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Mar 17, 2024
I'm VERY hardwired to avoid death (guess it's why I'm still here) even if it was just drinking N and no pain. It's very hard psychologically. Do you just think people know they won't be able to ever do it so why bother contemplating it? I do wonder if I'll ever be able to go through with it myself and then I'll just look back knowing I wasted 10 years planning a suicide that'll never happen.

All I can assume is that if the Grim Reaper presented everyone with a button to instantly and painlessly kill them, a lot of people would press it.
Even more would merely keep the button just in case.
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Apr 16, 2024
I think CTB is the most rational for poor long-term prognosis (poor outcome of preservation of positively stimulating phenomena) combined with lack of short-term pleasures (absence of positively stimulating phenomena) because that is most likely when CTB is simply in one's best interest. In other words, the problem is not temporary and there is no pleasure in continuing to live. I guess one possible exception to this is when present stimuli is overwhelmingly negative to the point where judgement points towards death as a relief (this might be slightly more associated with acute suicidal risk).

Most people aren't in that condition.
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I hope I made some +ve difference in ppl’s lives
Jun 24, 2023
I don't think people are not suicidal because they are just too dumb to see the logic or don't realise some sort of truth about the world that suicidal people do.

I think it's just different perspectives and different experiences and different ways of relating to the world, and that can change over time.

Most people simply want to live, even if there is suffering, for whatever reason. Many do actually find meaning in life's struggles, many want to continue to experience the highs despite the lows, many simply value their own existence for the existence itself, many want to be there for others who are living, many is content with whatever they can find as happiness or meaning, many simply just refuse to give up, there are many reasons and there's no right or wrong really.

Also I think just the concept of avoiding being sad or having existential crisis or needing to die is kinda enough to turn most people away from ctb. Who would want to live under this shroud of intense misery, constantly thinking about death and meaningless of life if they can avoid it. Dying is extremely difficult and very impractical option really.
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Jun 5, 2024
death cannot be comprehended, which scares people.

also, there is what i like to think of as a kind of gambler's fallacy [not exactly] at play: the belief that if bad things occur, good things will sure equalize the bad in the future. it's an implicit bias that i think a lot of people hold purely because they are centered around their own story. it is a belief which entails that one will find new friends upon moving to the big city, or that he will meet a wonderful woman in the future, or that he is working towards something which will bring him solace later in life. so for many people, they would rather not be robbed of sense data, since that is a prerequisite for 'good' periods, which they don't want to 'miss' out on as they view it is as some invariable truth.
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New Member
Jun 25, 2024
It doesn't make sense to me. I see so many people complain about life and our current system. I'm now starting to think that most people don't actually enjoy life to the extent that they claim they do and that instead they're just trying to make the best out of the one existence that they have. People do enjoy parts of their lives but they suffer too. Their first thought isn't suicide but rather about being more resilient and adapting themselves to be a better cog in the system than everybody else.

I would understand it if they did think about suicide but didn't act on it due to being too scared of the consequences but the issue is that they don't consider suicide as a solution at all. Now of course this may sound incorrect as they do say the "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" quote. However, I think that, when they use that quote, they are just saying it in autopilot instead of actually thinking about what they're saying. I think that they don't see suicide as a solution at all.

Does anybody know why they don't see suicide as a solution to all of their issues? After all, with a successful suicide attempt, they no longer have to wage slave, they no longer have to suffer, they no longer have to complain or risk getting hurt in the future. This sentiment of mine is amplified when looking at people in third world countries. No matter which way you try and spin it, death does end all suffering and pain that your current self experiences forever
There is so much stigma around suicide. If 100,000 people die due to not affording medical care that's an unavoidable tragedy but if someone kills themselves it's terrible and could of been prevented. How could they be so selfish?
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Confused loser
Oct 25, 2023
Like other people said, i think they have their own standard about life that's worth living. All people is equal in suffering but suffering that the working class, homeless people, buisness owner and etc experience is diffrent, some suffering were more bearable than the other, also the dogma that they get from goverment, society and religion shapes their opinion about suicide, that's why when there's an discussion about suicide you will never get all of them in the same page cause their background is diffrent than us.

About the nature of suicide, i disagree to call is as a solution but more of a ultimate runaway. Meaning that you run from everything that you know, it doesn't solve the problem but it will take you to the realm of the unknown, the good thing is you wouldn't have to deal with those problem anymore, the bad is you or i can't predict where would we go? Reincarnation? Heaven and Hell? Or eternal abyss? At any rates what is cleat to me is that we're gonna go somewhere beyond our comperhenssion
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Feb 11, 2024
I realized that we as humans are not fully in control, we only control a small portion of our body, the "conscious mind." And the rest is uncontrollable, "unconscious and subconscious," that pushes us to survive or we will suffer, if we have money and we are hungry or thirsty. We will buy them. Or we will suffer. People who are used to that rhythm are obliged to follow it to feel relief, or they can confront suicide ideation. Then the unending battle between their conscious mind and unconscious mind starts, and it will never end unless they kill themselves or recover to the rhythm.

So people prefer relief. Easy. Suicide will not bring relief or suffering, but only non existence like every day sleep.
LOVE this response!!!
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Apr 18, 2023
It doesn't make sense to me. I see so many people complain about life and our current system. I'm now starting to think that most people don't actually enjoy life to the extent that they claim they do and that instead they're just trying to make the best out of the one existence that they have. People do enjoy parts of their lives but they suffer too. Their first thought isn't suicide but rather about being more resilient and adapting themselves to be a better cog in the system than everybody else.

I would understand it if they did think about suicide but didn't act on it due to being too scared of the consequences but the issue is that they don't consider suicide as a solution at all. Now of course this may sound incorrect as they do say the "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" quote. However, I think that, when they use that quote, they are just saying it in autopilot instead of actually thinking about what they're saying. I think that they don't see suicide as a solution at all.

Does anybody know why they don't see suicide as a solution to all of their issues? After all, with a successful suicide attempt, they no longer have to wage slave, they no longer have to suffer, they no longer have to complain or risk getting hurt in the future. This sentiment of mine is amplified when looking at people in third world countries. No matter which way you try and spin it, death does end all suffering and pain that your current self experiences forever
Suicide isn't a solution to all of my problems it's the theoretical solution to the absence of solution to them.


Jun 29, 2024
It doesn't make sense to me. I see so many people complain about life and our current system. I'm now starting to think that most people don't actually enjoy life to the extent that they claim they do and that instead they're just trying to make the best out of the one existence that they have. People do enjoy parts of their lives but they suffer too. Their first thought isn't suicide but rather about being more resilient and adapting themselves to be a better cog in the system than everybody else.

I would understand it if they did think about suicide but didn't act on it due to being too scared of the consequences but the issue is that they don't consider suicide as a solution at all. Now of course this may sound incorrect as they do say the "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" quote. However, I think that, when they use that quote, they are just saying it in autopilot instead of actually thinking about what they're saying. I think that they don't see suicide as a solution at all.

Does anybody know why they don't see suicide as a solution to all of their issues? After all, with a successful suicide attempt, they no longer have to wage slave, they no longer have to suffer, they no longer have to complain or risk getting hurt in the future. This sentiment of mine is amplified when looking at people in third world countries. No matter which way you try and spin it, death does end all suffering and pain that your current self experiences forever
Because suicide isn't a solution to "all" of anybody's issues. It isn't a "solution" either. It's simply a choice one makes when no other options have worked or now seem available. We are here to deal with some level of shit and to figure out how to deal with some level of shit. Everybody has to. Some to greater and some to lesser degrees but everybody, and I mean everybody has some level of shit to deal with. It is part of being human. And there isn't anything wrong with that. If we didn't have some amount of shit to deal with we would still be in spirit. We came here for a reason. We came to have to figure out how to deal with some level of shit and have some level of discomfort. We are all going to die sooner or later, and most will never think of suicide as their death will come a different way. So I don't understand why you'd think everyone would feel suicide is an answer to "all" problems. We are here to have to deal with problems. It's what makes those times when problems are happening less feel that much better. Without problems there wouldn't be anything to make a person stronger. Life is not supposed to be non-stop heaven. That's why we break from life to go to heaven before we come back. Once people get some years on themselves, they stop seeing things so black and white and expecting life is supposed to be easy. It's not. That's what makes life worth something.

Orange Cat

Oct 19, 2023
They don't consider suicide because it's the most extreme solution. Most people don't chose the most extreme solution first when they can solve their problem in a more reasonable manner.

Life isn't all suffering. There are both good and bad times in everyone's life. Most people don't consider suicide because even though they wouldn't experience any more suffering, they also wouldn't experience any of the good things in life either. So it's not worth it for them to miss out on the good things in life. It's the memory of the good times they enjoyed in life and the possibility of enjoying more of the good things in life that is enough to keep most people going.


Flower One
May 26, 2024
i feel everyone wants to but they talk out of it cause they get support and aren't alone.. at least imo a lot of ctb people believe they are beyond help and alone
Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
suicide solves problems for the person committing it but creates problems for their friends/family/ppl they leave behind, so ig thats why society encourages ppl to see life as precious and tells suicidals they need "help"

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