

Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
Life advice I mean?
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Sep 3, 2018
I'm sure most are asleep at the moment. Hope to see any advice given.
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Jun 30, 2018
Enjoy your youth while you still have it. Don't waste it on being a good productive citizen. When you are young, try to have as much fun as possible. Meet interesting people, enjoy your time with girlfriends or boyfriends, party, see the world, go on adventures and enjoy your hobbies etc. Once you get old, there is no going back. There is no time machine waiting for you or any anti aging shit. And time will destroy your body. Entropy is a bitch. You'll have plenty of time later on, to become a good wage slave... Kids, teens and young adults should focus on enjoying life as much as possible. If anyone tells you otherwise, he or she probably just wants to use you as a money making machine or drag you down like a crab in a bucket because they never got to enjoy life when they were young... There's nothing shameful about trying to build up a foundation for your future in your late 20s or early 30s even though society will call you a "loser" for not doing so right after you got out of Highschool. Fuck society. When has society ever actually given a shit about your happiness? There are people in college or university in their late 20s or 30s... It's no big fucking deal. It's the same thing with trade school or anything else. And of course, everyone else in your generation will be a decade ahead of you when it comes to making money... But who gives a shit... They wasted their youth for mostly useless shit while you got to enjoy your youth. Oh they get to drive a nice car while you are driving an old car. Who gives a shit. Life is not a fucking race. It's not like, the first people to get to the finish line, get rewarded by going to heaven or get a cash bonus of a million dollars or some shit. And the way the economy is nowadays, a lot of these fuckers will end up homeless or working at Starbucks anyway. And no, things do not get better as you get older. That is a bullshit myth unless you have some really good genetics and manage to get an awesome job or become a celebrity etc... <- Not going to happen for most people. Just like all those young dumb naive fools who see themselves as future billionaires are going to be in for a rude awakening. Most of these people are going to be working some mediocre ass job with all these fucking physical health problems tormenting them on a daily basis, living paycheck to paycheck... Balding. Wrinkles everywhere. Fat. Sagging flesh underneath their chins. Sagging tits. Constantly in a bitchy mood. Haven't had sex in years. Married to a spouse they fucking hate. And their children will hate them as well. And then when they finally get to retire, they will be just a bunch of senile wrinkly zombie looking bags of bones who only have the energy to sit on their ass, watch TV or something similar and reminisce about their time in Highschool and in college or university. And if someone ever sees them naked, he or she will get PTSD. But the people who are in their 50s and 60s and didn't waste their youth will have a lot less regrets... And feel more satisfied with life. They wont feel like they missed out and then can simply move on and accept old age with inner peace and acceptance.
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Mar 16, 2019
I'm sure most are asleep at the moment. Hope to see any advice given.
It's daytime in some parts of the world :blarg:.

Anything really

I don't know really as things were very different when I was young. I struggle with the way the world is now, and I feel it's become more difficult for young people nowadays, especially as education isn't free any more so young people end up with so much debt after completing university.

I agree with many of the things @Severen has already said, although he does come across as a bit angry - no offence mate :halo:. I didn't do any of the things I wanted to when I was young. Got married young and became a wage slave. But that was the way back then.

The one thing I did in my working life that positively changed the way my life turned out was to change my job. I'm originally from the UK, and in my day most people stayed in the same job because it felt secure and they feared change. For me, it was liberating, and once I'd done it successfully I had the confidence to do so again. I eventually ended up as a freelance contractor working all over Europe, and I relocated to a different country.

So, from this perspective, I would say don't be afraid of change, and if you see an opportunity, then go for it.

I'm not sure if this is the sort of advice you're looking for, but it's all I can offer.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I'm not old but I do have like 25 gray hairs now so I guess I'll give it a shot.

Save money. Do it consistently, and don't touch it. Even if it's only like $20 a week. Just keep something back, always. A good rule of thumb is try to survive on 90% of your money and withhold the rest.

Try to persevere. Make a decision and stick with it. It's worth pushing through something that can potentially change your life for the better, even if it feels difficult and unpleasant. You can do more than you think you can, and sometimes we only get one chance at something. If you feel like it's important, it probably is.

Don't take "love" too seriously, especially if it's hurting you. A lot of what you now consider love you'll look back on and laugh about (and isn't real love anyway). You're better off being in a relationship that feels comfortable and stable/nurturing than one that is perhaps intoxicating but emotionally difficult. Don't confuse lust, dependency, or an emotional stranglehold with love.

Everything passes. Often even the worst feelings/emotions. We can't exist in a state of total misery or dejection forever. Something will come along to shake you out of it. Even if you do nothing, life has a way of intervening. Just ride it out.

There will always be other opportunities and chances to live a better life, the door is never closed forever. You can make changes to any aspect of your life if you want them badly enough.

It's okay to take a risk or do something that feels totally out there/foolish sometimes, because a regret over something you took a gamble on is better than being too fearful to move.

Go on vacation. You really need those new surroundings sometimes. By the same token, go outside for a few minutes here and there throughout the day. Fresh air helps keep you motivated and gives you new ideas.

Get outside and try to interact if you're able. Being humorous and off the cuff, and attempting to be charismatic/easygoing will get you far. Successful people often get what they want because they're good with others and well-connected, not necessarily because they're well-qualified or have done everything by the book.

Cut out the people that are garbage in your life, even if you're supposed to be close to them. Pick a few that always have your back and stick with them. If someone has a consistently negative influence on you or you don't ever feel good after talking to them, keep your distance.

Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes. You can't change any of it. Just try to do a little bit better and think things through more in the future.

The world doesn't care about you, so get over it. It's your job to make it care, because you're not owed anything.

Your mental health matters. Sanity matters. Treat it well, cherish it.

The vast majority of people are flaky and shitty (or at least will be towards you). Try to accept that ahead of time.

Well, those are some of the most important things I've learned. Most of it will probably seem dumb or read like a cliche FB post. But there you go.
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Feb 8, 2019
Enjoy your youth while you still have it. Don't waste it on being a good productive citizen. When you are young, try to have as much fun as possible.
This is the most important thing :-)
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I might still be considered young but I look like my own grandfather.
And I'm a woman.

If I were a true elder, I think my advice would simply be:
"Do what you want but don't be an a**hole about it."
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Mar 16, 2019
I'm not old but I do have like 25 gray hairs now so I guess I'll give it a shot.

Save money. Do it consistently, and don't touch it. Even if it's only like $20 a week. Just keep something back, always. A good rule of thumb is try to survive on 90% of your money and withhold the rest.

Try to persevere. Make a decision and stick with it. It's worth pushing through something that can potentially change your life for the better, even if it feels difficult and unpleasant. You can do more than you think you can, and sometimes we only get one chance at something. If you feel like it's important, it probably is.

Don't take "love" too seriously, especially if it's hurting you. A lot of what you now consider love you'll look back on and laugh about (and isn't real love anyway). You're better off being in a relationship that feels comfortable and stable/nurturing than one that is perhaps intoxicating but emotionally difficult. Don't confuse lust, dependency, or an emotional stranglehold with love.

Everything passes. Often even the worst feelings/emotions. We can't exist in a state of total misery or dejection forever. Something will come along to shake you out of it. Even if you do nothing, life has a way of intervening. Just ride it out.

There will always be other opportunities and chances to live a better life, the door is never closed forever. You can make changes to any aspect of your life if you want them badly enough.

It's okay to take a risk or do something that feels totally out there/foolish sometimes, because a regret over something you took a gamble on is better than being too fearful to move.

Go on vacation. You really need those new surroundings sometimes. By the same token, go outside for a few minutes here and there throughout the day. Fresh air helps keep you motivated and gives you new ideas.

Get outside and try to interact if you're able. Being humorous and off the cuff, and attempting to be charismatic/easygoing will get you far. Successful people often get what they want because they're good with others and well-connected, not necessarily because they're well-qualified or have done everything by the book.

Cut out the people that are garbage in your life, even if you're supposed to be close to them. Pick a few that always have your back and stick with them. If someone has a consistently negative influence on you or you don't ever feel good after talking to them, keep your distance.

Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes. You can't change any of it. Just try to do a little bit better and think things through more in the future.

The world doesn't care about you, so get over it. It's your job to make it care, because you're not owed anything.

Your mental health matters. Sanity matters. Treat it well, cherish it.

The vast majority of people are flaky and shitty (or at least will be towards you). Try to accept that ahead of time.

Well, those are some of the most important things I've learned. Most of it will probably seem dumb or read like a cliche FB post. But there you go.
Some good advice there.

25 grey hairs you say? If only...
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May 5, 2019
I would say that for some of the younger folk consider giving life a chance for a little longer. Life is a lot more harsh and competitive now than it was when I was younger (I'm 52) so I totally understand feeling hopeless - my education was free, so no student debt, and work was easier to come by. Although I never got the main things in life I wanted to work out (never had a relationship, don't have my own home or financial security, not much money) I did have good times with my interests, mainly cinema and going to art galleries, got to live in an interesting city and travelled a little and visited places like Hong Kong, Cuba and elsewhere. I have some good memories from those experiences that I cherish, even though I was often brought down by depression and anxiety due to the bad stuff in my life. So I'm glad I stuck around for a while. The last few years have been really bad, and I'm not young enough to reinvent myself and don't do well with some modern technology so I'm kind of a man out of time culturally, so probably time to go, but I did manage to get what I could out of life, just not what I most needed.
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The stranger
Feb 21, 2019
Yeah never get older.
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Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
These are all really good, thanks guys.
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Apr 16, 2019
I know Littlefinger was a villain but this is pretty good advice:
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Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
I consider myself old, even though I might be wrong. Just wanted to give an important advice for people younger than me : please, take care of yourself. Your overall health is the most important thing as it is very difficult to fix if anything happens. You just can't buy it like some other stuff, you know. If you could see me now... I am 27 at the moment, the upper part of my cheeks almost turned red a year ago. My blood vessels were damaged cause of endless nervous years of my life... And I still have no time for a doctor.. Take care of yourself, everyone..
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Jun 30, 2018
I know Littlefinger was a villain but this is pretty good advice:

So true.
I'm not old but I do have like 25 gray hairs now so I guess I'll give it a shot.

Save money. Do it consistently, and don't touch it. Even if it's only like $20 a week. Just keep something back, always. A good rule of thumb is try to survive on 90% of your money and withhold the rest.

Try to persevere. Make a decision and stick with it. It's worth pushing through something that can potentially change your life for the better, even if it feels difficult and unpleasant. You can do more than you think you can, and sometimes we only get one chance at something. If you feel like it's important, it probably is.

Don't take "love" too seriously, especially if it's hurting you. A lot of what you now consider love you'll look back on and laugh about (and isn't real love anyway). You're better off being in a relationship that feels comfortable and stable/nurturing than one that is perhaps intoxicating but emotionally difficult. Don't confuse lust, dependency, or an emotional stranglehold with love.

Everything passes. Often even the worst feelings/emotions. We can't exist in a state of total misery or dejection forever. Something will come along to shake you out of it. Even if you do nothing, life has a way of intervening. Just ride it out.

There will always be other opportunities and chances to live a better life, the door is never closed forever. You can make changes to any aspect of your life if you want them badly enough.

It's okay to take a risk or do something that feels totally out there/foolish sometimes, because a regret over something you took a gamble on is better than being too fearful to move.

Go on vacation. You really need those new surroundings sometimes. By the same token, go outside for a few minutes here and there throughout the day. Fresh air helps keep you motivated and gives you new ideas.

Get outside and try to interact if you're able. Being humorous and off the cuff, and attempting to be charismatic/easygoing will get you far. Successful people often get what they want because they're good with others and well-connected, not necessarily because they're well-qualified or have done everything by the book.

Cut out the people that are garbage in your life, even if you're supposed to be close to them. Pick a few that always have your back and stick with them. If someone has a consistently negative influence on you or you don't ever feel good after talking to them, keep your distance.

Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes. You can't change any of it. Just try to do a little bit better and think things through more in the future.

The world doesn't care about you, so get over it. It's your job to make it care, because you're not owed anything.

Your mental health matters. Sanity matters. Treat it well, cherish it.

The vast majority of people are flaky and shitty (or at least will be towards you). Try to accept that ahead of time.

Well, those are some of the most important things I've learned. Most of it will probably seem dumb or read like a cliche FB post. But there you go.

Love is bullshit. It's just two people being influenced by pheromones. When you choose a partner, you should always be pragmatic. That means avoid people of the opposite sex if you don't want to become a brain dead chimp during mating season. Because once that shit takes over your mind and body, it's impossible to resist. Yep, when you are near someone of the opposite sex, you could be unintentionally seduced. Nature made this possible so humanity doesn't fucking die out. It has nothing to do with your happiness. Nature doesn't care if your life is nothing but nonstop suffering until you die in a fire. It just wants every man and woman to make as many babies as possible. So you have to outsmart nature otherwise you become nature's BITCH. And then you will be stuck with a bunch of fuck trophies and living in poverty while nature is laughing at you.
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Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
So true.

Love is bullshit. It's just two people being influenced by pheromones. When you choose a partner, you should always be pragmatic. That means avoid people of the opposite sex if you don't want to become a brain dead chimp during mating season. Because once that shit takes over your mind and body, it's impossible to resist. Yep, when you are near someone of the opposite sex, you could be unintentionally seduced. Nature made this possible so humanity doesn't fucking die out. It has nothing to do with your happiness. Nature doesn't care if your life is nothing but nonstop suffering until you die in a fire. It just wants every man and woman to make as many babies as possible. So you have to outsmart nature otherwise you become nature's BITCH. And then you will be stuck with a bunch of fuck trophies and living in poverty while nature is laughing at you.
:( I hope love is real
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Jun 30, 2018
:( I hope love is real

Well I guess some people are capable of really loving you but it takes time... And there is nothing sexual about real love. But if you meet a beautiful woman and you are like, she is the one! That is not love... That's lust. And vice versa...
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
Have fun, sure. Live, laugh, love and all that good stuff.

But work and save too if you don't have a silver spoon projecting from your behind.
In the end, it really is all about the money.
Always, always, always pay yourself first. I'd argue saving 30% of every dollar you make.
Learn the basics of investment, diversify and leave it alone to grow.
If you've got mental issues or mood disorders, lock up your savings for the times you're not being reasonable.
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Jun 30, 2018
If you've got mental issues or mood disorders, lock up your savings for the times you're not being reasonable.

So many people would avoid homelessness if they followed this advice. Because you can have a mental break down, anytime, anywhere.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
So many people would avoid homelessness if they followed this advice. Because you can have a mental break down, anytime, anywhere.

So true. And technically anyone could.
It's pretty much the main reason I'm here, friend. Only see a very destitute future now... :( Had some fun while it lasted.
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May 27, 2019
Get as much advice as possible, remember that most of it's probably bad advice. Research any advice and evaluate it.

*Disclaimer, the above advice maybe bad advice, terms & conditions apply :hihi:
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Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
These are all really good, thanks guys.
I would say have as much sex as possible with another consenting adult. As long as it won't hurt anyone. Sex releases all kinds of endorphins and helps people feel connected. If someone already said this, sorry for repeating it.
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Jun 30, 2018
I would say have as much sex as possible with another consenting adult. As long as it won't hurt anyone. Sex releases all kinds of endorphins and helps people feel connected. If someone already said this, sorry for repeating it.

Yeah, I'd be careful though. Because otherwise, you could end up with a kid or two... All it takes is the woman deciding she wants to keep the baby and you will have to pay child support for 18 years plus cover the child's college or university expenses. And then if you CTB, your offspring is going to be seriously screwed in life... And then there will be so much pain and suffering on your hands...
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Jun 30, 2018
I consider myself old, even though I might be wrong. Just wanted to give an important advice for people younger than me : please, take care of yourself. Your overall health is the most important thing as it is very difficult to fix if anything happens. You just can't buy it like some other stuff, you know. If you could see me now... I am 27 at the moment, the upper part of my cheeks almost turned red a year ago. My blood vessels were damaged cause of endless nervous years of my life... And I still have no time for a doctor.. Take care of yourself, everyone..

The human brain is fully developed by the time you are 25 so I'd say you are old enough. Please continue sharing.
Get as much advice as possible, remember that most of it's probably bad advice. Research any advice and evaluate it.

*Disclaimer, the above advice maybe bad advice, terms & conditions apply :hihi:

It's easy to verify if advice is bad or not. Just talk to a bunch of people from all different backgrounds and find out, which group is the most bitter, with the most rage and hatred inside of them. And find out whether they are soulless automatons or not. And the more they fear death, the more shitty their life was because someone who doesn't have any regrets or very few regrets does not fear death so much. Because death is frightening because it's something that is pretty much unknown to us but dying with a lot of regrets is just as frightening or even more frightening.
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Oct 24, 2018
Watch your posture
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Mar 25, 2018
You really want life advice from people on a suicide forum? Seems odd
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Jun 30, 2018
You really want life advice from people on a suicide forum? Seems odd

Yeah, where there are people who are smart enough to see through most of the bullshit life has to offer... Somewhere with people who learned a lot of life's important lessons... The worst place to seek advice, definitely... /S
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