My comment there:
Why can't Darwinism and non-biological psychiatry go hand in hand? Clearly humans are machines, that much is certain - and even if brains do access a field of psyche (as non-material as how the parliament is not tautological to a building), the untold millennia might have invented ways to predispose individuals to certain patterns of thinking. Of course, the complexity of it all makes it impractical to gauge a specific individual's response to hardship, but certain tendencies do turn up - aren't cultures ultimately delusional in making up entire realities of spirits and morals? And culture is what explains the world to a creature of the word that man is. I may be doing a disservice to the current article by equating mentally deranged individuals to systems of morality, but it's not such a leap of faith when they are effectively staving off the most reasonable question as to why bother with an inevitably-doomed game of life. Wordless creatures do not ponder such questions, hence culture might as well have been Nature's solution - an irrational answer to an irrational problem.