
Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
1. Antibiotics
2. Citalopram
3. Accutane
4. Alcohol abuse

Probably shots in childhood all non natural things this system is really not good for our health. Big pharma is cruel
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Sad Sack
Jul 29, 2021
I can't say for certain, but off the top of my head, antipsychotics made me feel like a void of emotion and thought. Talk about the walking dead. My dick didn't work either, barely could even pee. Nightmares, too. I agreed with the "chemical lobotomy" assessment I've seen others compare it to.

However, I'd say the big one was probably being prescribed an SSRI while I was known to be bipolar already. This had to have at least partially triggered what would become a catastrophic manic/psychotic episode last year.
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Dec 20, 2021
Ambien, Lamotrigine, Seroquel, and Xanax. I have a sensitive system and I never take these kinds of drugs, but I had a doctor who pushed them on me. After a reaction from Lamotrigine, I stopped them cold turkey and had withdrawals from which the doctor did not believe they were withdrawals. To help ease the pain and help me sleep, he gave me Ambien. I became addicted to the Ambien after about 3 months of constant use, so he gave me Xanax and Seroquel to help me withdrawal and sleep. After 10 months of this, I quit all the drugs and his practice. But, I never recovered. I suffer from what I believe is occipital neuralgia, panic attacks, anxiety, empty feeling, horrible stomach issues, fatigue, constant headaches, low blood sugar, nervous system issues, and other stuff. It is amazing to me that this is my life all from drugs I was reluctant to take.
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Jun 14, 2019
Lithium was a nightmare for me.

The only medication I ever liked was wellbutrin and klonopin used as needed.
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Feb 2, 2022
Keppra, Zoloft, and Prozac ruined my life.
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I don't know
Dec 17, 2021
1. Antibiotics
2. Citalopram
3. Accutane
4. Alcohol abuse

Probably shots in childhood all non natural things this system is really not good for our health. Big pharma is cruel
s_o_d_i_u_m v_a_l_p_r_o_a_t_e which was prescribed to me by psy_chi_atrist as a mood stabi_liser , totaly ruined my body gave me liver dam_age and everything , hy_po t_h_y_r_o_i_d_i_s_m
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Apr 28, 2020
Buspirone and Metoclomipramide (seriously), they destroyed my already difficult breathing.

Also, Fluvoxamine -might- be causing another issue too but it's difficult to say if it's due to the medication. All others didn't seem to have any permanent side effects, but still, no good effect either and I really could be benefiting from some meds that are known to help on my situation.

I wonder if this forum could be used as warn to people that those medications can cause serious harm to people and maybe be a reason to perform more studies on those drugs ...but ..I may be dreaming of a better world now.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
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Sep 29, 2021
This post is sad and scary. I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist on Saturday. Members mentioned so many medications here :(
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Oct 13, 2021
-a med for treating acne (i took them many years ago and i dont remember its name)

Zoloft with vistaril have kinda worked. I do feel less bogged down in an emotion ocean, but no chemicals will change the fact that my life's still a sad, pathetic mess.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
This post is sad and scary. I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist on Saturday. Members mentioned so many medications here :(
In my opinion psychiatry is a scam. They just prescribe medications to dull you and mess u up. They never tell u what the root cause of the problems is. Not a chemical imbalance.
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Sep 10, 2018
There was one psychiatric diarrhea shit, I don't remember it's name right now, was it seroquel or something else, there were so many. But trying to get clean from it was hell, but I told myself that either I die trying or get clean. It was really awful three days and I felt like dying and the withdrawal effects were terrible, but I got clean. Because no pill is the master of me. I refuse to be a slave to any pill or tablet. (except for computer tablets).

Another shit made me really lovesick for my friend. Yes, it made me really emotional and I wanted to confess my ever dying love to a person who I didn't even love before. Fucking psychiatrists dirty diapers change my sexuality. This is why I don't believe anyone is all hetero or all gay, because if a pill can make me lust after a person who I never cared about before... Well, fuck that pill. Fucking love potions should be banned.

Then there was one that made me aggressive. Worse than a billion litres of steroids. If anyone is ever suddenly very aggressive for no reason, blame psychiatrists.

Another drug made me laugh madly just like Joker did in the movie. I'd just laugh, I wasn't happy, it was like someone pointed a gun at me and told me to laugh. Of course the retarded mother was all "Omg, you're so happy, you should take it forever!" not seeing anything creepy in a person taking a pill and an hour later laughing madly at walls. If my kid took a pill and suddenly started to laugh a creepy joyless laugh at walls, floors, ceilings, anything, I'd be very fucking furious.

Has anyone ever heard of a psychiatrist who took their own pills? Yeah, me neither. There are those who dominate and those who submit. Psychiatrists love getting submissive patients and dominating them. No one who is submissive should ever meet a psychiatrist. Naive, trusting people are the wet dreams of them. Only meet psychologists and personal assistants and social workers and psychophysiologists, they can actually help and see you as a person instead of a toy. If you ever meet a psychiatrists who is submissive and takes their own meds, I want to personally meet them, because it's like meeting a real santa claus.

AND A REMINDER TO ALL ASPERGERS AND AUTISTS! I have told this before and I'll tell this again. I was told by an actual asperger specialist that aspergers and autists are often really sensitive to meds (just like they are often sensitive to hearing or light or touch or other things) and thus most aspergers and autists should only take half an amount of any meds. Doctors and psychiatrists don't know about it, unless they are really experienced experts on autism and asperger. Of course it can be the other way, maybe you are really insensitive to a certain thing and thus need it double the normal amount. So always start with half an amount of any medicine, and go up if it's not working.

There was however one thing that helped me to sleep, but of course it made my mouth dry and made me sleepy during the day so it wasn't all that good.

I really wish it was possible to meet a psychologist and get disability money without psychiatrists.

Also, fuck any system that forces trans people to be slave to psychiatrists. You'd think that for example, a 50 year old person would know their gender better than a 23 year old who has known that guy for ten minutes. (I'm not 50, just an example).
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I smile by your disgrace
Jan 21, 2022
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height jumper 69

height jumper 69

Dec 16, 2021
an SSRI prescribed to me for major depressive disorder, domino'd me from not even able to feel the slightest irritation into full blown episodes of rage and hostility, on and offs with intrusive thoughts causing rage, now i am developing a identity disorder causing more rage! also more impulsivity, only plus since I will be able to die with absolutely zero forethought. developed shittier memory probably from all the times i disassociated too hard.

Won't even give me medication for panic attacks because breathing hard into a bag will definitely work! fucking assholes

i now have developing tooth pain from not brushing despite going to the dentist many times. Probably won't give me pain medications when thr pain evolves more because they think I'll get addicted, more pajn in the ass from not being ablr to access i t.
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Nov 2, 2021
It was either the scopolamine patch or the general anesthesia I had …. I'll never know but my body and mind are destroyed
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
1. Antibiotics
2. Citalopram
3. Accutane
4. Alcohol abuse

Probably shots in childhood all non natural things this system is really not good for our health. Big pharma is cruel
May I ask what issues the accutane left you with?
I know it can be a miracle drug for some while having severe and possibly lasting side effects for others (and sometimes a bit of both), but I'm just curious what your issues were specifically?
But don't feel you have to answer, unless you're comfortable doing so.
-a med for treating acne (i took them many years ago and i dont remember its name)

Zoloft with vistaril have kinda worked. I do feel less bogged down in an emotion ocean, but no chemicals will change the fact that my life's still a sad, pathetic mess.
Maybe that med was the one mentioned above^ ..?


Nov 26, 2021
Finasteride will be the reason I ctb.

Completely destroyed my body and mind.
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Feb 5, 2022

I have akathisia, permanent debilitating brain damage that is torture every single day and need a way out. I can't eat, can't sleep, have severe agitation and nerve pain and am about to be hospitalised force fed and force drugged. That's why I'm here. I'm not the most resourceful person and I can't figure out a way to do it. No access to SN, can't figure out knots or hanging, pills and wrists won't work. I know this thread isn't about that but I need to find a way out of this. I can't be locked up and tortured for the rest of my life.
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Jun 26, 2020
Zoloft was horrible.

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To infinity and beyond!
Sep 1, 2021
Iron and multivitamin supplements.
Been at it all my life and just knew I had a disorder that absorbs too much iron that it becomes toxic for my organs.
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Inecapably Human
Jan 14, 2022
Lithium, Sertraline, Abilify, Serequel, Valium, Soalian, Aurorix, Clozapine.

They all ruined my life. I have impaired cognitive function, liver failure, sexual dysfunction, and my blood preassure is so high, that I will likely die from a heart attack if I don't kill myself.

Sobril helps me with my panic attacks.
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Jul 25, 2021
Finasteride will be the reason I ctb.

Completely destroyed my body and mind.
what are your symptoms now if i may ask.
Mine are mostly neuropathy (burning/stabbing/biting/shooting), inner vibration, can't walk, horrible pain all over (nerve pain), exhaustion, depression, fibro pains

culprit - paroxetin
lost everything I had in life because of this shit med I used for 7 months.

I still can't believe it
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Sister of the Moon

Sister of the Moon

Dec 17, 2021
Duloxetine for fibromyalgia/depression. Caused extreme weight gain and horrible withdrawals. I have since got the weight off, thankfully.
Also alprazolam (Xanax). I self-medicated for my anxiety and to be able to sleep. IE it wasn't prescribed to me. Once I realised I was addicted I turned to my GP for advice coming off it. She told me off like a headmistress would tell off a naughty girl, and told me to stop it abruptly and wouldn't prescribe me anything to help with withdrawals. I cannot even describe how horrible the withdrawal was, and it has left me traumatised.
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Nov 26, 2021
what are your symptoms now if i may ask.
Mine are mostly neuropathy (burning/stabbing/biting/shooting), inner vibration, can't walk, horrible pain all over (nerve pain), exhaustion, depression, fibro pains

culprit - paroxetin
lost everything I had in life because of this shit med I used for 7 months.

I still can't believe it
Insomnia, tinnitus , anhedonia, emotional blunting, anxiety, depression, head pressure, muscle atrophy, muscle spasms, joint pain, cracking joints, thinning loose skin, dry skin, complete sexual dysfunction, shrunken cold genitals, no libido, etc etc. Too many to name.

Complete body horror and 24/7 torture.

Also all the ripple effects that we all share. Gaslit by doctors, family, friends..destroyed relationships. Isolation. Job loss ect ect.
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Sep 16, 2021
This post is sad and scary. I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist on Saturday. Members mentioned so many medications here :(
Do not worry. Everyone reacts differently to medication.
For most people, the side effects disappear after refraining the use.
I already took many SSRIs. Just sertraline was difficult because of migraine.
You will be Fine. Just keep an open communication Channel with your psychiatrist to talk about side effects.
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Life is a cruel joke
Oct 24, 2021
Abilify from abusive psychiatrists. It is a antipsychotic med. Got type 2 diabetes because of this. Extremely high and non stop debilitating tinnitus after a mini brain stroke,shaking hands,half numb leg and severe memory loss. Also severe social anxiety on top of existing one due to trauma. Worst part is that my extremely narcissistic abusive parents were the major reason as they kept on going to the psychiatrists,feeding them with lies after lies, and those doctors kept on writing this dangerous med for years without me going to them.They earlier diagnosed me with schizophrenia and psychosis but changed their diagnosis an year earlier saying it is generalised anxiety disorder and the earlier diagnosis was false. But my body was already destroyed and so my life.
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Oct 31, 2021
I was not bad till put on Sertraline.
All downhill since
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Jul 25, 2021
Insomnia, tinnitus , anhedonia, emotional blunting, anxiety, depression, head pressure, muscle atrophy, muscle spasms, joint pain, cracking joints, thinning loose skin, dry skin, complete sexual dysfunction, shrunken cold genitals, no libido, etc etc. Too many to name.

Complete body horror and 24/7 torture.

Also all the ripple effects that we all share. Gaslit by doctors, family, friends..destroyed relationships. Isolation. Job loss ect ect.
Yes i'm sorry perpetual, i'm really sorry. It's horrible

Gaslit by doctors, family, friends..destroyed relationships. Isolation. Job loss ect ect. it's 40% of the suffering!! It's horrific. I experience all of it

Pharmaceutical damage does not exist in there vocabulary of people. Pharmacy is a healing organisation that heals people. So who are we to tell that they are criminals? We must be mentally ill

I wish us some healing mate
Do not worry. Everyone reacts differently to medication.
For most people, the side effects disappear after refraining the use.
I already took many SSRIs. Just sertraline was difficult because of migraine.
You will be Fine. Just keep an open communication Channel with your psychiatrist to talk about side effects.
I would like into natural remedies first. EVERYTHING before taking these shit meds.

I had a healthy life and i am destroyed. Even when you are not directly destroyed after some years of these meds you have unpleasant withdrawal for sure
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Benzos. I've been going through withdrawal for over a year. Headache, awful cold chills, nausea, weird nerve sensations, insomnia, anxiety.
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