This is obvious information you choose to ignore. You would rather just say things like "I hope you have peace" and "much love" all the while cheering on a persons doom and not caring in the least. The best solution that has worked for many many people is to find the right chemical, not necessarily an SSRI. and move forward from there. Downing sodium nitrate is not a good solution. Definitely not the necessary solution. There is 100% a solution to bambibams problems in medication and lifestyle change starting with medication if it is biologically founded.
This is obvious information you choose to ignore. You would rather just say things like "I hope you have peace" and "much love" all the while cheering on a persons doom and not caring in the least. The best solution that has worked for many many people is to find the right chemical, not necessarily an SSRI. and move forward from there. Downing sodium nitrate is not a good solution. Definitely not the necessary solution. There is 100% a solution to bambibams problems in medication and lifestyle change starting with medication if it is biologically founded.
You have no business dispensing Rx advice. Period. Side effects of psych drugs include brain damage and suicide. I know more suicides from Psych drugs and your 'chemical solutions' than anything else. Cluster B is showing heavily, insisting you know others thoughts and feelings. This person should call emergency services if they want or need help, and you should push psych drugs elsewhere since the line of people here whose lives where destroyed by them is LONG.