Hi there, 25yo trans girl, used to be a very gifted kid, I was in one of the best schools in my country and I failed miserably because of my mental health problems and my transness. Now I live as a disabled person, bedridden and praying for death to rescue me from my misery.
I live with a very sweet non-binary wife, I know they would be absolutely devastated and traumatized if they were to lose me, but I am hopeless and seriously considering to CTB in spite of their future grief because I can't handle this anymore. They're young, the sooner I leave, the more time they have to grieve and build a new life without me.
I've had a shitton of diagnoses. Chronic depression since I was 10, anxiety, and then when I was 21 I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD, and finally BPD, C-PTSD and substance abuse disorder. (The EMDR therapist I saw today was very skeptical of all those diagnoses but as far as I'm concerned, I think they all match my experience and are very helpful for me to understand myself -- isn't it what diagnoses are made for?).
Been on a shitton of meds for seven years. I used to take nine meds at the same time, with maximum dosage. Found a prescription from one year and a half ago: venlafaxine 300mg, fluoxetine 40mg, lithium 800mg, quetiapine 800mg, lamotrigine 300mg, risperidone 6mg, methylphenidate 90mg, aripiprazole 30mg, buprenorphine 14mg. Stopped them a few months ago after my last stay in psych ward because I didn't want to have to deal with psychiatrists anymore. I was told it was just my fault if I was so miserable. I mean, for sure my lifestyle doesn't help, but I think I have a depressing lifestyle because guess what! I'm fucking depressed! and autistic, traumatized and stuff, not the other way around. And guess what? Nothing happened. No-thing. None of these meds had the lesser impact on my brain chemistry. Not even withdrawal symptoms. It made absolutely no difference. Psychiatrists never believed me when I expressed my skepticism towards medication. I know it works for some people and it's for the best, I'm very happy for them, but on me it just doesn't seem to have any effect.
Anyway, that's when I understood my mental health was a lost cause. I will never get better. Drugs used to uplift my mood and fight executive dysfunction a little bit, allowing me to do things such as music, but I built a tolerance very fast and now I just have pregabaline 1500mg every other day to suffer just a little less. I can't take pregabaline every day as it would fuck my tolerance up. So I spend one day literally crying in my bed all day long, wanting so bad to CTB, and the other day the pain is a little easier to bear (I switch from 0 to 1 or 2 on the mood scale - I still cry but I cry less).
I've been lurking for a while. Actually, I've known this website since the pandemic, but I regained interest in it a few weeks ago, when I understood it would never get better, that my life was already behind me, that I was nothing but a living corpse. And I thought I could access N from a DNM source, but I wanted to check on a reliable website if N could possibly be available somewhere, and luckily! SaSu exists and kept me from spending 1200€ on a scam. Thank you so much! I could have done a huge mistake. And I was like, you guys are so sweet to each other, why wouldn't I join you guys and talk with you, to help me figure out if CTB is definitely my only option. I don't want to break my wife's heart for nothing, they're my all. If I have to break their heart and leave them to grieve for years, at least I want to be sure it's just inevitable - and as I said, the sooner I'm gone, the better. I really want them to succeed in life, to keep on living, find another soulmate, because being in love with me is such a living hell. They deserve it so much. So I don't want to take a hasty decision. I'm very cautious about their well-being. And I start thinking that they just can't be happy with me, I'm such a burden, they're just watching and hearing me cry loudly all day long, powerless, and they feel guilty because they can't help me.
So here I am! on the best (and only?) pro-choice space in the world, hoping to find a way out of the dark, either by finding the strength to keep pushing on (as one of my favorite John Maus's songs says) or by CTB'ing.