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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Humans suffer endlessly
Human existence truly is filled with suffering with literally no limit as to how much one can suffer, in fact I see human existence as being nothing but suffering, it's a temporary, ultimately futile process of waiting around to die. Every second there are humans suffering in horrific ways destined for nothing but for even more loss, agony and torment in a cruel, hopeless existence, I know that I'd never wish to exist under any circumstances and find it so incredibly dreadful to simply exist.

I only wish for non-existence as after all nobody can be harmed by the absence of everything with those who no longer exist unable to mourn for how they lack the ability to suffer with them having no need for anything, only ceasing to exist can bring me peace from the terrible tragedy of human existence. It sounds so ideal to me to simply be unaware for all eternity with everything forgotten about, to just not exist is all I've ever wished for, I've only ever found comfort in death especially as there truly is endless amounts of suffering in existing, it's so terrifying, I certainly fear existence and really wish I could erase mine like I never existed in the first place.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No acceptance towards not wanting to exist.
It's truly so immensely cruel and terrible how there's no acceptance towards people preffering the peace of eternal non-existence over suffering in an existence filled with endless cruelty. It's just devastating how many wish to make existence into a prison where one cannot painlessly escape, denying options of peaceful methods and instead trapping people in their endless torment until they die anyway.

Whether one wishes to continue the futile yet so painful burden of human existence should be a personal choice, and it's one I never would have chose no matter what, I wish I never suffered in this existence more than anything yet many act like suicide should never be an option for anyone but how could they say that when they cannot experience existence in the same way as others and cannot feel their pain and cannot understand how they suffer and find it dreadful to simply exist.

I'd never want something so immensely cruel and harmful as existence, no for me existence is what is so terrible rather than suicide, for me suicide is the way to find safety from suffering, a painless death would save me from the pain and torment of existing, it'd save me from being trapped in an existence that was always so meaningless and hopeless in the first place leading to nothing and nowhere.

It's horrific to me to think about how a human can exist for so long and suffer so unbearably just to be tortured by extreme old age and die anyway, why cannot there be acceptance towards people preferring to be unconscious and unaware of all this, it'll always be so immensley tragic how pointless suffering and unnecessary torment is seen as something to so cruelly prolong no matter what.
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Mar 11, 2019
Hello world, there's a human suffering here, what you gonna do


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I hope I fall asleep.
I do hope that some kind of sleep comes soon as I'm tired of suffering, I'm tired of being awake, I hope that eternal sleep brings me peace as to me there could certainly never be any peace in this cruel, torturous existence. There truly is no point to existing, it's just a terrible tragic mistake to exist and I only wish for the eternal absence of it, it's painful to be burdened with the ability to exist which is why I hope for sleep, I wish for peaceful, dreamless eternal sleep where all is forgotten about.

Simply just being unaware for all eternity sounds so ideal, it'll always be tragic to me how I have to suffer so unnecessarily when eternal nothingness would bring me so much peace, I hope and wish for sleep, I've suffered for too long in an existence I never would have chosen that I was never meant for.

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