I think people who've only talked to me a couple of times would say that I'm very nice and shy. Irl I'm a very passive, "sweet" person. I try to do the most for others and be patient and considerate, but it's clear I have social problems.
But anyone who deals with me regularly, they say I'm quiet, strange, awkward, cold, things like that. Generally they're more aware of how inhibiting my anxiety is, and think that my shyness/anxiety causes problems. Some of my coworkers will joke that I only ask for help from certain people because I'm terrified of the others (which is sometimes true but not the whole story).
Similarly people I don't well seem to think I'm pretty smart. But once they get to know me it's clear that I'm very average. As for first impressions, I've had complete strangers call me fat and/or ugly so I guess there's that too.