I feel sad. Yesterday I was given the new assessment of the degree of disability, it has not changed much, I have a 74% (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Balance Disorder -peripheral vertigo-, Scoliosis).
But what screwed me the most was the opinion for an opposition to which I had presented myself in which it is indicated that I do not have the capacity to develop the work and that therefore I am not apt. And that means that they will no longer give me the go-ahead to be able to apply for positions in the public administration, universities or other public companies.
It is becoming more and more difficult for me, in fact almost impossible in private companies and unlikely in jobs in social-labor companies (I tried it in 3 a few years ago and they didn't want sick disabled people, they wanted healthy disabled people).
On the other hand at home there are again problems in the bathroom and will have to do works for dampness of the downspout of the community (and I still drag and suffer an EPT for what happened in 2018). It seems that I will be "banished" at my father's house, as since he died last February no one lives there (but I was not well there when I was young, I was always sick, with fever and vomiting every few weeks .. and that I only went when it was my turn, as my parents separated when I was 9 years old).
I think about the CTB, but I am not able to approach it, it scares me to death to seriously consider it, it terrifies me. Although I recognize that it is, in a reasoned way, the best option I have. But I still can't do it, even knowing that there is really no solution to my situation (there are no therapies or pills to help you make a life from scratch without physical and mental health).
My life is already over and I don't want to accept it, that's the problem.
Em sento trist. Ahír em van donar la nova valoració del grau de discapacitat, no ha variat gaire, tinc un 74% (Trastorn d'Ansietat Generalitzada, Trastorn Obssessiu Compulsiu, Trastorn de l'Espectre Autista, Trastorn de l'equilibri -vertigen perifèric-, Escoliosi).
Però el que mes em va fotre va ser el dictamen per a una oposició a la qual m'havía presentat en la qual s'indica que no tinc capacitat per desenvolupar la feina i que per tant no sóc apte. I això vol dir que ja no em donaràn més el vist-i-plau per poder presentar-me a les places que es convoquin per treballar a l'administració pública, universitats o altres empreses públiques.
Cada cop ho tinc més difícil, de fet gairebé impossible a l'empresa privada i poc provable en treballs d'empreses socio-laborals (ho vaig intentar en 3 fa uns anys i no volien discapacitats malalts, volien discapacitats sans).
D'altra banda a casa hi tornen a haver-hi problemes al bany i s'hauràn de fer obres per humitats del baixant de la comunitat (i encara arrossego i pateixo un EPT pel que va passar el 2018). Sembla ser que em "desterraràn" a casa del meu pare, ja que desde que ell va morir el febrer passat no hi viu pas ningú (però jo no estava bé allà quan era jove, sempre estava malalt, amb febre i vomitant cada poques setmanes.. i això que només hi anava quan em tocava, ja que els meus pares es van separar quan tenía 9 anys).
Penso en el CTB, però no sóc capaç d'abordar-lo, em fa moltíssima por plantejar-me'l seriosament, m'aterra. Tot i que reconec que és, de foma raonada, la millor opció que tinc. Però encara no ho puc fer, tot i saber que no hi ha realment cap solució a la meva situació (no hi han teràpies ni pastilles que t'ajudin a fer una vida desde cero sense salut física i mental).
La meva vida ja s'ha acabat i no ho vull acceptar, aquest és el problema.