I can't speak for Plato or for Joe - they wouldn't like that…
I can't leave this unanswered - they defs WOULD NOT have liked that.

SN is in the PPH - the first P stands for peaceful, so there's that. Exit haven't rescinded their position, so I'm not gonna question them.
The reason both Plato & Joe recorded catching their buses was to help their fellow SaSu friends (& friends they were yet to meet, travellers that arrived after their departure). They wanted to fight misinformation with information. Real experience. Life experience. Death experience.
Neither suffered any real distress. The majority of the noice can simply be attributed to the same death rattle that accompanies any death.
But Plato & Joe's legacy shouldn't be tainted with fear - they were beautiful people who gave this community so much more than they ever took.
So I'm sorry if SN may not be for you - I wish you well with whichever bus you choose. Or your recovery, if you're so lucky.
And to Plato & to Joe (& anyone that helps record these events), we still remember your gift & thank you for it.
Every. Damn. Day.