Okay, from your postings I can surmise that you are very intelligent, resourceful, and, given the community you were exiled from, you must be a creative by definition. You are also rude and combative and, I expect, possibly considers his loss to this particular community more monumental than the group does (which I get, cuz the world never deserved the knowledge obtained through my ground-breaking experimentation with exposition, lol). You are an artist, noone can tell you you cannot *work* as one. Yes, they can make it impossible for you to make a living within that specific "job" but they cannot take your vocation from you. History has proven many POS' (your words) have not only been successful artists but influential beyond their mediums. I think you have a great shot. :P
As a, somewhat, successful animator in the fine arts arena, I totally appreciate your consideration that anime/manga genre is your life's work. I mean no belittlement as to the gravity of your situation and your devastation because of the blacklisting...I get it.
Try another genre, invent a sub-genre, you're a creative, that's what we do, push the boundaries of definition.