice by flailing yourself around a bit to ensure it can handle your convulsions when you pass out but for a lady that'll probably hold as long as you did a good knot at the anchor point like a bowline. Of you can't get yourself to feel lightheaded at all then you're either getting the wrong angle relative to the anchor point or the noose isn't pressing against the carotid artery (which I assume you're able to feel, it's where you'll feel a pulse above your Adams apple).
As for the tablets you'd need to know if not taking them affects blood flow in any way as this is what kills you.
Insulin gets injected to lower bloodsugar and too much of it will reduce bloodflow to the brain and make u go hypoglyceamic.Thanks for getting back to me


Dec 9, 2023
Thanks for this, really helpful. I'll read it in detail when I have everything I need and the right place.


Dec 9, 2023
It's a good guide but definitely not perfect as I disagree with a few bits in it. Stock to the upper neck otherwise you'll feel like choking.
sorry if the q sounds stupid but i just need it be extra sure ykno, Do I position the noose and knot straight forward like how it's portrayed in media or do I put the front end of the knot in front of the part of my Adams apple where I feel the pulse of the carotid?


Dec 12, 2023
We need more drawing and picture about hanging and knots. It would be clearer for all.
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