This forum can be responsibe for the death young people/Adults in the sense that they may not have comitted suicide without having methods and support from this community. I am sympathetic to Shawn's mother's crusade against SS, because I can see how it played a direct part in the suicide of her daughter which is one of the most tramautazing experiences a mother can go thorugh. I can understand her point of view even if I dont' entirely agree with it.
Like I said before. I am completely for legalizing euthanasia so that people caught in a chronic hopeless condition can get professional help to die peacefully if that's what they wish.
What I said is that I don't support assisted suicide for all adults whatever their reason is.
Let me give an example. A 25 year old friend has an episode of depression triggered because his girlfriend of 5 years left him. This makes him acutely sudicidal. Should we give such a person the methods and support to suicide or would it be wiser and kinder to encourage him to be patient and remind that there are pleny fish in the sea?
In such a situation I think the latter action is the right one. That's an example why I don't agree with supporting suicide for adults no matter what their reason is.
I don't think we neccessarily should tell people to rethink suicide when they make a goodbye thread. I was pointing out that due to the culture and rules here, we are basicly not allowed to. Which is why I understand that Shawn's mother thinks this is evil site, because we are generally not really allowed to talk people out of their imminent suicide no matter what the reasons are for that suicide. So basicly you are only allowed to offer support.
If I told a bunch of friends that I am going to a bridge to jump to my death and they don't intervene and tell me good luck then I would say, that they have support my suicide.
Let me make it very clear for you.
It doesn't matter if you're 25 years old.
It doesn't matter if you're 35 years old.
It doesn't matter if you're 45 years old.
All of these ages are valid ages to commit suicide.
We don't do that gate keeping crap here. That's why I said before that this probably isn't the right place for you. We don't judge people by age. We don't judge them by their background. We don't judge them by the severity of their struggles. Everyone who wants to leave this shit-show can leave this shit-show.
It's not your place or mine to tell others if they're "ready enough" to commit suicide. You mention breakup as an example that shouldn't lead to suicide. But what if that person, during these 5 years, completely isolated themselves and is unable to find any joy in life? What if the loneliness is consuming them? What if they simply can't escape that void? I am lonely. I am socially isolated. It's not the full story and not the reason why I want to commit suicide but it's one of the many reasons that contribute to my suicide ideation. The same way I don't tell others if they're "ready" to go I don't want you or anyone else to tell me if I'm "suicidal enough" to leave this planet. This isn't your decision. It's not the decision of my family members. It's not the decision of friends. It's not the decision of doctors. It's solely my decision and you will have to accept that. And that's pretty much the philosophy of most people who come to this place. We don't like gate keeping. We don't like people who come to this place and share their unnecessary wisdom about life. We don't like people who tell others that they're not ready to ctb. Now, I don't know if the climate changed in the last 12 months but when I first registered, this was the philosophy of this forum. Maybe this changed, maybe I am the minority now and everyone else likes authoritarian figures that tell them if they're ready to commit suicide. I don't like that.
That doesn't make this site evil. It doesn't justify your nonsense and it certainly doesn't justify the constant attacks of Shawn mother. This is a pro-choice forum. This means, if you make the choice to leave this planet, there won't be a doctor in this forum checking up on your rationality before he gives you the green light. You can simply register, get your resources, engage in the forum and if you're done, you can simply check out. Nobody is gonna stop you here. Your whole argument about Shawn mother breaks apart when you consider that every single person on this planet, every member in this forum, has a fucking mother. So what do you want us do to? Does it mean every single mother on this planet that lost their son that was registered in this forum has the right to come after us and shut us down, even when they were adults? And that's the point. Shawn was 25 years old. She was an adult. It was her decision and we should respect that instead of dragging her name through the dirt like that. Do you think she wanted to become part of this discussion after she leaves? I doubt it.
You are allowed to support people but not - I repeat - NOT in threads when they already made up their mind about suicide. You don't seem to understand that. Respect other peoples decision. Respect their circumstances. Don't be an ass. These are the rules.
Again, I am talking about people who sincerely and genuinely want to commit suicide. I am NOT talking about people who do it out of desperation. I'm not talking about people who need attention and do it as a cry for help. I'm talking about individuals that made the conscious decision to leave this life behind, who understand the implications and permanent consequences of suicide and accept them.