

Dec 16, 2023
It doesnt want to work. Im so fucking desperate please just help me😭😭
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Dec 12, 2023
196 should help a little but you right maybe some gore sites got it but seeing pictures of people dead makes me feel weird
Yes, that would make me weird too. But it would be clearer than "the knot two-third from here" or "the rope close to the jaw". Words are not enough to explain precisely that kind of things : drawing or even better, dummy head would be perfect. And with picture we would all know what we are referring too while discussing or asking questions about our method of choice.

until death

maybe it's time to say goodbye
Dec 12, 2023
What is the best rope for hanging?


Dec 9, 2023
From the advice of deceased people on here (R.I.P guys 😞🌹) and my own limited experience (I'm still practising myself) you shouldn't ease into it so as to allow the ligature to tighten where you want it to and not slide slightly when you yank it tight from a sudden drop.
bruh could you reword this my brain just can't process this sentence tho I feel this would be useful if I understood it, if not with easing into it how do i initially fit my head and neck into the knot before it tightens?
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Dec 16, 2023
im not able to block blood flow because i cant find where my carotid artery is and the good spot to block it
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Dec 9, 2023
Even if you go down pretty hard it still exerts one of the lowest continuous pressure loads of all the positions. Some of them I think are more theoretical for the purpose of the maths rather than recommended ones.
would (b) sitting on my calves quickly be effective


Dec 9, 2023
If the distance to the bottom of your drop was 85cm for example then I wouldn't drop from the top I'd lower myself half or more of the way and drop from there.
but wouldn't it actually be a bigger impact the bigger the distance? Or is the point to make it harder for SI to kick in? Or won't be soon enough to make you pass out if it was long?


Dec 9, 2023
The impact may potentially make SI kick in harder and although you get that initial jolt at the bottom it's the continuous pressure from your bodyweight before and during passing out that will kill you. You can always try to drop from standing up to try it but I'm just going by mostly old threads with most agreeing on not dropping. Just remember if you fail to kill yourself then dropping from standing up is more likely to injure you after plus you'll have worse marks on your neck.
so would it best if I sit with my knees on the ground when the knot is placed on me then I drop onto sitting on my calves? only problem is the lack of distance gets me paranoid it might not be enough could I test it with my hand from both the just on knees stood tall to sitting on calves distances to see if the distance is enough?


Dec 9, 2023
The easiest way is with the slip knot open wide enough to fit around your head, you tighten it on place where you need to dote tly apply the pressure and then you slowly descend onto the final position for the noose to fully tighten (you can probably drop into it just before the rope is fully tightened.
I'm only seeing this now but what you mean is I make the knot just wide enough to fit through my head, put it in position, tighten it more then slowly drop into position instead of having a massive fall like you would during full suspension?
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Dec 17, 2023
Two questions:

1) What sort of rope should I buy if not nylon?

2) What sort of knot do you use to attach the rope to the support section you'll be hanging from?

Thanks guys.


I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
For that side of things it's mainly personal experience thats taught me although reading other threads has also helped. Most common mistakes would be things like being interrupted, not securing yourself enough prior to convulsions, knots and anchor points being unsecure, holding your breath or compressing the trachea, tensing your body too much, being too zonked out on alcohol or sleepers, dropping down too hard and injuring your neck, pressuring the carotid artery but not quite enough to pass out.
Why don't you recommend being heavily drunk at the moment of hanging? Only alcohol will give me courage :(


I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
It's probably fine if you're sure you know what position you need to be in to pass out etc but others have advised against it due to mistakes being more possible. Mixing alcohol with sleepers would be worse.

If I choose partial hanging and drink alcohol, does it matter that due to the analgesic effect of alcohol, I will NOT feel that my head is "exploding" due to an incorrectly chosen position?
After all, I'm going to suffocate and die anyway. Or is it not so?
Or if I feel suffocated, I'll get up and take off the rope.

I remember that there should be no feeling of a head exploding. But even with this feeling, is it possible to lose consciousness or die or not?
If you know, please tell me.


Feb 6, 2023
It's probably fine if you're sure you know what position you need to be in to pass out etc but others have advised against it due to mistakes being more possible. Mixing alcohol with sleepers would be worse.

Hemp, polypropylene, bondage, cotton

The anchor knot is anything that holds but I practice with a bowline knot. Use YouTube to see how to do one around something.
Hemp is also a rope you can keep for years without it deteriorating and it's super strong.
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Dec 17, 2023
It's probably fine if you're sure you know what position you need to be in to pass out etc but others have advised against it due to mistakes being more possible. Mixing alcohol with sleepers would be worse.

Hemp, polypropylene, bondage, cotton

The anchor knot is anything that holds but I practice with a bowline knot. Use YouTube to see how to do one around something.
Thank you so much, mate.

Also, what sort of thickness should the rope be?

Would this size be okay:

Or should I look for something thicker?
Suffocation isn't good because although it can kill you it'll be more likely to bring about a conscious or unconscious SI of some kind whereas a blood choke doesn't. If you get the head exploding feeling then you're probably unlikely to die because most people reporting that they didn't pass out are the ones who got that feeling because you're just hitting the jugulars when you do that. I'd guess that'd cause of lot of pain even if you're intoxicated.
Any tips on rope placement to avoid suffocation?


drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
what are the chances of ending up as a vegetable? i've just ordered a rope but started freaking out
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Dec 17, 2023
It's okay to freak out as it's coming up for the new year so we're all freaking out and partying 🎉😁
And to reduce the chance of being brain damaged just make sure you're not interrupted and don't partially suffocate yourself with the rope or do anything else that'll risk interrupting the process before its finished. So make sure the anchor point and both of your knots are secure by testing them out properly before you 'think' you're gonna do it for real.

Only go thicker with cotton for full suspension, partial is fine.
Put the rope just below your jawline and just above your Adamsapple and don't drop into the noose, lower yourself slowly otherwise in partial you could risk the noose slipping up or down slightly.
Pad your carotid artery area with folded socks of the rope doesn't work on its own.
It's okay to freak out as it's coming up for the new year so we're all freaking out and partying 🎉😁
And to reduce the chance of being brain damaged just make sure you're not interrupted and don't partially suffocate yourself with the rope or do anything else that'll risk interrupting the process before its finished. So make sure the anchor point and both of your knots are secure by testing them out properly before you 'think' you're gonna do it for real.

Only go thicker with cotton for full suspension, partial is fine.
Put the rope just below your jawline and just above your Adamsapple and don't drop into the noose, lower yourself slowly otherwise in partial you could risk the noose slipping up or down slightly.
Pad your carotid artery area with folded socks of the rope doesn't work on its ow

It's okay to freak out as it's coming up for the new year so we're all freaking out and partying 🎉😁
And to reduce the chance of being brain damaged just make sure you're not interrupted and don't partially suffocate yourself with the rope or do anything else that'll risk interrupting the process before its finished. So make sure the anchor point and both of your knots are secure by testing them out properly before you 'think' you're gonna do it for real.

Only go thicker with cotton for full suspension, partial is fine.
Put the rope just below your jawline and just above your Adamsapple and don't drop into the noose, lower yourself slowly otherwise in partial you could risk the noose slipping up or down slightly.
Pad your carotid artery area with folded socks of the rope doesn't work on its own.
Thanks so much mate.

So the rope I linked is a good choice for partial hanging?

Is there an image of what you mean about padding the carotid artery with folded socks? And how would I test that it "wasn't working" with the rope alone?

Sorry for the questions, I just don't want to get this wrong!

Thanks again.
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I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
The rope looks fine but bear in mind braided rope (climbing rope or paracord) is even more comfortable. Bondage rope is good too. You may already have a robe tie.

Well to test with rope alone you do a practice attempt but obviously back out before you pass out and if you were going faint then you probably don't need extra padding.

Here are images of what and how from elsewhere on the forum. This 20yr old has probably since died of this attempt R.I.P ✌️🪦
With partial hanging, the rate of fall in the loop does not really matter, it turns out, right?
And if you slowly descend, then a person will still not have time to feel suffocation, because the pressure on the arteries and veins is slow?
By the way, do I understand correctly that it is impossible to compress the arteries without compressing the veins, because the arteries are BEHIND the veins, right?
And another question: if a person feels suffocation, then it's not that only the veins are affected, but that there is unnecessary pressure on the larynx, right?


Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
With partial hanging, the rate of fall in the loop does not really matter, it turns out, right?
And if you slowly descend, then a person will still not have time to feel suffocation, because the pressure on the arteries and veins is slow?
By the way, do I understand correctly that it is impossible to compress the arteries without compressing the veins, because the arteries are BEHIND the veins, right?
And another question: if a person feels suffocation, then it's not that only the veins are affected, but that there is unnecessary pressure on the larynx, right?
I don't know much about the slow or fast descend but....

If you manage to compress the carotid artery which needs 5 to 6 kg pressure then you would have also automatically compressed the jugular veins which only requires 2kg pressure

When You feel suffocation it means you have put too much pressure and compressed the respiratory passage or the trachea which requires 15 to 16kg which also ends up constricting both the veins and artery. Yes it is unnecessary as it will induce panic from not being able to breathe
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
can somebody show me the knots that are used in this method, both for neck and for the metal bar?
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Dec 9, 2023
you ensure that the noose you secured before descending hasn't had a chance to move slightly up or down given that you're in a different position to a short drop full suspension.
can I do this by pushing my hand through as a test to see if the noose is secure enough?


Dec 9, 2023
as you can push down with some of your bodyweight then too. 🤔 Huh I never thought of doing this myself 🤦
bruh i can't tell if this is sarcastic or what or if you're just saying using dense inanimate object is basically testing BW


Dec 17, 2023
The rope looks fine but bear in mind braided rope (climbing rope or paracord) is even more comfortable. Bondage rope is good too. You may already have a robe tie.

Well to test with rope alone you do a practice attempt but obviously back out before you pass out and if you were going faint then you probably don't need extra padding.

Here are images of what and how from elsewhere on the forum. This 20yr old has probably since died of this attempt R.I.P ✌️🪦

View attachment 125421
Thanks again mate you're a massive help for all of us.

So it looks simple enough – you just fold the socks and then place them under where you feel the pulse on both sides of your neck?

Also, on this link:

It says to place the rope UNDER your Adam's Apple instead of above? Did they make a mistake or does both areas work?

I'll also have a look for climbing or bondage rope. Guessing Amazon? Also, any length that's best? As in, if it's too long will that make the task impossible? Or is there an anchor knot which can adjust is there's too much slack?
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
my rope has arrived, but it's so freaking long, and it's pretty thick so i can't cut it with scissors
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Dec 17, 2023
You can do it below the adamsapple apparently but most do it above and when done below I presume it's nearer the collar bone.
No way for me to know the length as anchor points can be different heights and places. Yes you can adjust the knot(s) so that the slack runs out side of the knot or you just cut to preferred size.
Oh and yes to what you said about the socks.
Thanks mate, I'll stick with above as that's where I can feel the pulse.

My anchor point is a wooden support beam under the house, so it's just above my head.

It would be incredible if you could explain more on how to feed the rope slack through the anchor knot to get the rope to the correct height for partial hanging. And would I still use a Bowline Knot, or is there a better option for this?
my rope has arrived, but it's so freaking long, and it's pretty thick so i can't cut it with scissors
This is what I think is the last hurdle I have! As I can only find 10 metre long ropes. I'm hoping we could either pull the slack through the knot, or, maybe even wrap the rope around the anchor point as many times as needed?


Dec 17, 2023
I'm gonna be honest, any time I've gotten the slack on the right side of the knot has been guess work and I haven't had to redo the knots enough to deliberately control this. As you said you can also wrap it around the anchor to reduce the length and you can do this with any knot. I've only used a bowline (or some weird botched knot similar to a bowline) that seems to do the trick.
Thanks again mate.

Okay, I think my plan is to tie the anchor knot, then wrap the rope around the anchor beam as many times as needed to get to the right height.

As, I can only find 10 metre long ropes.

I found this rope at the shops near me, yet it's polyester. Would that do the job? Or I need to find something better.

As I would love to "test" things today to ensure I can get it all set up.

It will be such a relief to have an exit plan sorted. So, thanks again and hopefully I'm close – and this isn't as complicated as I'm thinking it is...

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