

"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
Like one of the compositions by Shade Empire.
"The fall is too deep
If I let go, it will take all that's left of me
Blood colours the white,
I'm mesmerised,
It burns [in] my eyes,
But if I look away, I lose all that I have
I want to let go,
But then there's no turning back
I'm kept in the dark...

Blood, emptiness, and endless circles.
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Sep 13, 2018
My life straight up feels like a stupid joke. My mind can't remember the past...just some positive memories but also those that really hurt sensitive, meek little me. Frequently, my mind spins and my chest is suffocating and my heart is breaking. During those moments, nothing feels safe. Everything is doomed. My mind is untrustworthy, I detest even the letters of the thoughts I can sense inside. I force myself to always keep quiet, say I'm fine, not eat that lunch, rush through my homework, and observe. Observing everything around me breaks me, the feeling of being a pathetic outsider returns, yet I continue to do so. I remind myself of how lovely I have it, how my suffering is so minsicule and I just need to keep it in. I curse my sensitivity and kindness, how I want to put all those who have been hurt into a safe, peaceful bubble. The instances where I've opened up play on repeat as a warning; the empty platitudes and insensitive replies remind me never to let anyone else know again. I wonder how everyone will feel if I killed myself, suddenly that girl who is always present and kind and listens, is gone. So many things trigger me, even if I experience no abuse. I live my life listening to those so full of assertions and viewpoints and opinions, while I'm just an ugly, dimwitted, empty, weeping garbage can :,) I don't feel safe, whether mentally, physically, or emotionally most of the time, at varying levels. Always, there is this underlying fear of stepping out of line, making a mistake, exposing myself, or acting on ignorance. Even with death, I get fearful. Only sleep is where I get some sense of calmness.

And yes, everything that is produced by me sounds stupid. Even this, but I still wanted to reply anyways :,)
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Sep 13, 2018
A small boat in the middle of a ocean with only you on it with no compass.. that boat will not break....In short I am 'lost'
This is what it is for me.. not a word less or a word more
Sounds familiar...
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Sep 13, 2018
It feels like I am sleeping through the days, or spending hours and hours online.. I am forcing myself to go to the store when I can afford it, and tries to make my money last till my next payday, which is hard lately.. I feel like a zoombie, just wish I was cremated instead, and blown away in the wind over the Atlantics or some ocean... My life is fucked up.. One good thing though, I appreciate this site, where I am not alone, since most people here understand me...<3
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Reactions: Cyanide, Lizzie S., Final Escape and 7 others


Oct 1, 2018
My life is hell. Everyone around me is succeeding while I'm doing nothing. I'm slowly wasting away. Each day I get further into the maze of depression.
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Apr 19, 2018
anxiety and depression. i hate my life and living thank about ending my life 24-7 some day im going to hang myself
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Sep 28, 2018
Sounds familiar...

Now I think and remember that I have read in The bible about 'being in the middle of a ocean ' when I was a kid.
Unfortunately the way I feel now coincides with that .
Again those words are nothing but the feelings of individuals of that time who felt the same way as us(I feel).
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Deleted member 1496

Aug 2, 2018
Anguish because life is hell. Stress due to obligations, guilt, & perfectionism and nobody being happy unless I do what they want me to do. Like a failure because no matter what I do, it's always wrong. Like a loser because I have nothing to offer long-term, nobody wants me long-term, and due to age, it's too late or too hard to start all over by myself again. In one word: struggling. [At least I can vent or feel here instead of having to lie to everyone else or having them tell me how I should feel.]
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Sep 23, 2018
It feels like its splitting my brain and causing me to loose myself
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
Well I feel like a ghost now. For a while it was a feeling like I wished some1 would just bang me in the head with an iron skillet, now my whole body hurts. I always have gotten this sensation, for example, when I touch cardboard, where it feels like nails on chalkboard, but my fingers dont like touching it and it makes my teeth ache. I am getting this feeling now without touching anything.

My life consists of watching you tube videos, eating, sleeping, and taking care of my dogs. I dont work and dont want to. Going shopping for my suicide items was awesome but it feels weird because I dont understand why every1 seems to he ok. Standing in line makes me feel interested in other people but also I dont like them and dont want to talk to them. I get some weird satisfaction from buying items for my suicide because every1 else is crafting.

I feel in limbo as well, I dont want to live, but am worried about my suicide and if it will be successful, its the only thing I worry about failing at.

My partner is probably a nice person but acts cold to me now because of our history of basically emotionally abusing each other & we both are from yelling, emotionally abusive families and in the beginning it made us attracted to each other and we did not yell or abuse each other and understood each other and we knew we didnt want to treat each other that way. I was young though and ignored the reg flags because I didnt know what they were. And then life happened and brought us close, then apart and repeat for 7 years. I feel that we r so imbedded in each others lives that I cannot live with him or without him. I love him but I am not in love. Also my vision keeps getting more blurry and I think something is wrong with my brain, not in a "mental illness" way, but a Im an american w/o health insurance kind of way.

My dream is to just go to sleep without waking up, not having to think up some fucked up method. Also, it is great to decide your death, the best control. Life makes me nauseous.

I believe that because of my current state I want to end my life. I have had a good life, I have travelled, loved, and lived. I, as a woman, have done many things that make me proud, such as owning a business, driving professionally (some countries women cant drive), and being blessed with a smart brain, being likeable, and having average to good looks. But now none of that matters to me. I also used to judge my success by money and I felt fortunate to be buying $120 leggings and $200 hairstyling. That all eventually did not make me feel better and instead made me feel worse. I am an empath and I understand and feel the world too much. I have cried at work when others tell me sad stories and I am overly emotional. I turned my emotions off to function and run a business, and that caused a mental breakdown after I had an awakening realization of how I was behaving mixed with the world and I wanted to change for the better, but realized it didnt matter, and the world will continue to have pain and suffering no matter what. The world was turning long before me, and it will go on without me...
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Cyanide, Deafsn0w and 6 others


Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
A day in the life:
Wake up, pick up phone charging on the floor (I really gotta get an extension cord) oh good it's only 7 am, plop my charged phone next to me and fall back asleep.
Wake up, check phone, rinse and repeat till like 9 or 10 am. When I'm up, I'm up.
Generally feel like shit, also have lots of anxiety about time 'cause my dads gonna come home and I gotta leave the house and pretend that I was at work or school.
Make coffee, let the dog out to use the bathroom and feed her a few treats. Eat cereal usually, already I'm messaging someone or browsing SS.
My head is killing me, probably my neglected tooth causing some problems, oh well just hurry up and kill me already.
Need more coffee, clean, 'cause I already feel like a pile of crap for pretending I'm working and going to school so I might as well try to do something productive.
By the third cup of coffee I'm starting to feel alive again, I watch some Netflix usually or just browse SS but usually do both at the same time.
Contemplate if I feel like standing in a line to make some money donating plasma but usually don't. Procrastination king right here. Pretty much just feel lonely, thinking about dying, and maybe chatting with someone throughout the day. Wasting the entire day, wasting my life.
Shouldn't have wiped my laptop 'cause I could make myself feel better if I applied to some jobs and now I gotta create a resume from scratch, damn now I'm really fucked.
Oh shit, my dads gonna be home in 2 hours time to get dressed 'cause time goes by somehow so much faster when I need to get shit done.
Usually takes me a solid 45 minutes to gather myself to leave the house. I pace for another 20 minutes, anxiety really high, fuck it leave.
Damn, I'm almost outta gas. I got a dollar somewhere, put gas in my tank to get me literally from point a to point b.
Maybe I go to the library, maybe I figure I got time to kill so I wait in that stupid line to donate plasma or maybe I go to the park and take a nice long walk.
All options feel horrible but the walk feels the least horrible, I'm just wishing I had WiFi 'cause I haven't paid my phone bill in ages.
Shit, I got a lot of unpaid debt. Hopefully, my dad doesn't have to shoulder that burden when I'm gone.
Finally, decide I had enough and go home, my dads there letting me know he just made something simple for dinner like sandwiches. I eat but I'm usually not hungry at this time.
I carry around my laptop at all times so I unload that wherever, and maybe I make another cup of coffee or chill on the couch but most often I just do a little more cleaning, pacing and then head to my room to watch Netflix and SS.
Usually, fantasize about running away and living in the forest or something or killing myself but a common theme is where the hell is the exit.
I usually have headaches, pains, and periodic coughing and hard time breathing throughout the day. Usually, right before bed, my head hurts a lot though. I toss and turn, decide to sit on my laptop for another short bit or need to look something up at random in the middle of the night until I finally fall asleep.
Wake up, rinse and repeat.
Last edited:
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Nov 6, 2018
Well I feel like a ghost now. For a while it was a feeling like I wished some1 would just bang me in the head with an iron skillet, now my whole body hurts. I always have gotten this sensation, for example, when I touch cardboard, where it feels like nails on chalkboard, but my fingers dont like touching it and it makes my teeth ache. I am getting this feeling now without touching anything.

My life consists of watching you tube videos, eating, sleeping, and taking care of my dogs. I dont work and dont want to. Going shopping for my suicide items was awesome but it feels weird because I dont understand why every1 seems to he ok. Standing in line makes me feel interested in other people but also I dont like them and dont want to talk to them. I get some weird satisfaction from buying items for my suicide because every1 else is crafting.

I feel in limbo as well, I dont want to live, but am worried about my suicide and if it will be successful, its the only thing I worry about failing at.

My partner is probably a nice person but acts cold to me now because of our history of basically emotionally abusing each other & we both are from yelling, emotionally abusive families and in the beginning it made us attracted to each other and we did not yell or abuse each other and understood each other and we knew we didnt want to treat each other that way. I was young though and ignored the reg flags because I didnt know what they were. And then life happened and brought us close, then apart and repeat for 7 years. I feel that we r so imbedded in each others lives that I cannot live with him or without him. I love him but I am not in love. Also my vision keeps getting more blurry and I think something is wrong with my brain, not in a "mental illness" way, but a Im an american w/o health insurance kind of way.

My dream is to just go to sleep without waking up, not having to think up some fucked up method. Also, it is great to decide your death, the best control. Life makes me nauseous.

I believe that because of my current state I want to end my life. I have had a good life, I have travelled, loved, and lived. I, as a woman, have done many things that make me proud, such as owning a business, driving professionally (some countries women cant drive), and being blessed with a smart brain, being likeable, and having average to good looks. But now none of that matters to me. I also used to judge my success by money and I felt fortunate to be buying $120 leggings and $200 hairstyling. That all eventually did not make me feel better and instead made me feel worse. I am an empath and I understand and feel the world too much. I have cried at work when others tell me sad stories and I am overly emotional. I turned my emotions off to function and run a business, and that caused a mental breakdown after I had an awakening realization of how I was behaving mixed with the world and I wanted to change for the better, but realized it didnt matter, and the world will continue to have pain and suffering no matter what. The world was turning long before me, and it will go on without me...

Thank you for sharing and it's your first day here. I know what you mean about going to sleep and not wanting to wake up
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Deafsn0w, Going Home and 2 others
Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
My life basically feels like hitting the jackpot in the lottery and then getting struck by lightning on my way to cash in the ticket.
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
My life basically feels like hitting the jackpot in the lottery and then getting struck by lightning on my way to cash in the ticket.

This reminds me of a dream I had about winning the jackpot on the slot machine but couldn't cash it out. Can confirm it's really horrible.
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Reactions: stellabelle, UnknownOutlaw, Weeping Garbage Can and 6 others
Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
This reminds me of a dream I had about winning the jackpot on the slot machine but couldn't cash it out. Can confirm it's really horrible.
Yeah, that sounds pretty accurate >_<
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Oct 22, 2018
My life is emotional rollercoaster. I'm not always depressed. The point is, all my emotions are killing me, because they are so intense. Happiness is euphoria, sadness is depression, anger is pure fury... But the worst is being numb, when I literally do not feel anything. And I can fall from euphoria to depression within seconds. It's exhausting.
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Oct 4, 2018
My life is emotional rollercoaster. I'm not always depressed. The point is, all my emotions are killing me, because they are so intense. Happiness is euphoria, sadness is depression, anger is pure fury... But the worst is being numb, when I literally do not feel anything. And I can fall from euphoria to depression within seconds. It's exhausting.

Yeah I feel that way as well a lot of the time, just so many extreme emotions constantly churning through.

As for the numb feeling do you happen to take ssri's? I do, and I have nothing against them and I believe they do help me feel decent, but I found it was important to get on the right medication... sometimes the wrong med with your unique brain chemistry can create this weird numb sensation, at least for me it did. I was on a medication once and had this very odd and disconcerting detachment from the world, really bizarre. Like music and food lost all meaning or spice or taste and everything felt muted down.

But of course you don't have to be on meds in order to feel numb, could be something else.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Deafsn0w, ouvreyes and 1 other person


Oct 22, 2018
Yeah I feel that way as well a lot of the time, just so many extreme emotions constantly churning through.

As for the numb feeling do you happen to take ssri's? I do, and I have nothing against them and I believe they do help me feel decent, but I found it was important to get on the right medication... sometimes the wrong med with your unique brain chemistry can create this weird numb sensation, at least for me it did. I was on a medication once and had this very odd and disconcerting detachment from the world, really bizarre. Like music and food lost all meaning or spice or taste and everything felt muted down.

But of course you don't have to be on meds in order to feel numb, could be something else.

I don't take any medication yet, I'm just about to see the doctor next week. It's just like when most of people feel "just fine" because they don't feel anything at the moment, mine "being fine" is more like "unable to feel anything until some super-intense emotion hits me hard as hell"...
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
My life basically feels like hitting the jackpot in the lottery and then getting struck by lightning on my way to cash in the ticket.
You are so funny :))
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Deafsn0w, Dani Paradox and 1 other person
Lizzie S.

Lizzie S.

Sep 2, 2018
It feels like that sense of impending doom one gets, I am now in and living and is not something that could happen but is happening and is my life. And there is no way out
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Reactions: Aesthler, Weeping Garbage Can, Deafsn0w and 2 others


Jun 11, 2018
Boring & helpless.
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The Loved Mistake
Sep 4, 2018
Constant anxiety and paranoia someone's onto me.
Wanting to hide myself from everyone becauese I don't like people at all - even my family and friends.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, AndyCurious, Deafsn0w and 2 others


Nov 8, 2018
That's how I've always felt.
I don't like my body, where I was born, my family. I fought so hard to change many of these things but some of them are impossible to change.
I'm tired of fighting. I feel like I'm just waiting for to finish my prison sentence. I didn't even commit the crime but I must serve the time.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Rose, Niko and 3 others


Nov 8, 2018
"Robotic" fits well, I think. How about I just write down how today went and you judge.
05:20 - waking up (on a perfect night/morning). It's dark and the alarm is screeching the default iphone alarm tone. It's nice, sharp, and most importantly, painful enough to get me to practically launch myself out of bed.
05:20 - Gathering my stuff and go for a morning walk. Purchasing one of those "hoverboards" was both a blessing and a curse - on the one hand, commute to work now takes about half of the time, on the other hand, I now have to kill about an hour before going to work.
05:30 to 06:29 - Make a glass of "lemon and mint" tea and a morning walk. Must remind myself to let the water run a bit on its own to clean the tap. This isn't the same tap as we had in the apartment we could afford back when mom was alive, it's some ghetto pipe with creepy shit growing in the pipes. Make tea and go out to a certain, very long street and walk forward for half an hour, then back.
06:25 to 07:25 - Riding to work. The morning walk never ends at 06:29, usually earlier. Coming home I gather the required items for commute - a charger for the hoverboard, a can of Raid (there's a bit of a war against crickets going on. More like cricket genocide. The fuckers won't stop coming, though), refilling my cigarette holder and extra seven cigarettes for the ride to work. Going out I put one in my mouth and light it up. There are also two "checkpoints" where I light a second and third ciggie.
07:25 to 07:59 - Arriving to work with 4 cigarettes in hand. It has to be four. The door is usually open unless it's Sunday. If it's Sunday, the guy with the key will arrive at 07:40, if not, the supervisor arrives at roughly 07:20. I park in the corner and plug the hoverboard to charge. Afterward I go to my workstation and put the four cigarettes left from commute on my table. I go make tea with milk and return outside to drink it and smoke three cigarettes. While smoking I check SS now as it is far more interesting to read than "here's some vaguely interesting stuff in list format" sites.
08:00:00 to 10:00 - Work begins after I take my pills. Funny - the supervisor uses me as a clock seeing as I take my meds very religiously, set up a special timer to 08:00:00 for this. I fade in and out of autopilot. Time passes sometimes quickly, sometimes at a frustratingly slow pace.
09:59 to 10:14:30 - Break. Smoke another two cigarettes. After returning to work station, refill the cigarette holder with the four cigarettes brought from commute.
10:15 to 12:29 - More work, more slipping in and out of autopilot.
12:30 to 12:59:30 - Lunch and break. The "meat" is bland with very little flavor. The package says "Now with over 70% pure meat!", which means precisely 70.01% of actual fowl and the rest is a mystery. That's compensated by store bought salads with tons of salt and vinegar. Each on their own are disgusting, but the combination brings something vaguely palatable. Smoking another three cigarettes with either tea with milk or soda.
13:00 to 14:59 - More work, more autopilot.
15:00 to 15:14:30 - Another break. two cigarettes with tea and milk or soda.
15:15 to 17:00 - More work. getting tired.
17:00 to 17:10 - A break that is not official. Supervisor often leaves at this time, but if he doesn't, he may start yelling that I'm "stealing hours" and threatens to fire me. He never does. My job became so complicated at this point he doesn't know the proper procedure for it. The CEO keeps adding more and more unnecessary steps. It has become a maze to navigate. The fact these steps were added one by one over a long period of time helps navigating this mess through muscle memory. Each step takes about two weeks to get used to. There arer currently nine steps, assuming it's a "home brand". Twelve if it's not. Each item requires between one and three steps to process. Smoke two cigarettes, no tea.
17:10 to 18:00 - More work.
18:00 to 18:10 - Another break. two cigarettes with tea.
18:10 to 18:30 - Cleaning up and preparing for the next day.
18:30 to 19:20 - Riding home. smoking three cigarettes at the same checkpoints, the first smoked slightly away from work due to navigating rough terrain that requires my full concentration. The hoverboard is not easy to ride, despite how the kids make it look.
19:20 to 20:00 - Reading random stuff while listening to Spotify. Music only. Can't stand podcasts, despite how interesting they are. Smokes limits are off at this point. I could finish the rest of the cigarette case, but nicotine rush isn't fun.
20:00 to 21:00 - Take meds and keep reading those "20 interesting stuff about seemingly mundane jobs" lists. Garbage collectors, mailmen and cops lead surprisingly interesting lives. Plumbers - not so much. God help the electricians and pizza delivery guys.
21:00 to 21:15 - Take a shower and pour myself a glass of coke after I'm done showering.
21:15 to 22:17 - More reading, more smoking.
22:20 to 05:20 - Sleep.

If this sounds like a perfect life, let's not forget two elements: epilepsy and meds. The side effects pamphlet reads like a draft for the next SAW movie. Epileptic auras are impossible to describe. Sprinkle random, bouts of anxiety and epileptic auras over this seemingly perfect routine and now we begin to see an issue. During the auras I'm forced to hide somewhere until they pass. If hiding isn't an option, I'm forced to pretend everything is okay at all times. Nobody likes epileptics in this country (or any country for that matter), and we're treated roughly the same as werewolves. Werewolves have a full moon to signal their arrival at least. Epileptics don't have that privilege.
Thankfully, during the bouts of anxiety I can at least declare "I'm a little bit busy right now" with my best angry groan, which will drive most people away. If the supervisor is the one who's calling, I'll do my best to switch to a giant file I'll pretend to be treating and pretend to be looking an item up, which is a story on its own. All in all, it feels more like being a spy infiltrating Auschwitz
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Dead Meat

Dead Meat

Oct 10, 2018
Complete and unending despair and sadness
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Oct 4, 2018
"Robotic" fits well, I think. How about I just write down how today went and you judge.
05:20 - waking up (on a perfect night/morning). It's dark and the alarm is screeching the default iphone alarm tone. It's nice, sharp, and most importantly, painful enough to get me to practically launch myself out of bed.
05:20 - Gathering my stuff and go for a morning walk. Purchasing one of those "hoverboards" was both a blessing and a curse - on the one hand, commute to work now takes about half of the time, on the other hand, I now have to kill about an hour before going to work.
05:30 to 06:29 - Make a glass of "lemon and mint" tea and a morning walk. Must remind myself to let the water run a bit on its own to clean the tap. This isn't the same tap as we had in the apartment we could afford back when mom was alive, it's some ghetto pipe with creepy shit growing in the pipes. Make tea and go out to a certain, very long street and walk forward for half an hour, then back.
06:25 to 07:25 - Riding to work. The morning walk never ends at 06:29, usually earlier. Coming home I gather the required items for commute - a charger for the hoverboard, a can of Raid (there's a bit of a war against crickets going on. More like cricket genocide. The fuckers won't stop coming, though), refilling my cigarette holder and extra seven cigarettes for the ride to work. Going out I put one in my mouth and light it up. There are also two "checkpoints" where I light a second and third ciggie.
07:25 to 07:59 - Arriving to work with 4 cigarettes in hand. It has to be four. The door is usually open unless it's Sunday. If it's Sunday, the guy with the key will arrive at 07:40, if not, the supervisor arrives at roughly 07:20. I park in the corner and plug the hoverboard to charge. Afterward I go to my workstation and put the four cigarettes left from commute on my table. I go make tea with milk and return outside to drink it and smoke three cigarettes. While smoking I check SS now as it is far more interesting to read than "here's some vaguely interesting stuff in list format" sites.
08:00:00 to 10:00 - Work begins after I take my pills. Funny - the supervisor uses me as a clock seeing as I take my meds very religiously, set up a special timer to 08:00:00 for this. I fade in and out of autopilot. Time passes sometimes quickly, sometimes at a frustratingly slow pace.
09:59 to 10:14:30 - Break. Smoke another two cigarettes. After returning to work station, refill the cigarette holder with the four cigarettes brought from commute.
10:15 to 12:29 - More work, more slipping in and out of autopilot.
12:30 to 12:59:30 - Lunch and break. The "meat" is bland with very little flavor. The package says "Now with over 70% pure meat!", which means precisely 70.01% of actual fowl and the rest is a mystery. That's compensated by store bought salads with tons of salt and vinegar. Each on their own are disgusting, but the combination brings something vaguely palatable. Smoking another three cigarettes with either tea with milk or soda.
13:00 to 14:59 - More work, more autopilot.
15:00 to 15:14:30 - Another break. two cigarettes with tea and milk or soda.
15:15 to 17:00 - More work. getting tired.
17:00 to 17:10 - A break that is not official. Supervisor often leaves at this time, but if he doesn't, he may start yelling that I'm "stealing hours" and threatens to fire me. He never does. My job became so complicated at this point he doesn't know the proper procedure for it. The CEO keeps adding more and more unnecessary steps. It has become a maze to navigate. The fact these steps were added one by one over a long period of time helps navigating this mess through muscle memory. Each step takes about two weeks to get used to. There arer currently nine steps, assuming it's a "home brand". Twelve if it's not. Each item requires between one and three steps to process. Smoke two cigarettes, no tea.
17:10 to 18:00 - More work.
18:00 to 18:10 - Another break. two cigarettes with tea.
18:10 to 18:30 - Cleaning up and preparing for the next day.
18:30 to 19:20 - Riding home. smoking three cigarettes at the same checkpoints, the first smoked slightly away from work due to navigating rough terrain that requires my full concentration. The hoverboard is not easy to ride, despite how the kids make it look.
19:20 to 20:00 - Reading random stuff while listening to Spotify. Music only. Can't stand podcasts, despite how interesting they are. Smokes limits are off at this point. I could finish the rest of the cigarette case, but nicotine rush isn't fun.
20:00 to 21:00 - Take meds and keep reading those "20 interesting stuff about seemingly mundane jobs" lists. Garbage collectors, mailmen and cops lead surprisingly interesting lives. Plumbers - not so much. God help the electricians and pizza delivery guys.
21:00 to 21:15 - Take a shower and pour myself a glass of coke after I'm done showering.
21:15 to 22:17 - More reading, more smoking.
22:20 to 05:20 - Sleep.

If this sounds like a perfect life, let's not forget two elements: epilepsy and meds. The side effects pamphlet reads like a draft for the next SAW movie. Epileptic auras are impossible to describe. Sprinkle random, bouts of anxiety and epileptic auras over this seemingly perfect routine and now we begin to see an issue. During the auras I'm forced to hide somewhere until they pass. If hiding isn't an option, I'm forced to pretend everything is okay at all times. Nobody likes epileptics in this country (or any country for that matter), and we're treated roughly the same as werewolves. Werewolves have a full moon to signal their arrival at least. Epileptics don't have that privilege.
Thankfully, during the bouts of anxiety I can at least declare "I'm a little bit busy right now" with my best angry groan, which will drive most people away. If the supervisor is the one who's calling, I'll do my best to switch to a giant file I'll pretend to be treating and pretend to be looking an item up, which is a story on its own. All in all, it feels more like being a spy infiltrating Auschwitz
what kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
plus how fast & far can a hoverboard go? I don't know much about them but they've always seemed interesting to me.
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Nov 8, 2018
what kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
plus how fast & far can a hoverboard go? I don't know much about them but they've always seemed interesting to me.
According to the box, 20kmh. According to experience, faster. Not sure how much faster, but faster. It can be scary. I'd love to ride an "augmented bicycle" (closest translation), but I wouldn't be able to get off quickly and comfortably of it if an aura hits mid ride. Also there will be a piece of metal between my legs. There's a good chance to break some piece of leg if I fall.

I work at a clothing warehouse. There are people with WAY too much money out there. Recently we processed 5000NIS lingerie. That's not total price of all of them, that's the price for one... uh... "unit".
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Weeping Garbage Can and Niko


Sep 13, 2018
Right now, I'm not sure what to think.. I may loose my mom soon, she is very ill, has almost never been ill or sick all her 84 years of life.. And if she goes, I bet my dad will follow shortly after..
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Weeping Garbage Can and Niko


Sep 21, 2018
Right now, I'm not sure what to think.. I may loose my mom soon, she is very ill, has almost never been ill or sick all her 84 years of life.. And if she goes, I bet my dad will follow shortly after..
I'm so sorry, Andy. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. My moms been real sick as well lately and scares me to death to think of losing either of my parents. Don't think there'd be much left for me when that happens. Life is so hard, and unfair.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Weeping Garbage Can, Niko and 1 other person