Deleted member 847

@NoLifeNoPain I'd be willing to experiment with it before I do it for real. I guess I have to think of a material or anchor that will break once I've passed out which isn't exactly easy! Thanks again for answers.
Maybe you shouldn't? What if you actually die?
Remember my failed hanging was also a test
"Material anchor that will break once I've passed out"
You want to get brain damage like me?

If you want to test it fine, but don't pass out with it
stay in the "feeling" for a second or two and then abort immediately
If you pass out you'll probably die for real or
wake up paralyzed or with some other disability
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Jun 19, 2022
@NoLifeNoPain yeh good point it was just something to think about. I'm not sure I could come up with a way it'd work.


Jul 15, 2022
Hi, any ideas to find the "sweet spot" on a strong and fatty neck?
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Jul 15, 2022
Thanks for your answer
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Deleted member 847

Thanks for your answer
I'm not kidding when I tell you to be very careful with this.
If something happens when you're in the lightheadedness and you can't stand up anymore you'll die.
My last thought before I lost consciousness was literally "I need to stand up now".
Too late.
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Jul 15, 2022
I'm not kidding when I tell you to be very careful with this.
If something happens when you're in the lightheadedness and you can't stand up anymore you'll die.
My last thought before I lost consciousness was literally "I need to stand up now".
Too late.
Thanks @NoLifeNoPain the idea is precisely to die. If I get brain damage, or I become disabled, I have stated to apply the euthanasy laws on me as stated by law recently in my country.


Jul 16, 2022
is it possible to ctb with a simple belt? i am to tired to even get out of bed to get a proper rope and i cant go on living anymore.


Mar 21, 2019
I am reading through this megathread and I keep seeing the words "slipknot" and "noose" being used, but they are different knots. I'm wondering which one I should use since the original post mentions using a slipknot and not a hangman's noose, but many users in this thread claim to have used a simple noose for the reason that it tightens under load.
This is the easiest to make. The long end of the rope goes through the loop.


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Jul 18, 2021
slipknot is best knot to use, very easy to tie. but i'm sure a good majority of people who ctb from hanging impulsively tied any kind of a knot that will hold


404: Reason to live not found
Jul 17, 2022
I have 20 metre tall gumtrees on my property. I'm still leaning more toward charcoal and CO. Hanging is more my plan B. However, some of these old, sturdy eucalypts have thick branches about 10 metres from the ground. If I could drop hang myself from that height, would it guarantee that I'd break my neck? I'm 165cm tall (not that anyone is 10 metres tall). Scaffolding or a ladder would help me reach the branch. I'm not keen on just dangling, painfully until I CTB. Breaking my neck seems like a better option.


Jul 20, 2022
"If you place your hand around the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this to make sure you've got the right spot."

Is that 100% true?

I don't live alone, I could buy SN easily but that method seems very scary to me, so partial hanging is the only option I have.

If I try partial hanging, I'd have to do it in a hotel room, but I know that the failure percentage is very high, so I have to find ways to increase my chances of success.


surving hour-by-hour
Mar 12, 2022
I've been struggling to come up with a good anchor point to use. If I ever get the guts to go through with it, I'll CTB in my apartment. I've considered doorknobs, windows, bars in wardrobes, etc. and haven't found many good options. I know I could test my weight on any of these points but my big fear is I might accidentally break something...

The horizontal bar in my wardrobe is wooden, not metal, so I'm guessing that wouldn't work too well. But my shower curtain rod and towel rod in my bathroom are metal and seem pretty strongly attached to the wall. Could either of those work or is that a dumbdumb idea? My other concern is that my bathroom is very small so that might complicate an attempt. (It could be hard or impossible to even partially suspend myself if my body ended up supported by a nearby wall or something, especially if my body flailed around.)

Any advice would be very very welcome.


Atari hazure?
Jul 24, 2022
i want to do this method, but i dont have arope, only cords. though everytime i read the details, my hands tingle i get .
i'm sure i want to, just that precieevd pain i dont know im crying alot so i thats probably why

will a cord work just as well? i dont have a rope.


Mar 19, 2022
Make a partial suspension set up. Your anchor point should be at least half the size of a door. You tie your rope at the very top of it, so you can get as much pressure as possible from it.
Sit or kneel on the floor, like in position 2 and 3. Your butt should be suspended in the air (only your feet are allowed to touch the ground)
If you can feel the lightheadedness, stand up immediately (or else you'll die)
Don't stay in that feeling for more than a second. 6 seconds is all it took me to lose consciousness.
You'll know what that feeling is when you feel it, it won't slip, don't worry about that.
You must try to put as much pressure on your neck as you can with your bodyweight (let your body slide completely on the floor, don't hold back, even if you fear that your neck will hurt or something, fear is also one of the reasons for some of my early failed attempts)
and doing it fast and without inhibition also helps (if you stop in the middle of the process it will be a little uncomfortable. Also use something soft like a shirt or a towel for the ligature, it doesn't matter if it can hold your weight or not, it's just a test)

Be very careful. Testing hanging almost killed me.
Did it hurt or feel uncomfortable?

Deleted member 847

Did it hurt or feel uncomfortable?
My noose was a towel,
so it didn't hurt the skin of my neck (towels are soft)

The hanging itself didn't hurt either, I
just lost consciousness after
bending my legs

I have a thin neck
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Feb 19, 2022
How can you be sure of the strength of something like a tree branch to hold your weight? I'm considering full suspension as it seems easier to die that way but I'm worried the tree branch will snap after I pass out but before I'm completely dead.


Mar 23, 2022
tried this countless times (partial) it's not working please help I want out this world!! 😢 😫


Aug 26, 2019
When testing to find the carotids, does anyone else get a shaky arm after a few seconds? I've not been able to pass out from testing as I lose my grip.


New Member
Aug 9, 2022
Why don't i lose consciousness when i try to hang myself from the Doorknob?

This morning I tried to hang myself. I placed a simple noose around my neck and kneeled. After more than 15 minutes of kneeling I failed to lose consciousness
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Mar 21, 2019
Why don't i lose consciousness when i try to hang myself from the Doorknob?

This morning I tried to hang myself. I placed a simple noose around my neck and kneeled. After more than 15 minutes of kneeling I failed to lose consciousness
It is difficult to apply enough pressure with partial. That is simply one of the drawbacks of this method.
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Nov 1, 2021
When testing to find the carotids, does anyone else get a shaky arm after a few seconds? I've not been able to pass out from testing as I lose my grip.

Yes, me. Same thing. Muslces go weak and very shaky/uncontrollable. So much that I can barely stand and need to sit down or hold onto something if I don't want to fall. Vision gets blurry or complete black out. But I don't pass out either.

I'm sure if the rope was fixed instead of me holding it, it would take only a copuple of more seconds and I would be gone forever.
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Aug 8, 2022
CD1BB227 8013 496A 9B9F BF7BEFB491A3
hi all im wil try this location tomorrow to hang my self? wil it work? it can hold my weight and im think that il have a good rope?


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Jun 3, 2022
It is difficult to apply enough pressure with partial. That is simply one of the drawbacks of this mm.

The difference is like handstand push-ups vs. girly push-ups. But full body weight is usually overkill.
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Aug 13, 2022
Hi everybody. I want to completely hang myself on the front door. The height of the door is about 225 centimeters, my height is 192. The rope can withstand 250 kg (at least that's what it says) with a thickness of 4 millimeters. I want to clamp the rope with the front door in the doorway. Do you think something could go wrong?

Also, can someone tell me how you can be guaranteed to hang yourself (using partial hanging)? It's just that I tried many times, and I couldn't lose consciousness, the only thing that was, it was getting dark in my eyes, and there was a strange taste in my mouth. Usually after about twenty seconds it becomes unbearable and I have to get up. I have heard that there have been cases when sb lost consciousness in a few seconds, what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!


The Noose is Waiting for Me
Aug 12, 2022
Why don't i lose consciousness when i try to hang myself from the Doorknob?

This morning I tried to hang myself. I placed a simple noose around my neck and kneeled. After more than 15 minutes of kneeling I failed to lose consciousness
I think your whole body has to suspended with only your legs or get touching the floor. You butt should still be up in the air for partial hanging to work
Hi everybody. I want to completely hang myself on the front door. The height of the door is about 225 centimeters, my height is 192. The rope can withstand 250 kg (at least that's what it says) with a thickness of 4 millimeters. I want to clamp the rope with the front door in the doorway. Do you think something could go wrong?

Also, can someone tell me how you can be guaranteed to hang yourself (using partial hanging)? It's just that I tried many times, and I couldn't lose consciousness, the only thing that was, it was getting dark in my eyes, and there was a strange taste in my mouth. Usually after about twenty seconds it becomes unbearable and I have to get up. I have heard that there have been cases when sb lost consciousness in a few seconds, what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
What kind of knot are you using?
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Aug 13, 2022
I think your whole body has to suspended with only your legs or get touching the floor. You butt should still be up in the air for partial hanging to work

What kind of knot are you using?


The Noose is Waiting for Me
Aug 12, 2022
I think you also have to carefully measure the rope length to make sure it is not too long, so your body is completely suspended except for feet or legs. Also the rope may stretch a little
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