@15dec Hey it's okay, it's good to get shit off your chest, I'm new here but I feel this is a pretty judgement-free zone, and you're welcome to PM me if you wanna talk privately! This is the first thread I've opened up on, and you and Taylor both have been a breath of fresh air
Sorry I'm a little buzzed but I'll try to reply best I can
First of all, hope is a very rare thing to come by in the midst of depression - if you're hanging onto it even a little bit, there's a good bet that's for a good reason, even if you're not able to see it right now. Personally, I find hope to be a double-edged sword, always bites you in the ass - but I wouldn't wish that on anyone else. There's this quote from my favorite author, Terry Pratchett, where he states (as Death) that people need fantasies to be human. Starting with little lies, like the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, etc., to prepare us for the big lies such as justice, duty, mercy. Hope. The character speaking with Death rebukes that by saying "Well, yes, we've got to believe that, or what's the point-" and Death cuts her off remarking, "My point exactly". And once you lose it, it's very hard to trust hope again. If you got it regarding treatment, at all, that's worth trying for, I think.
I think that's what my situation boils down to. Therapy won't help, because I've got no faith in it. I've lost faith in myself, and everything, really, and there's no way to bounce back from that. I'm nearly at peace with my end. (And yeah, I've no idea what psych wards are like in the UK, but in the US where I was, it was basically prison with incrementally better food and shitty treatment from condescending doctors who don't really care what you're going through so much as want to see you keeping a positive attitude/moving forward.) I'm sorry you haven't been taken seriously. I'm a total hypocrite here, but are you close enough with your friends to tell them what's going on? I lost all my friends (albeit online, I'm too anxious & paranoid to make friends irl) because I can be a self-centered twat and didn't realize they were going through it too, didn't want to bother them so I isolated myself and have been in this position for... months, now. Basically I don't try to make new friends or nurture my friendships because I'm scared of judgement/abandonment after my best friend of 10 years cut me off and, yeah, I just suck at life, no need to sugarcoat it. Lord this is a long ass reply too I hope you don't mind but I feel it's still relevant to the thread at least?
Ouch... that sounds really, really painful. When is your birthday? But being alone isn't the worst thing in the world, especially if you've got family. I live many states away from all of mine. Relationships can bring so much joy and purpose into our lives, but if you struggle with depression in the first place, once the initial romance fades that can easily manifest into greater self-destructive tendencies/insurmountable guilt, unworthiness, basically everything you dealt with beforehand only worse because someone else is intimately involved, now, too. It all gets brought to the surface. I'm sorry you know that feeling. My s/o and I have been through so much together, and he wants to do the work with us so badly, and it breaks my heart every day because I want to so badly, but can barely see myself here a week from now, let alone planning and living for a future with the love of my life. It's hard. Hard is an understatement...
Please vent all you need to! I understand, I live with my s/o (well, until he got locked up, but you know) and I barely leave our room because I'm planning to end it soon, within the week if I can find the privacy where I won't traumatize anyone, and I'm scared of talking to my roommates/our tenants, like they'll notice I'm suicidal or something. Always happy to lend an ear and thank you for sharing all of that. Good luck in finding something that works for you. :)