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Nov 8, 2018
The Secret Killer: DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)

By Xerxes

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction/Disclaimers

II. Foundations of DMSO

- What is DMSO

III. Working with DMSO

- Handling and Storage

- Where to Purchase?

IV. DMSO Applications

- Sodium Nitrite

- Plant-based Poisons

- Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Xylocaine

- Other drugs

V. Conclusion

I. Introduction

This article is based on theory and scientific studies done on the chemical DMSO. In no way or order are the applications and practices are to be used in a malicious manner. This is for educational purposes only.

II. Foundations of DMSO

What is DMSO?

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a clear liquid with a garlic smell and taste. It's used in a wide variety of applications, medical procedures, and homeopathy from animals to humans. It's a excellent solvent and accelerant with the ability to absorb through skin, bone, and clothing. DMSO is a carrier liquid that will carry any drug that can be dissolved through skin, mucosal linings, latex gloves, clothing, and <9mm of bone.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is a by-product of the wood industry and has been in use as a commercial solvent since 1953. Dr. Stanley Jacob based almost his entire life's work on this chemical and how it can be attributed to the betterment of society. Due to his lifetime of work, DMSO is readily available in 125+ countries around the world, where doctors can prescribe it for a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, scleroderma, interstitial cystitis, and arthritis. Despite it's claimed medical cures, many patients reported the side effects being an odd odor which smells of garlic, that emanates from the body shortly after use. Exposure to DMSO results in garlic breath in minutes. It made production of this drug difficult because the community didn't like the garlic smell.

The FDA never approved DMSO, even though there were no history of deaths with just the chemical alone. It did what it was supposed to do as a liquid. The deaths started coming in when people started using it for homeopathy as opposed to traditional medicine. Because of DMSO solubility with a number of inorganic salts and it's amplification of other drugs applied, people have died from it just by mixing it with other drugs, making topical salves, and one special case where a hospital was evacuated because the drugs they pumped into a woman to save her life was counteracted with DMSO causing a chain reaction, creating Dimethyl Sulfate.

Further Reading:

Physical Properties of DMSO - https://www.dmso.org/articles/information/szmant.html

III. Working with DMSO

Handling and Storage

Handling DMSO is not the same as other chemicals or drugs especially in a lab setting. For home use, prolonged exposure will only make you smell like garlic for up to six hours. But because of whatever you touch, DMSO will carry whatever chemical, bacteria, or substance into your body. It is currently EPA approved, since it showed low toxicity in plant and aquatic life under high dosages. It's recommended you wear nitrile gloves, three at best when testing DMSO. If you spill it anywhere, just use super absorbent towels or dry oatmeal to soak it up.

Storage of DMSO is simple. It can freeze below 48.5F, but just placing it in a steamer or leave it in a dry place can thaw it out easily. Do not microwave. Most DMSO is transported in plastic safe containers, usually 8oz. Industrial applications use metal drums. You can store it in glass jars if you wish and it is recommended that you do. When working with DMSO, it's best to work in a warm environment. 70F or higher.

Further Reading:

Help a Non-Chemist Handle DMSO Discussion:

DMSO Health and Safety from Gaylord Chemical: https://www.gaylordchemical.com/literature/dmso-health-safety/

Where to Purchase DMSO?

Since DMSO is not a prescription due to FDA disapproval back in the 1960s, DMSO is readily available online, select pharmacies, country stores, and horse-feed stores. There are many concentrations of DMSO from as little as 10% to 99.6% (pure DMSO). All concentrations can be bought and transported safely in plastic containers. Here's a list of sites where you can purchase DMSO:

Amazon (Worldwide): [removed due to sourcing]

Tractor Supply Co. (USA): [removed due to sourcing]

Allivet (Worldwide): [removed due to sourcing]

PH Health (UK): [removed due to sourcing]

Ebay (Worldwide): [removed due to sourcing]

JacobsLab (Worldwide): [removed due to sourcing] (The best place)

You'll want pure DMSO solution 99.6% or higher. Anything lower in concentration will just contain additives and urea which won't apply to the applications discussed in this article.
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Nov 8, 2018
IV. DMSO Applications

Sodium Nitrite (SN)

Disclaimer: The purpose of this application with DMSO is only for SanctionedSuicide. It is theoretical since it has been untested on the human body, (so far). The author will be conducting tests on it knowing the dangers of SN.

Sodium Nitrite is an inorganic salt used to induce methemoglobinemia in the human body to decrease the amount of oxygen being carried by red blood cells causing immediate death within minutes. The problem with Sodium Nitrite in recent suicidal studies is that it requires an Anti-Emetic regimen 3 days before taking SN. Taking SN alone impulsively has led to disastrous results such as vomiting, painful convulsions, and a 45% survival rate. So how is DMSO supposed to help with SN?

One of DMSO properties as discussed above is solubility and absorption through cell membranes, linings, etc. According to Gaylord Chemical, only 20g of Sodium Nitrite will dissolve in 100mL of DMSO. So 4-5 teaspoons of SN in half a cup of DMSO. The solution of DMSO should dissolve the sodium releasing the nitrite compound and when ingested would absorb through the stomach lining and straight into the bloodstream to bond with red blood cells causing methemoglobinemia. The belief is that there wouldn't be a required Anti-Emetic to be used because DMSO is easy on the stomach in low dosages (less than 150mL) and has low toxicity when reacting to acids in the stomach. It'll permeate the esophagus, stomach linings, intestinal lining, and reach the bloodstream quickly so you feel the effects of methemoglobinemia much quicker than if you were to wait with an anti-emetic.

There is a downside, DMSO tastes like garlic, so imagine chewing on a clove of garlic and swallowing it. You may feel irritation of the throat, like a slight burning sensation akin to eating spicy food, slight numbness in the mouth due to DMSO being an analgesic, and bad breath. DO NOT DRINK WATER after ingesting DMSO/SN, because in water DMSO crystallizes and renders the dissolved SN useless. Stomach acids will react to it and then you'll have a bad time.

I have had questions whether you can use SN with DMSO topically on the skin for the same effect. No idea, and there's been limited studies done on that, but if you want to experiment with it you can use the same dosages above, and then use the salve to spread on the neck and underarms area. You know you done it right when you taste the garlic in your mouth after 5 minutes. It is also possible to use Tagamet with DMSO and SN. Tagamet dissolves in DMSO at 51mL. No reaction if you were to mix both Tagamet and SN together with DMSO in the same 100mL solution. I don't recommend this route, because it feels like overkill when DMSO has already penetrated your stomach lining and let SN bond with your blood cells. You can take Tagamet if you have a reaction to garlic tasting compounds. You can also use one tiny bit of metoclopramide in the solution, but once again it's overkill and not necessary.


20g of Sodium Nitrite (4-5 teaspoons)

100mL of DMSO (1/2 a cup)

Swirl in cup, do not mix with a spoon, and then ingest quickly.


Because of DMSO absorption rate and solubility, you can mix it with Vicodin or aspirin to test its effects on your body. Be careful with opiates and benzos with DMSO, because it'll act as an amplifier and accelerant. See the section Other Drugs for information.

Plant-based Poisons

DMSO has always been used topically as a salve for direct penetration into the skin via absorption and had the added effect of numbing the area. It's used often for pain relief in humans and horses. Poisons such as hemlock, nightshade, aconite, etc. are used with DMSO acting as a carrier. You can mix the sap of hemlock leaves into DMSO and apply topically to key areas of your neck, back, and underarms for faster absorption into the bloodstream. Back in the day when DMSO was in its infancy, horticulturalists would use a special DMSO chemical on plants, a person had gloves on when handling DMSO when he touched hemlock and a few hours later was dead of hemlock poisoning since DMSO carried hemlock sap through his gloves, his skin, and into his body. If you have access to Wiley, you can read the full article here: https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1967.tb34876.x

So yes, it is possible you can go the plant route and make a topical salve of DMSO with any plant-based poison you want. It will permeate the skin and the poisons will work their magic on your body. The downside is that anyone who touches your skin, will pass the DMSO solution into their skin therefore they get poisoned too. DMSO evaporates slowly unless you were in a kiln, then it'll evaporate in 3 hours.

Benzocaine, Lidocaine, and OTC Analgesics

If we were to introduce alternatives to Sodium Nitrite with the main factor of inducing Methemoglobinemia, then researching the substances that cause that would include these three: Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Xylocaine. Over-exposure to any of these substances via prolonged contact with the skin will cause systemic toxicity, induced by Methemoglobinemia. If used alone it'll take a large amount and 2 hours to cause methemoglobinemia.

Now let's introduce DMSO into the picture. Topical analgesics mixed with DMSO can accelerate the absorption into the skin much easier than if you were to apply it without. In less than 10 minutes you'll start to feel the symptoms of methemoglobinemia. These topical analgesics bond with the iron in the blood, decreasing its efficiency to carry oxygen. The results are increased drowsiness like being under anesthesia, followed by hypotension, coma, and then death. It is the silent killer because pain management has had reports of people using DMSO as a homeopathy to mix with their topical creams not knowing the dangers. Forensic results conclude cardiac arrythmias as the result of death.

There are cons however; Lidocaine over 5% is prescription only. You would need at least 15-20% for Lidocaine alone to work. Luckily there is a special cream that can be ordered called BLT Cream. It's used primarily in the microblading industry of cosmetology. It consists of:

Benzocaine 20%

Lidocaine 8%

Tetracaine/Xylocaine 4%

It's only offered to dermatologists and licensed cosmetologists. A signed prescription from a dermatologist is good enough. You can tell the dermatologists that you're getting a microblading procedure done and 80% most likely they'll give it to you. I visited my local tattoo artist and he also recommends BLT cream if you don't like painful tattoos and can write a note to your dermatologist so they can write the prescription. You may be able to find it on E-Bay.

It's not recommended to purchase the Icy/Hot cream which contains benzocaine, because of its low concentration and other additives in the cream. You may be able to get at least 8% Lidocaine cream in certain markets, YMMV. BLT cream is pricey, you're looking at $150 per pack, $30-40 per 4oz jar.

Further Reading:

Lidocaine Induced Methemoglobinemia - http://jaoa.org/article.aspx?articleid=2211844

Topical Lidocaine for Anesthesia in Patients - https://www.dmso.org/articles/pain/plaser.htm

Case Studies of Lidocaine Induced Methemoglobinemia (Subscription) - https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(01)00763-X/pdf

Poison.org article on Lidocaine - https://www.poison.org/articles/lidocaine-can-cause-harmful-effects-172

BLT Cream Ordering - https://edgepharmacy.com/services/dermatology/blt-cream/
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Nov 8, 2018
Other Drug Interactions

DMSO has a variety of applications. Some untested, some in theory, and most are accidental. Your research on any of the given methods on Sanctioned Suicide can apply with DMSO, making this chemical very versatile for whatever reasons you need it for. You just don't want to drink water with DMSO. Googling DMSO with (insert drug of choice here) will result in various interactions and solubility data.

It's an excellent drug carrier especially for those that have undergone chemotherapy and need extra medications that have horrible side effects. DMSO has helped ease the side effects of chemotherapy medications in patients. It has relieved pain in joints in animals and humans. So, any drug, both illegal and legal prescriptions can benefit with DMSO as a carrier.

Further Reading:

Enhancement of Transdermal Drug Delivery - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000527360900296X

Quora Article on DMSO Drug Delivery - https://www.quora.com/Do-we-use-DMS...hy-not-If-we-do-why-is-it-not-used-more-often

V. Conclusion

As you can see, DMSO has a lot of variety of uses and the purpose of this article was to educate the possibilities of suicide with DMSO acting as a carrier and accelerant. The possibilities are endless with its application is a miracle. Just remember when making your concoctions:

1. Don't add, mix, or ingest water

2. DMSO is an solvent and accelerant

3. Dissolves inorganic compounds

4. Can be ingested, applied topically, or used as an enema

5. Consult the following appendix of resources

Further Reading and Resources

Liquid Death by the Lone Chemist - https://lonechemist.wordpress.com/2010/08/19/liquid-death/

DMSO.org Many Uses, Much Controversy - https://www.dmso.org/articles/information/muir.htm

Varieties of DMSO by Gaylord Chemical - https://www.gaylordchemical.com/company/what-are-dmso-and-dms/dmso-dimethyl-sulfoxide/

DMSO Solubility Data by Gaylord Chemical - https://www.gaylordchemical.com/literature/dmso-solubility-data/

Methemoglobinemia: A Case Study - http://ccn.aacnjournals.org/content/22/4/50.full

Benzocaine and Lidocaine Induced Methemoglobinemia - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2263062/
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Nov 8, 2018
Appendix: Table of Chemicals that cause Methemoglobinemia
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Oct 3, 2018
hi xerxes ..I wanted to tell you that you did a very good job in describing what the dmso is and how it works, despite being a substance not very well known and on which not many studies have been conducted, and despite the few cases of literature on it .. like u said , thanks to its ability to penetrate through biological membranes, it can promote the transport of any substances through the tissues ... and therefore essentially any substance mixed with the dmso can penetrate the bloodstream, even tho for me the combination dmso-sn seems the one on which we have more certainties, especially in relation to the fact that we know that 15 g is enough to die, while with the other substances we would go more blindly on the right quantity ...

The belief is that there wouldn't be a required Anti-Emetic to be used because DMSO is easy on the stomach in low dosages (less than 150mL) and has low toxicity when reacting to acids in the stomach. It'll permeate the esophagus, stomach linings, intestinal lining, and reach the bloodstream quickly so you feel the effects of methemoglobinemia much quicker than if you were to wait with an anti-emetic.

of course, like u said it's a belief ... and basically it's all on a theoretical level because we do not have specific studies on each case, or experiments and yes, the same applies to the sn used alone .. then also each body is different and there is no absolute certainty on how each one can react to it ... yet I am so convinced that it can be a good solution to the possibility of vomiting and a good way to speed up the loss of consciousness and therefore death in the sn method and it will definitely be what I will use. .. and I will buy it from apc pure as well with the sn (https://apcpure.com/product/dimethyl_sulfoxide_dmso which is 99.8% pure... however I read this about the correspondence between purity and efficacy , what do you think?)

The first quality that struck Dr. Jacob about the drug was its ability to pass through membranes, an ability that has been verified by numerous subsequent researchers.1 DMSO's ability to do this varies proportionally with its strength--up to a 90 percent solution. From 70 percent to 90 percent has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin, and, oddly, performance drops with concentrations higher than 90 percent. Lower concentrations are sufficient to cross other membranes. Thus, 15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder.
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Oct 3, 2018
about the garlic smell, do u think it could be too intense to cause some sort of vomiting reflex before u lose consciousness? or that it could be smelled outside the room where i will kms ? lol .. sorry im too paranoid maybe xD
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Oct 3, 2018
i think i understand how it works as a fast conveyor of sn towards the bloodstream... i have some doubts on some hypothetical situations, and i was thinking also that idk if we're sure that the dmso does not interact with sn ... like it's a sort of invisible carrier that does not interact with the substance with which it is mixed, right?
mmm anyway yes we have zero cases on a suicide attempt with sn and dmso.. everything could happen outside the theory .. maybe i ll be the first to try it heheh
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Oct 5, 2018
Great info, any idea how this substance would react with antihistimines?
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Nov 8, 2018
i think i understand how it works as a fast conveyor of sn towards the bloodstream... i have some doubts on some hypothetical situations, and i was thinking also that idk if we're sure that the dmso does not interact with sn ... like it's a sort of invisible carrier that does not interact with the substance with which it is mixed, right?
mmm anyway yes we have zero cases on a suicide attempt with sn and dmso.. everything could happen outside the theory .. maybe i ll be the first to try it heheh

A study was done where they used Potassium Cyanide and DMSO:
"One such compound DMSO will dissolve is potassium cyanide, making it a liquid that will poison you on contact with the skin or through your gloves."

The only interaction DMSO has with SN, is the dissolving of NA, while leaving nitrite molecules intact and passing it through into the blood stream the same way Potassium Cyanide does when mixed with DMSO. Chemists use DMSO to conduct chemical reactions with other compounds due to DMSO inert reactive properties.
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Nov 8, 2018
Great info, any idea how this substance would react with antihistimines?

I'll get back to you on that. There is research on DMSO interacting with antihistamines. When i have time this week, I'll expound on it.
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Dec 6, 2018
Good stuff Xerxes, my chemical experiences as an engineer dealt with petroleum based reactions and solvents, making specialized plastics for aerospace, automotive, and industrial uses.
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Dec 18, 2018
Appendix: Table of Chemicals that cause Methemoglobinemia
View attachment 5448
I love all the research you have done. I think for all intents and purposes this can be used with SN. May I ask that you reconsider having this chart though? There are many substances on here that require a very large dose that isn't practical and will take too long to be of use. It's not as practical as mixing it with cyanide or SN. For example, should someone try this with acetaminophen, they would not experience the fast results of SN and may suffer a longer event if there were to take a LD50 dose which is hard to do.

All else considered, if I were to consider SN, I'd add this in myself and take both rectally. Very good info you've provided here.
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Nov 6, 2018
You can buy DMSO on Amazon. I've made ointments with it as a base.
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Nov 8, 2018
I love all the research you have done. I think for all intents and purposes this can be used with SN. May I ask that you reconsider having this chart though? There are many substances on here that require a very large dose that isn't practical and will take too long to be of use. It's not as practical as mixing it with cyanide or SN. For example, should someone try this with acetaminophen, they would not experience the fast results of SN and may suffer a longer event if there were to take a LD50 dose which is hard to do.

All else considered, if I were to consider SN, I'd add this in myself and take both rectally. Very good info you've provided here.

When they treat interstitial cystitis in the bladder, they give you a DMSO enema with medicines so it can be absorb easily. I may just modify the chart and get rid of items that require a large dosage to kill. Thanks for the input!
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Nov 8, 2018
You can buy DMSO on Amazon. I've made ointments with it as a base.

People have used DMSO as a topical salve for many herbal remedies. In a suicidal sense you can make a life remedy out of hemlock, nightshade, and any other poisonous plants.
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Dec 18, 2018
When they treat interstitial cystitis in the bladder, they give you a DMSO enema with medicines so it can be absorb easily. I may just modify the chart and get rid of items that require a large dosage to kill. Thanks for the input!

You are very smart @Xerxes. Thanks for doing all the research!
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Nov 8, 2018
You are very smart @Xerxes. Thanks for doing all the research!

No problem, I hope my upcoming trials this weekend will yield some positive results or even better, results in my death.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
No problem, I hope my upcoming trials this weekend will yield some positive results or even better, results in my death.

I have a methodical idea in relation to DMSO, would yourself or another knowledgable kind folk be ok with me Pm'ing to have a chat?
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Nov 8, 2018
Sent you a message.
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Oct 5, 2018
"DO NOT DRINK WATER after ingesting DMSO/SN, because in water DMSO crystallizes and renders the dissolved SN useless. Stomach acids will react to it and then you'll have a bad time."
What about prior to ingestion to wash down pills to prevent pain and discomfort? If not, what alternative liquids would be recommended?
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Nov 8, 2018
"DO NOT DRINK WATER after ingesting DMSO/SN, because in water DMSO crystallizes and renders the dissolved SN useless. Stomach acids will react to it and then you'll have a bad time."
What about prior to ingestion to wash down pills to prevent pain and discomfort? If not, what alternative liquids would be recommended?

Drink very little water if you need to or wait for the water to flush out and you pee a few times before taking DMSO/SN.
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Nov 8, 2018
I've been reading about Fentanyl patches and other transdermal delivery systems that can be supported with DMSO. Over at DrugNerds on Reddit, they've discussed extensively about applying heroin patches or making fentanyl patches stronger with DMSO. Or using less of their rec drug for a quick high.

Nicotine patches are great with DMSO since it delivers the nicotine fix much faster and straight into the bloodstream. Same goes with fentanyl patches. DMSO has the added property of making Fentanyl stronger, so you use less Fentanyl for the effect. Of course you can use more to kill yourself with it.

The LD50 for nicotine in smoking adults is 250MG, for non-smokers it's 120MG. So as a poster above said, "Lightbulb moment" You can kill yourself with nicotine and DMSO.

Nicotine overdose kills a healthy individual by cramping up the lungs so you can't breathe but this can take up to an hour after exposure to manifest.

Concentrated nicotine also aerosolizes about as fast as ethanol so a good whiff can kill you. Assuming you have an adequate gas mask on but exposed skin, staying around an open canister for long enough can also kill you. So yea.. in conclusion you should never, ever go near pure nicotine without a space suit on, it is one of the deadliest chemicals on the planet. /r/DrugNerd
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Nov 8, 2018
With anything in the sodium side of things, DMSO would work great with dissolving nicotine salts. For people not used to nicotine, you could end up in the hospital unconscious. I got a referral from these guys earlier this week about this product. It's 250mg/mL of nicotine. People use it to dilute with other additives and make vaping liquid. Or you can be like us, and use it for suicidal purposes with DMSO.

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Jan 7, 2019
Xerxes, firstly thank you for all the time, effort and research you've put into this.

I know we've briefly discussed DMSO before and I'm still considering it to aid absorption of aconite however I'm really worried about causing harm to whomever finds me. You mentioned that the DMSO will have evaporated after 3 hours. After this, will my body be safe to be touched / handled?
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Oct 5, 2018
I have a methodical idea in relation to DMSO, would yourself or another knowledgable kind folk be ok with me Pm'ing to have a chat?
Same. Hate bothering people with questions I just really need to do this right as I'm planning on doing it sometime this week.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
If i can be of any use from what i have learned then feel free to Pm me.

Or try pinging @Xerxes, i think they are usually online later in the day, but was happy for me to chat once i had asked.

Like you i don't like just sending off unwanted Pm's, fingers crossed you catch up with each other.
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Jun 13, 2018
I've been reading about Fentanyl patches and other transdermal delivery systems that can be supported with DMSO. Over at DrugNerds on Reddit, they've discussed extensively about applying heroin patches or making fentanyl patches stronger with DMSO. Or using less of their rec drug for a quick high.

Nicotine patches are great with DMSO since it delivers the nicotine fix much faster and straight into the bloodstream. Same goes with fentanyl patches. DMSO has the added property of making Fentanyl stronger, so you use less Fentanyl for the effect. Of course you can use more to kill yourself with it.

The LD50 for nicotine in smoking adults is 250MG, for non-smokers it's 120MG. So as a poster above said, "Lightbulb moment" You can kill yourself with nicotine and DMSO.

Just to clarify, would it be possible to apply DMSO to an area of skin directly and affix a nicotine patch? Or would it better to dissolve liquid nicotine in DMSO and apply to the skin? Would this cause irritation?
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Mistress Death

Dec 9, 2018
Ok, let me get this straight. A mix of SN and DMSO and I won't be nauseous at all? And its fast acting? But like you said, it's theoretical. Has anyone here tried that mix?
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Mistress Death

Dec 9, 2018
Can I use the mix of dmso and sn with an enema or similar device to ctb? Will that even work?
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Nov 8, 2018
So the experiment, luckily I wrote it down on a sticky note of my ingredients and dosages to pass on in the DMSO resource thread. I mixed 10g of SN with 50mL of DMSO and applied to my arms and chest area, it smelled like garlic, so I did a couple of drops of this olive oil essence I have to make it smell like Lightly smelling garlic Brut Cologne. I wrote that I didn't feel anything for 10 minutes. So lets kick it up a bit. I mixed 5g of SN with 25mL of DMSO in a small tea cup, dissolved it, then drank the mixture. I wrote it tasted like garlic and hot dogs, kinda burning like tabasco sauce or heavily seasoned food in the back of my throat. I don't know which happened first either the SN kicked in my blood stream from the skin application because I started feeling dizzy, kinda drowsy, and was thinking "Oh shit, the SN i drank gonna kick in soon, must get to ER". Ever drove drunk in the daytime with the afternoon sun in your eyes? It royally sucks, but I made it without any incidents on the road. Risky? Yes. Dumb as hell. You bet.
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