Hi, im 25 and I live in one of the nicest places of South America.
Had severe issues with depression in my teenage days but it actually worked out very nicely for me. I used to struggle to socialize back then and I sort of dodged a bullet with what in my opinion was pressure to claim I was gay or transexual. It was literally pushed to me by pretty much everyone, even my father. It turned out to be just pressure, i was never even close to it. I managed to overcome my fears and turn out to be someone I could admire in many ways.
But then the time to choose a future came. And as someone eager to play the shark in the human resources market, i was excited to be challenged. But I knew my school didnt provide me the resources I needed to get where I wanted. Make a long story short, i was the first of my class and the turning point was having a math teacher telling me she would need to take an exercise to her home in order to correct it. In other words she didnt know what to do. Im just being simple with the words. That said, prep school was mandatory to me.
Depression set me back two years in high school. I couldnt afford to lose time. I had the mindset of a shark after all. But a family that afforded private schools for me and my sister (a good thing in Brazil) couldnt afford prep school. But they could afford marriage. And barbecue stations. And a car, and a house. Good stuff right?
I just knew back then that it wouldnt happen. Working myself was out of question as I had to quit my job due to health issues. Nothing serious, some shoulder limitations, but enough to render an untrained me useless to society.
So I resorted to something I have always been good at, video games. These have always been my passion; I learned two new languages and many complex math concepts in games. I happen to like complicated stuff. And on top of that, i was in the eye of a hurricane called League of Legends. Back in 2015 the scene was bursting out in an yearly basis. Having extensive time played in the game that was the base for League, I had an easy time to break in top 200 on the brazilian server and i was often dealing with projects of sponsored teams and creating content for YT and Twitch.
Season 3 brought a new user interface to the game. And that rendered my computer useless as it could not run the game properly anymore. My family could have provided me with a new computer but they chose to buy other things. Their money so whatever I guess. I eventually sold my account for like a thousand bucks and became a poker player instead.
And i was doing alright but i quickly gave up. It was too stressing to constantly deal with the idea of losing money when I was playing 16 or so tournaments at a time, timing my daily needs in 5 minute breaks. Poker players will know this suffering.
After that, I engaged this period in my life. For 3 or 4 years now, i am a full time NEET that can speak 3 languages and work with photoshop, illustrator, html and css. But none of that matters if you don't have a computer to work with. Yes, I am yet to get a computer. Something that would my family less than a month to buy, and over a year for me considering minimum wage.
My basic feeling is, I'm done fixing my parents mess with me. They like to say they love me but saying is not the same as doing. Words don't get you a job, a house, a life. Again, im being simple with words. During all these periods my formation as a functioning human being was repeatedly neglected by a upper middleclass family with no issues of drug abuse or insert typical family breaker here.
The thought of suicide is no stranger to me. For a couple of years now i have realized natural selection left me out. It happens I guess. I woudnt think twice before slaughtering other fishes in the sea of human resources market. And here I am. Nice to meet you all.