- Sep 16, 2018
- 1,010
You're an old soul, Dear Severen.Enjoy your youth while you still have it. Don't waste it on being a good productive citizen. When you are young, try to have as much fun as possible. Meet interesting people, enjoy your time with girlfriends or boyfriends, party, see the world, go on adventures and enjoy your hobbies etc. Once you get old, there is no going back. There is no time machine waiting for you or any anti aging shit. And time will destroy your body. Entropy is a bitch. You'll have plenty of time later on, to become a good wage slave... Kids, teens and young adults should focus on enjoying life as much as possible. If anyone tells you otherwise, he or she probably just wants to use you as a money making machine or drag you down like a crab in a bucket because they never got to enjoy life when they were young... There's nothing shameful about trying to build up a foundation for your future in your late 20s or early 30s even though society will call you a "loser" for not doing so right after you got out of Highschool. Fuck society. When has society ever actually given a shit about your happiness? There are people in college or university in their late 20s or 30s... It's no big fucking deal. It's the same thing with trade school or anything else. And of course, everyone else in your generation will be a decade ahead of you when it comes to making money... But who gives a shit... They wasted their youth for mostly useless shit while you got to enjoy your youth. Oh they get to drive a nice car while you are driving an old car. Who gives a shit. Life is not a fucking race. It's not like, the first people to get to the finish line, get rewarded by going to heaven or get a cash bonus of a million dollars or some shit. And the way the economy is nowadays, a lot of these fuckers will end up homeless or working at Starbucks anyway. And no, things do not get better as you get older. That is a bullshit myth unless you have some really good genetics and manage to get an awesome job or become a celebrity etc... <- Not going to happen for most people. Just like all those young dumb naive fools who see themselves as future billionaires are going to be in for a rude awakening. Most of these people are going to be working some mediocre ass job with all these fucking physical health problems tormenting them on a daily basis, living paycheck to paycheck... Balding. Wrinkles everywhere. Fat. Sagging flesh underneath their chins. Sagging tits. Constantly in a bitchy mood. Haven't had sex in years. Married to a spouse they fucking hate. And their children will hate them as well. And then when they finally get to retire, they will be just a bunch of senile wrinkly zombie looking bags of bones who only have the energy to sit on their ass, watch TV or something similar and reminisce about their time in Highschool and in college or university. And if someone ever sees them naked, he or she will get PTSD. But the people who are in their 50s and 60s and didn't waste their youth will have a lot less regrets... And feel more satisfied with life. They wont feel like they missed out and then can simply move on and accept old age with inner peace and acceptance.