I'm scared of what happens after we die.
Lucky for you (and me, since I have the same fear), there's people that have died and came back to life. Some people say they just feel disappointed at what they haven't achieved in life. Some people say it's absolute bliss. Some people say it's fearful. Go research some experiences yourself.
The truth is, we as humans have a way of thinking that doesn't mentally allow us to understand some things. Creation of the universe and what happens after death are two examples.
We may not understand the beginning or the end, but we understand the present.
If your method involves something like hanging (any form) I imagine you'll have brain function while unconscious, but it'll quickly slow as you brain begins to shut down. Then after that... There's no activity. There's no thoughts to be had. It's just like being asleep forever.
Like I said, it's one of those things that are impossible for us to understand as humans. The closest comparison we have is being asleep without dreaming. You don't realize it's happening. But it's eternal.
It's best to answer concepts like these with simple, but logical answers. It's the best we humans can do to explain these unanswerable questions without driving ourselves into delusional panic.