Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 40,921
Ceasing to exist as a positive solution.
For me ceasing to exist would be the positive solution to suffering, it'd solve everything for me, I'd be so relieved for this existence to finally be no longer my problem and for me to never suffer ever again. Ceasing to exist solves everything for me as after all there are no disadvantages to not existing, all problems, pain and suffering are ultimately as a result of existence itself after all and without existence I cannot suffer in any way, ceasing to exist would save me from and prevent all future suffering in this existence where I'm just waiting for death anyway and what terrifies me is how a human can suffer for so long with no limit as to how much agony one can feel.
The thought of being trapped in this existence just to face the agony of old age is really so horrific to me, I'd never wish for any of this rather I just want non-existence, permanently ceasing to exist really would solve everything for me and bring me so much peace, existence to me is an abomination that just causes suffering and I see it as deeply undesirable to suffer in this existence, non-existence certainly is all that's positive for me. I see ceasing to exist as the way for me to find peace from all unnecessary futile suffering that was all just a terrible tragic mistake in the first place, I just hope and wish for this existence to no longer my problem, I wish to sleep for all eternity where nothing can concern me and I'm free from the torturous, unnecessary burden of existence, I never would have wished for or chosen any of this, I'll always see it as so dreadful to suffer in this existence.
For me ceasing to exist would be the positive solution to suffering, it'd solve everything for me, I'd be so relieved for this existence to finally be no longer my problem and for me to never suffer ever again. Ceasing to exist solves everything for me as after all there are no disadvantages to not existing, all problems, pain and suffering are ultimately as a result of existence itself after all and without existence I cannot suffer in any way, ceasing to exist would save me from and prevent all future suffering in this existence where I'm just waiting for death anyway and what terrifies me is how a human can suffer for so long with no limit as to how much agony one can feel.
The thought of being trapped in this existence just to face the agony of old age is really so horrific to me, I'd never wish for any of this rather I just want non-existence, permanently ceasing to exist really would solve everything for me and bring me so much peace, existence to me is an abomination that just causes suffering and I see it as deeply undesirable to suffer in this existence, non-existence certainly is all that's positive for me. I see ceasing to exist as the way for me to find peace from all unnecessary futile suffering that was all just a terrible tragic mistake in the first place, I just hope and wish for this existence to no longer my problem, I wish to sleep for all eternity where nothing can concern me and I'm free from the torturous, unnecessary burden of existence, I never would have wished for or chosen any of this, I'll always see it as so dreadful to suffer in this existence.