I've waited so long

I've waited so long

Jul 11, 2018
I sometimes wonder if VR will ever get to the point of Sword Art Online. Maybe if we find a way to induce lucid dreaming we can also manipulate the dream into the being the virtual environment of a game by manipulating the signals in the brain, then we send the signals from the brain to a system (which houses the game and sends the information to the lucid dreamer) then a server and back to the system and person. I've read of devices that allow unconscious patients communicate in a manner similar to this. I've also read that we can control robotics using our mind as well, so maybe it is possible?
If that becomes true I will stay in virtual world forever. :)
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Mar 31, 2018
Your answer also helped me, but I think I shouldn't beel better for this. I mean, you're suffering. I can't be happy for the other's misfortune.
It is alright. I don't mind it, especially if it helps someone.

Plus, while it would have been cool to be a professional gamer or some other thing like that, this kind of stuff really isn't what I truly, truly desire.
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Apr 18, 2018
I constantly see people sharing stuff they like with others, or simply enjoying when they do something... But I don'l like anything. Literally anything. It does me feel more boring and meaningless.

Seeimg how all the other persons have hobbies or good tastes is the only thing in the world that can make me feel envy.

I'm basically just parroting what you said, but I feel the same way. I don't feel like I can derive enjoyment from anything anymore. The best I can do is distract myself from the fact I that I exist, and I seem to have a harder and harder time doing that lately. I just feel so empty all the time.
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I'm basically just parroting what you said, but I feel the same way. I don't feel like I can derive enjoyment from anything anymore. The best I can do is distract myself from the fact I that I exist, and I seem to have a harder and harder time doing that lately. I just feel so empty all the time.
Yeah it's shitty. If I don't enjoy anything for more time, why should I still living?
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Hey, this is a real random thought.

Yesterday in the night I saw a new user called millennial. For some reason I thought it was millefeui who was banned and created that new account.
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Mar 31, 2018
I also got confused for a moment when I saw that user.

At any rate, if I get banned, for some reason, I am very unlikely to come back with a new account.


Random thought: I think I am going to stop walking my dog. My paranoia is taking over me, and honestly, I am not surprised. I was robbed so many times. It took longer than I thought for this to happen. Every time someone walks by me, I get scared they might rob me.

But my dog really enjoys her walks...
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Robbers are very common, unfortunately. Good thing I have a nightstick if one of this guys wants to come for me.
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Apr 1, 2018
I was robbed so many times

I was robbed only once in my life, but it was enough to upset me for months. I'm sorry that it happened so frequently
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Mar 31, 2018
Maybe I should look into buying a taser or something like that. I am weak and somewhat frail, and my dog is not trained to defend herself or even me.
I was robbed only once in my life, but it was enough to upset me for months. I'm sorry that it happened so frequently
Thank you. I was robbed 6 or 7 times. I forgot. Three times by people with guns, and once by three armed robbers at once (I was with a friend, at least — Otherwise I would have had a heart attack or something... Perhaps that would have been for the best).

Needlessly to say I don't live in the safest area.
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I was robbed once, years ago but I have a very vague memory. It was very dark, I was with a person, the robber decided to attack him for some reason, the person decided to run fastly towards him and the I never saw the bad guy again. It's not a very good explanation but enen today I'm not sure of what happened exactly. It was very confusing and more with all the darkness of the night. I tried to go to save the person, but they are faster than me and I didn't reach them.
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Apr 18, 2018
Maybe I should look into buying a taser or something like that. I am weak and somewhat frail, and my dog is not trained to defend herself or even me.
Thank you. I was robbed 6 or 7 times. I forgot. Three times by people with guns, and once by three armed robbers at once (I was with a friend, at least — Otherwise I would have had a heart attack or something... Perhaps that would have been for the best).

Needlessly to say I don't live in the safest area.

Good god. Is it really paranoia if you've been robbed that many times? I'm sorry to hear you've had to go through that. I'm a bit reclusive, but I don't think I'd ever be able to leave the house again if I were robbed at gunpoint once, let alone multiple times.
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Mar 31, 2018
Good god. Is it really paranoia if you've been robbed that many times? I'm sorry to hear you've had to go through that. I'm a bit reclusive, but I don't think I'd ever be able to leave the house again if I were robbed at gunpoint once, let alone multiple times.
You might be right, but when you start suspecting everyone, even elderly people, it gets to the point of becoming paranoia.
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Jun 30, 2018
Something that keeps me from committing is my fear of people trying to involve themselves in my actions. Like that part in Heathers with everyone exaggerating their relationship with Heather Chandler, projecting onto their brief interactions with her for the cameras or to "get one over on her" in front of everyone.

"Heather and I used to go out but she said I was boring... but now I realize I really wasn't boring. It's just that she was dissatisfied with her life."

"It's not gonna be the same here without her..."
"What are you talking about? You hated her, she hated you!"
There's a lot of unavoidables with CTB'ing and I'm trying to work my way through them. The thought of being used as a way for others to appear thoughtful or moral is something I can't stand. It's probably why I'll try to go "forever missing" instead of leaving my remains in civilization.

Yep. After you are dead, people see an invitation to start virtue signaling or to talk shit about you. Because you aren't around to point out their BS.
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Jul 9, 2018
I feel no kind of freedom in this life that's why I want to leave it. The pavement the cars ,having to retreat back into some box to "live" it's all some form of hell. The constant needs of being in a physical body and the slavery necessary to support it. The earth itself creates a hostile physical environment. I just want to fly free.
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Apr 1, 2018
There's this couple I know that went out on a date last night; they broadcasted on Instagram Stories the hell out of it. They've posted about 1 hour of video. I mean, I'm a technophile myself-- but what's the point of going out together if you have to let the world know about every freaking thing you do. Once again, it's human egocentrism and inherent protagonism the core problem, not technology itself
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Mar 31, 2018
I woke up from a dream smiling a few hours ago. That is a first for me. Though, if I have to be honest, it was a really cute dream.
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Oh, I lost that beautiful turquoise colour in my name. Well, I guess I must enjoy this forest-green colour... I hope being dead before 500 posts, I don't like yellow...
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Jul 3, 2018
You know how there is a chance you will end up dreaming about what you were last thinking of before falling to sleep? I don't actually believe in any kind of afterlife, but I think it is beautiful to think/hope the same could happen for your final sleep as well. If anything, it could help you go with a smile on your face, instead of possibly being filled with fear, sadness and anger in your last moment.

Just a cute little thought I had on waking up today and thought to share it hehe. I think I will be thinking this in my last moment to make it as graceful as possible and keep my fingers crossed it just might come true if believed hard enough. :)

Dandelion 463928 640
Make a wish. :)
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
There's this couple I know that went out on a date last night; they broadcasted on Instagram Stories the hell out of it. They've posted about 1 hour of video. I mean, I'm a technophile myself-- but what's the point of going out together if you have to let the world know about every freaking thing you do. Once again, it's human egocentrism and inherent protagonism the core problem, not technology itself

Technology is amazing and not a problem. The way people using things are wrong and not technology itself.

Technology helped us realize the truth of this world and the information got into our minds very rapidly and quickly. We became free and think without boundaries thanks to technology, I don't want to live in a world without it and if anything happened to it, I'll ctb immediately.
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Mar 31, 2018
You know how there is a chance you will end up dreaming about what you were last thinking of before falling to sleep? I don't actually believe in any kind of afterlife, but I think it is beautiful to think/hope the same could happen for your final sleep as well. If anything, it could help you go with a smile on your face, instead of possibly being filled with fear, sadness and anger in your last moment.

Just a cute little thought I had on waking up today and thought to share it hehe. I think I will be thinking this in my last moment to make it as graceful as possible and keep my fingers crossed it just might come true if believed hard enough. :)

View attachment 260
Make a wish. :)
Interesting though. A few days ago I decided that I am leaving this world while listening to some cheerful, happy songs and thinking of good things, the things I want to happen the most if there is some kind of afterlife/reincarnation thing. I mean, I am just a human who knows very little about things, so what if, right? Might as well give it a try.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I'll die happy if I get a painless method. This can be harsh but I'll die smiling if I did that while others will cry.
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Mar 31, 2018
You know, if a God existed, He wouldn't have created cockroaches.

Also, I woke up smiling three times in a row. I wonder if I am going to die soon and somehow my mind feels it and is unconsciously happy about it. Nonsense, I know, but this never happened before in my 27 years of life.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I think we should leave other people and never contact them about other issues because they will never understand.

Life is inherently having problems but they keep sugarcoating it and saying nonsense. You can tackle whatever they say using logic and whatever they say won't "make sense".

But then they'll tell you life doesn't have to "make sense". I wonder why one should be here, suffer for a lifetime, follow nonsensical stuff (systems, rules, constructs..etc). Life is a big pile of contradictions and they won't admit it. They try to apply logic when it benefits them but when it destroys their ideas and illusions, they want us to accept the nonsense. What a joke is this life.
If they can't understand a simple abstract little truth like this, how the fuck they will understand deeper and harder and more complicated problems like ours.
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Apr 11, 2018
I think we should leave other people and never contact them about other issues because they will never understand.

Life is inherently having problems but they keep sugarcoating it and saying nonsense. You can tackle whatever they say using logic and whatever they say won't "make sense".

But then they'll tell you life doesn't have to "make sense". I wonder why one should be here, suffer for a lifetime, follow nonsensical stuff (systems, rules, constructs..etc). Life is a big pile of contradictions and they won't admit it. They try to apply logic when it benefits them but when it destroys their ideas and illusions, they want us to accept the nonsense. What a joke is this life.
If they can't understand a simple abstract little truth like this, how the fuck they will understand deeper and harder and more complicated problems like ours.

I'd just like to add that logic builds upon the rules of one's world. If these worlds are fundamentally different then it fails to be a way of reasoning or even communicating.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I'd just like to add that logic builds upon the rules of one's world. If these worlds are fundamentally different then it fails to be a way of reasoning or even communicating.

Logic is built on axioms but there are accepted axioms by almost everyone (mathematical and abstract ones like arithmetic for example). One don't want to contact someone who axiomatize something bizarre or insane (for example, saying 1+1=3, square=circle and even outside of the mathematics, saying "life is good for everyone"), no matter what one will say, they are sticking to these as axioms "beliefs".

Also you can build logic using "their" axioms and prove contradictions but it changes nothing. They'll dodge it and continue thinking what they want. They don't care about logic even using "their" axioms.

One can accept the differences in open and unsolved topics like God existence and afterlife, and its not limited to philosophy but each science and aspect (open problems have believers in each side).

But in topics like life and how its problematic, talking to these people who believe life is great is like talking to a wall. Telling you life is great and a gift while you are suffering and maybe in the verge of death. One is greatly suffering, where is the greatness? What is the gift? They won't answer. They'll omit logic (even if built on their axioms) and stick to the axioms themselves.

Sure some other people will use logic, but when they find a contradiction. They'll dodge like ones without logic
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Mar 31, 2018
Dude, anxiety sucks. I am so sick of this shit.
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This is a bit embarrasing thought.

I think I fear anime and similar stuff. I can't explain it but it unnerves me a lot and turns me anxious. I don't see it and I never did but internet is full of anime pictures looking me with weird faces and I think something like "what are you looking dude?".

Somebody here knows if there exist phobia to anime?
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El revisionismo en castillano
Jul 16, 2018
Somebody here knows if there exist phobia to anime?

This is interesting because there are a lot of people attracted with so much devotion to specific anime/manga characters.
It's called "schediaphilia" (where schedia means "design" in Greek and philia more obviously "love"), I guess that your specific feeling, being the opposite condition, could be called "schediaphobia".
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This is interesting because there are a lot of people attracted with so much devotion to specific anime/manga characters.
It's called "schediaphilia" (where schedia means "design" in Greek and philia more obviously "love"), I guess that your specific feeling, being the opposite condition, could be called "schediaphobia".
Useful info, thank you.

Yeah I don't know why but it makes me react in a negative way.
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Mar 20, 2018
This is a bit embarrasing thought.

I think I fear anime and similar stuff. I can't explain it but it unnerves me a lot and turns me anxious. I don't see it and I never did but internet is full of anime pictures looking me with weird faces and I think something like "what are you looking dude?".

Somebody here knows if there exist phobia to anime?
I got really scared by how a character stretches his body when I saw my cousin watch an anime called One Piece when I was little. But I loved One Piece when I eventually watched it myself XD
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