Thank you. I know the thread is long and in some places probably hard to read. Believe me, it wasn't any easier to actually go through. However, since I was pretty much out of my mind for most of the ending, in some ways it's all kind of a blur. The only reason I even recall the events is because I was writing them down as I was going along. That's how I can go back and recall what happened. At one point, my husband's family was saying they were going to file a lawsuit against some of the doctors who mistreated my husband, but then because of a bunch of family politics that happened after my husband's death, everyone quit speaking to each other and I had no one left that would help me file the lawsuit. I couldn't really do it by myself because I was barely in any shape to do anything. And then the statute of limitations ran out.

Thanks, I hope I get some good sleep again tonight. I just hope I don't have any dreams. I had a really weird dream last night that involved this website and I meant to get up first thing this morning and write it down, but since I didn't do it, I've now forgotten what it was, except that it was really weird and disconcerting to me.
Wish I could send you some through the Internet,
@Squiddy. When are they going to invent something like that where you can send things through the Internet? Imagine all the food and booze and stuff we could've been sharing for real if you could just do it that way.