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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Yes because people would probably be trying to exploit me for it somehow and no matter how little world hunger there is, I'll still have an infinite hunger that cannot realistically be satiated.

Would you still CTB if a walkthrough guide was written and customized for your life specifically that magically took every single aspect of your life into consideration in order to give you all the easy-to-follow, realistic, step-by-step instructions you need on how to live the life you always wanted?


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes because people would probably be trying to exploit me for it somehow and no matter how little world hunger there is, I'll still have an infinite hunger that cannot realistically be satiated.

Would you still CTB if a walkthrough guide was written and customized for your life specifically that magically took every single aspect of your life into consideration in order to give you all the easy-to-follow, realistic, step-by-step instructions you need on how to live the life you always wanted?
Depending on how easy those steps were, maybe not. Sounds like a lot of work though.

Would you CTB if you could have sex with an enthusiastic partner whenever you wanted?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Nope. As long as it's with someone I'd equally want to do it with.

Would you still CTB if you could create any type of art such as a painting, song, or video just by thinking about it?
Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
I would still CTB. I enjoy the process of creating art. If it just popped out of thin air... that's half the fun gone.

Would you still CTB if you had three magic wishes? Could be anything you want, no restrictions.
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So Scribble Me Out
Jan 14, 2020
No, I wouldn't. I could make my life perfect in three wishes. One would be to fix the things that are making me want to CTB to begin with.

Would you still CTB if you only had 5 years to live, but you were filthy rich for those five years, as well as being immune to all harm aside from harm brought about by yourself intentionally? (You couldn't be sick, you couldn't accidentally cut yourself, you'd be bulletproof etc)
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Hmm, if I still can't get a girlfriend with all that money then yes I'd still CTB. Money doesn't motivate me much anyway.

Would you still CTB if you could fittingly punish everyone who ever did anything wrong to you?
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Yes I would still want to ctb even with knowing I could punish anyone who hurt me. It wouldn't fix what's wrong in my life.

Would you still want to ctb if you were in perfect mental health?
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Sorry for my English
Jan 10, 2021
Yes I would still want to ctb even with knowing I could punish anyone who hurt me. It wouldn't fix what's wrong in my life.

Would you still want to ctb if you were in perfect mental health?
Most likely nope but I'd need to have a completely different life story to have perfect mental health so not sure I'd still be me.
Would you still ctb if you could stop the time?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Nope, as long as I can get away without any consequences and there are no drawbacks.

Would you still CTB if you could isolate your wildest dreams, make them real, and live in them permanently?


Feb 24, 2023
Nope nope, I mean at that point there wont be a reason to lol.

Would you still CTB if you are in a body you like?(or at least tolerate lmao)


Complaining is not enough anymore
Mar 13, 2023
Yes, knowing whats going on around the world is reason enough and the body would not change that fact.

Would you still CTB if you could decide to forget certain parts in your life and just continue like these things never happened?


Mar 14, 2023
(I always thought the other game allowed positive scenarios anyway and I even made them quite often. Oh well, more post count for me.)

This is the one thing that will put a stop to all my CTB plans so no. Although if something happens to them or they leave me it's back to square one.

Would you still CTB if the world was United under one global, peace loving empire with a leader that would run the world exactly the way you'd want it to be run?
If the world was a place designed to maximize life, security, wellbeing, and happiness for all, I think I would find solutions for my problems besides CTB. But oh man, is that not the world we are in. Looking at the world is what pushes me closer to the bus stop than anything.


Professional Hater
Mar 14, 2023
Yes, knowing whats going on around the world is reason enough and the body would not change that fact.

Would you still CTB if you could decide to forget certain parts in your life and just continue like these things never happened?
Yeah, I would. I have Dissociative Amnesia, which means I already forget certain truma to "protect myself" and I still think about buying a ticket to CTB.

Would you CTB if you had a consistent circle of friends to hang out/spend time with? I.E. not feeling alone or abandoned?
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
I have it and still want to do it, so, yes.

Would you still want to ctb if you could go back in time and change some of your actions?


Mar 2, 2023
No, I believe that by going back in time and making sure to stay away from mind-altering drugs, there might indeed be some hope that I could exist again. I have lost everything because of my abuse. My talents, my memory, my logic, my writing, my speaking. It is hell.

Would you still want to CTB if you won the lottery tomorrow?


carving my name in the grave again
Mar 16, 2023
Not for a while, as long as I could win anonymously. If I couldn't, my family would just harass me endlessly, so I'd probably donate my money and CTB anyway.

Would you still want to CTB if you inherited a distant relative's quaint little farm in a cute but small town?


Mar 22, 2023
Yes. I don't have dreams anymore. If "dreams" include getting back in time to get a second chance, then no.

Would you still CTB if you didn't feel disconnected from people?


Let me out.
Mar 12, 2023
Yes, unfortunately

Would you still CTB if you had the power to go back in time and prevent one thing in your life from happening?


Nov 5, 2022
No, I think it would be the smartest thing to prevent my birth in the first place so that way I wouldn't have to ctb. I've become a little averse to life in general just knowing how horrible it can be despite really, really trying to get better and be good.

Would you still ctb if you had no financial expenses and a decent tiny house to live alone in?


Crazy bish
Mar 17, 2023
Would you still ctb if you had no financial expenses and a decent tiny house to live alone in?
Unfortunately yes as that isn't something I dream of.

Would you still ctb if you found a partner of your dreams and even managed to live happily together?


Mar 12, 2023
So this game is insipred by @Squiddy 's "Would you ctb in this scenario game?" The only difference is that here we make up positive improvements and the next person has to answer if they would STILL ctb considering their current situation.

I'll start:

Would you still ctb if you had a perfectly fit and healthy body?


(I speak spanish).
Mar 16, 2023
( @LenCoka )
"Would you still ctb if you found a partner of your dreams and even managed to live happily together?"

No, even if our love doesn't last forever. I love being in love, it makes me the happiest person on earth.

Would you still CTB if you could change your childhood?


Dec 21, 2022
( @LenCoka )
"Would you still ctb if you found a partner of your dreams and even managed to live happily together?"

No, even if our love doesn't last forever. I love being in love, it makes me the happiest person on earth.

Would you still CTB if you could change your childhood?
Yes. Would you still ctb if factory farming and capitalism ended and we had a universal basic income?


Mar 24, 2023
Yes. Would you still ctb if factory farming and capitalism ended and we had a universal basic income?
Yes because I feel there would be less diversity among people and it would be ever harder to stand out.

Would you still ctb if you had the ability to teleport? I know it seems unrealistic but why can't we have some fun with it?


Dec 21, 2022
Yes because I feel there would be less diversity among people and it would be ever harder to stand out.

Would you still ctb if you had the ability to teleport? I know it seems unrealistic but why can't we have some fun with it?
No I wouldn't ctb. That would be a pretty awesome superpower to have!


Feb 13, 2023
Would you still ctb if you had the ability to teleport? I know it seems unrealistic but why can't we have some fun with it?

Absolutely. I'm ctb because of my complete and total failure to make meaningful human connection in this lifetime. So teleporting wouldn't help me none! 😋

Would you still catch the bus if you lived in your favorite fantasy world? (Star Trek, LOTR, an anime, etc)
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Mar 27, 2023
Absolutely. I'm ctb because of my complete and total failure to make meaningful human connection in this lifetime. So teleporting wouldn't help me none! 😋

Would you still catch the bus if you lived in your favorite fantasy world? (Star Trek, LOTR, an anime, etc)

Yes, if I was still me with the same conditions. Would you still CTB if you could live anywhere in the world without needing to work?
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New Member
Mar 24, 2023
Yes, I had a great childhood but I'm still suicidal.

Would you still ctb if you found the love of your life?
I did. It's most of the reason I'm about to exit stage left. I made a complete mess of things and she just resents me now. All I'm really doing is getting the house in sellable Condition, getting her with the real estate agent so that she doesn't have to make any big decisions, and writing a will that gives her everything. I have back issues and I got addicted to my pain meds, we were well off, at least had a decent amount of money. Bought our house cash. She stuck with me though, until recently when I lost my job. She says she can't be happy with me now, she's always worried when the other shoe is going to drop, so I'm about to free her completely and make sure she has everything she could need and remove myself from play. I refuse to live without her, would be done already if she was already set up to succeed. I have 0 desire to keep on going, she is my only reason for existing. I'm just wired wrong, no matter how hard I try I just keep fucking up.
I did. It's most of the reason I'm about to exit stage left. I made a complete mess of things and she just resents me now. All I'm really doing is getting the house in sellable Condition, getting her with the real estate agent so that she doesn't have to make any big decisions, and writing a will that gives her everything. I have back issues and I got addicted to my pain meds, we were well off, at least had a decent amount of money. Bought our house cash. She stuck with me though, until recently when I lost my job. She says she can't be happy with me now, she's always worried when the other shoe is going to drop, so I'm about to free her completely and make sure she has everything she could need and remove myself from play. I refuse to live without her, would be done already if she was already set up to succeed. I have 0 desire to keep on going, she is my only reason for existing. I'm just wired wrong, no matter how hard I try I just keep fucking up.
At this point it's a foregone conclusion, would really appreciate any logistic help I can get from you guys, thinking partial suspension in a vehicle so she never has to see me.
Last edited:


dead dreams, false hopes
May 3, 2023
Yes, if I was still me with the same conditions. Would you still CTB if you could live anywhere in the world without needing to work?
Probably yes, but only after enjoying myself (or at least trying to do so) for a couple months / years.

Would you still CTB if you were the only survivor (or at least the only one in your area) of some kind of war / apocalypse and you could do literally whatever you wanted with no one around?
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Stuck here
Apr 7, 2023
Yes. But after a week.
Would you still CTB if you had a partner or in a relationship?
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