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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Chaski is going to have a field day with your last response...

Obviously there's a bias in the forum and society when it comes to being sensitive about attacks on women and disregarding or coddling attacks on men but it's a big leap to assert that everyone that disliked your thread is "misandrist scum".

The best thing to do with Chaski and lesser forms of the same archetype floating around the forum is not provoke them in the first place, but if you do don't think you can talk with them, you can't. You can engage in turd flinging with them though, if you enjoy that.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
They're not even remotely related and you're a moron for thinking so.
Both groups tend to spend an unhealthy amount of time obsessing over women in one way or another.

You wrote an incredibly inflammatory post on a mixed gender suicide website, what did you expect? One throwaway line about how men aren't much better, in-between rants about how women are retarded, parasitic, full of shit, morons, doesn't really matter.
Chaski is going to have a field day with your last response...

Obviously there's a bias in the forum and society when it comes to being sensitive about attacks on women and disregarding or coddling attacks on men but it's a big leap to assert that everyone that disliked your thread is "misandrist scum".

The best thing to do with Chaski and lesser forms of the same archetype floating around the forum is not provoke them in the first place, but if you do don't think you can talk with them, you can't. You can engage in turd flinging with them though, if you enjoy that.
Why are you so obsessed with chinaski? You mention him a lot.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021

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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Chaski is going to have a field day with your last response...

Obviously there's a bias in the forum and society when it comes to being sensitive about attacks on women and disregarding or coddling attacks on men but it's a big leap to assert that everyone that disliked your thread is "misandrist scum".

The best thing to do with Chaski and lesser forms of the same archetype floating around the forum is not provoke them in the first place, but if you do don't think you can talk with them, you can't. You can engage in turd flinging with them though, if you enjoy that.
Chaski is opportunistic in their response. Only chiming in when they think they have an angle at seeming like they've won. Let them have their day on the field IDGAF! It's good that you've noticed the asymmetry in sensitivity but that type of over-sensitivity needs serious pushback especially given that no one cares about men's issues. If it were balanced and symmetrical then I would have no issue with their response. It's the lack of fairness and good faith that's grinding my gears. You're right it isn't fair to call everyone who disagrees a misandrist but I was only giving them a taste of their own medicine for calling anyone who remotely disagrees with them as automatically a misogynist. That's exactly why I didn't come out the gates with it as an escalation until they beat it out of me. If they think it's fair for them to call me that than I think it's fair game to flip the table right back at them in the same manner to put them on the defensive. Suddenly they'll be like, "What? I'm not a misandrist. How dare you!" To which I can safely respond with, "Then don't feel entitled lob inaccurate accusations of misogyny at people you've chosen to misunderstand and be offended at over a disagreement."
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Nov 26, 2020
I never read them. Maybe I should. Anyway it was a better time.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Both groups tend to spend an unhealthy amount of time obsessing over women in one way or another.

You wrote an incredibly inflammatory post on a mixed gender suicide website, what did you expect? One throwaway line about how men aren't much better, in-between rants about how women are retarded, parasitic, full of shit, morons, doesn't really matter.

Why are you so obsessed with chinaski? You mention him a lot.
That can be said about any group or topic of discussion. It doesn't mean that those issues shouldn't be discussed in any way shape or form. Also unhealthy? As if the status quo the lead up the formation of the groups was healthy to begin with. Sorry what point are you trying to make here again? That line wasn't throwaway that line was a hint that everything that I said applied equally to men. You're choosing to throw it away in bad faith. Also everyone is an idiot and full of shit, who cares? That fact is nothing to get offended by. Big deal. I keep mentioning chinaski because you keep repeating a version of his tired argument that I already dealt with several times including this post. I'm not obsessed with chinaski I don't care one way or the other about him. Is everything an obsession with you? Perhaps you're the obsessive type and you're just projecting that onto me.


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
I keep mentioning chinaski because you keep repeating a version of his tired argument that I already dealt with several times including this post. I'm not obsessed with chinaski I don't care one way or the other about him. Is everything an obsession with you? Perhaps you're the obsessive type and you're just projecting that onto me.
I was quoting a different poster, sorry for the confusion.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
I leave memes to the feeble minded infants who spew misinformed, out of context, hyper reductionist bullshit into the world because they're too immature to hold actual discourse. Everything is a meme to you idiots. Thanks for further proving my point that humanity as a whole is dangerously retarded. you're not helping your case one iota.
I was quoting a different poster, sorry for the confusion.
My bad.
I never read them. Maybe I should. Anyway it was a better time.
Do it! At your own adventurous risk. I'm not trying to stop you or anyone for that matter.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Chinaski already made this facile argument and I shut them down for it. Again for the last fucking time women are just the example I happened to use. It's not an attack against women it's an attack at popular culture and it's aimed at everyone from both sexes. It's funny that you only zero in and take offense to the misogyny angle and have no problem with the misandry angle. If the post had used men as a primary example you would have had no issue with it because you and everyone else who complained are misandrist scum! How does that make you any better or less bitter/hateful than me?! I didn't want to call you out on it out of fairness and kindness but you've left me no choice because your skulls are 6 inches thick. When I say that you've misunderstood the point the post that is an undeniable fact evidenced tangibly by your reactions. How many times do you intend to go back and forth on this. The point is dead we've both stabbed it to death. Move the hell on! Go fruitlessly bother someone else.
You've not shut anyone down in this thread, you've just repeatedly pissed your pants after deliberately making a provocative and offensive post for applause and been surprised to find you weren't roundly applauded for your evident genius, you are a ridiculous individual and you are embarrassing yourself by acting as if you are on the receiving end of some angry mob comprised of the humourless and unintelligent, as opposed to simply having people express an honest disdain towards your own deliberately unpleasant and provocative output.

I'd add that this is an issue made significantly worse by your own aggressive and nonsensical doubling down. In earlier posts you have basically stated:

1) that any intelligent person would simply substitute the word "woman" for "man" in their own heads and find the true meaning of this insightful post, as if the reader is meant to mentally edit out your bullshit to reflect better upon you

2) you are only responsible for the words you write, not how they are misunderstood by those incapable of reading it correctly, which kind of contradicts point one but obviously consistency of argument is difficult to maintain when you're in the middle of a dramatic tantrum

3) that because one woman liked your post nobody else has a right to be offended by it, l surely don't have to point out how sticky a wicket this is and what kind of arsehole usually uses this as a shield

4) women all over the internet are shitting on men so your post was actually very fair, which kind of overlooks the fact that this place might not be the best place to air those views, this also further reveals that what you later defend as "comedic" actually comes from a serious place and a genuine belief of yours that men are overly criticised online and it's up to you to redress that balance by dumping your fury here

You've been unpleasant throughout this thread, dishing out the personal insults in reply to honest and reasonably presented criticism of your content and churning out lengthy reams of pissy whining without any degree of insight into why people may find your performative edginess uncomfortable. All of this stems from your prioritising of your own need to receive positive attention for your derivative and unoriginal output and your ego taking a bruising because some people were less keen on your bullshit than you expected them to be. Seriously, you're the one with the problem here, you are the reason this thread continues. If you're not going to reflect on it, grow a fucking thicker skin, frankly.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I'm not obsessed, I only mention him in these types of threads, and lo and behold he's here.

@GenesAndEnvironment I see what you did there, you edited your post with a bonus meme that was funnier than the first! Well played sir.

@GideonVandaleur sometimes we need to take a L gracefully. These memes ARE funny.

And the fact of the matter is that, jokes aside, there's an evolutionarily driven neurological and behavioral difference between the sexes, as seen in many species. One century of Cultural Marxism, for lack of a better term, can't brush aside hundreds of thousands of years where women took care of certain things and men of others. But different doesn't mean inferior, in this case it means complementary.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I'm not obsessed, I only mention him in these types of threads, and lo and behold he's here.
Tbf you mention me a hell of a lot, particularly considering you have proudly stated I'm on your ignore list on more than one occasion.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
You've not shut anyone down in this thread, you've just repeatedly pissed your pants after deliberately making a provocative and offensive post for applause and been surprised to find you weren't roundly applauded for your evident genius, you are a ridiculous individual and you are embarrassing yourself by acting as if you are on the receiving end of some angry mob comprised of the humourless and unintelligent, as opposed to simply having people express an honest disdain towards your own deliberately unpleasant and provocative output.

I'd add that this is an issue made significantly worse by your own aggressive and nonsensical doubling down. In earlier posts you have basically stated:

1) that any intelligent person would simply substitute the word "woman" for "man" in their own heads and find the true meaning of this insightful post, as if the reader is meant to mentally edit out your bullshit to reflect better upon you

2) you are only responsible for the words you write, not how they are misunderstood by those incapable of reading it correctly, which kind of contradicts point one but obviously consistency of argument is difficult to maintain when you're in the middle of a dramatic tantrum

3) that because one woman liked your post nobody else has a right to be offended by it, l surely don't have to point out how sticky a wicket this is and what kind of arsehole usually uses this as a shield

4) women all over the internet are shitting on men so your post was actually very fair, which kind of overlooks the fact that this place might not be the best place to air those views, this also further reveals that what you later defend as "comedic" actually comes from a serious place and a genuine belief of yours that men are overly criticised online and it's up to you to redress that balance by dumping your fury here

You've been unpleasant throughout this thread, dishing out the personal insults in reply to honest and reasonably presented criticism of your content and churning out lengthy reams of pissy whining without any degree of insight into why people may find your performative edginess uncomfortable. All of this stems from your prioritising of your own need to receive positive attention for your derivative and unoriginal output and your ego taking a bruising because some people were less keen on your bullshit than you expected them to be. Seriously, you're the one with the problem here, you are the reason this thread continues. If you're not going to reflect on it, grow a fucking thicker skin, frankly.
If you actually knew anything substantial about me you'd know that I abhor attention and fame. I prefer to fly under the radar and toil away in obscurity. You're the ones who insist on continuing this thread long after I've lost interest in engaging with you.

If my doubling down on an accurate defense of my work is aggressive and nonsensical then you doubling down on attacking me with the same points over and over again is equally if not more unhinged. So what point where you trying to make again?

Your angry mob doesn't intimidate me and if anyone is pissing their pants and whining it's you lot not me. If my OG post was that provocative and unpleasant why do you insist on continuing to follow this thread, you can simply do the mature adult thing and move on like I've already asked you to several times which would serve to starve me of the attention that you falsely assume I'm after. I care not for clout.

1) It's totally possible to do the substitution and it's a legit creative writing tactic, sorry if you're too dumb to follow along and do so as you continue to prove.

2) I'm not having the tantrum, I'm responding to your childish tantrum. There's no contradiction since by definition people misperceive and misunderstand each other all the time regardless of how consistent one makes their argument. I'm not responsible for your misperception, only you are. I can't control your perception. Only you can. I believe I have in fact shut you down on this point. So admit you're just plain wrong.

3) I'm only unpleasant to people who have been unpleasant to me and it's not one woman that liked my post plenty have seen it and decided not to comment. I'm not using her as a shield I'm merely pointing out that you're not a woman Chinaski so why are you offended and why do you insist on having a horse in this race?

4) Yes, a good portion of women (not all) are doing worse than shitting on men and they're doing so without a hint of acknowledgement that what they dish out equally applies to them. I at least tried to be fair by stating over and over again that what I said applies to both men and women, and it's mainly an attack on pop culture. There's nothing unfair about that approach and someone has to speak up to balance the current tide which plenty of people are also doing everywhere on the interwebnets. It shouldn't matter where I post anything if the underlying point happens to have at least a grain of truth to it.

My skin is plenty thick thank you very much as I am not easily offended. You're the ones who need thicker skin because you're so easily triggered. The thread continues because you refuse to drop it. Aren't you tired of repeating yourself yet? Because I am. I did shut you down but you haven't seemed to realize it yet.
I'm not obsessed, I only mention him in these types of threads, and lo and behold he's here.

@GenesAndEnvironment I see what you did there, you edited your post with a bonus meme that was funnier than the first! Well played sir.

@GideonVandaleur sometimes we need to take a L gracefully. These memes ARE funny.

And the fact of the matter is that, jokes aside, there's an evolutionarily driven neurological and behavioral difference between the sexes, as seen in many species. One century of Cultural Marxism, for lack of a better term, can't brush aside hundreds of thousands of years where women took care of certain things and men of others. But different doesn't mean inferior, in this case it means complementary.
I'll lose any flame war you like provided I've actually lost. I admit when I'm wrong. But this isn't one of those times. And while I can't possibly win against hard headed people who have made up their mind that doesn't mean I can't defend myself.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Nobody was trying to intimidate you, they merely commented on your output. This situation was made absolutely worse by your subsequent responses which consistently position yourself as a higher intellectual power angrily reacting to the inherent stupidity of those who don't appreciate that post

You may wish to revisit my first contribution in this thread and your response to it by the way. I'm not sure how you've concluded that I'm leading an angry mob, it looks to me like some people took issue with your use of language and you'd prefer to pretend this is some kind of witch hunt by those who fear your unique and original insights.

Unrelated but the use of the word "retard" is the mark of a total cunt anyway and the word should be canned from the forum imo.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Nobody was trying to intimidate you, they merely commented on your output. This situation was made absolutely worse by your subsequent responses which consistently position yourself as a higher intellectual power angrily reacting to the inherent stupidity of those who don't appreciate that post

You may wish to revisit my first contribution in this thread and your response to it by the way. I'm not sure how you've concluded that I'm leading an angry mob, it looks to me like some people took issue with your use of language and you'd prefer to pretend this is some kind of witch hunt by those who fear your unique and original insights.

Unrelated but the use of the word "retard" is the mark of a total cunt anyway and the word should be canned from the forum imo.
Nobody? Really? What do you call what you've been doing? Or being called Ted Kaczynski by someone else on the thread? Pleasant banter? What's worse the word retard or comparing someone to a mass murderer? Hmm? You are acting like an angry mob and you're a bit of a leader because you're pretty good at writing yourself and therefore led the charge. Your initial contribution insulted everyone's post in this site as trash which frankly should be more offensive than anything I've implied but no one was offended by you. There's nothing wrong with the word retard, it's a perfectly good word, just like cunt is a perfectly good word which I take no offense to. There's no such thing as good or bad words only the context in which they are used. Curse words in general used to be more frowned upon than they are now. When you ban one word from the dictionary where does it stop? Does everyone have the right to eradicate any word in the language that they want simply because they have a distaste for it? No. We are all adults here, these are the words we use. Get used to it and get over it.


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Or being called Ted Kaczynski by someone else on the thread? Pleasant banter? What's worse the word retard or comparing someone to a mass murderer?
The unhinged ranting about society and your rural isolation made me think of Ted Kaczynski.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Adults tend not to use the word "retard" tbqh. It's also interesting to see it acknowledged that I'm actually not "leading an angry mob" in reality, however this is a comforting narrative you've chosen and you have elevated me to leadership accordingly on a very flimsy basis. The problem is that anyone reading this thread can read your posts and mine and l doubt the "angry mob" theory will hold.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
The unhinged ranting about society and your rural isolation made me think of Ted Kaczynski.
Not everyone who goes off grid is automatically synonymous with the Unabomber neither is anyone who rants. Priests and preachers rant all the time no one associates them with a fucking terrorist. Have you ever considered that maybe I and by extension other people went off grid to escape mean spirited people like you and because we are sick of the pernicious forms of idiocy that flourish unopposed in society and culture to try and live in some semblance of peace before fucking off to the land of death? How come that wasn't your first thought? Why did you jump straight to terrorist? If anyone needs some self reflection....I'm not even going to finish that sentence.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Have you ever considered that maybe I and by extension other people went off grid to escape mean spirited people like you and because we are sick of the pernicious forms of idiocy that flourish unopposed in society and culture to try and live in some semblance of peace before fucking off to the land of death? How come that wasn't your first thought?
Tbf this also has big Manson Family energy.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Adults tend not to use the word "retard" tbqh. It's also interesting to see it acknowledged that I'm actually not "leading an angry mob" in reality, however this is a comforting narrative you've chosen and you have elevated me to leadership accordingly on a very flimsy basis. The problem is that anyone reading this thread can read your posts and mine and l doubt the "angry mob" theory will hold.
I don't care if you're any type of mob or lack there of I simply defended my position against your attacks because it was warranted. The one who is an expert at spinning opportunistic disingenuous narratives is you Chinaski. That's your playbook not mine. Where do you suppose the word retard emerged from if not from the lips of an adult at some point in history? Think air by magic? Grow the fuck up will you?
Tbf this also has big Manson Family energy.
There you fucking go again with your flimsy narrative spinning. Pot calling the kettle black. This gaslighting strategy of yours might have worked when you bullied other people with it but it's not going to work on me.


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Not everyone who goes off grid is automatically synonymous with the Unabomber neither is anyone who rants. Priests and preachers rant all the time no one associates them with a fucking terrorist. Have you ever considered that maybe I and by extension other people went off grid to escape mean spirited people like you and because we are sick of the pernicious forms of idiocy that flourish unopposed in society and culture to try and live in some semblance of peace before fucking off to the land of death? How come that wasn't your first thought? Why did you jump straight to terrorist? If anyone needs some self reflection....I'm not even going to finish that sentence.
You: Women are retaded parasites.

Also you: Don't call me Ted Kaczynski you big meanie!
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
You: Women are retaded parasites.

Also you: Don't call me Ted Kaczynski you big meanie!
The difference is that I said that with joke energy and wasn't whole heartedly meaning it, admittedly the delivery doesn't carry over well in text; but you on the other hand were entirely serious. Which makes you the worse person here.
@Chinaski Retarded parasite is much milder than Unabomber terrorist and you know it. Laugh it up douchebag because that seems to be the only think you know how to do when you have zero argument. Childish.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
The difference is that I said that with joke energy and wasn't whole heartedly meaning it, admittedly the delivery doesn't carry over well in text; but you on the other hand were entirely serious. Which makes you the worse person here.
You weren't really joking though, you've made that clear in your responses.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
You weren't really joking though, you've made that clear in your responses.
The whole post is a joke rant have you not been paying attention?! Every post I've ever written is a joke rant! What the fuck is wrong with you?!
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I don't care if you're any type of mob or lack there of I simply defended my position against your attacks because it was warranted. The one who is an expert at spinning opportunistic disingenuous narratives is you Chinaski. That's your playbook not mine. Where do you suppose the word retard emerged from if not from the lips of an adult at some point in history? Think air by magic? Grow the fuck up will you?

There you fucking go again with your flimsy narrative spinning. Pot calling the kettle black. This gaslighting strategy of yours might have worked when you bullied other people with it but it's not going to work on me.
Every racist slur emerged from the mouth of an adult at some point, that doesn't mean their continued use should be defended. Earlier you insisted you were only responsible for the words you use and not how they were misunderstood, well "retard" is pretty unambiguous and you chose to use it.

Also learn what gaslighting means before using it again, this ain't it.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Every racist slur emerged from the mouth of an adult at some point, that doesn't mean theur use should be defended. Earlier you insisted you were only responsible for the words you use and not how they were misunderstood, well "retard" is pretty unambiguous and you chose to use it.

Also learn what gaslighting means before using it again, this ain't it.
Retard is not a racial slur which means it makes no sense for you to distract by bringing race into this. Retard is a bit stronger word for idiot, moron, dumbass, or do you want to expunge those words from the dictionary too. Mr. Thinskin. Also the used of the term gaslighting was accurate, I know what it means. You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here desperate to find a flaw that doesn't exist just so you can have the last word. Stop it you're embarrassing yourself.
Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
Anyone else find "Envoy of the Silence" ironic?
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Anyone else find "Envoy of the Silence" ironic?
It's a reference and it doesn't mean what you think it means. It refers to death as the final silence and I ain't dead yet.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
The whole post is a joke rant have you not been paying attention?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!
GIDEON: my god you read my post and take every word as serious without even bothering to appreciate the nuance, the subtleties, in the hollows and shadows between my beautiful prose, you mutton heads, you ignorami, have u never been on a night school in "creative writing"

ALSO GIDEON: wait l said IT WAS ALL A JOKE yet you read everything l wrote around this and came to an overall conclusion based on critically assessing the language used when describing the positions l was taking in their entirety, why are you doing this, wtf is wrong with you, just take my words at literal face value you ass hat
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Jan 22, 2022
Retard is not a racial slur which means it makes no sense for you to distract by bringing race into this. Retard is a bit stronger word for idiot, moron, dumbass, or do you want to expunge those words from the dictionary too.
certain words have a background that make using them hurtful and very disrespectful.

just because you aren't offended by them doesn't mean it's ok to use them.
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