As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
I also don't think it's unlikely that there have been people who "left" but came back under a different account. Maybe that's just me omega-coping though. But I'd put money on it having happened at least once.
Some of those people may have decided to end their life already, but I believe that you are correct.
For example, one may not want to buy N or SN, but it's beneficial to know how to tie a proper hanging rope, in case life takes a turn for the worse. You could call it "suicide prepping".
I suspect people do use this place for that but in reality there's nothing to be learned about the traditional methods here, the "how to hang yourself" thread etc is fundamentally worthless.
👁️👃👁️, KuriGohan&Kamehameha, waitingforrest and 3 others
Yeah, happens all the time, a fair few people have supposedly ctb then logged back in under another account to partake in the ensuing grieving.
I suspect people do use this place for that but in reality there's nothing to be learned about the traditional methods here, the "how to hang yourself" thread etc is fundamentally worthless.
You are correct about hanging in one sense, but do take into account that not everyone is aware what hanging actually entails. If you were like me, you would think that hanging entails actual suffocation, which is not the case, since it's all about just blocking the carotid arteries - so suicide is like any field of expertise, for those of us who are new to it.
What you said is probably true about jumping and such, though, since there's nothing special to be learned about it.
whatevs, katagiri83, waitingforrest and 1 other person
Yeah but none of that information is exclusive to this website, and asking for info on those methods here just leads to certain people appointing themselves as experts despite knowing no more than the next person.
katagiri83, waitingforrest, Life_and_Death and 1 other person
Yeah but none of that information is exclusive to this website, and asking for info on those methods here just leads to certain people appointing themselves as experts despite knowing no more than the next person.
You are probably correct, but someone who's suicidal may be content with the first resource that they find. In my own case, I was researching the Helium method three years ago, and ended up here.
Do you mean that there are members here who seem to deem themselves to be experts at suicide..? I'm guessing that they are simply trying to find a space for themselves in which they can feel useful - or maybe even superior to others. I would disagree with them in so far as this is not the place to be superior in any way, but I also believe that it's useful for people to share their knowledge, since it's probably unlikely that a new member is searching for ancient knowledge from when the community was built, but, rather, somewhat new information that someone has used lately and seemed to have succeeded in their attempt at ending their life.
I would say, though, just let those Mr.-know-it-alls to pretend that they are at the top of the world with all the suicide knowledge - no one here seems to care about that kind of attitude anynow, since all that matters is that one finds correct and up-to-date information about a possible method, and not who is the king of the world.
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MountainMonkey, waitingforrest and Disappointered
The amount of attention they'd get from a goodbye thread is probably really intoxicating. Seeing who and how many people reach out to say they care about them would be one of my guesses also.
The amount of attention they'd get from a goodbye thread is probably really intoxicating. Seeing who and how many people reach out to say they care about them would be one of my guesses also.
Oh no, I'm sorry if I worried anyone. I just wanted to write a quick message to say I'm still alive. I very rarely use the forum or check my notifications. Started a new medication a couple of months ago that seems to be helping (it's not a cure, but it's progress) so I want to see how I get on and commit to giving this a chance before deciding whether to stay or go, and I chose to distance myself from this site for the time being.
If anyone wants to keep in touch, I do have Discord and Protonmail so feel free to drop me a line if you'd like to touch base here and there. Sending you all lots of love.
Per Ardua Ad Astra, chaosandquiet, FrozenMango and 19 others
Кто знает, что случилось с участником Pan Tofel? Я вижу, что его удалили. он был так добр ко мне... Может быть, его избавили от страданий. кто знает. но как-то грустно.
Thank you. I did wonder. I hope they had an easy passing.
Actually I'm feeling very sombre about this. I was reading their thread about their experience with SN and they were very helpful with their responses to questions.
May they be free from suffering.
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voyager, Cathy Ames, waitingforrest and 6 others
Thank you. I did wonder. I hope they had an easy passing.
Actually I'm feeling very sombre about this. I was reading their thread about their experience with SN and they were very helpful with their responses to questions.
Was Summers self banned or banned? He didn't say goodbye to me... But if he could... It means he didn't care... We shared discord... But ... Yeah... Nope...
Was Summers self banned or banned? He didn't say goodbye to me... But if he could... It means he didn't care... We shared discord... But ... Yeah... Nope...
We can self ban? So he hated us? He hated... Me...
I wish I understood why. Maybe talking with my lost cause self made him realize that his life isn't so bad after all...
Can a self ban be undone? Did he deactivated or deleted? But he stopped talking to me before that... So I guess he didn't have any affection for me after all. He said he'd do anything but didn't hug me when I asked... I'm stupid...
This I why I didn't let myself love for 20 years... They say they care but don't discuss stuff and trash you... Or become maniac stalkers... I wish he stalked me...
More grief more mindfuck... Why can't the universe give me a break... Break my neck
Damnit I just wanted to love! Who want to be my new favorite and get cursed? Happens all the time...
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not-2-b-the-answer, Suicidebydeath, CTB Dream and 2 others
They ctb. They contributed a lot to the forum and they were a highly appreciated colleague in my team. It's sad that they're gone but I hope they found peace.
Oh my goodness. This is another one of those that just "hit" me, to read about. @Symbiote was very helpful to me, and had a very "distinct" personality on the forum. I am very sorry for your loss, Rain.
Maybe talking with my lost cause self made him realize that his life isn't so bad after all...
Can a self ban be undone? Did he deactivated or deleted? But he stopped talking to me before that... So I guess he didn't have any affection for me after all. He said he'd do anything but didn't hug me when I asked... I'm stupid...
This I why I didn't let myself love for 20 years... They say they care but don't discuss stuff and trash you... Or become maniac stalkers... I wish he stalked me...
More grief more mindfuck... Why can't the universe give me a break... Break my neck
Damnit I just wanted to love! Who want to be my new favorite and get cursed? Happens all the time...
Of all the places in the world, this is one where you can safely assume that people leaving is not about "you" (generic you). And circumstances do not always allow for good-byes. I am very sorry you are hurting, and I hope you will feel better soon, but it is certainly completely unmerited for you to be doing a thing that looks like you're blaming yourself or something like that.
waitingforrest, ColorlessTrees, FrozenMango and 7 others
does anyone know where funeralprincess went? there was a line through her name a little while ago, but no goodbye thread so i wonder if she self-deactivated or got banned?
waitingforrest, not-2-b-the-answer and Dead Meat
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