
Jul 31, 2018
Overdosing on anything is too risky and unreliable. You're more likely to end up a vegetable. I was drinking poppy tea daily for awhile which contains lots of morphine and codeine. It's easy to OD on. I was planning on drinking an obscene amount and mixing it with lots of alcohol, but even that...after lots of research and accounts from other people......there's just no way to be sure what will happen. It's very unpredictable. You don't want to end up a vegetable.
No I dont want to be a vegetable maybe klonopin and wine will give me the courage I need I dont have a choice either
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
No I dont want to be a vegetable maybe klonopin and wine will give me the courage I need I dont have a choice either
Good luck. Unfortunately I ran out of my clonazepam while using it to try and get me to do it. I ended up just running out, and my doctor won't give me more. So I'm stuck with just the alcohol... Best of luck to you.
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Jul 31, 2018
Good luck. Unfortunately I ran out of my clonazepam while using it to try and get me to do it. I ended up just running out, and my doctor won't give me more. So I'm stuck with just the alcohol... Best of luck to you.
Best of luck to you too
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Jul 13, 2018
Do you think you'll be able to go through with it
The millions who have gone through with it probably asked this same question. I think that we all have a breaking point. There will come a point that our will to survive shuts down in the face of extreme adversity and exhaustion and we will kill ourselves. I doubt that the millions of people who have hanged themselves were thrilled about it either, but they did it.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Did you do it standing or lying down or what I'm about to talk myself out of full suspension
Fuck full suspension. Blocks the airway and you can't breathe. My setup is very simple. Lying down comfortably on blankets with a cord hanging from a bar. Not far from the floor at all. Just high enough to hold up the weight of my skull. Knot at the back of my neck, pull the cord tight with my hand, and then just let the weight of my skull rest facing the floor.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
The millions who have gone through with it probably asked this same question. I think that we all have a breaking point. There will come a point that our will to survive shuts down in the face of extreme adversity and exhaustion and we will kill ourselves. I doubt that the millions of people who have hanged themselves were thrilled about it either, but they did it.
Idk, man. I don't even want to get into my story, but my life couldn't possibly be any more traumatic and I'm well beyond my breaking point. I can't even think straight or function properly anymore and am literally always screaming and crying bloody murder. Seven years of this that gradually got worse and worse. It's been over a year now of dancing around this and I still can't make myself do it. I couldn't possibly snap anymore than I already have.
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Jul 13, 2018
Idk, man. I don't even want to get into my story, but my life couldn't possibly be any more traumatic and I'm well beyond my breaking point. I can't even think straight or function properly anymore and am literally always screaming and crying bloody murder. Seven years of this that gradually got worse and worse. It's been over a year now of dancing around this and I still can't make myself do it. I couldn't possibly snap anymore than I already have.
I'm sorry to hear that, but don't give up (usually a line for pro-lifers). You'd be surprised at how much shit humans can go through. Everyone's different, and there's a reason humans have been around for so long as the dominant species despite being weaker and slower than a lot of other animals - our will to survive and our intelligence.
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Jul 31, 2018
Fuck full suspension. Blocks the airway and you can't breathe. My setup is very simple. Lying down comfortably on blankets with a cord hanging from a bar. Not far from the floor at all. Just high enough to hold up the weight of my skull. Knot at the back of my neck, pull the cord tight with my hand, and then just let the weight of my skull rest facing the floor.
Sounds much more comfortable I just thought full would be quicker maybe I need to rethink this was just afraid I would back out of partial


Jul 9, 2018
omg omg omg omg I just attempted again and I finally got it to work properly and in a matter of seconds the blood rushed to my head, my vision started to go white and I got this horrible tingling all over my lips and face. It was so scary. I can't do this. Omg I'm so fucked. There's no way I can possibly even think about doing this without a shitload of alcohol and I have no fucking money. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Im curious if you felt a falling sensation? And your vision went completely white like your in a cloud or something? I have heard descriptions of that from gunshots to the head.
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Aug 20, 2018
I just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe


Guide to partially suspended hanging:

Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.

This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a

Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.

By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.

Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.

Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.

What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .

It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.

What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.

Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.

Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.

You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.

A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.

When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.


When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.

Good luck...

Further illustrations and evidence of high success rate for this method:










Can I use just a rope to perform a partial hanging?
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Sounds much more comfortable I just thought full would be quicker maybe I need to rethink this was just afraid I would back out of partial
It is definitely more comfortable. Another thing to take into consideration is that your entire body weight is pulling on the noose...so you've got ALL that weight putting the pressure on your neck...AND you can't breathe.
Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Im curious if you felt a falling sensation? And your vision went completely white like your in a cloud or something? I have heard descriptions of that from gunshots to the head.
I did not personally feel a falling sensation, but I'm not sure if I had gone with it longer then perhaps I would have. It certainly felt like I would have lost consciousness in a matter of seconds. My vision started to go white, beginning from the outer corners of my vision and working it's way inwards. I guess you could say it was like being in a cloud. And when you blood rushes to your head you can feel the pressure build up. The scary part was the tingling. That was when I backed out. I'm thinking maybe once I do it and back out so many times I will get used to the feeling of the tingling somewhat, so that once I know exactly what to expect and what it will feel like and I am more comfortable with it...perhaps I will be able to go through with it.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Can I use just a rope to perform a partial hanging?
Rope is good. In my experience and opinion it gets stuck and has a more difficult sliding through the noose. But there are ropes out there that are smooth all around.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
I'm sorry to hear that, but don't give up (usually a line for pro-lifers). You'd be surprised at how much shit humans can go through. Everyone's different, and there's a reason humans have been around for so long as the dominant species despite being weaker and slower than a lot of other animals - our will to survive and our intelligence.
I am a pro-lifer. I do not condone suicide. I think there's always a better way to be able to heal and find happiness. But my life has no hope at all. When I was 19 I was brainwashed into a sex change by a therapist and a doctor, and the whole transgender political agenda, and it was all bullshit and for nothing. I had a great life before. A ton of friends. An amazing girlfriend. The world in the palm of my hands. A whole life to look forward to. I grew up a bad boy, a tough guy, I'm a bit of a narcissist and I had an inferiority complex because I had quite a bit of feminine qualities which I always felt unable to express...so I grew up feeling trapped in the wrong body. So finally after high school when I was trying to find myself, it got so bad when I found the hocus pocus dribble transgender bullshit agenda it all made sense, so I went to a therapist and she told me that I WAS trapped in the wrong body...and with this being my lifelong deep dark secret, and my one soft spot and huge vulnerability, and being an impulsive, impressionable, immature teenager with poor judgement...I believed her. She told me I was trapped in the wrong body, and transitioning was the only answer...and to "be a girl!!!" and even though I told her I was not gay, she told me to "explore my sexuality!!!" Basically got inside my head, talked me into it, drove me into confusion, and induced a fragmented sense of self. Then she sent me to a doctor who gave me estrogen and told me I was a woman. And then it was as if I was a different person. I started "being a girl" but it wasn't me. It was a dissociative identity. My life is like a reversed version of Fight Club, with Tyler Durden and the Narrator. I left one false self for another false self before finally becoming myself. "Girl mode" and "Guy mode" (which is normalized by the transgender agenda, so me and my father believed it was normal) was a split personality. Girl me and guy me were two different people. And girl me took over. I was wrongly led to believe that I was trapped in the wrong body (which is said to be a BIOLOGICAL MEDICAL CONDITION) and that I needed MEDICALLY NECESSARY treatment for it. So I believed that I was simply doing what had to be done to treat the biological condition I was born with. I was led down a path of unbelievable oppression and trauma and surgeries. And now I am buried in debt, can't afford to even file bankruptcy, my life is completely ANNIHILATED, I am alone and have been SINCE THEN for the past 7 years, and my dick is gone. I'll never have another girlfriend ever again. There's no hope of a normal life whatsoever. My life is impacted in every which way imaginable, and I am literally unable to function properly as a result of it. I live in the Twilight Zone. Literally, the X-Files. This shit is just so insane and beyond belief. My whole family fell for it hook, line and sinker. It's one hell of a con. I mean, how are you supposed to know that you are confused and delusional...if the doctors and therapists are saying that you are NOT confused and delusional, and that it's actually biological? Especially when they are the ones who induced it. They made lots of money though. I cannot live like this though. I was just diagnosed with severe chronic PTSD. I am so traumatized that I can't even put it into words. There was NOTHING wrong with me until I saw that therapist. All I wanted was to be myself, and I was depressed and in self-hatred because I was ashamed of who I was. Johnny Depp wears makeup and paints his nails...why wouldn't I? There are a lot of dope ass heels that can be worn like a man and it was way more common back in the day. Why did I have to be a girl to get a pair of shoes? Why did I have to be a girl to feel comfortable making the statement, "that's so cute." Why couldn't I just BE MYSELF? Fucking insane. And now I finally found myself, lots of people think I'm the shit, lots of girls totally dig me and my style, and I really would have been somebody. I look like the rock star I always was my whole life playing the guitar and writing music. Life would have been even more incredible than I ever could have imagined. But now none of it matters. I finally found myself and love life...and I have to die anyway. The end. Rant over.
Last edited:
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Here we go again. Another day of staring at this noose. Once again, I have all day long. Maybe I'll give it another shot. This has been my life for the past year, most of which was spent with a fifth of scotch a day around the clock. Pretty sure I've got gastritis and stomach ulcers, and a way back my doctor told me I might've been in acute liver failure but I never went to the emergency room. If I can't do the deed myself, something else will kill me eventually. Not if I can get to this noose first. Practice makes perfect. I've got it down 100% perfect now. If I can get comfortable enough with the experience, I imagine I'll eventually reach the point where I lose consciousness. Last night I must've did it for about 2-3 seconds. Maybe today I can do it for 3-4 seconds. And then maybe 4-5. Eventually it's gotta just happen. If I ever stop posting it's because I'm dead and at peace :D
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Aug 20, 2018
I will try as well and I will keep trying till I finally go to sleep and never wake up again if it takes too many times and I'm still alive I will find a spot to perform a full suspension hanging
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
The benefit of that is that you can't back out of it. Not for me though.
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Aug 16, 2018
The risk of being found and being a vegetable makes me want to jump instead.
Same, plus the probability that whoever finds me after I hang myself at home will be family is really high and I don't want to traunatise my family like that, so it makes more sense to jump from a random building where it'll be a random stranger or group of strangers who find me. I know it sounds selfish and crass but I would rather traunatise some random guy on the street than a close family member. I'm also not confident that I won't be foound within .25 minutes if I hang myself outfoordso I don't want to try that.
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Aug 16, 2018
Thanks for the information, it does not seem too difficult.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Same, plus the probability that whoever finds me after I hang myself at home will be family is really high and I don't want to traunatise my family like that, so it makes more sense to jump from a random building where it'll be a random stranger or group of strangers who find me. I know it sounds selfish and crass but I would rather traunatise some random guy on the street than a close family member. I'm also not confident that I won't be foound within .25 minutes if I hang myself outfoordso I don't want to try that.
People have jumped off skyscrapers and lived. It depends on how you land. You could end up a quadriplegic. It's still risky and unpredictable.
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Aug 16, 2018
I'm not really talking of the probability of survival in my post, I'm aware of the same in both cases. What I'm talking about is the effect my body will have on the people who first see/find it.
People have jumped off skyscrapers and lived. It depends on how you land. You could end up a quadriplegic. It's still risky and unpredictable.
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Aug 20, 2018
People have jumped off skyscrapers and lived. It depends on how you land. You could end up a quadriplegic. It's still risky and unpredictable.
Exactly why I'd rather try full suspension or partial suspension.
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Aug 20, 2018
I'm not really talking of the probability of survival in my post, I'm aware of the same in both cases. What I'm talking about is the effect my body will have on the people who first see/find it.
I completely understand you. I've been thinking about the same thing. I don't want to destroy my family's life more than necessary
Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
I feel the same as you. My father will find me in a day or two when I don't come out of my room. I feel horrible for traumatizing him like that, but at the same time I have a lot of resentment and blame towards him. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for him, so...
But, I also searched around where I live for wooded areas and the only one that is suitable, the only good branches that would work are too high and I would need a ladder. There's no way I'm getting a ladder there. It's off on top of a cliff way in the woods. I'd do it at night, because there are hikers during the day. But even then...with a little bad luck, there could be a random hiker at night with a flashlight. There really isn't anywhere else to do it. Do either of you have money to get a room at a motel? I don't.
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Aug 20, 2018
I feel the same as you. My father will find me in a day or two when I don't come out of my room. I feel horrible for traumatizing him like that, but at the same time I have a lot of resentment and blame towards him. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for him, so...
But, I also searched around where I live for wooded areas and the only one that is suitable, the only good branches that would work are too high and I would need a ladder. There's no way I'm getting a ladder there. It's off on top of a cliff way in the woods. I'd do it at night, because there are hikers during the day. But even then...with a little bad luck, there could be a random hiker at night with a flashlight. There really isn't anywhere else to do it. Do either of you have money to get a room at a motel? I don't.
I might have money for a room at a motel but then it would have to be a room where it is possible to do a full suspension hanging as partial might not work the first time...
If I go to the forest I'm afraid someone will find/see me while I do it.. so really don't know what else to do than to try a partial in my room
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Jun 18, 2018
People have jumped off skyscrapers and lived. It depends on how you land. You could end up a quadriplegic. It's still risky and unpredictable.
Extremely unlikely. Cite sources that show the rare individual falling off a skyscraper and living
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