I was terrible in my teens and early 20s. Early 30s I was doing great. I'm 37 now and this year I've gone right back to being a little shit. I'm confused and so is my Dr. Why do you think this happens? Any ideas?
Yeah also had a hard time in teens but could never get a girlfriend. That probably would have totally fucked me up.
When my first ever girlfriend broke up with me, she was living in Thailand and I was in Australia, I had been flying over to see her every holiday through uni (met her on a holiday) I quit my job after becoming entirely dysfunctional and flew over there. It was an utter mess. Took me a year to recover.
Its always been relationships that set me off. When I'm not in one all I yearn for is one and try and improve myself in a really distracted and inconsistent way to make myself more desirable... then when I get in a relationship I completely abandoned my entire life making her the centre of my world as I start regressing into a wounded little boy.
The most recent relationship was an absolute killer as not only did I preoccupy she also was super inconsistent constantly pushing me away then pulling me close, telling me she didn't want me then ringing me every day, saying she just wanted to be friends then having sex with me.
Over and over for a year. It fucking destroyed me. Only today, even though we have technically been broken up since July (yet still met and been sexual and talked many times since then) did we finally have a conversation where we said goodbye.
I'm utterly broken. My life is a shambles. I'm overwhelmed barely making it with my studies. Lost 10kg. Started smoking heavily. Rarely eat 3 meals in a day. And live in a kind of fog.
I look at all the people around me living a normal life and I realise I've never quite felt normal or like them. Its only just dawned on me that I really am differently wired in my brain.