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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
I found it on Google last September (a few days before my birthday, actually) when I was researching methods. I didn't want to reach my birthday. I think I was searching either the ideal height or best bridge to jump from and a thread from this website showed up in the search results
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Nov 29, 2023
After coming back from the psychward, I felt myself getting worse. I knew the second they plan to release me that I would just self-destruct and self-sabotage. I was faking "getting better" while I was inpatient. Found this browsing in private mode about methods and here I am.

I do not regret joining. There's a sense of community here, and it's comforting, kind of like a shelter from the never-ending storm we call life out there.
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
Probably google'd "Sanctioned Suicide" to see whatever happened to the old reddit community after the ban.

I don't regret signing up. I feel connected with the community. It's obviously depressing sometimes to see such good people hurting but I'd rather be a part of it than turn away. It's nice being able to root for everyone to feel a bit better, even those who have maybe not been so nice to me: I'd be so happy to see that they've gotten even a bit better or that they got closer to the release they're seeking.
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Dec 19, 2021
Googled "pro-choice suicide forums".
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Dec 16, 2023
Found it on Youtube bc I was watching some videos that discussed suicide. I was wondering wtf is this site. Half of me regrets joining this site, bc it's not really making my mental health better. But half of me finds comfort from here.
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illusive sweets

illusive sweets

There’s not enough candy in the world, I need more
May 16, 2024
I found it through a podcast talking about it and got interested cause they didn't wanna name it. So I did some research, found it, joined and here I am.

I don't regret joining it it's feels freeing being able to talk about anything and having people think the same as me. And it's fun to kill time here :)
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my soul is rotten
May 8, 2024
I was hyper focused on suicide. letters, methods, people who did it and its repercussions, blue whale challenge and everything along these. I ended up here, but I only created an account when someone I slightly knew posted here and commited.
I tried it before and if I try it again I don't want to fail.
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Oct 20, 2023
a good long time ago, from the reddit community, and the other communities before that. I lurked a direct offshoot of alt.suicide.holiday when I was a preteen (been at this suicidality thing for a long time!).

more than anything, I regret that these sites have done more for me than suicide hotlines or most mental health professionals - which, given when I'm of sound mind I don't want to *have* to ctb, is a testament to how profoundly shitty the state of MH support is.
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Nov 15, 2021
Found the site while searching for "how to hang" at a very low point. I don't regret it at all because reading through the forum somewhat distracted me throughout the crisis until it passed. In general I find it reassuring that the resources are always there, it makes me feel less trapped in my life.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Found it when i wanted to end it. Came back for a bit last year but I'm not really fond of the place anymore mostly because how society and even this place treats men. I visit ocasionally out of habit but I should stop eventually.
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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
I was searching for methods.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I had an hunch that there were information about suicide methods out there that would be shared in a super niche place and, to find this site, I tried to think about how a normie would find a site like this as information about suicide methods is heavily censored by normies. Therefore I searched "suicide forum documentaries" and I found the wikipedia article referencing this site hence I joined this place.

I don't regret joining this site as this site is one of the best sites to share my views and some of the users here have consistently accurate and realistic takes on life which I really enjoy to see. However, I will admit that I'm annoyed at how I can't make use of the information about suicide methods on this site because I'm homebound. I'm also annoyed at the users here who oppose antinatalism, neets and work being wage slavery as they remind me of normies... who are the same people that I want to escape.

Truthfully, I can't relate to most people here who hate themselves, want to self harm and have low self esteem. It shows that there's a fundamental difference between me and most suicidal people. I'm not annoyed at that but it does make this site reduce its perfection for me as I can't relate to a variety of users. Despite all this, I still do like being here and I spend most of my time on this site. I don't regret being here
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Jul 22, 2024
i was looking around for methods and there were a couple of mentions on different websites regarding this forum.

let me rephrase the question to "do i regret finding it?" (bc yeah, i've only made an account here today)

eh, sometimes. there's so much information on here from different kind of sources that it gets frustrating at times.

sure, everyone is here to share their own experience to help others but when there's ten different point of views / experiences on a certain method it can be a bit of a mindfuck as to where to begin and it gets frustrating when none of the methods seem to be functional for yourself.

not that i'm to blame one of you, or the forums. more of a matter that i wish it was much easier. that's the frustrating part i guess, but hey, i'm here to gain knowledge and to succeed at some point.

but yeah, i've gotten to know a lot of things because of this forum / most of you. if it wasn't for this forum, i would've sticked to methods that have a huge chance of failure.

hopefully i'll be very thankful at some point in life. that kind of point where i wouldn't be able to express my gratefulness.


Jul 9, 2024
read about it in the New York Times - and then began to lurk for a year or so

I don't regret - Learned alot and what method I intend to use