- Mar 9, 2024
- 424
Thanks @HighFlight I am in a bit of paperwork limbo. But that's kept my brain super distracted and busy with logistics and problem solving (which is a good thing, though maybe a little OTT). Have finally started going through the local gyms for tours and maxing out all their free trial sessions before I commit to one, but means I have got the physical stuff accounted for again as well as exploring the area by foot and bike and am meeting my new manager for a tour on Tuesday (don't actually start for another 2 weeks assuming the last bits of paperwork iron out in time which they really should given the progress I've made so far)
I do have to remind myself that my sense of time is warped. Feels like months (both since arriving and until starting). But I finished my previous summer jobs on last day of Sept (a Mon), signed the new contract Fri, left my old place Sun, by fri I moved into an actual houseshare/local address and I've only been in this room just over a week. Thankfully its en suite and a large quite transient but quiet house so can stay in my room and only really acknowledge others in passing which has helped me settle a lot better. Feel like a puppy with their cage as their safe space they can go and hide in, away from everything and come out as/when things interest them or need doing!
I have only one but its a bigger one. A SH cover up but was just one (larger) scar so the design could incorporate it quite well. Kinda limited by the scar but the artist was amazing and built more of a 'scene' which incorporated a bunch of smaller aspects that were/are significant to me and parts of my life. Can't tell the scar is there at all now (unless you know).
Kinda wish for more, but just hesitant because I just freeze with knowing what design I actually want. The one I got ended up being out of function with the scar which meant the artist had quite a bit of free reign with me just throwing random ideas around.
Getting the 2 sessions made me go super overkill about self care - couldn't bare the thought of getting it infected or damaged or ruining the artists work. Especially after the first session when I didn't know what to expect and knew I was going back to the same artist for second session so they would see how it healed/looked.
I do have to remind myself that my sense of time is warped. Feels like months (both since arriving and until starting). But I finished my previous summer jobs on last day of Sept (a Mon), signed the new contract Fri, left my old place Sun, by fri I moved into an actual houseshare/local address and I've only been in this room just over a week. Thankfully its en suite and a large quite transient but quiet house so can stay in my room and only really acknowledge others in passing which has helped me settle a lot better. Feel like a puppy with their cage as their safe space they can go and hide in, away from everything and come out as/when things interest them or need doing!
I'm intrigued by peoples ideas behind tattoo designs. Obviously don't reveal details/specifics. Are yours specific images/symbols/words that resonate to smaller individual parts of you. Or more something thats a bigger meaning?I'm super happy with how both tattoos turned out. One of the tattoos is in an area that a lot of people consider super painful but tbh it was not that bad. However, everything is relative. I have 2 tattoos on my chest already and those were actually painful.
I have only one but its a bigger one. A SH cover up but was just one (larger) scar so the design could incorporate it quite well. Kinda limited by the scar but the artist was amazing and built more of a 'scene' which incorporated a bunch of smaller aspects that were/are significant to me and parts of my life. Can't tell the scar is there at all now (unless you know).
Kinda wish for more, but just hesitant because I just freeze with knowing what design I actually want. The one I got ended up being out of function with the scar which meant the artist had quite a bit of free reign with me just throwing random ideas around.
Getting the 2 sessions made me go super overkill about self care - couldn't bare the thought of getting it infected or damaged or ruining the artists work. Especially after the first session when I didn't know what to expect and knew I was going back to the same artist for second session so they would see how it healed/looked.
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