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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'd instantaneously destroy the universe at once, which would include suicide.

WYSCTB if your avatar or username got a special and unique frame/colour on SaSu?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Wouldn't change much except make my last moments alive feel mildly special so yes I still would.

Would you still CTB if you could successfully convince anyone to change their mind about anything? It's not brainwashing if they convince themselves. ;)


Apr 3, 2019
Yes, I'd just convince them that they want me dead.

Would you still CTB if every animal on earth that you encountered loved and flocked to you for cuddles?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Probably because a lot of animals are pretty scary to me, especially bugs, and I'm allergic to cats even though I like them.

Would you still CTB if you could literally erase every bad relationship experience you ever had AND completely protect yourself from anymore in the future?


Victim of the pharmaceutical industry
Oct 17, 2020
I probably would still think about ctb but likely to a lesser extent.. the reason I see ctb as a possible option is because of psych drugs and the side effects from them. Also them ruining my life and relationships the past 5 years. The reason I started them though was from panic attacks/cptsd which was from abuse in my past.. I had been subject to terrible psychological abuse from some people.. Even tho it was long ago it still was something that really messed me up.. I think I would be happier if I could forget about traumatic experiences even though I would still have to deal with the drugs.. and it's possible I may not have even gone on the drugs in the first place

Also I wouldn't have the guilt of the things I unintentionally did that hurt others throughout my life
Would you still cbt if you could experience all the pain in your life condensed into 5 seconds? feeling all physical/emotional pain you've had and will ever experience in 5 seconds, then you wouldn't feel pain anymore for the rest of your life
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  • Aww..
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Hmm, that's a lot of pain that could feel like an eternity within five seconds but if it would truly guarantee no future pain I might forgo CTB and do that instead.

Would you still CTB if somebody invented a clean, cheap, and abundant energy source with absolutely no negative repercussions that has the dual effect of cleaning up all the environmental damage that's currently been done?


Apr 3, 2019
Yeah, I probably still would. That would be cool, but wouldn't change enough unfortunately.

Would you still CTB if you could effortlessly excel at anything you wanted?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Actually, I wouldn't. There's so many things I'd like to be good at but I'm too lazy to "practice" so it would be nice if I was just automatically good at something. I'd probably choose to be either a pro smash player or a musician.

Would you still CTB if you had a pocket dimension that you could escape to anytime you want that you have complete and total control over so that you can recreate anything you want?
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Apr 3, 2019
Interesting, would it be independent of the timeline here? Is time still passing in the real world? If not, I could just stay there 90% of the time, but... I don't know, I probably still would I think. My kid self would have loved that so much!

Would you still CTB if you could talk to animals?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Not unless I find out something horrifying from them or if it goes wrong like it did in Rick and Morty:

Would you still CTB if you had the ability to round up every evil person and rehabilitate them in a hyperbolic time chamber with infinite time (which only takes a few seconds in the real world) and reintroduce them back into society?
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Apr 3, 2019
I fucking love Rick & Morty XD I need to watch that show again, it's been a while.

That would be really awesome, honestly. I think I still would, just because of how I feel about the world, which is vague, but I feel like that would be too complicated with the condition of the people who run the world.

Would you still CTB if there was a new planet like Earth, but better and not too dangerous, and you were one of the selected few (few as in probably hundreds or thousands) to live there?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Depends who else goes with me, if they turn out to be people who I don't like or who don't like me and make my life more difficult then I guess I still would but if not then I'd try it out.

Would you still CTB if you were given the Infinity Gauntlet to use however you like?


Apr 12, 2021
Yes, but I would also use it to erase all of existence, as well as all of history, (theoretically) retroactively ending all suffering that ever existed or ever would have existed.

Would you still CTB if you could mute the people who say annoying things to you, without consequence to you?


May 8, 2021
Yes I'd still ctb.

Would you still ctb if you knew you were destined to find a cure to cancer in the future?


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes I'd still ctb.

Would you still ctb if you knew you were destined to find a cure to cancer in the future?
No. Would you still ctb if you could have the perfect, healthy body without effort?


I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
Nope. Absolutely not, the only reason I ever would consider CTB is due to health problems.

Would you still CTB if everyone you came in contact with liked you automatically?


Feb 9, 2021
I'm not sure. It would solve a lot of my anxiety issues so it might make it less likely.

Would you still ctb if you were guaranteed a well paying job in a field you found interesting?


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I'm not sure. It would solve a lot of my anxiety issues so it might make it less likely.

Would you still ctb if you were guaranteed a well paying job in a field you found interesting?
Yes. I wouldn't catch the bus if everyone liked me (to answer the other poster).

Would you still CTB if you could go back in time and make different decisions?


Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
No i guess if i can fix things and change it

Nice game btw

Would you still CTB if you can change everything or anything in your life&body?
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I probably still would because I'd ultimately be unsatisfied with myself no matter what.

Would you still CTB if you could purge everyone you dislike with the single push of a button?


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I probably still would because I'd ultimately be unsatisfied with myself no matter what.

Would you still CTB if you could purge everyone you dislike with the single push of a button?
I wouldn't do it, so yeah.

Would you still CTB if you could teleport anywhere in the world in a blink of the eye?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Maybe not. On the one hand I could use that to maybe start a new life or something. On the other hand I could also use it as an effective means to CTB. I could go somewhere peaceful and take SN without being disturbed or revived.

Would you still CTB if you could instead take a literal blue pill that would cause you to wake up as a happy, healthy normie?
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021

Would you ctb if you woke up every morning for the rest of your life as yourself?
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021

Would you ctb if you woke up every morning for the rest of your life as yourself?
I feel like I'm missing a trick in there. Yes, if I understand what's written.

Would you still CTB if you found yourself in the movie Click and could control time (with limits and some bad side effects)?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
No, unless i screw it up somehow so actually yes.

Would you still CTB if there were no more criminals, delinquents, or any morally unethical people left in the world?
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021

Would you ctb if you woke up as Madonna tomorrow?
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Yes but not before exploiting that in hilarious ways.

Would you still CTB if everyone agreed with you about everything?
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Would you ctb if you were Betty White & 99 years & 364 days old just to fuck with America? :))
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Probably. It would probably be even easier to apply for euthanasia too.

Would you still CTB if you ended up reading a book or watching a movie/tv show episode that ends on a cliffhanger and you just really wanted to know what happens next but you have no idea how long you'd have to wait for the conclusion?


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Probably. It would probably be even easier to apply for euthanasia too.

Would you still CTB if you ended up reading a book or watching a movie/tv show episode that ends on a cliffhanger and you just really wanted to know what happens next but you have no idea how long you'd have to wait for the conclusion?
Yep. I know it's inevitable with A Song of Ice and Fire. It is what it is.

Would you still CTB if you could solve world hunger with a flick of your wrist?
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