Dee Dee

Oct 7, 2019
Hello everyone.

I'm a 26 year old male from Canada. I've struggled with depression for just about a decade, and it's completely extinguished my will to live. I tried really hard to fight it off, too. I've been on five separate medications, I tried ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), I tried several therapies, and yet nothing has driven away my demons. Nothing is enjoyable anymore. I've become emotionally disconnected from everyone, even my closest friends and family. I used to be very open about my condition, believing that talking about it would help me cope with it better, but it never did. I've always been a very selfless person. I find helping others to be a really fulfilling feeling. However, I've never been able to love myself. I've never been able to do things for myself. I always put others before me. I'm going to finally do something nice for myself and give myself permission to end it all.

Instead of continuing to fight, I am deciding to just let the current take me. This decision has given me more peace of mind than I have had in my entire life. The calm is serene.
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I have no idea what I’m doing.
Oct 9, 2019
Hi all! I've been lurking on here for a while now, didn't think I was going to make an account because I have social anxiety and communicating with people is generally terrifying, I don't do it very often, but everyone on here seems so supportive and understanding so I thought I might as well give it a go. I'm Sammi, I'm 28 and I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and autism. I self harmed daily for 10 years then managed to stop for 5 whole years but recently relapsed because of my declining mental health. My arms and legs are covered in scars and I'm all for body positivity in everyone else but honestly my scars make me feel so ugly. I've had suicidal thoughts since I was a kid, attempted a few times when I was younger. I'm at a weird limbo stage in my life where I'm so exhausted, I have severe anxiety and can barely leave the house, I have no motivation to do anything useful with my life. I don't want to be here anymore but I still live with my family and if I ctb I know it'll be really hard for them so I have no idea what I'm doing. I really don't want to hurt my family, even though I honestly feel like they'd be better off in the long run, but I don't know how much longer I can hold on for. I'm done rambling now haha, thanks for reading.
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Jul 6, 2019
Hey there I'm some random who was thrown into the world. Some not so interesting things about me are...

•My mind is blank right now overthinking this question

•I'm lame as fuck and gay as fuck figuratively and literally

•I love cartoons and I like anime

•I'm a hopeless musician

•Family disappointment and black sheep

•I like writing shitty stories that never get finished and shitty poetry I'm too shy to let anyone see

•Adhd, MDD, Anxiety both general and social, OCD, Dermatillomania gang gang

•By age sixteen I was already shooting dope into my veins. I've been through the alphabet and back when it comes to substances. I used to have a fairly decent blog on tumblr and I'd give harm reduction advice. So if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

•I'm always down for making new internet friends. I'm not the best at replying but if you need me I will be there.

•I'm sorry any of you feel this way and I wish I could take it away. But alas i can't even help myself.

•I hate how I have to filter my thoughts. I wish we could all be our one hundred percent true authentic selves with people without fear of judgment.

• I'm studying a humanities degree specialised in religious education philosophy I don't want to be. Not that I don't like the subjects but that I don't want to study in general. It's only so my family will back off somewhat. Family of doctors and all that.

•I'd love to have someone to talk about stupid shit with to pass the time

•In a constant state of nostalgia. Take me back to a simpler time of yu gi oh cards and dragon ball z and Cartoon Network and raven and Tara the acid bath princess of the darkness and msn.
Hi I am 24 from a small island country in Asia. I suffer from severe mental illnesses and haven't had a good sleep for ages.

I had a disturbing childhood that basically killed the best of me. Once I was very happy when I lived in London, but I couldn't stay any longer due to visa issues and had to come back to this shit hole where stops me from being who I really am. I genuinely hate being in Asia and all the conservative/judgemental people/culture around me. But I'm likely to be stuck in here for long because I'm broke and so is my family. A dream of studying a master degree in the UK/ creating art 24/7 /working abroad seems impossible for me. I blame myself for not being able to control my life, my emotions, thoughts and all. I've been haunted by the past and traumatic experience, plus can't stop worrying the future too. Everything's fucked and I'm a real mess.

I've attempted to kill myself a couple times but failed as my family and some random people found out. Won't stop seeking the best way to death as long as I'm alive.

Here if you need to talk friend. Even if it's about random shit.
>be born
>already have a sister so I got toys for days
>grow up in a shitty neighborhood
>not dope
>school is kindergarten- grade 12
>get beat up for Pokémon cards on the daily
>older sister protects me, sometimes
>get bullied lots, as chubby kids do
>find out parents kinda hate each other
>every christmas was a lie
>got n64 though so whatever
>dad starts making more money
>MoOoOOoooovin out the ghetto
>move to safe secluded neighbourhood
>start stealing their Pokémon cards
>just kidding
>everyone is sacred of me cuz I'm "hood tuff"
>have great middle school life
>new challenger approaches
>jr high
>my outer family starts dying off like fleas
>only see them once a year, not traumatized
>parents start drinking and fighting
>great school life, horrible home life
>mr popular at school
>mr hide in my fucking room at home
>new challenger approaches
>high school
>get deep into drugs
>full blown drug addict at 16
>kicked my dads ass twice
>sister is angel
>her life story is on the Disney channel
>barely graduate
>sister moves to Thailand
> k peace
>try to CTB and succeed
>just kidding I woke up
>(5 years of foggy drug filled memories)
>get sober, but my mind is gone
>start going a little crazy
>full blown legal drug addict at 22
>start going a little...nothing
>ditch the pills, become a rapper
>release 3 albums
>go on tour across Canada
>start molding a life I can't mentally handle
>hermit mode
>lost my rap group
>lost my friends
>try to CTB, succeed a second time
>just kidding I woke up from that time also
>mom n dad hate me, I assume, who knows
>sister sippin mojitos in Thailand
>can't hold a job
>start selling drugs so I can afford a room
>I'm done selling drugs
>struggle everyday to not go postal
>stay inside all day so im the only one at risk
>self medicate once in awhile
>rinse and repeat for 2 years
>I'm done being a burden
>September 2018 set to be last month
>find this place
>make intro post
>reply to you
>leave out countless other things I don't even want to share with strangers.

You sound like a dope person.
I am a train wreck.
I like sleeping, anime. Ireally can not see a way to ever be hopeful for the future.
>be born
>already have a sister so I got toys for days
>grow up in a shitty neighborhood
>not dope
>school is kindergarten- grade 12
>get beat up for Pokémon cards on the daily
>older sister protects me, sometimes
>get bullied lots, as chubby kids do
>find out parents kinda hate each other
>every christmas was a lie
>got n64 though so whatever
>dad starts making more money
>MoOoOOoooovin out the ghetto
>move to safe secluded neighbourhood
>start stealing their Pokémon cards
>just kidding
>everyone is sacred of me cuz I'm "hood tuff"
>have great middle school life
>new challenger approaches
>jr high
>my outer family starts dying off like fleas
>only see them once a year, not traumatized
>parents start drinking and fighting
>great school life, horrible home life
>mr popular at school
>mr hide in my fucking room at home
>new challenger approaches
>high school
>get deep into drugs
>full blown drug addict at 16
>kicked my dads ass twice
>sister is angel
>her life story is on the Disney channel
>barely graduate
>sister moves to Thailand
> k peace
>try to CTB and succeed
>just kidding I woke up
>(5 years of foggy drug filled memories)
>get sober, but my mind is gone
>start going a little crazy
>full blown legal drug addict at 22
>start going a little...nothing
>ditch the pills, become a rapper
>release 3 albums
>go on tour across Canada
>start molding a life I can't mentally handle
>hermit mode
>lost my rap group
>lost my friends
>try to CTB, succeed a second time
>just kidding I woke up from that time also
>mom n dad hate me, I assume, who knows
>sister sippin mojitos in Thailand
>can't hold a job
>start selling drugs so I can afford a room
>I'm done selling drugs
>struggle everyday to not go postal
>stay inside all day so im the only one at risk
>self medicate once in awhile
>rinse and repeat for 2 years
>I'm done being a burden
>September 2018 set to be last month
>find this place
>make intro post
>reply to you
>leave out countless other things I don't even want to share with strangers.
Hey, I'm a 30 year old trans woman from Europe.
I totally fucked up my life with many years of repression and denial.
Struggling with mental illness, I've been going back and forth between trying to salvage this shitty life and trying to get out of this horrifying flesh prison.
Not sure when I'll attempt next, but I feel it's getting closer.
here if you need to talk friend
Hey everyone
I'm a 17 year old female from the US and I've struggled with severe mental illness my entire life. Treatment hasn't helped the smallest bit and I refuse to live this way for the rest of my life. My only hobby is sitting on the internet all day long and having no human contact.
Down for an internet buddy if you are?
Hi All,
I'm 36 year old female living in the UK. I have been suffering with depression and suicidal ideation since 13. I have tried CBT and I've been on countless medications (in fact I was on antidepressants for my entire teens). Over the last 10 years I started to develop social anxiety and I've been sort of housebound since. I've lost touch with all of my friends and I only speak to immediate family members. I have no one to confide in, not even just to vent. I can't talk to family members because it becomes about how my feelings are upsetting them, so I bottle it up.

I'm at home with my parents and it's driving me up the wall and them up the wall. But with no money, there's no way out. I volunteer at the moment but finding it hard to just be out and around people. I also suffer with intense anger and self loathing. I would really wanting to be working full time just so I can get my own place. This accommodation situation is making things worse but because things are worse, I can't cope outdoors. It's just a vicious cycle. I used to self harm up until about the age of 30 but stopped when I stopped getting relief from it.

I have overdosed twice but the last time was more about just wanting a few days of peace and quiet and stop my mind from ruminating. I get sick looking at people my age who love life, when I hate (I don't think that'a a strong enough word) mine. I wish more than anything I had done more in my youth when things were not so bad. I never realised that when things really start to fall apart at 26, that my life would be put on hold and I'd get stuck. The more time I spend thinking about what could have been, the more the present passes me by.

I guess I'm here to be able to express my real feelings and just talk to people in the same boat. I'm trying to avoid that usual BS spiel about how things will get better... blah blah blah. I hate that crap so much.

So that's me in a nutshell (poor choice of words... oh well).
You sound like your thoughts and feelings are in similar boats to my own...*hug* and here if you need to chat
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the leitmotif of a dead character
Oct 11, 2019
Hi. I'm Snow. I'm eventually going to get around to killing myself. In the meantime, I might as well know what I'm getting into. I look forward to being here.
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Tired of Life
Oct 9, 2019
Hi 46m from uk. Depression on and off since I was 14 due to so many antieplieptic drugs I rattle. Have a wonderful wife but just tired of pretending I'm fine. I don't want to die, I just don't want to live. Make sense?
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Oct 11, 2019
Hey UK male here introducing myself... had suicidal ideation for as long as I can remember but the past 7 months shit has hit the fan and it has felt really serious. Lurked for a long time but thought it was time to join so I can ensure my method, whatever it may be will be thorough as possible, can't stand the thought of failing and ending up brain damaged or worse.
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I think I'll take a dirt nap.
Oct 13, 2019
Hello, I'm 22 and from Canada. Been through many different medications and treatments and have never gotten better mentally or physically. I'm glad there are others here who understand. Own two cats and love them dearly, type one diabetic suffering from fibro and more. Always open to chat.
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Oct 13, 2019
Hello everybody, Im female 31, living in Sweden. Joined now after lurking a few months here to get tips to Ctb. Failed last week sadly because I was found not breathing. They put me in the ward against my will so I am back home now after lying and said I was happy (not true). If anyone wants to chat, pm me please. Im happy to be here with likeminded ppl and not fake happy ppl telling me that what I did was stupid and life is beautiful
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
I'm Poppy.
29 year old female from the US.
I used to spend a lot of time on ASH/alt.suicide.methods back in like 2007-8 so this has always been something of my long term plan. I lost both my parents to suicides in 2008 and 2011 respectively and all that really did was strengthened my resolve. I've many disabilities and I've survived the last decade more or less off of the kindness of strangers/men who were using me for sex. I'm finally tired of life without a safety net and I'm determined to see this through to the end, but in the meantime I hope we can all be friends.
I'm into gaming, books, pets, and occult stuff, and I can even do tarot readings for you if you ask me nicely
  • Aww..
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Reactions: takeyourshotfunboy, OnlyMercy and frees


Oct 13, 2019
Hi. My best friend for 30 years committed suicide recently. I heard he used this site. I came here trying to find what he posted, so far without success. It's possible he just lurked. We only discussed suicide and his previous attempt once, although I still don't really grasp why he chose this option and am here trying to figure it out.

As for me, I'm a bit unusual for this site in that I'm not suicidal, however I have been an advocate for voluntary euthanasia most of my life. I'm hesitant to post as I can't relate with feeling suicidal, although I strongly support the freedom of choice philosophy that the site is built around and am happy to chat if anyone is interested.
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  • Aww..
Reactions: Oyoy, hershberger, WearyWanderer and 4 others


Oct 7, 2019
Hi. My best friend for 30 years committed suicide recently. I heard he used this site. I came here trying to find what he posted, so far without success. It's possible he just lurked. We only discussed suicide and his previous attempt once, although I still don't really grasp why he chose this option and am here trying to figure it out.

As for me, I'm a bit unusual for this site in that I'm not suicidal, however I have been an advocate for voluntary euthanasia most of my life. I'm hesitant to post as I can't relate with feeling suicidal, although I strongly support the freedom of choice philosophy that the site is built around and am happy to chat if anyone is interested.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
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Oct 19, 2018
I heard he used this site. I came here trying to find what he posted, so far without success.

Hello and welcome. Do you know his username on this website ? If you do, you can use the search feature (scroll all the way up to see it, you need to be logged in). There's a "By : " field in which you can type his username. Leave the main search field empty and click search. That should show you his messages if he posted any. Unless he got his account banned before committing suicide in which case I don't think it works. Hope that helps.
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Oct 13, 2019
Hello and welcome. Do you know his username on this website ? If you do, you can use the search feature (scroll all the way up to see it, you need to be logged in). There's a "By : " field in which you can type his username. Leave the main search field empty and click search. That should show you his messages if he posted any. Unless he got his account banned before committing suicide in which case I don't think it works. Hope that helps.

Thanks you two. No I don't know his user name. I've tried searching a few potential names but I assume he wouldn't have made it obvious. And I've searched every single post within a month before to a week after his death and nothing sticks out. All I know is he mentioned the site to his mother. He was intensely private about it irl, and careful to limit the number of people he was attached to, particularly in the last year or so, so he probably wasn't a prolific poster. Anyway, I'll keep looking but if there's nothing to be found, the post of others in a similar boat is helping shed some light. His suicide wasn't driven by life circumstances, which on the surface were great - he had a loving mother, sister, wife, kids, money, physical health, etc. But he had mental demons and a firm, lifelong and unwavering belief that he was worthless, despite what anyone said, which started as a very young child and most of my life I brushed off as him just being humble, but that was way off.


read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
i've been lurking on this forum for months, but only made an account in June. i realised i never made an introduction, so for anyone who cares...

i'm 20, been suicidal since i was 14. i objectively have a good life and i believe many people would love to have the opportunities i do, but i cannot appreciate them due to mental illness, mainly Borderline Personality Disorder. i've been terribly self-destructive all my life. therapy, medication, religion, mindfulness, none of those things helped, and as such i believe i'm pretty much a lost cause.

glad to be here. i'm sorry there's so many of us in the same position...

P.S. i'm sorry if i sound stand-offish in any of my posts. that's not my intention in the slightest, i just adopt a more sombre tone on here, since it's heavy topics we're discussing...
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Oct 15, 2019
Where to start... Definitely not the expected kind of user but I hope people will accept me here nonetheless. I do not want to commit suicide. Absolutely not. I've been living with mental illness for 30 years, including intrusive thoughts and visions of it. But I'm clinging unto life. In fact one could say I'm running away from suicide when it's trying to chase me. HOWEVER I fully respect people's decisions and different viewpoints. I wish everyone peace. Suffering is the worst thing on the planet for me, worse than death. I wish all living beings in this world could die without suffering.

What I want to offer to you, to this forum (and I hope this will be accepted here) is solace. I'd like to offer my help for those who need and want it. As I said I've had my share of issues and I feel like I'm both the happiest and saddest person. But also help for those who want to "pass". Hence my name. I'd like to do memorials for the ones who passed too. To show that they have left something behind and will not be forgotten.
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Oct 11, 2019
Hello Guys,
i'm 51, M, from France, and i'm considering suicide since only august because of finacial issues...Everithig goes so fast, like i was in a dream and i wake up suddenly. The last 15 years my life was pretty confortable (Traveling a lot, nice houses, beautiful children) and i'm scared about loosing all this shit and i know i'll be unable to restart from scratch because i'm so tired.
I know it's pathetic, but it's there...
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Reactions: frees


Oct 17, 2019
Oh, I wrote that huge topic of mine and haven't seen this already existing one... Sorry...
I am male, 34 years old, from suburbs of Moscow, Russia. First attempted suicide at 16. I don't know if I have any documented mental ilness or just pretending, but certainly a lot of things aren't right with me, I can feel it. I can't align with society. Tried religion, extreme sports, a really welcoming subcultures to alleviate this issue, but it always ends in the same way - me sitting isolated, all web data deleted, phones destroyed or turned off, without any idea what to do next.

I am unemployed for 7 or 8 months now, living with a person I can't let go neither happily live with, no desire to do anything I liked before. I always needed to conceal a lot of things I liked before so I could not be judged, bullied or put to jail. I was in TV/film industry for some time, made some documentaries and now trying to finish my last one. I hope to finish it before my urge to ctb will overwhelm me.
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Oct 15, 2019
Hello Guys,
i'm 51, M, from France, and i'm considering suicide since only august because of finacial issues...Everithig goes so fast, like i was in a dream and i wake up suddenly. The last 15 years my life was pretty confortable (Traveling a lot, nice houses, beautiful children) and i'm scared about loosing all this shit and i know i'll be unable to restart from scratch because i'm so tired.
I know it's pathetic, but it's there...

If you want to talk, I speak French. Not doubting your English abilities but maybe it can be easier to get things out and it's good to have someone who lives closer?

Oh, I wrote that huge topic of mine and haven't seen this already existing one... Sorry...
I am male, 34 years old, from suburbs of Moscow, Russia. First attempted suicide at 16. I don't know if I have any documented mental ilness or just pretending, but certainly a lot of things aren't right with me, I can feel it. I can't align with society. Tried religion, extreme sports, a really welcoming subcultures to alleviate this issue, but it always ends in the same way - me sitting isolated, all web data deleted, phones destroyed or turned off, without any idea what to do next.

I am unemployed for 7 or 8 months now, living with a person I can't let go neither happily live with, no desire to do anything I liked before. I always needed to conceal a lot of things I liked before so I could not be judged, bullied or put to jail. I was in TV/film industry for some time, made some documentaries and now trying to finish my last one. I hope to finish it before my urge to ctb will overwhelm me.

What is your last documentary about? What are the things you like?


Oct 17, 2019
What is your last documentary about? What are the things you like?
Previous one was mainly about environmental problems, partly about spirituality. I used to volunteer a lot in various "green" organizations like greenpeace, sustainable environment organizations, etc., also I spent a lot of time with hippies, "people of nature" like ecovillagers, downshifters, and so on. So I always liked this theme. This last one is about my last mountaneering trip. Ironically, I almost died 2 times there - first time, a log came loose and fell when I was crossing mountain rapids, so I hang with 25 kg backpack without any possibility to climb back up, but I was rescued by another guy from our team. Then the next day I was kicked down into another mountain rapid by moving boulders in it, cause stream was very strong and we broke the rule and tried to cross this river with bare feet in the evening (mountain rivers gain power by the middle of the day until the night). In my opinion, most dangerous thing in mountains is not the mountains but water - unless you go straight to 7000+ meters or under falling rocks.

Nature was always something I was extremely attracted to. I can't fully describe how exactly. It just calls to me. I know it sounds like stupid quote from new age flick. Silence or calm sound of rivers or wind or birds singing. Absence of humans. You can lie down into tall grass or into some stone crevice and literally feel like you are being submerged by this force. A lot of things I loved in my life are tightly connected to wild nature, maybe those are a bit personal to talk about in details.
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Self disgust

Im an idiot
Oct 20, 2019
Ive lurked for a while and noticed there are a lot of people just looking for someone to talk to. Im a male in my 30s and a sex addict whos choices have led to deapair. No kids or illegal stuff just idiotic. My life has been successful til now. If you need to talk im here i wont help someone do anything harmful but i can talk at least. I will make an avatar later i suppose. Im new so pm wont work for the first day
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Oct 21, 2019
Hello everyone.
I'm 22 years old, from Estonia. Started showing symptoms of depression at 13. First suicide attempt at 15, 7th attempt was this year. Hoping the 8th will finally take me. I'm just so tired of living.


Sep 9, 2019
Good evening, morning or day to you all. Today I decided to write my first replies and introduce myself. I'm new to this forum but not the topics.
I will attempt to introduce myself, I may run on so I apologize ahead of time. I'm not so good at speaking about myself but I do write well.

I am 56, white male. I have multiple chronic illnesses which began 18 years ago. My health is tenuous on it's best day. Two of them can become life-threatening and have in the past.
Lifelong issues and battles with depression. Stays in psychiatric centers. Completely debilitated.

I had an awful childhood, abused, neglected and bullied at home and school. No love or nurturing from anyone. An only child in a small apartment full of drunks. A lot of violence. As a child I thought all adults must be that way as I had nothing to compare it to. No friends or anything. I had two good years from 12-14 after my brother was discharged from the military and came home. He hadn't been in my life prior to that but it was the best thing that ever happened to me by far at that point. I finally had someone who treated me kindly and I came to think the world of him. Wanted to be like my good big brother. I had a bad one too. One day he decided to move a thousand miles away and I was devastated. Jealous and angry too because I knew that meant I'd be returning to my former miserable existence. I was all "whatever" the day he left, I didn't say goodbye or anything. I think it was 10 days later that two police detectives knocked on the door and for whatever reason, chose to tell me, being the only one home, that my brother had drowned at the beach in the state that I knew he wanted to live in. I don't know what's a thousand times worse that devastated but there I was at 14.

I was constantly picked on, bullied and occasionally beat-up at school because I was different. I always hated school and cut class for weeks even months at a time in junior high. No one missed me, my absence was never brought to my drunken mother's attention. She figured it out for herself eventually and only said hurtful, mean things. I officially quit school on my 16th birthday, got a full time job and my own little place. I finally had some peace on my own terms.

I'll leave my story there. Perhaps I'll have an opportunity to say more sometime.

I've tried all of my life to fit into a world I've never understood or felt a part of. I'm worn down. Whatever hope there once was is running on fumes.

I'm really hoping to find kind people here. That's the main thing. I am a kind, supportive person by nature. A gentle soul. Have the capacity to empathize easily and do often.
I'm not sure how many more miles I want to drive on this road I'm on so I thought I'd check this town out.

Thank you so much. I wish all of you peace.
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Reactions: Meena, WearyWanderer, frees and 2 others


Aug 5, 2018
I'm nobody.
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My demon will see me undone
Oct 20, 2019
Hello everyone.

My name is Riley, and i seem to wreck things. I joined this community because after hours and hours of reading, it was the first time i felt like somebody would understand.

I have had 8 attempts at suicide in the last 22-ish years. 2 Mechanical failures, 2 Times i was saved, 2 i aborted when it hurt too much, and 2 times waking up a failure from overdose.

I have been blamed for all the failures of the various homes i have lived in. Foster homes, group homes. Since 4 i have been the target of some horrible violence, abuse and generally mind warping events. CPTSD, OCD and Bipolar have taken over my life. My ex-Wife has decided that my being suicidal is a reason to take our 5 year old daughter away from visiting, crushed under financial issues from mental illness and a vindictive divorce. I dont see a way out, but am still desperately searching.

Currently i am seeing a nice young Man, and he gets a lot of the issues im having. he is 99% of the reason i haven't CTB yet i guess. I couldn't hurt such a wonderful human. I know just existing will eventually ruin our relationship, so its just a waiting game and avoid making new friends. Hopefully when he eventually leaves i can be free :)
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New Member
Oct 21, 2019
Hi as you can see my username was taken so I had to make do.


Hopeless addict druggicel
Oct 21, 2019
Permanently intoxicated
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Sep 21, 2019
Hello. I am male in my early thirties, have been suicidal for about a half of my life. I don't enjoy my life, just put up with it while waiting for my parents to die before I do anything, though I have my doubts because I have been waiting for such a long time and my life ain't getting better you know. Dreaming of purchasing N safely, because any problems with police will get me in big trouble.
I am an antinatalist/atheist/vegan. Working full time job (tedious one, low income). If there is anybody with same views I will be happy to hear from you :) I am from Europe.


broken </3
Mar 8, 2019
i'm from new york
i'm a mess at the moment but it's getting better...i think
i play a lot of video games
i love music
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Oct 24, 2019
Hello Everyone,

I am nervous about posting as I fear judgement and rejection but it is worth a shot at this point.

I am 23 years old and have been suicidal and depressed for as long as I was old enough to understand and process the things I've been through as a child and of course all up to this day. So around 13 years.

I don't have many friends and I've never met anyone I could relate with or who understands what I go through mentally on a daily basis. After lurking for a few days I finally decided to join.

So yeah, hello!
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Reactions: Little Mook, Derailed, Emerald and 3 others


Sep 9, 2019
Hello GreyClouds. I'm new myself but I can say with confidence that there are many good and understanding people here.
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