Hey, I'm Starry.
Trauma happened, then depression. Then more trauma happened and 16 years later nothing has changed, I'm still sick.
I'm in my mid 20s now, love video games, true crime, nature, reading, tea, pasta, everything mythical and folklore, cute socks and ofc the classics ~ animals and music.
I used to draw and paint my whole life and it's always been my dream to become a freelance artist one day.
c-PTSD, depression, anxiety and the rest of the squad said no, so that's that I guess.
Last year I developed a chronic heart muscle inflammation and other physical disorders, so I've been trying to get better somehow.
I'm so damn tired, dear strangers.
Years of hospital stays, doctors, therapy, all kind of medication did nothing for me.
And even though there are people around me that I really love, there's always that invisible ripple in the air. I will never be able to close the distance and fit into their world. I can't open up to any of them anymore, I don't want to. So much bad and weird stuff has happened, I've already caused so much pain.
And nothing makes any sense anymore.
I just want to go home, but I don't know where that is.
I'm so lost and can't stop thinking about dying.
My mind and heart are like a black hole and I wonder about reaching the event horizon, my personal point of no return. Whenever this will happen.
I'm very bad at introducing myself, sorry.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for providing a place to talk about these things.
Whoever reads this, take care. If we become angels after death, let's fly together some time ♡